'' P * V ■"* U r‘ ” ‘ tirCUlali°n in VOL. II. ’Traditi* Territory rf A ^N rw ^peT Christm as Program A Beautiful Rendered Sunday ..Christmas Present acks ts. I...... .« ! STAYTON. M arion county , oreqon . decbm ^ b « ...» ir. mm it H that mui uikcft' — valley n woman «uuianinB . suffers in the homes lng Of court» the most impor- ¡about two minute» to adjust then Wa* l,r<,F’arir>K a pan of busetms. ' ‘ ,rs In 1 '1*lornf s of of the the poor. P™>r, N O . 40 California Man Popular Lady Resigns Boys Mine Miss Anna PMullen.Vwho for the past year has been'connected with the S. H. Heltzel law firm, It is reported that the Crown Mining & Milting Co., located in resigned her position and will the Little North Fork district, locate in Salem, fn the near near Elk Horn, has been pur­ future. In the resignation of Miss Mul­ chased by ^ California man. len Stayton loses a sterling The new owner will install a mill on The Little North Fork of character: one of its moot charm­ the Santiam river, after the first ing and pleasing young women. of the year for the purpose of Although Miss Mulien came to refining the ore to reduce’ trans­ our citv only a year ago, she has portation charges to the smelter. made numerons friends and has The mill is to be operated by endeared herself to all who know tent |»art o f the program to the M il Orimnbia and Victor record* ! SH* co'Wbed frequently and put I f nd r lU n,aoy 0ther electricity and constructed at a her end her many business aft ehPdran «specialty was the dis* can can ha K giving n - one — a _ I her /a a L ia LI H I itlOS« h«n hand to her mmok mouth ♦ to shield be nlaved played « thus well as social friends regret to* cost of about $20,000. • r*| llibution of the treat and pres- wide range of records. As th**re the huxeuit*. see her leave. The ore is principally copper Thus ahe v.au f UUnd by the in- ■ m | s with which the tree fairly are artist* under contract to both We wish her unlimited success and zinc, with some gold and groanei ‘ and a* there waa an the Columbia and Victor‘ com- vestigator of th.. Oregon Associa-!n p c a ' - P i ,p * „ in the work which she has choren,“ silver. And A y r ,. & A . M . •bundunce of candies nuts and .parlies that persons like to hear, turn for the Prevention o f’fuber- and assure her she will always Joint Installation oranges to go around with a and that is made possible with culosia. IJud her case been re- Bandon is working hard Joi be welcome in Stayton. ,j ; *______ ported by her » , "physician »**-» m m i n r y v . _____r . ______ g ________________ | m i j tin : s gh»? ip ; ^ this machine. of tho catahliah a ahipyard at that purtv Oregon flax fibre foun«t put tie fore the public. It in the nin" 1 fr ^«»*nt and serious ” rd<* of Eastern Star and of ! Santa. At 7:30 SuniMfy evening the4 uselraafte add that Mrs. Wilbur contagion disclosed by th<* -lasonic order. Methodist church had their i I* highly pleased with her pres-! HUrv*y o f tuherculocis «P vndid banquet has been Aristmaa'prugram which > a * enty and is looking forward 1« w^,rh t,r is making. VJ'h,ch wl1 **^served luid e n jo y s b y ‘ many n tn u n t evening, ! * ' ,T I n -pit. of tha * ^ 3 0 .n the room «n the lower .•-Mu.fi«x nun, io report : both lai-ge at)d arniill. Tl»e ’ «pent iu listening to choice ae- ..... uw rtH,u,n"*r him> t0 «’epT'rt rne the cases of Uibereloais which he A protrram has been arranged QirwtmuH spirit (iO!teeas(.d at I i lections from the great. artists;cartl H oi tu!>irc!-,Hjs which he i ...... — tl . .. . and will no doubts as i9 usual ■rnwiitamJ they n'ttUzrd that th e '°f the world.- triaiirqr. I he investigator, with these orders, he an excel­ evening wua for the pleasure # _ ;,Wen . ° ... * ®'.rv ^ lent one. The program will con- Wt enjoyment o f 11« little folk.. L a n d P r o b l e m A n d lr.it,n n " tw Tof t h e ^ l ' sist o f musical a n d literary i the older one. enjoyed the ^ , |»ni rwnd two of tte ditrjnier, selections. Hon. \V. H. Hobson • v will give a talk on Masonry, and • « and « well y r render»^], . T " l \ S U t e I k V e l 0 P r a e n t w i e n T realUed t e as miich r __... . l - . , „ u. .. . __ ~. . , . .. . i this information to him he glad v Mrs. Ellen G. Lambert willepeak « the youngsters. Then» was Tile records show that for past u ~ * , , reported the cases he v\as treat- for the Star. The following offi­ iMtn-e hut a bountiful treat and two years >e.»rs State Lund board lias, jn|r cers were elected for the Star: I man> presents had been pre- di «posed of lU. 722 acres of pub­ A mother ¿ied of tuberculosis. ^ IS‘ Eden f*- Lambert, W. M., Ipared for the enjoyment of ali lic land. Her case was not reported. T h e ^ ‘ ^°ha°n. W. P.. Mrs. C. ■present and at the conclusion of It is not known whether this house was rot fumigated. Three ■Ar, Erev‘,t:r. A. M., Mrs._J. P. exercises ali fuit that it had was sold to actual sotttera or to daughteI1, who continued lhinR VVilbur. Cond., Mrs. W. W. El- I an evening well spent. logging or cattle companies ^ ¡n the place died withiu 5 years. de^ A- C - Ina Harold* Secy - and thus was further monopohi- Hafi th(, fjrRt cafie ^ )rted Laura Taylor. Tn as. Followin- ng e l The pomt is only raised prilbab,y the other lives would are thc appointive officers A d i from this rejH>rt that the state have bwn 'Mrs. Lillie Missler, Ruth, Mrs. ttbould adopt a, a palicy of