LLOYD GEORGE MAY RESIGN WORLD HAPPENINGS AC O f CONGR ESS O P EN S SESSION RAILWAY STRIKE IfGBlAIION PARAfiOUNT To Vacate Cabinet Post as Protest Against Lack of Vigor. r t i n n C A l T - U I C C I / Calendar Crowded With Bills—Rail- President“« Message to Oongress Urges "Eight-Hour b o y J a ^ m S. rnoses” and "R a M In Freight Rates If N ecss. iy Draft fo r Military Purposes” and “ Ra •• I u KK l N I W ttK road legislation to Front. Und«m - p h U * A «qulU» h“ ,d? o f t And ell w ill earee V o? WASHINGTON, Dec. I.— The text Washington, D. C. — Con grise re­ President W ilson's address to Con- no doubt « » to t h . I'«w' p cu tlve to n i«k »- 4 »ntn«dlate *n ,.„n. convened Monday for a three months’ rreas la; /«rc r» <'f th* “Gentlemen of the Conereee— In ful­ rupted use o f the session, with a calendar overcrowded e n u s tlo n o f th ern»IHt«ry . . Brief Resume Most Importan with general legislation, facing rail­ filling st this time the duty laid upon c Nation w herever they are •nJ *** new«*** n*_ Ine by the Constitution of communicat­ needed road reforma and the high cost o f liv­ ing to you from time to time Informs- w henever i,-never they sirs sir* needed. Daily News Items. i t p fo g n ------ ing as new issues, and confronted with lion of the stale o f the t’ nlon snd rt-c- •Thi. i. »n v. cm - , / t e css» s e In uwn unprecedented estimates aggregating ommdlng to your consideration such prevention clen cy w hich argue* its $1,654,819,654 to meet expenditures legislative measure« as may be Judged the mere etatement o f It. With rvssrd necessary and expedient. I shall con­ Increas* o f the government for the fiscal year tinue the practice, which I hope has to on* one or o f Us »•* It«"»* th* com- the afflelan cy o f th* Int»*»«»' 1918. bsea acceptable to you. o f leaving to m*rc* Cou.m la.ton th* Hou*. of « b Both bouses adjourned early aa a the reports of tho several heads of tha T e n t a t i v e , ha* G reedy s e l t e - « “ ac mark o f respect to the late Senator executive departments the elaboration tlon need* on ly th* concdrr.nc* o f tn* of tho detailed needs of the public serv­ Clarke, o f Arkansas, and Resident ice snd confine myself to those matters la d w t r ia l l-rooeM H s.t *•* E t esta o f Noted People, Govern men ta Commissioner Rivers, o f Porto Rico, of more general public policy with “ I w ould h .a lU t . to both o f whom have died since the Sep­ which It seems necessary and feaalbla I dare y t h . t o n s r . . . would to deal at the present session o f the to set .a upon sad Pacific Northwest and Other tember' adjournment. th . . u s « .. t l s n »h«>uW Congress. Leaders o f both houses will endeavor “ I realise the limitations of time un­ make It. that any man In any o ou. Things W orth Knowing. to expedite their work and frequent der which you W*** necessarily act at tlon should b . obliged by law ttnu* In .a n employment which hwhlrh conferences to plan a program will be this session snd shall maka my sug­ aired to, leave. T o pass * gestions as few as possible; but there held aa soon as the President indicates were some things left undone at the forbad e ■ or prevented th . his desires. Besides railroad legisla­ last session which there will now be w orkm an to h a v e his work bsfore I* Carranza's troops are reported fli ln g the approval of tion, there is strong public demand for time to complete and which It seems celv Ing . o w ould be to adopt a new prin ing northward and in disorder. necessary In the Interest of the public some legislative action to curb the clp le Into our Jurisprudence ^ hllh . to do at once. , Germany proposes to conserre l laky It fo r granted » e are n o t f L soaring prices o f foods. H a llw a y l a k w L egW Iatlaa t rged. to Introduce Hut th . proposal th a t to * coal supply by regulating its use In addition to appropriation meas­ “‘ In the fir s t pla ce. It seem s to me operation o f the railw a y, o f V** saloons and places o f amusement. ures, which always take time and must Im p era tively n ecessa ry th at the earliest try .h a ll not be »topped or posstb l# con s id e ra tio n and action by the concerted action Of organise« be passed, there are other issues. The German newspapers deny that sh ou ld be a cco rd e d the rem ainin g bodies o f men until « public U-boat operations on the Atlantic corrupt practices bill further to limit m easu res o f th e p rog ra m m e o f a etlle- tlon «hall have been Instituted which campaign contributions and expendi­ megfi and r e g u la tio n w h ich I had o c ­ .h a ll make Ihe whole question at •»•“ coast can be construed as a blockade. tures; the Webb bill, to grant author­ ca sion to recom m en d to you at th e close plain