Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, February 21, 1917, Image 2

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Threat of. Special Session Effe c tu a l-
Horses and Mules.
Commission to Fix Prices.
Brief Resume, Most Important
Daily News Items.
Washington, D. C.—Personal action
by Praaident Wilson to restore normal
pricaa of print papar and a apodal ses­
sion of congress to pass remedial leg­
islation confronted print papar manu­
facturers, it became known Monday,
before they gave op their fight against
the government’s attempt to restore
normal conditions in the trade.
The President’s intentions were
placed before the manufacture re by
Secretary McAdoo, who told them that
the administration did not intend to
see an alleged monopoly through ex­
tortionate pricee place greater re­
straints on the proas than the govern­
ment itself was empowered to place.
At the same time the Federal grand
jury in New York was preparing to
bring indictments.
The sequel was the action of the
manufacturers in signing an agreement
permitting the trade commission to fix
fair prices.
It is understood that the administra­
tion is going further and taking steps
to guard against any shortage of sup­
ply in the future. Through the forest
service, which already has been at
work on some phases of the problem,
plana for re-forestation of wooded
areas now devastated for wood pulp
are to be worked out, which are ex­
pected to furnish ample supplies for
American publishers in the future.
El P
U *
Mivad lets Tu<
Teutons Said to Be With Both Villista Raiders are Immediately
Pursued by U. S. Troopers.
Carranza and Villa.
J*riveto *»*»«
raided the "Carof ^ K .
Peterson, anotherMormoo,
prlaonar, U waa •• A
H. 8. 8Uph«»on. Ç«*«;
of tha Patemaa Land k &
pwy. aaM ba bad recel"
from bia wagon
Ä* *¡*
thraa A mad cana nnd «a*«
horses and muws am.
supplias taken away. His r e ír te
no reference to any kws of H»-
Two Mexican families were sa
have been forced to
bandits in. addition to jhe Mei
ranch hands, according to the
pertinent made public saturusy vn* gram.
following report6 from Colonel Tag­
gart, commanding Fort Ringgold:
“ Lieutenant Ayres, Florida tropsat Germany Foreign Secretary,
Lopena, reports that Friday »Ught Who Was So “Astonished"
eight bandits crossed into the United
Stmtea at Soledad ranch, 15 mi la* north
of El Tigre Arroyo. 'One man and
seven horses were captured. Se****
banditl on foot in the brush are being
chased by troops.”
Hachita, N. M.~ Lieutenant Colonel
J. C. Waterman, commanding Uie
Hachita district, sent ordere to his
troops Friday to ,maintain day and
night patrols along the border instead
Disable Liner by Order of Berlin.
Boston—The North German Lloyd
passenger liner Kronprinxeesin Cecilie,
while in the custody of s United
States marshal under a libel order
from the Federal coutrt, was deliber­
ately disabled at the direction of her
German commander. ’ '
Captain Charles A. M ack so testi­
fied in the United States court Mon­
day, and added .that he, in turn, had
taken his orders from the German gov­
ernment. The damage to the vessel
was done on the night of January 31,
three days before diplomatic relations
between the United States and Ger­
many were broken off. Under exam­
ination by counsel for the libelants,
Captain Polaek said that on that day
he had received orders to render his
vessel unseaworthy from an unnamed
official of the German embassy at
Navy Appropriation Increased.
Washington. D. C. —Carrying about
$681,000,000, an increase of $168,000,-
000 over the total as it paaaed the
house, the annual naval appropriation
bill waa completed by a sub-committee
of the senate naval committee Monday.
The principal increase waa an appro­
priation of $160,000,000 for speeding
up work on naval vessels already au­
thorized, which had been rejected in
the house on a point of order.
Other important increases include
$600,000 for batteries for merchant
auxiliaries and $460,000 for ammuni­
tion for such auxiliaries; $8,000 for
reserve material for the navy and $1,-
960,000 for engineering purposes, in­
cluding radio installation on light ves­
sels. The building authorizations and
emergency administration provisions
of the bouse bill are retained.
threat of
Lieutenant Colonel Waterman, are for
patrol duty only and have no orders to
go into Mexico.
