Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, January 10, 1917, Image 2

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CARRANZA R EFU S ES TO SIGN They Hold Balance o f Power in House
Mexican-American Conference Fails;
Stalwarts forcibly
o f Representatives in Coming Congress
G ra b /Documents
in County Seat Fight.
Pershing Likely to Retire. "
culver. O r ^ -B e v e n tr flv e residknt.
of Madras, hssdwi by W illia m 8.
l!-Ren. of Portland, attorney for the
u«op|* of M s d r e T T T T K r ™ » « t y
Washington, D. C, — When the
American members o f the Mexican-
American join t commission had finish­
Brief Resume Most Important ed consideration Tuesday o f General
Carransa’s reply fa ilin g to comply
Daily News Items.
with their demand that the protocol
providing fo r withdrawal o f the A m er­
ican troops from M exico be ratified,
there w ere indications that efforts to
enter into an agreement w ith the de
facto government through the commis­
sion would be abandoned.
For the first tim e an official admis­
sion was made that Carranaa had re­
Events o f Noted People, Governments
fused to sign the protocol. The com­
missioners said they expected to d ra ff
and Pacific Northwest and Other
their response to Carranaa imm ediate­
Things W orth Knowing.
Failure o f the commission to g iv e to
Mexican-American relations a bright
aspect was offset somewhat by official
Many Belgians who were deported
intimations that H enry P. Fletcher,
to Germany for manual labor purposes,
confirmed as ambassador to Mexico al­
are returning to their native country
most a year ages was about to start
in pitifu l conditions.
for his post, where American Interests
One young lady was killed and her now are represented by a clerk.
sister seriously injured when a Port­ report that General Pershing’s expedi­
land interurban train struck their au­ tion soon would be withdrawn, regard­
tomobile at a crossing on the Estacada less o f Cafranaa’ s attitude, also gained
line Thursday.
freah impetus, and it was understood
EL L. McClure, o f Portland, one o f the administration had this move un­
the promoters o f the “ Forty-five Effi­ der serious consideration.
Mr. Fletcher conferred w ith Presi­
ciency Club, ” became frantic at the
organisation meeting at the Library, dent W ilson a fte r Wednesday’ s cabi­
and threatened violence with a pocket net meeting, and later referred in­
quiries as to whether he would go to
Mexico to President Wilson and Secre­
January 10 has been ten tatively tary Lansing.
N o statement was
agreed upon by the Federal Farm Loan forthcom ing from the W hite -House or
Board as the day fo r opening stock the State department.
subscription books to the 12 farm loan
banks. The books w ill be opened in
each city where there is a farm loan "Le a k s" at Washington Admitted
But Investigation Withheld
Postal clerks and carriers, both ur­
ban and rural, would receive increases
o f from 5 to 10 per cent in their sal­
aries by a bill agreed on by the house
postal committee Friday.
The in­
crease would affect about 200,000 car­
riers and cost f 10,000,000 a year.
The assassination o f M. Jollos, an
influential member o f the Russian
Duma, i s reported by the Overseas
N ew s agency. According to this re­
port, M. Jollos disappeared m ysteri­
ously a short tim e ago, and it is be­
lieved he was the victim o f a political
Bent, whitehaired, although only 50
years old, Herman B illik le ft Chicago
Friday fo r Cleveland to begin life
anew. B illik was freed a fter serving
eig h t years in the state prison at Jo­
lie t follow in g his conviction fo r mur­
der on testimony which now is admit­
ted to have been perjured.
Washington, D. C .— As a result Of
the sensation stirred up by Thomas W .
Lawson, who offered to prove that m il­
lions had been made in W all street as
the resu lt o f “ leaks” at Washington,
it was admitted on the floor o f the sen­
ate Tuesday that inform ation concern­
ing the “ honor o f the nation,” had
been betrayed by someone in the de­
partment. A s to information o f value
in rig g in g the stock market, Senator
Stone, who made the first disclosure,
said he did not know.
