i»'. A kil&l D. ^jySlCiAN AuND 8ÜAGE0N \ STAYTON. ohegon i A , U oau rh am n Who nudo iti» first houli 1« ho« dut»niiln#d, hut thi* Utt onalty t j for •»«11« N ivm M i of tra Duport lint |li|iil I n , of 1 0*1*11 M j, A ¿ b e a u c n a iu p ^ « i# í) wúátorttf*»*- if»« Z*Sf- » ia » w imi ».« v . » * u m * ■ * " '" * whj.li la known IO ladmilata UN tin* lllilNinnua frani mifanlad ai un*- *,f U h * moat T w a te ;,,) nónu iuu In* World Tlila u ,« - , o i t i Mll 'Vaili I!mugli ___ _ , If ituiiian*. Of Un* temperate ronn. in nmmMlt.ii wlib *, vlhlainniiN II tM.ruii.er reum rimine | timi thf apio leu |a confi)«,M tv ber» tU- Physician and Surgeon r«u«i u 1 » n-urraii/ «ui,»id,.r«i probabu, tmoor„t.. r\r> s ir r t v • ***• ,h‘* «woi'lai’lo for till« |>ur|Hm« physician , , _ pfobabto 7. ULll?um *** •"•Olili* boaii Wilbur N. P l l i t l c r , U . M . V . lot loo as pOMlhlo, and all tha unavnld ¿ Il "|-,rtr flitld tv Inir 4 « Oivuircij ; oW# opening» woro ••/irwfully aew«,<| up, i A-Uve-u rnmiy p n jp ftr in m T ^ V Ìlia ' D £ N T I 5 T ----- h»«vU*« * atari« »of for tmrhg or »hip l'l«nt ma qulie un«*are „ ( li. Miamfc o* . u b I **■"«• wh,cb w" u M* 1 m»» w,,b • «»"• OAlcr ov«r Btxyton HUM* Hank Thera, wrtnuw. w«rr used a ire# ago imlill» Aa ii noiitri of rari u«, ,jp. kT A Y T O N , Stavton, O r ».1 br u,m,y l>ri®ltlv# puopl«*» and liava fie 2IM ■ V •Inc* I k - ou employed extensively in many parti of th« world, and ov«.„ to A. C. E A T O N day limy may l>a stH-ti In U*m In aome oriental «-oiiritrlei It waa thla kind NATUROPATH of tad I If I bat t r it raf*rird lo In the Hlhl« In (be mill’ll quoted dl< tuin rclat and lug lo pulling now win« Into old |H,t OPTOMETRIST Bee north of Bomichsmp’s jg Store. Cpngultstion Froe. Phono 845 A t Notice of Executor. il I ,„r ih„ n , «*.*1 and appointed Momlay. March ; * ^ h * î ! ---------------------a INCENI0US LETT£R g0XEfc iministnitor'« Notice u ¡.iwrv j ALCtmOL-» JKM CKWL , 1 AMtir iablc IVcparaboafcr A» * li mmdnWidi'Jiclood by Renaio • limJili.’SuifliadisandBiarrtorf ,.S ± S á íS B S ¿ Signature, iin which the United States, «» * *** Vista, bul i » or unwilling, is compelled novellata. bUtorlaua sud lay amoug a number wf dispútenla and W,. i . , „ii:,.___ the great Uteniry uatue couue* ted wkh part. No inte lurent j ,b<> |tla<9 „ llM\ wf kStifmr Altaa Ho, gag him.'” Another contemi*orary described Ma­ lean ignore iuch issues. who a|wul much of bia boyhood In the caulay aa **aln|i|ilng all over ou every E THRICE-A-WEEK city and later edited tbe Southern Ut subject and xtiiiidluit In tbe slope.” Vlceaenger. Matthew Foil lain« i)'S regular subscription entry Maury, lb « groat eclruthrt. waa at aa- only $1.00 per year, and other time editor **f the ta u t |*erlod- Tee Much Refrain. »ays for 156 papers. We Ical, aa w m also Joint Iteubeu Tbom|>- "flan-tag».'” said tha sentimental " I ’oet o f the C«mfadoracy.” who mou. with a slgb Tleaven a greatest is unequalled newspaper aon. wrota. amoug other |NH*ms. "Music la U*on to roan—a pood wife My friend» e Stay ton Standard to- Camp” and who translated Gustave It Is this that makes life possible. Oil forone year for $1.30. Vkduud » poem. "Canaaeonne “ lug it with happiness and taking »* Nelson 1‘rtge mude bla home away alt loneliness and mtaery. Mar regular subscription price lu Thom UlrlMnoud for thirty years. Amelia rlage la one grand, aweet song!" be two papers is $2.00. Ulvee was born then* and still main­ r lle*hIr»h* VK,t „ l“ rears ^ barlar has become a frature ■—fe»«t„" )fl of tb. wtvs. of tsiru r. who “ *•*« thcmaelvaa useful • liovjjfh aotne an* I* The 17th of cv, ryv month " barbers* holld,,. wien up shop and go to tbeatfn ■ « f anmacnient, for w»,l0h free tb* ► •^lvcrtf " ° W th* 1’b‘ rbllla ' nt