IE need suffer no longer. W a r th e shoee th a t nearly killed yon before, says this C incinnati authority, because a few grope of freeaone applied directly on a hander, aching corn or callous, stops natenaas a t once and aoon the corn or' hardened callous loosens so It can be ■(bad out. root and all, w ithout pain. A small bottle of freeaone costs very little a t any drag store, but will posi­ tively take off every hard or soft oorn n r callous. This should-he tried, as t t la Inexpensive and la said not to Irrita te the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any treasons boll him to got a small bottle for you (Tom his wholesale drag house. It la One stu ff and acts Oka a charm every » U n altered . Sandy l l a c ph arson came home af­ te r many years and m et his old a ereeth eart Honey-laden memories thrilled through the twilight and flashed their glowing cheeks. “Ah. Mary.” exclaimed Sandy, “ye a r e JUt as beautiful as ye ever were, an d I ha'e never forgotten ye, my Bonnie lass.” “And ye, Sandy," th e cried, while h e r bine eyea moistened, “a re JUt aa Mg a leear as ever, an’ I believe ye Jtet th e same.”—Liverpool P o s t Is a Poor Skin Your Handicap? it—It may be bolding yon back in business world, keeping yon ont a better Job for which a good ap- u a n c e is required. Why “take a mce" when Reslnol O intm ent heals ■fctea rupttons so easily, is so simple a a d economical to nee? It has such a record of success th at yon need not h esitate to try i t Reslnol Ointment Is sold by all druggists. Business Weight. “O nr forefathers pledged th eir sa­ ted honor when they started this On te e menu card of a big hotel in H m r Y ork th e following notice la prin ted : “Articles brought into the hotel and used a t the table will be «■urged for ns though furnished by O n rending this one guest Inquired Does th is apply to false teeth?”- oston Journal. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy h a ir la m ute evidence of a neglected sca lp ; of dandruff—te a t awful s c a rf T here la nothing so destructive to t e e h a ir ns d an d ru ff It robs the hair o f Its lustre, its strength and its very ■ te; eventually producing a fevertsh- b o m and tubing of the scalp, which i t n o t remedied causes the hair roots t e shrink, loosen end die—then the h a ir falls out f a s t A little Danderlne to night—now—any time—will surely m m your hair. G et a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s D anderlne from any drag store. You a a re ly can have beautiful h air and to te of it if you will Just try a little danderlne. Save your hair! Try it! A Misapprehension. “I understand,” rem arked Mrs. Mo- Oadley, “th a t they’re on the lookout Car som e speakeasy liquor around “Yoo. It is very objectionable.” “ to th a t so. I kind o’ thought maybe a « how speakeasy liquor m ight be b at­ t e r te e n the so rt te a t keeps men np o’ n ig h ts try in ’ to sing a t tha top o’ their TOloea.”—W ashington Star. ity doctor Is Mealtime a Worry to You ' . I I I N K A P P E T IT E POOR IS T H E D l f E S T II N W EAK I t T H E LIV ER LA IT , AHO T H E N IV E L S CO AST IP AT ED Under « such conditions you ca n n o t obtain the maximum value fro m you r food. a n proper help at once-TRY P A D a T O N ETHEL HUESIQN (C opyright, by th e B obbe-M errill C om pany.) T H E M EM BERS O F T H E CONGREGATION FO R G ET T H A T T H E PARSONAGE F O L K * N EED M ONEY FO R CHRISTMAS, SO U T T L E CONNIE T E L L S B AN K ER SOM E PLAIN TRUTHS U r. Starr, a widower Methodist minister, comes to Mount Mark, la., to take charge of the congregation there. He has Ave charming daughters, the eldest of whom. Prudence, age nineteen, keeps house and m others the family. H er younger sisters are Fairy, the twins Carol and Lark, and Constance, the “baby.” The family's coming stirs the curiosity of the townspeople. A fter a few weeks the S tarrs are well settled. Prudence has- her hands full with the mischievous young­ sters, but she lovee them devotedly despite their outrageous pranks. It Is Sj Joyous household, but the parsonage girls are em barrassed at Christm as time because the congregation has faded to pay the pastor’s salary. Little Connie needs clothing, and sadly disappointed, takes m atters Into her own hands. v living under d*Ml DUMUfis rrw w w -» - —, . — _ . . that ah* la right this ten*. TU m com # h era borrowing U her the co at and 111 5 coant with your fathar. added. “And I’ll look after thla aa la ^ bualneee after thla. TU arran»e with tho trueteee that I an to pay jour fa­ ther hie full ealary the Arat of e»err month, and that the church r e c e ip te d to be turned In to me. And If they do not pay up. my lawyer can