Meanwhile Mr. Lawson, who wss
here, prepared, he said, to te s titfy be­
fore s congress committee, wss in con­
sultation with Chairman Henry, o f
the house rules committee, but noth­
ing came o f it.
Mr. Henry announced afterw ard that
the Boston financier had been unable
to furnish any names or other definite
information about the alleged “ leak”
in advance o f President W ilson’s peace
note, and that so fa r as be wss con­
cerned the m atter would be dropped.
“ Certainly on sensible person,” said
Mr. H en ry’ s statement, would ask me
to trouble the committee w ith a meet­
ing to chase a m irage.
And I must
say that so fa r as this matter between
Mr. Lawson and m yself is concerned It
is ended.
" I n a thorough conference the al­
leged leak has been discussed by Mr.
Lawson and m yself.
*1 have asked
him fo r the names o f those thought to
be responsible fo r ‘the so-called leak
between the State department and
W all Street.
H e cannot g iv e me a
single name. H e cannot even g iv e me
the names o f those charged by him
with cleaning up $60,000,000 in con­
nection w ith the ieak and is not able
to furnish me the name o f even one o f
the suspects.”
Muskogee, Okla. — Eleven school
children were killed, four probably
fa ta lly hurt, and eigh t seriously ^.in­
jured when a tornado wrecked^" the
Vireton rural schoolhouse, 13 miles
northwest o f M cAlester, shortly before
noon Thursday. Thu, one-room fram e
schoolhouse in which were 28 children
shattered by the tornado, every Railroad Brotherhoods Accuse
except tw o being killed or in-
Managers of Permitting Delays
aeeording to reports received by
Runners dispatched from
Cleveland— W. G. Lee, ch ief o f the
scene o f the disaster in Southeast­ Brotherhood o f Railroad Trainmen, is­
ern Oklahoma to Blocker, Okla., «even sued a statement here Tuesday charg­
miles away, reported the disaster.
ing that the railroads o f the country
In reply to the proffer o f Germany are perm itting delays to trains and
and her allies fo r a peace conference, overtim e which would not ordinarily
the entente allies, in a collective note, be permitted, in order to prove the
declare that they ‘ ‘refuse to consider a enormous expense that would follow
proposal which is enSpty and insin­ obedience to the Adamson law.
cere.’ ’ The note was handed to the statement asked whether i f the Su-
Am erican ambassador, W illiam Graves perme court declares that law either
Sharp, Sunday, by Prem ier Briand, constitutional or invalid the brother­
and was made public simultaneously in hoods should continue to a w ait the
eight-hour day.
London and Paris.
Mr. L ee denied a report published
London — The cutter Protector has Tuesday that a sealed statement put­
been blown up. The number o f men ting the Adamson law situation up to
lost is not known. Vessels reported the men had been sent out by the
sunk include the British steamer Ape- chiefs o f the four brotherhoods.
I t was learned from an authoritive
ley Hall, 8882 tons; Danish steamer
Danmark, 2060 tons; Russian steamer source that the general chairman o f
Tuskar, 3043 tons, and the Norwegian the four brotherhoods w ill hold a meet­
steamer Edda, 137 tons. Three o f the ing in Chicago January 11 to consider
the situation.
crew o f the Tuskar were drowned.
Acquitted o f the charge o f murder
1. W . W . A rrive on Freight.
on December 18, Thomas Green has re­
Bemidji, Minn.— Suffering intensely
fused to leave the Camden, N. J.,
county ja il until be succeeds in beating from the cold, 150 members o f the In­
his cellmate a game o f checkers. Both dustrial W orkers o f the W orld arrived
checker players are w ell on in years.
here Wednesday night on a freigh t
train from International Falla, bound,
In spite o f the high cost o f living,
they said, fo r the Tw in C ities in search
more m arriage licenses were issued at
o f work. M o s fo f the men are strik­
the m arriage license bureau in N ew ing lumberjacks from the fa r northern
Y o rk C ity in 1916 than ever before, it
woods. Reports indicated that quiet
was announced. The total fo r the year
prevails -in all the camp*. Sheriff Rit-
was 67,138 as compared with 69,646 tle and 60 deputies met the men when
in 1916.
they le ft the train.