t0- be tKMtcd In their STORIA “ ftots and C h u fla tains Uer residence lu Albemarle coun­ ty. Va., while amoua other writers of tha present time whose uatnes are con­ nected with the city either by birth or lone aaeoclailon are: Mary Jobuatun. Ellen Glasgow. Marion Uarlaud. Kate I-angley Boaber, James flniucb Cabell, Edward Tapia, Uratn«list: J. U. Whit ty. biographer of Toe. and Colonel W. Gordon McCabe, soldier, historian, aa- saylat and local ebaractar. — Julian Street In ColUer a Weekly. Didn’t Believe It Had Dana. Cases o f Ignorance on tbe part of telegrafn writers are now rare, but many liickleuts could be cited from (be early daja o f tbe tvlegrapb. Sev­ eral are given In F. JB. Balnea' *Ou tbe Track o f tbe Mall Oiacb.” In tbe late forties be .received from a north of England uinti a meaaago and promptly ionb.lt. But tha man flatly dacllued to believe that It bad goue. becau«e tie could aee It (tbe form be bad tilled upi still banging there, and tbe op­ erator bad to push tba form Into the iUMfrniuent and ring the bell to parify him. A woman In »'N o rfo lk town In­ stated upon inclosing tbe telegram aba had written tn an envelop», ao that no l>ryUig tyea might road It as It waul «long tba wire. F o r O va r 3 0 Y e a r * i- Politene»* ' Politene«* costa uotbtug.' observed Hi« eag*” J •i •‘'fhat’k right," agreed the fool. "To tan«*#« la marely tba an of not lotting P * 0 kno*.v w bat ymi think o*’ Ihctn.” finished, with a rapturous air. Hla listeners were Impressed atl ex­ cept a practical looking chap In one corner, who promptly roae to hla feot “ Wall, marriage may not be exactly one grand, aweet song.” he said «low­ ly. "but Ifa certainly one grand, attest refrain—refrain from tobacco, refrain from tba theater, refrain from games, refsatn ftom spending week end«- In fact, refrain from pretty well «very thing.” — Ttttahurgh Cbronk-te-Tete graph. i! Arrivé * m ra.' .iv- Jacob Spaniol Stayton State Bank STAYTON, ORE. Ji^SM/Jtr.\AMUUtraB A .y »a W AU frmm _ Capital, $25,000.00 w. LEE TATE. President GEO. SPANIOL, Vlcenpres. W. RICHARDSON, Cashier. fed ii. Farmers and Merchants ■ -BANK- 0F STAYTON Capital, $25,OOOXX? A ^ q . :r|i 'iin» M , rraeidwit ” ------ J- T . I I cmt , Vice-President. 8. L_ S tew art , Cashier. . --j™ Sia ' J- M. R inco . Aaa’ t Cashier | L. Swiss A. M Jeweler ESSING \ • 31 Years Experience • AH work on watches and • • 5 ? 1 clocks guaranteed fo r One Year. M • ¡L , •Try My Work. It Speaks for Iteeii. • • Below is just a few items of hundreds r of bargains you r will find at our store e buy the house furnishings of two or three houses every day and you can always find a large assortment here to choose from W ». 2 • Located in tbe Shoe Shop in rear o f Stayton State Bank • Stayton, — -t Oregon Q U A L IT Y H E k u • * • Poland China Can furnish anything ed pig to brood aowa and service boars. Write me your wants 1 will do my hast to please you hb *‘ y and KAY J. FOX, Lyons, Ore. i d e l l a h /^ t S g s HAIR DRESSING PAKLORS .Hair Tonic, Face Creams, Hair Goods Made to Order, Manicur­ ing, Scalp and Face Treatment Suit 1, K. o f P. Building Bell Phone 281-R ^ ALBANY, OREGON M_____ «aaggaaga ^ oissa¿s^asgsgsag^isxsi One $65 polished top Lorain Range, just like new, n o w .......................- ....................................... $25.00 Dressers, values to $15, slightly used..........$3 to $7.50 One $18,fuU quartered oak H a ll T r e e ................$9.00 T w o $12 42-in. 6-ft. Extension Tables, round, can’t be told'firom n ew ............ .............................. $5.00 e a c h One $7*50 heavy mission R ocker..-, ............... $4.00 One $25 10x12 10-wire seamless Brussels R u g $11,00 One 12 2-in. white continous B ed...... ...................