MARION time it »ration al sue- young By a thorough house cleaning tha state of Kansas will try to get rid of an endless and useless array of boards and commissions, if the economy and efficiency program goes through as planned two boards will run the affairs of state with one head for both. There is to be a small board to handle s ta t^ affairs and another that paper. .......... * to handle all the state inatitu- All subscribers to both papers who are paid in advance will A t governor heading the Jia*e4lwlr subscriptions extended to cover the time paid for and tha two. All boards of three or those in arrears will be charged up for the arrearages. The read­ more are to be displaced by one ers and patrons of the Standard have been exceedingly loval to the expert with authority to hire new editor siuce taking charge and the new owners of the consoli­ darks, and he under one of the dated paper ask for the same loyalty and patronage in their larger atate boards. field of activity. They guarantee to give their readers and patrons , great many departments are a paper that they can all feel proud of. rest assured of the same it consolidated under one head kind and courteous .treatment that has always been accorded our a great many more are to be patrons in the past liabed. aa having no value, aving of 1600,000 a year ia to but neglected its draft animals. tyuar, be effected by such a program Moreover, national defense and and other states are trying the national development are both same thing. impossible without the needful Kansas has tried nearly all the steady increase of railroad facil­ feds and fancies which have Collier’s Weekly proves that ities, and 1916 did nothing to been urged upon the public by national defense would be im­ meet this need. Economic states­ aspiring political reformers dur- possible in the event of war. with manship should make 1917 tell a log the past quarter of a century our present railroad facilities, to better story. apparently has grown move an army, munitions and y of the whole mess. All of supplies on the Pacific Coast, were urged upon the state with limited trains, limited crews rest reforms which would and limited hours. dm people out of the slough The weekly says editorially mmpetencv and uncertainty Feb. 17: t sunlight of success, and The year 1916 gave our rail, ; sort of thing, roads a lift, but Heft them still now you can read the the weak sister of our. national of Kansas after giving economic household. The rail­ ill a real trial. All of roads did more work than ever ia respectfully referred to before in their history and got islature of this state. more money for it. a^, that, in spite of the heaviest taxes and id now a bill it before Con- ex^nses ever known, j^hey broke tAo prevent launching any all records for net earnings. lit for foreign owners, The seamy side of the record act would kill American is that fewer miles of new track Raiding aa successfully as were built than in any one of the ►Uett's Seaman’s act has hard-time years that followed I American shipping and 1893. They did not lay a new Industries ' would then be mile of rails per month in such enough to satisfjKhe most track-hungry States as Arizona. ml politician and labor agi- Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Neb­ i Of course, our workman raska, New Mexico, South Da­ go to a foreign country kota. Texas. Utah and Wyoming. jobs v^ftar the war unless The entire year’s increase of ■ passed to prevent that. trackage was less than one-half Its P ass-B eet growing is of one per cent of the total now Ing the popular industry operated, a rate of growth which The land can be made to when compared wi*h our coun­ » from $76 to $100 per try’s annual increase in popula­ tion, production, wealth and all inder correct treatment. . l _ l .L i.L II f/vw I the other elements . . which call for Wednesday evening there was I more transportation, is seen to a valentine social and entertain­ . be both ridiculous and alarming. ment given at M. E. church. A The investing public^has given large crowd was present and all ! its verdict on the situation in no enjoyed themselves. The pro­ uncertain terras. In 1911 the gram opened with a song by one ! stocks of the twenty-five leading of the Sunday school children, railroads averaged well above Mrs. Lilly gave a reading, Mr. Selections ! ninety and were worth some Foster favored the crowd with a ten to twenty dollars more per recitation. Rev. Lockhart made, (share than the stocks of a like a abort talk and song were sung number of big industrial and by Mrs. J. if. Riago, Mrs. G. F. manufacturing corporations. Korinek and J. W. Mayo. After P During the war the factory the program light refreshments stocks got ahead, kept ahead, were served. and are now worth on an average Line o f Wall in the open market some $1) to $20 more per share than are the like securities of the railroads. Worse than that these railroad stocks average lower now than Vincent Pietrok of Linn county they did during the period of died at his horn- early Tuesday morning. He wad 71 years of 1911-18. age and has resided a number of 1- This means that investors think factories the safer buy, the years in Linn county. The bur­ ,0c purchase stronger property. It means ial will take place. Thursday a. 10 o’clpck in the COMPANY also that our economic growth morning Sublimity cemeter *. Ringo Un- is getting lopsided like that of a OREGON farm which has specialized in bertaking Co."have charge o f( buying plows, threshers, etc., the funeral. S fnaide •del it ft eon- > tarn city of tiog l§ a Penny a Pair Talk about the High Cost of Shoe Leather Buy a Pair of Children’s Shoes and get a pair of H Sandals for an extra Penny Sizes from 5 to 2 - 4 Crippk Railroads Sunday School Rally Huge Success Valentine Social ' at M. E. Church Heard on the Streets! How Can Young’s Sell Cheaper Than Other Retailers Can Buy? Allow Us to Explain! ,.-A W hen we saw everything was advancing we got a large sup­ ply, paid the cash and took the discount That’s the reason of our selling goods so nearly the old price. ** Come and Get Prices and Compare with Hail Order Houses. W e deliver every m orning and tw ice on Saturdays Phone 1551 a a Old Time Resident Passes Away ¡¿Sr Goods at Cost And Below At Alexanders . N otice These Prices: $11.50 Cupboard - - 1 $9.50 Bed Spring - - 5 5.75 " " - - - 4.75 « “ - - - F ew Nice P a tte rn s o f W all Paper