They walked
A t midnight Sunday the whole island peacefully to the I. W . W . headquar­
o f New Foundland went “ dry,” a pro­ ter«.
hibition act becoming effective. A
Liquor Men Make Plant.
long list of proprietary medicines has
been placed under the ban.
Louisville—At the annual meeting
Forty-six women were burned to
death in a fire that destroyed S t Fer­
dinand de Halifax asylum, at 8t. Fer­
dinand da Halifax, Megantie county,
Quebec, late Saturday night.
Three billion dollars is the value put
on the 1916 output of American mines
In estimates made to Secretary Lane
by tike geological survey, romper alone
* ■
$« 00 , 000,0001
here of the National Model License
League, it waa announced that the lea­
gue had made plane to curtail «nd mod­
ify the retail liquor business in og^er
to make it conform readily to public
sentiment throughout the country.
Tbe plan, it waa said, has been in­
dorsed by the National Wholesale Li­
quor Dealers’ Association o f America
and by a majority o f tho brewers of
the United States.
at Noteworthy Banquet"
ig h t with Culver, came to Culver Mon-
day. pilsd the county records |n auto-
mobiles and s ta * .« d
to Madras.
. ,.
The action followed the decision o f
A ll clocks in N ew South W ales were
set ahead one hour January 1 to save
daylight, according to a cablegram re­
ceived b y tfep. Australian Trade com­
mission in San Francisco. A daylight
saving act has also been passed in the
state o f Victoria.
7 - — ■
t. 3 . i
An'festimate that 60,000 persons in
Massachusetts are addicted to the drug
habit was included in a report o f a
commission appointed by Governor Mc­
Call to investigate the drug evil. The
habit, it was said, is not confined to
any particular class o f people.
American Ambassador ¡$ i
the Circiut court In favor o f Madras in
s esse on Which notice of ' P l ~
the Supreme court has been filed by
Every county office except
that of
Germany’e Hig Financial
latere and ex-MlaUtsn,
Commerce and Trnds fm .
Sheriff and District Attorney , wee
raided. Sheriff Black preventsd Mr.
, Berlin — The dinner ging
U'Ren and his party from taking the
night by tbe American
•afe and ths current eaeeeement rolls
Commerea and Trade, of Berllaj
from the office, but other record *nd
or o f Jamea W. Gérard,
furniture were loaded into the waiting ambaaaador to Germany, «fe
«M A & T IN .
L A .'
K A N P A L lI
soctAusr rx
w m
H ere are five o f the six independents
in the House o f Representatives, who
w ill have the balance o f power there
when the President calls the new con­
gress into session a fte r March 4. N ot
only does the decision o f the speaker­
ship depend on them, but the whole
policy o f the house in relation to the
Democratic administration. Mr. Ran­
dall, o f Los Angleles. is s Prohibition­
is t; Mr. Copley, o f Illinois, is s Pro­
gressive, ss are Thomas l). Schall, of
Minnesota, and W. P. Martin, o f l-ou-
i siane. Meysr London, o f Neyr York,
is a Socialist.
A lvin T ^ F u lle r , of
Massachusetts, sets himself down as
an Independent.
the evidence warrant such action, and
it is believed the criminal proceedings,
i f Undertaken, would be pressed ahead
o f the civil proceedings.
Publishers charged at the hearing
that the manufacturers had combined
both to control pricee and to restrict
production. Some manufacturers had
refused to sell to them because o f their
a ctivity in exposing the manufactur­
ers’ methods.