$6.00 One set hardwoodi D in ers...... .............................$5.00 D ozens o f oth er good Chairs, each ........................... 60c One $45 full quartered oak Buffet, beautiful piece furniture, like new .......................................... $15.00 Furniture Repairing our specialty. We do furni­ ture packing, have skilled workmen and prices are ngfitr Investigate our stock for anything you need. ■ ■ ■ s a fe and reliable roofing «HKB material where there is no water sytem, life Durable . - Rooíiiií ; ’ E. L. STIFF C& SON We sell the cheapest because our expenses are low. F I R E F m O O F Bu«ln««s and Sympathy. A t a country market a lady went up 1» a stall wbara two flne geese were exposed for «ale In charge of a country lass. Tha girl would uot sell «me poo«e without tl»e other Knowing that *t friend would be glnd, to bnve «we of Com er Court & L ib erty Sts. Salem, Ore. them, tho cuatonwr wo* easily pm« *11 ed upon to take both, but out of curt oalty. after she had bought and paid for them, she asked the girl why she bad refused to pell the geese separate­ ly. “ I f you please, ma'am.” waa the Disguising Epsom Salt. answer, "mother said aa how the geese No Feraign Element Seeking for various waya of dlsgula had lived together Bftrau yean* and It "Why don’t you h«ve your so» lag tbe taate o f Kpeom salt haa become would Iw too cruel to part them.” — »m ined by «U allcillxt?” aemetblug of a fad. Here la tbe very Londou Mali- “ I'd rather have ■ g«H>d Ameriran latest suggeatkw. and a very good ouc doctor than' «uy of them foreigner»."“ To each teaapoonful of salt add ouo Had No Narva. Baltimore Arocricaa. , fourth tessptsviful W cream of turiar Disreputable Looking Tarty—Gimme and a llttl« sugar. Dissolve In « Mtt!:* a nlckal. mum. Elderly Woman-1 A H tp ilflt Task« b«>i wateruw*Taild«'n d water saia.l tdg. stroi a bould think a Idg. strong taan like yeu He-1 left irnor Billie «-n.lTellng hi- i er do«e of rah 1 * ro«i«treJ «vlu*u tliv would be bt ashaied ashamed to to a«k for J dou » t . bralh* Sbo—Grnrh'ii.i! What'« I m *«1- D. L. T . - l am. lady, but I ain't got Ins tt»»l for? They haven’t «to»»« any : crvuui of larmr b< used, siace B basteu.- ) the actlou of the Einmui salt. tbe nerve to take It* without asklu'. thing Towu Tu| lea. New York Times. '. U !!., Farmers—We carry a line of Pump«, Leader Water Systems, Gasoline Engine«, Etc. • neither Oi»ium. Morphine n* Mineral. N o t N a h cotic THRICE - A - WEEK Edition of the New York World in 1917 Barker« In Japan. i not only men, but women, barber If that« be any etgn M»elr face#. Tbey do not per- i the soft flown to grow, which Dneae arc often astonished to nnm<>1e»ted on the fares of *»cru women. Often, too. the Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria 8t*r»ral i i » ii ,|| h ,. mn ar» needful If th» rx|H*rfiiii iit with H.» taifnlag i.twi. u to U* a «Ufcoaa Thu» Il |. ».M-niIal that lb « air «bould 1« v«r> dry and warm; alio tliut i I ioim »Imtilil !•» prm ilcally no W^d. TUn I m - m «IftM-ia art* ■»< ured only Ju»t after the vprnlng of th» a„w. era. It will 1 .« icalixad (bat iiMmi cm>- Oltloua raniiut al nay» h» rrin-d umni i A plan lia» recently U m . u dev|»ed hy iKOuiig o r which ili» Indatniualil« ua (ture of the vaiKira given out by the i ok lumini» may b» ab»wo jvuJi ■*... titt-r i-n,,v i_ A »U*.*ug plain of ih» hunting l>u*b la ralae.1 In M p «, Af the time wheu the flower« a re just i?-acblug iwrfec Mon the piu ut I» plated in a glasa Jar or a ra»«. Thla u clorai; covered for #*»ru« houxa- before the tltoror th» ex- périment. Op removing the rover light I «/field o» v«r ih» plant, when there la at onre t retili. 1,(1 OU» out buret of flam« Ho great may b» th* rush of flra that the rs|»*r» p.