sailing A dairy waa found w h m in a Veva Burnett, Esther, Mrs. Kose c ,i„;_____ rolhs, Martha. , lands only to boriafide home h0IP® period of years 5 dairymen u_.: had ,, . . .. Mrs. Maude f The Mate already has * print-1 buildere. died of tuberoulosis; none of the Electa, Mis. Bessie Phil- ippi, Marshall, Mrs. Ray J. Fox, tilhce where elementary text*) one purpose of state gov- |CMM, ba(j been reported, a ciuld lie printed. The ernment should be to help people j Thestste aurvey of tut— 'u- Warden, Mrs. Lena Silhavy, has normal schools and who are willing to make home* |09ja ¡8 constantly bringing to Chaplain, Mrs. Anna Hobson, iy* big salaries to persons who on fhe land get an opportunity situation of the kind men Sentinel, Dr. Brewer. to settle. All the functions of toined. In many instances, seg­ Officers of the Masonic order I prepare the texts. The state has text-hook comt the state rhould unite to keep regation or proper care is all that to be installed are as follows: lion that could make all the down land speculation and en- is needed to prevent thè' comun- C. W. Hoi ford, W. M . S. H. wary arrangements. T h e, abl* actual settlers to get home- ication of the disease „from one Heltzel. S. W., C. C. Cole, J.W., W. H. Hobson, Treas., W. F. \ V' ite would lie adding no new ateuds. member of the family to another Blakely, Secy. The appointive The homestead may be ten trtment hut would supply or to outsiders. officers are: Grant Murphy, S. iMt-books at cost. The state acres or it may he a quarter A public sentiment that will D. t Harry Humphrey, J. D., ’ through its hoards and com­ section, but it should be occupied cause doctors to report their A. D. Gardner, Chaplain, J. T. mons load» down the TKJorer by those who are willing to cul­ i cases is one of the most urgent i FoIIis, Marshal], J. P. Wilbur and pic who have most children tivate the land. necessities. 4 L. S. Lambert, Stewards, H. E. Alien landlordism.non-resident fith costly text-hooks. There are other things needed Bennett, Tyler, .■ i,IJ . 1,1 I The smaller elementary text- ownership, increasing holdings in the fight against tuberculosis of those who work lands on con ks c<*uld be he furnished furnished « at » W half KScould i “ Ilw W i the Oregon Association «wt irf i.r.!W„t book*. Many t r * U ° f with t.nantt J J f orth(. Prevention of Taborcal- When will the state; ., A T ites nr** doing this and saving sirable. adopt real pollcle, of dcvolop- “ ’“ . V ' T P .l • ■ peo| hundreds of thous- a • '"'¡T- • mont and reuse to bo the r e m h ’? 1'1“ ? bl'.h T ED. -dollars. # __. „ j _ and of tho First National Bank V. J. Philippi wants to put agency o increasi « * ... ‘ ‘ -of Portland, in a recent address [•> «**.***«» ^ Chambcr of Comm. lliinn County b ¿¡Id* 70 miles of „poly and apcculatlvo »oldtn*.., ^ out 400 ewes on shares or M past year, graveled or sell with contract to take See our Clubbing olTcr. jerce. , Iked. One of these needs is the pass­ lambs. L ^ ■■ -■ — — age of thc bill forbiding the loca- I will sell or put out on shares tjpn o^ county tuberculosis sana­ 400 Shropshire and Cotswold toria on poor farms’ but provid­ breeding ewes, bred to bring ing places where room and ooard lambs early. All good picked can be paid if there is money sheep. Will sell ewes for enough. A hospital for last stage $12.00 per head and contract the cases is vitally necessary, just lambs from these ewes at $6.00 a before the state went dry a man head and fleece .at $3.00 a piece, In the last stages of tuberculosis one-half down and balance at ex­ applied to one of the Portland piration of time or will sell ajt hospitals for admittance and at $12.00 a head with one-half down the same time a man frenzied and will take mortgage on eves with delirium tremens was and increase for balance, or will brought to the same door. The give one-half of lambs for the man with delirium tremens was keeping of these ewes till Sept 1, accepted, the man with tubercu­ 1917. losis was turned away. He was These sheep are all A No. 1, in allowed no place to die where good condition and if you want he might keep from others the any of them vom had better get contamination of the disease that Inisy. Call on or phone 974. «M- Stamps given with every 10c purchase. takes 10 per cent of thé lives V. J. Philippi, of the people in this state, dis­ Stayton, Ore. pensaries are needed to help locate the disease. Enforcement STAYTON, -s - OREGON of the laws requiring the report- LODGES INSTALL S « J 1 tiOB rSun] LANCEFIELD W ish es you a H ap p y and P ros­ perous New* Y ear Watch this space for an Important An­ nouncement next V\4ek LANCEFIELD Hum ent For State Ir » ; HAPPY NEW YEAR Text Books W e take this m ean s of E x ten d in g th ank s to all our cu stom ers for p ast courtesies and considerations and to w ish you, one and a ll a very H appy and Prosperous N e w Y e a r I . I WILL PUT OUT EWES ON SHARES Youngs Cash Grocery I the ■ ;y • - HAPPY NEW YEAR W e h a v e an ex cep tio n a lly fine L in e of P ic tu r e s of all d escrip tion s. W e are giving a large d iscou n t on these p ictu res in order to reduce our stock. L illy hardware company YOUNG, Proprietor. Sale Is StiD Going On At Alexander s Goods at Cost And Below Furniture, Wall Paper, Dishes Come in and secure some bargains before the goods are gone. There is still a large stock to select from. I