Others declared they
had been threatened with such refusal
by manufacturers.
Manufacturers to Face Prosecution,
Evidence Proves Combir
Washington, D. C .^-A ttorn ey Gen­
eral Gregory has taken over the field
o f the federal trade commission’ s in­
quiry into the print paper market,
with a view to determining whether
there is s paper trust and instituting
oivil and criminal proceedings against
manufacturers or others who may have
violated the anti-trust laws.
President W ilson is understood to be
follow in g the inquiry closely. A mass
o f complaints and testimony and a
large number o f secret reports from
the commission’ s field force o f inves­
tigators have been placed
in the
attorney general's bands.
For several weeks past department
officials have been in frequent consul­
tation with the trade commission on
the situation, and are understood to
have under serious consideration the
early institution o f grand ju ry pro-,
ceedings at which indictments charg­
ing violation o f the commercial section
o f the law w ill be asked.
The form al taking over o f the in­
quiry by the department was in re­
sponse to s letter sent the attorney
general by Secretary Bracken o f the
Beyond asserting that the investiga­
tion and any action the department
m ight take would be hastened as much
as possible, Mr. Gregory declined to
comment on the situation.
I t is understood, however, that de­
partment officials are prepared to in­
stitute speedily a dissolution suit
any manufacturers within
federal jurisdiction who are believed
to have conspired in restraint o f trade
or to effect a monopoly. A t the same
tim e it was made clear the evidence
adduced by tbe commission would be
thoroughly digested so that no injus­
tice m ight be done manufacturers in­
nocent o f illegal practicesv '
In addition department officials are
understood to be preparing to ask for
criminal indictmenta should analysis o f
Tran sport Loss Denied.
Berlin— “ One o f our submarines,
says an official sU tem ent issued Sun­
day by the German admiralty, “ tor­
pedoed and sank, December 28, in the
Mediterranean an enemy transport o f
m ore than 6000 tons. Tbe vessel was
accompanied by warships.”
* ...-
London — Commenting on the Ger­
man report o f the sinking o f an en­
tente transport, the London Press Bu­
reau says: “ N o transport, British or
French, waa sunk in the Mediterranean
December 28.”
vehicles and taken ew*y.
James Wood, Sheriff-elect; county
Clerk Johnson; Ruecoe Card, county
commissioner; O. A. Pierce, banker;
R. T. Olson, merchant; H. L. Itoylen.
county attorney-elect, end Mr. Roush,
a merchant, were among the delega­
tion from Madras.
Excitement ran high in Culver for a
time while the record, were being
transferred. The vieltors paid little
attention to
through the officea and taking ell o f
the county property that could be re­
_ ____________
TKe record« were hurriedly
dumped into the waiting jfaW«-**
the drivers hurried sway before the
surprised residents of Culver could In-
— -------L------------ --
The presence o f mind of the son of
Mrs. Lillian Watts, county superin­
tendent, sfved the office o f his mother
from the visitors who abandoned an
attempt to take her filre when the boy
refused to deliver over the keys o f the
Sheriff Black wss outwitted by the
visitors after be had placed the current
assessment roll in the safe and locked
the doors of his office. Receipt books
and ths tax collection register were
> As there are only three keys to the
office, and as each has been accounted
for. the method by which tbe delega­
tion from Madras gained entrance is s
Sheriff-elect Wood
effort to assume the duties o f
but retired when he dlscov-
ered that the bond o f the sheriff had
first to be approved by the county
District Attorney Myers stopped the
raiders ip his office after severs!
threats of personal violence had been
made. He warned them not to touch
any of the county property and a fight
between the prosecutor and several of
the raiders was averted by cooler heads
in the crowd.