*iodUx j native« undergo a «ore of magic change i notice. “Tbla tup o f the bag la alld Into a kted thla 14th d»y o f February, from farmer to bandit It eeoma some­ alot at the bottom of tba mall box. Oliver Jory thing o f a |*ay' l.oloclrar Kitfieraault- which open» automatically and can Heltxel Adminlatrator o f the on« day a plodding farmer, the next a Oregon estate o f Alexander only Iw opened by tb f Insertion o f tbla vy for M. Gifford, deceased. specially prepared bag. By virtue o f highwayman. After the tall kaollng. 47 tb * tbla tbo oatlra bottom o f tb« ami! box or giant m illet 1» cut and aw-ape Is not rolls back and Ha rontsats drop straight ao easy over the U ra plains, another down Into the bag. Upon removal of clap o f the ha 11 da. „and, lo. a pwiwful tb» bag by sliding It outward tb« bot­ farmer nnc« moral It la not only the tom o f tba box »lid »» back Into place farmer who ptaya this exciting game; and locks automatically, «a well aa the many another staid member o f the bag with lu automatic top,"—New community baa his little fling Home ! • * • « combine their roles, differential York World. j *D* according to the seasons * With the orientals disregard for condlUona. value and need of a news- a man Is oftrn a bandit merchant and in the household waa never RICHMOND AMD WRITERS. magistrate all at ooce.—Alice Tt^Ule r than at the present time, In Atlantic. Renown With WHUh th« t war in Europe is now T b « Literary City la Amaolated. Maeaulay's Tarrant of Talk. ray into its third year, and Hlchmoud may be likeu«d to Boetou "Macaulay Improres! Macaulay Im­ er peace be it hand or yet as a literary center. In an articl« pul*- proves I" Kydney Hmltb remarked one off. it and the events to 11»bed some yeara ago In Hook Sew» day. " I have oberrved In him of late Alb*« M. Tyler refer» to Colour! VVtl it are sure to be of absorb- Hum Byrd, who founded Ukbumiid In flaabee o f—alienee.” The "nonoroot vi­ vacity” o f this enormous talker nettled tereat for many a month 1733. as "the »plight I (cat and moat Smith, who found It Impuaalhle often genial native American writer I**fore |o Tok, „ „ own wU „ J w W , ie. _ ”1 : ~ mm_ .. . ____ _ .. wish I could write i*oetry l*oetry like j you,” be n* are worltl-ahakinff af- ► niuxuu. In the time o f Chief Justice Marshall complained to a friend. “ I would write Bath Tuf>«, ’Lavatori •nd all Sanitary fittings. For Infanto >n It tb f pma-nra o f th« gaam gentratod ■alor liclilml Hu m. Tin* burning bu.b by tbt contlburd frniii*niallou of Uif dm*a not am*ni t » U* Injured In any way «lu # would burnt lb* tb# iHittlr liottl# id mira , t y d. 7 „ 07 act« Il bi a * f * r ! m « * tra imo ionia<*t wiib ib* ," . „ t glaaaiuaklng and glana U nica orlgb ♦ b»* 4 f untrd among ilia Kuyidiana although Whom ft May fa M W I! NBUwW by givmt that the umbwalgtmd. A. gt r/Uat dal« no on# haa pmautiMid to ck, *-x ecu tor o f tho **it»U< o f Ai>- «tata. Kveu In Egyid, bowr*«r, tbf n<*a tîrhlrn, due iacnd. haa thla art of gin*» in liking in ita fari? bUior/ r,|M in tho countv n-urt òr óf Marión MarKdi I api* i-ra to bava bem eouflucd to i«r nty. Stato of i irogon. hi» Anal tabi liria liti*« and waa not praetlr«d at ^unt in «¡»i I ridati’, And add court all wtdaly.-tkloullflc Amorleac. * ;himi.m. um rvU-4 a frinì, hmi k rn.lui J oli In Jtn-ul ■liuiiduni'e. « li Irti iKHimtaia «■y. la |»fl.dtnjal tu t*apfrlul|y <|Mlititlra liy tlm dowiu * > „ „ |„ ! wunu WMthfr «oiatlllidii« ao u,m ili« alr anrroowfiug Un. plani i» |,Ui,r, u i lintad. Hinhcr. Una r«|Nir la I.I k I i I v ! IbdaiMuiul'lf,' ami If n ti«!.Ci| Caia« ht Z TbaTlJttou V t TJ u E JZZÏ. bn,UU Ìlt ” Z * * ' « r ........ • « > . ^ Ngtf>ormnti tSPhiid Dnwtw * - oá n n u L Ñ cA u * v js s u D u ra b le R oofing Mfg# Co. ■