Juarem—Five more Chinese were
murdered at Madera, Chihuahua, when
Julio Acosta, a Villa commander,
raided that town oh February H, ac­
cording to a message received hers
by a relative of the Chinese. The
Villa followers raided the Madera
stores and carried off much loot, the
Alfred Zli
tary in tbs <-------- ---
sant tha nota to Présidant Wilson, in­
forming him of tha fart that Germany
had broken bar submarine pledges of
last year, was "astonished" when bn
learned that tha United States govern­
ment had taken offense.
Mexico and 100 miles from Hachita,
N. M„ occurred on February 10, j»>
cording to tha maasanga raeaivad here.
Washington, D. C. — Notice of a Tha Mormons living in tha sect ion
dangerous area in the North Sea be­ worn said fay a leader of tha Mormon
cause of operations against Germany
has been given by the British admiral­
ty. A copy of the notice, dated Feb­
ruary 18, was received at the State de­
partment Friday.
It warns shipping that after Febru­
ary 7 a prescribed area, including all Dedication of Interstate Bridge
waters off Germany and parts of Hol­
Opens Huge Span to Traffic
land and Denmark, will be dangerous Portland — Hands wars stretched
and should be avoided.
•cross tha Columbia Wednesday and
The new notice says:
“ In view of the unrestricted warfare Oregon and Washington exchanged
carried on by Germany at sea by congratulations over the completion of
means of mines and submarines, not the Interstate bridge. Tha dedication
only against the allied powers, but al­ and
of that structure to traffic
so against neutral shipping, and the was opening
motif for tha celebration in
fact that merchant ships are constant­ which the Governors
of both states, login.
ly sunk without regard to the ultimate
safety of their crews, His Majesty’s
government gives notice that on and
after February 7, 1917, the mentioned
England Broadens Danger Zone;
Warnings Given All Neutrals
Villa’s Voyage is Doubted.
El Paso, Tex.—A report that Villa
had gone in disguise to the West coast
and taken a ship for Japan on a poli­
tical mission has been known to Car­
ranza officers and officiate here and in
Juares for several days, Eduardo Sor­
iano Bravo, the Mexican consul here,
said Sunday night.
“ Villa has not been accounted for
since he fled to Parrel after bia defeat
at Jiminex about six weeks ago,’’.said
the consul “ We have had many re­
ports that he was in different places,
but no evidence. However, we are in­
clined to doubt the story that he has
gone to Japan. It may have been in­
Navy Ready to Strike.
to account for his absence.
Washington, D. C.—Preparedness ia vented
His friendliness to the Japanese gov­
the order of the day and even of the ernment
gives it plausibility. It is
night in Washington.
likely that ha is in hid­
The Navy department ia equipping ing in the more
either to try to
the fleet with everything it may need reorganize his bands there,
or because
to repel attacks. The navy yards are he ia sick or wounded.
receiving supplies and being placed in “ Salazar ia in command in the
condition to repair any ships that may North, but there is a report that he
be damaged and to push to completion split with Villa and ia acting Tndpen-
the vessels under construction.
dently. They were old-time enemies
The general board of the Navy, until
reconciled during the Chihuahua Germans Smash French Lines.
which has charge of all matters relat­ City attack
September 16 last.’’
Berlin—Troops of the German Crown
ing to strategy, is bolding constant
Bravo said be heard the Prince,
an attack against French
sessions to devise plans for the protec­ raid Mr. on fiorlano
Ranch waa uaed by positions in south
of Ripont, in the
tion of the fleet from hostile sub­ Salazar the as Corner
a diversion in order to Champagne, Friday,
War office an­
marines and ita effective use at once smuggle ammunition
over the border. nounced, on a front of the about
a mile and
if war should come.
of a
Holland Gets Apology.
half a mile. The Germans took 868
19 17 Wool Clip Sells High.