for the Judgment of the ¿»pinion The state of Oregon will not become ity to domestic corporations for main­ o f y o u r Jast session In view o f th e pub­ o f t h . Nation I. not to propose any sum "bone-dry” until the legislature meets tenance o f collective foreign selling lic d a n g e rs d isclosed by the u n a ccom ­ m odated d iffic u ltie s w h ich then existed, and fixes a penalty for importation o f agencies; conservation and other meas­ and w h ich s t ill u n h app ily con tin u e to p “ It *1» based upon the very different prin cip le that the concerted action or ex ist, b etw een the ra ilroa d s o f the pow erfu l todiflfl of men ehaU not wet goods. ure*. c o u n try and th eir lo c o m o tiv e engineers, perm itted to »top the Industrial proo* An investigation into expenditures c o n d u c to rs sn d trainm en. The Roumanian town o f Tsomana, esses o f the Nation, at any rate beror» " I then recom m en d ed : 16 miles south o f Bucharest, has been o f the recent national campaign ie pro­ Ihe Nation shall have had an oppor “ F irst, im m edia te p ro v isio n fo r the posed and Senator Owen, o f Oklahoma, (u nity to acquaint Itself with the merits captured by Teutonic forces, the Rus- en la rgem en t and a d m in istra tiv e reor o f the case as between em p loy, and will introduce a joint resolution asking aian war office announces. g a n lsstIon o f the In tersta te C om m erce em p loyer, tim e { Q form , lie, opinion that inquiry be instituted at once. C om m ission a lo n g the TInes em bodied upon an Impartial statement of the Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, Hasty conferences of house leaders In th e b ill recen tly passed b y the H ouse erits, and opportunity to consider all addressing the reichstag. declares that indicated that a "speed-up’ ’ program o f R ep resen ta tiv es and n ow a w a itin g m practicable means o f conciliation or Germany is ready for peace that will advocated by Speaker Clark will be a ction by the Senate, tn o r d e r th at the arbitration. I can see nothing In that guarantee the future existence o f that adopted with only slight changes. Ma­ C om m ission m ay be en abled to deal prdpositlon b.ut the Justifiable safer w ith th e m any k r e s t and v a rio u s du ties guarding by 'society o f the necessary nation. s jority leader Kitchin joined with the now d e v o lv in g upon It w ith a prom pt p rocesses o f Its* very llffi- There Is Bessie Norton, 21, and Joseph Bowl­ speaker in declaring that the usual ness and th orou g h n ess w h ich are, w ith nothing arbitrary or unjust In Its u « ' Its p resen t c o n s titu tio n an d m eans o f less It be arbitrarily and unjustly done ing, 26, were married on top o f a 200- long Christmas holiday should be dis­ a ction , p r a c tic a lly Im possible. It can and should bo done with a full pensed with. foot concrete smokestack in an oil "Set-on*^ th e estab lish m en t o f an and scrupu lou s reg sw b for the Interests Although food embargo proposals e ig h t -h o u r d a y a s th e lig u l b a sis a lik e and liberties o f all concerned as well plant at Florence, CaL, Thanksgiving Day. Practically the entire city wit­ are certain to create much discussion, o f w ork and o f -w a g es In the e m p lo y ­ as fo r the perm anent lilterests o f s o ­ m ent o f all ra ilw a y em p loy es w h o are few leaders are inclined to believe that a ctu a lly en'gaged In ‘ the w o rk o f o p e r ­ ciety Itself. nessed the ceremony. T hree Important Hills Await Senate. any o f them will be enacted into laws. a tin g train s In In terstate tr a n sp o rts “ T hree m atters o f capital Imporlsnce Twenty-five stokers from the liner ttOn. Representative Kitchin thinks, too, aw ait the action o f the Senate which Makura rioted on the dock in Honolu­ "T h ir d , the a u th orisa tion o f the a p ­ have already been acted upon by th* that investigation o f the high cost of lu Thursday, prior to the steamer’ s de­ poin tm en t by the P resid en t o f a sm all The bill living will be left to the Executive b o d y o f m en to o b s e rv e tha a ctu a l r e ­ House o f Representatives parture for Sydney, N. S. W. Several w hich seek* to extend greater freedom department. su lts In e x p erien ce o f the a d op tion o f o f com bination to those engaged In o f the Makura’ s sailors and Honolulu It is regarded as doubtful that any the e ig h t-h o u r d a y In- ra ilw a y tra n s­ p rom otin g the foreign commerce of the policemen were injured. o f the President's railway legislation p orta tion a lik e fo r the men and fo r the cou n try than Is now thought by some r a ilr o a d s to be leg al under th* term* o f the A two and one-half cent piece is program