The crowd gained
entrance to the prosecutor’s office also
Tangled Railroad Brotherhood
Controversy ’ Before Congress
. .u
j The raid prevents
the . checking
Washington, D. C.— A ctivity in the of the retiring county officers by the
tangled controversy between the rail- firm of Crandall A Roberts, account-
roads and their employes was resumed ants, as all of the papers on which
Monday in two different parts of the ! they were working were Uken.
capitol, where, six months ago, the
Adamson bill, designed to blaze the
way tt> peace, was enacted into law.
University of Oregon Wins
W liile attorneys in the Supreme
From U. of Pennsylvania Eleven
court are making their opening argu­
ments on the consitutionslity o f the
Cal. — Pennsylvania's
Adamson set, RepresenUtive Adam­ vaunted football eleven waa crushed
son, father o f the law, has begun a
fight in the house for prompt passage apd humiliated by ths University of
o f his new blanket railway bill, in­ 0 „ r , „ I M U h . - - in their In U ,.
tended to cover every phase of the sit­ sectional battle in Tournament Park
uation, apd w ill resume his efforts in New Year’s dty. The score was 14 to
behalf o f continuing the life o f the 0. Oddly, this is in duplication of
Newlands railw ay investigation com­ Washington State's win- over Brown
University in this same city one year
Tbe new Adamaon bill introduced re­ ago.
cently would provide an eight-hour
Monday’s game wss witnessed by
day, make strikes illegal and permit the greatest crowd that ever saw a
the U k in g over o f railw ay lines by football game on the Pacific Coast
the m ilitary on the orders o f ths Pres­
Approximately 27,000 were in the
ident when public service demands
stands, say tournament officials.
such action.
While the engagement began rather
Drastic though the bill is admitted
listlessly, it developed into a thrilling
to be, Mr. Adamson expresses confi­
spectacular battle well worthy o f the
dence that it w ill be enacted into law. day and the throng.
Save fo r the eight-hour-day provision,
It wss a battle that reflected the
the measure is undertsood to have tbe
highest credit upon Pacific Coast foot­
approval o f the President.
Penn came west with proud
boosts of a diversified open field and
The m ilitary commander o f Moscow
serial stuck that would startle the na-
has closed that city to refugees, says
tives. Oregon was supposed to have
the Overseas News Agency, which
nothing but soma old stuff that was
adds that the city is crowded with peo­
M le d when Pudge Heffelflnger and
ple from Roumania, Odessa and all
parts o f Southern Russia. Roumanian Walter Csmp were singing their bools
instead Oregon
refugees, the agency says, will in the “ “ '“ V
^2)tb.*1' ° l • »upHor brand and
future be sent to Siberia.
walked off with the game.
retumed to the German i
vielt to the United Huts^
Int» a demonatration of
Ing eotertalnod in the kj^
ment drelee and banking
Sphäre toward the United !
The gueots Indoded ihn« ,
at lenat two «x-mlnistara
preaident o f tho Reichstag, tfc |
of Germany'• big financial '
and othar leaders In Ger
In .all L7fi .i
America« ad
mana, were present
Ths Usual toaaU to
Ham and President Wttaoa i s t j
«Unding. President Wolf
the speakers o f the svm I m , t
Vice Chaneellor llelfferi«*
Von G winner end Mr. Genii
The ambassador mmtlnaM I
contributions now being
America for the relief of
owe and orphans and for
partisan works of merry.
Ambassador Gerard, whs sa |
cned by Arthur Von Gwianw, j
of the Deutsche Bank, to tfes
dove of Noah’a ark,” is <
Overseas New* Agency i
“ never since the beglaalagM I
have relations betweoi
the United Stales bee
and that he had “ broasM I
oliv» branch” from Proaiwal 1
Explosion ill G *f*£6 Kids
Prom in en t Lumber I
Portland— Elihu K. Js
old, 1306 Macadam street, aw I
and a son, Harvajr W.
H. Wroth, a visitor at the J«snt
w ere badly burned in aa
an acetylene tank la the
Jonee home at 8 o’clock 8
The cause of the ace
known. The three went Mr I
age to work on an
a few momenta there was a I
plosion that waa beard I
part of the city.