London—In reply to a protest by the prisoners, including 21 officers.
Salt Lake City—Contracts for nearly Dutch government regarding the shell­ The attack, which waa peceded by
80 per cent of the April clip of Utah
artillery fire, waa made main­
of the Dutch steamer Oldamdt, ly intense
wool, which, it ia estimated, will ing
French positions at Maisons
29, by German coeat batter­ de Champagne
amount to 16,000,000 pounds, have December
and hill 186, about one-
been signed and show prices rangng to Zeebrugge, according to an Amster­ third of a mile aouth of the farm.
from 30 to 38 cents a pound. The dam dispatch to Reuter’s, the German Four lines of French positions were
lowest prices were paid for southern
in the attack.
says the shelling waa “ ac­ stormed
wool and the higher prices for north­ government
counter attacks in
of force majeure. ” The Ger­ the night and made
ern wool but, as an average, they cident
morning, but were re­
represent the highest market ever expresses sincere regret that subjects pulsed with losses. The German lou­
offered for wool in Utah.
of a friendly power were killed or in­ se are said to have been small.
jured and expresses readiness to pay
Farm Loan Bonds Exempt.
compensation to their relatives.
French Coaet is Shelled, r
Washington, D. C. — To correct re­
—A submarine Wednesday at-
ports published in Western states to
Eight-Hour Bilie Introduced.
the French coast at the mouth
the effect that Attorney General Greg­ Washington, D. C.—Senator Robin­
of to* Adour rivar, in tha axtrena
ory had given an opinion holding un­ son, of Arkansas, and Representative
"••tern »action, but did no great ¿—y
constitutional the law exempting from Keating, of Colorado, Monday intro­
An read«:
official statement on „ this
taxation mortgagee taken and bonds duced identical bills to prohibit inter­
issued under the farm-loan system, the state shipment of goods made in whole
Farm Loan board issued a statement or in pert by women employed more
. . Aj*
submarine emerged at I
o dock Wednesday afternoon at the
saying: “ The fact is that the opinion than eight hours a day or more than
of the attorney general declares the six days a week.
«red ate
law perfectly constitutional. Farm The bills, drawn on the linee of the not sell the “ medicine” „with the in­ 2 £ h °! ‘S /* ™ rlw
loan bonds are declared bfc be legally Federal child labor law, would nation­ tention of violating the law, although
and constitutionally exempt from all alize conditions for A mari can working he had dispensed his cure for 20 year«
advertising it extensively.
- « «
Net« Placed at New York.
*-• New Ruler Is Demanded.
Youth Holds Up Banker.
--- —. iw ton
New York—A »tael net designed to London-pThe speaker in the house Lincoln, Neb.—A stranger strolled
protect the Port of New York from of commons, the Right Honorable leisurely into the First National Bank New York - More than
hostile submarines and other craft in Jamas William Lowtber, declared here at University Place, a Lincoln .uburb 5™ "*
been fed
the event of war waa put in place at Monday night it waa impoaaible for Saturday at noon. There waz noone efforts of the American
the entrance of the harbor Monday. British statesmen to make any agree­ in tha bank but the president. The
In Belgium
suffer no lm-
For the present it will be kept in po­ ment with the German government aa young man, about 28 year« old, flashed mediate hardahlj » "111
sition only between sunset and sunrise now constituted. It would ba neces­ * wrolver in tha officer’, face and o f the American com mi ««ion withdrawal
froth par*
and will bar all ships from leaving or sary before., signing peace or any ordered him to retreat to the vault Meipatlon in thli work in Belgium
Northern r
entering the harbor during the night agreement he aakl, to insist that it
in the vault, the ®»0
In ease of war ita construction pro­ nraat be with a government different robber picked up $2609
in currencv airman
of tha
vides for placing it aa a permanent in see enee and constitution from the
present one.
urdtowa/for t
to another neutri