will reach the floor before F ou rth , e x p lic it a p p rov a l b y the law s against m on opoly: the bill amend­ demanded by the country, according Christmas. Representative Adamson, C on gresa o f the con s id e ra tio n b y the ing the present orga n ic law o f Porto to the director o f the mint. His an­ chairman o f the Interstate Commerce In tersta te C om m erce C om m ission o f an R ico ; and the bill proposing a more nual report recommends the passage o f committee, who will pilot the meas­ in crease o f fr e ig h t ra tes to m eet such th orou gh and system atic regulation o f a d d ition a l ex p en d itu res b y th e r a il­ the expenditure o f money In elections, a law authorizing coins o f that denom­ ures, said that he would spend the roads as m ay h ave been rendered nec com m on ly called the corrupt practice* ination from copper and nickel. Christmas holidays at home regardless cssa ry by the a d op tion o f th e eig h t act. I need not labor my advice that h ou r d a y and w h ich h ave not been o f f ­ these m easures be enacted Into law Eleven Industrial Workers o f the o f any adjournment agreement. set b y a d m in istra tiv e read ju stm en ts T h eir u rg en cy lies In th# manifest c ir ­ Estimates o f the expense o f all and econom lea, s h o u ld -t h e fa c t* d is­ cum stances w hich render their adop­ World in ja il at Stockton, CaL, on tion at this time not only opportune vagrancy charges, went on a hunger branches o f the government for the closed Ju stify th e Increase. fiscal year 1918, for which the session C e m p u l e e r y I n v e s t i g a t i o n t d v e e n t e d . but necessary. Even delay would seri­ strike Thursday when they we "F ifth , an am endm en t o f the e x is t­ ou sly Jeopard the Interests o f the coun ­ served with only two meals and no tur­ o f congress now assembled must appro­ in g F ed era l sta tu te w h ich p rov id es for try sn d o f th# Government. priate funds, total $1,268,716,834. key. Prison fare consisted o f mush, Im m ediate passage o f the bill to the m ediation, co n c ilia tio n sn d a r b itr a ­ bread and coffee for breakfast and beef This sum is exclusive o f $326,355,820 tion o f such c o n tro v e rs ie s as the pres regu late the expenditure o f money In election s may seem to be less necessary ent by a d d in g to It a p rov ision that. to be appropriated for the postal serv­ stew, bread and coffee for dinner. ice, which is expected to be returned In case the m ethods o f accom m od a tion than the Immediate enactment o f the Prohibition carried in Montana by a to the treasury by postal revenue, and n o w p rovided fo r sh ou ld fa ll, a fu ll oth er m easures to which I refer; because p u b lic In vestig ation o f the m erits o f at least tw o years w ill elapse before majority o f 28,886 votes. Official fig­ a sinking fund appropriation o f $60,- ev ery such dispu te shall be Instituted a n oth er election In w hich Federal ofll- ures compiled from every county in the 748,000 toward the public debt. and com p leted b e fo re a strik e o r lo c k ­ cea are to be fllled: but it would g rea t­ ( ly reliev e the public mind If this Im­ m ay la w fu lly be attem pted. state give for prohibition 102,776, The total appropriations fo r the fiscal out “ And. the lod g em en t In the porta n t m atter were dealt with while against 73,890 votes. Lewis and year 1917, ending next June, exclus­ hands o f sixth, the E x ecu tiv e o f the power, the circu m stan ces 1 and the dangers to Clarke, Deer Lodge and Silver Bow are ive o f these two items, were $1,184,- in case o f m ilita ry n ecessity, to - take the pu blic m orals o f the present method the only three counties in the state 167.617. con trol o f such p ortion s and such r o ll­ o f obtain in g and spending campaign in g s to ck o f the ra ilw a y s o f the c o u n ­ fu n d s stand clear under recent obser­ which give a majority against prohi­ The greatest increases are in the try as m ay be requ ired fo r m ilita ry use vation and the methods o f expenditure bition. estimates for carrying out the national and to operate them fo r m ilita ry p u r­ can be fra n k ly studied In the light o f policy o f defense. Where the War de­ poses, w ith a u th ority to d ra ft Into the present experien ce: and a delay would The services o f the Federal Board o f have the fu rth er very serious disad­ partment’ s appropriations for the cur­ m ilita ry serv ice o f th e U nited States van tag e o f postpon in g action until an­ such train crew s and ad m in istra tiv e o f ­ Mediation and Conciliation were asked rent year were $381,482,802. its esti­ fic ia ls as the circu m sta n ces requ ire fo r oth er election w as at