Tho north and
garage were blown out hy ths I
the explosion, and ths thfltI
[“¡ L
.T T w In * ,«
two automobiles, sns Isa
condition. The expieei«
end pieces of iron and i
W 1
Elihu K. Jonas wssthil
] tue Jones, venerable losdwri
ator In Oregon, one of
bertnen and logging .
■tats, and a brother o iJ d tl
of the Jonee Lumbar eom»m*.J
enterprises Of
the pion
Outlaws Fight to
Nowata, Okla.—C
pulsed an attack by a |
numbers near here Sui
ing two and wounding aj
exported to bo taken >1
who directed a new
peradoee said thsre wooMlf
ta r" when ths outlaws sr»M
Posses Monday found tw J
the robber gang in a wiM « ^
many hiding places hsd
but the men hsd fled.
he Id responelble for sei
beriet and numerous
the laet three montha.
In the vicinlty seid et
men wert ln the gang « J
Drive Costs 620,017 Men.
Londdh— The total casualties report­
ed In the published lists from Decem­
Three Men 8wept to Death,
Gold Reachss
Seattle, Wash.— One giant sea that
New York—Gold
thundered down upon the schooner 000,000, on o'of tbe
ber 1 to December 23 wss:
816, men 36,350. The effect o f cessa­ ™ r r “ ,,h# WM Battling with a received in a elngle da*]
great westerly gale, swept Ivan Jo- ent movement from i
tion o f the Somme offensive with the
rivod Monday fron
advent o f unfavorable weather condi­ Seattle’ flab! AtW-1
° ° 0 d tnd
Sesttie f l s b e r m ^
th, lr 0,6 deBth
tio n a l« shown In these figures, which
g iv e s daily average o f 1648 casualties 2 5 ! 0,mT * y' on M em ber 8, sc- «ach wlth armod i
to transport the
fo r the 24 days covered by the report
" ■ » ; * «"• -
packed in 800 boxe*
In November the daily average was
The Sumner arrived in Seattle Wed- Station to the sub-t
2488, and in October 3462. The losses
reported hi December bring up the to­ « " f t r ‘ * h* from ‘ he North, b r llg ! ot 86 clerka Wu 1
t i l eeiva tha ahlpment
tal British casualties since the start­ " * the first deUlis ° f the los. o f the
three men in a
■ ten
Urriflc storm on the waa oboorvod, it wH
ing' o f the Somme offensive to 620,017.
Alaska halibut banks.
tha route o f tbe goM.
Explosion Rocks Butte.
Butte, Mont. — For the second time
within six weeks, a charge o f dyna­
mite was exploded in the local restrict­
ed district about midnight Sunday,
when a Greak restaurant catering to
the inmates o f the district wss ths
scene of a sharp explosion, which
shook the center of the city.
Glass was broken for a distance o f "a
block from tho explosion, but nobody
was injured and the property damage
was confined to shattered glass.
W reckage o f 8hip 1« Seen.
Washington, D. C ._C o *a t Guard
headquarters here received a wireless
iM 0 M g * Saturday from the cutter
Acuahnet that she had passed through
wreckage covering the sea for about
five miles wall «set o f Nantucket lieht-
shlp in ths vicinity where w l X
calls fo r help were sent out Christmas
night from the stoamer Maryland
Tho wreckage could not be identified
fo r which ths Acush­
net hsd been searching several days.
Legislator, Lose Ps.see,
Naahville, Tenn. — The Louisville A
i ^
f t
,bf Ä
'« « « « íZ w c í
Wlleon Favort I
Washington, P.
Saturdajr approved
tlon of Secretary L
pr lat Ion o f $400,000 I
grase thts eeeeion to<
Springs dam on tha
projeet Ha also r“
tary’s :
priatton of $100,
projsct in Idabo-
soiit fsrmalljr to «
the secretary of tbe I