hand and some for Thursday by President Peyton, o f sp ecia l o b je ct connected with lb might mates this year are for $421,352,447. th eir sa fe and e ffic ie n t use. the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis "T h e second and th ird o f these recom ­ be th ou gh t to be In the mind o f those The navy appropriation, which was railway, to adjust a controversy with m en dation s the C on g ress Im m ediately w ho u rged It. A ction can be taken now ! ¡315,613,781 fo r the current year, acted on : It estab lish ed the e ig h t-h o u r w ith facta fo r guidance and without the road’ s employes, which already had would, according to the estimate, be day as the le g a l basis o f w ork and su spicion o f partisan purpose. resulted in the brotherhood members I shall not argue at length the d e­ w a g es In train se rv ice and It au th orized $382,497,536. voting overwhelmingly in favor o f a sira b ility o f g iv in g a freer hand In For expenditures o f the Panama the appoin tm en t o f a com m ission to the m atter o f com bined and concerted stride. observ e and rep ort upon the p ractical canal, exclusive o f fortifications, an results, deem in g these the m easures effort to those w ho shall undertake An ordinance to put all private estimate o f $19,787,266 is submitted, m ost Im m ediately n eeded; but it p o s t­ the essential enterprise o f building up banks in Chicago under city supervis­ as compared with $16,804,200 for the poned a ction upon the oth er su g g e s ­ ou r ex p ort trade. That enterprise w ill tions until an op p ortu n ity sh ou ld be presently, w ill Im m ediately assume, has ion was recommended for passage by a current year. The total for thé re­ o ffe re d fo r a m ore deliberate c o n s id ­ Indeed already asswned, a magnitude clamation service is $8,283,000, a de­ city council committee. eration o f th em . T h e fo u rth recom ­ unprecedented In our experience. We crease o f $601,000 from the current m endation I do n ot deem It n ecessary h ave not the necessary Instrumentali­ to renew . The p o w e r o f the In te r­ ties fo r Its prosecu tion ; It Is deemed The Distilling Company o f America, year. state C o m m e r ce C om m ission to grants to be d ou btfu l w hether they could be an $85,000.000 corporation with a New Estimates for the postal service ag­ an in crease o f rates On the ground re­ crea ted upon an adequate scale under Jersey charter, has filed articles o f gregate $325,355,820, an increase of ferred to is in disp u tab ly clea r and a ou r present laws. W e should clear dissolution. The actual amount o f ! ¡2,618,141 over the current year. An recom m en dation by the C on gress w ith aw ay all legal obstacles and create a rega rd to such a m atter m igh t seem basis o f undoubted law for It Which stock issued is $77,073,900. estimate o f $1,224,000 is submitted for to d ra w in q u estion the scope o f the w ill g ive freedom w ithout perm itting inland transportation o f mail by steam­ C om m ission 's a u th ority or Its In clina­ u nregu lated license. The thing must An empty purse is valuable, Rev. tion to do Justice w hen there Is no be done now . because the opportunity Charles R. Brown, dean o f the Yale boat or other power boat routes or by reason to d ou b t either. here and may escape us If we hesi­ tate or delay. Divinity School, told members o f the aeroplane, and it is provided that out O th e r R e c o m m e n d a tio n » R e n e w e d . "T h e oth er su g g e stio n s— the Increase I*orto K lro l i e N e e d s A m e n d m e n t . Sunday evening club in Chicago. He o f this appropriation the postmaster "T h e argum ent for the proposed said being without money makes peo­ general would be authorized to expend In the In tersta te C om m erce C om m is­ sion 's m em bersh ip and In Its fa ­ endm ents o f the organic law o f ple cut out expensive wickedness, not exceeding $100,000 for purchase, c ilitie s fo r p e r fo rm in g Its m ani­ am P orto H lco U brief and conclusive The starts a man looking for a job, and operation and maintenance o f aero­ fo ld du ties, the p rovision fo r fu ll present law s govern in g the Island and In vestig a tion and •- a ssess­ reg u la tin g the righ ts and privileges of has an infallible power for pointing planes for an experimental airplane pu blic m ent of in du strial disputed, and its people tu e jx o t Juat. W e have cre­ mail service. out real friends. COMPILED FOR BUSY READERS The Interstate Commerce commis­ sion report on the valuation o f the Kansas City Southern railway shows that the railroad capitalized at $99,- 052.000, including $51,000,000 in stock and $48,052,000 o f unmatured funded bonded debt, could be reproduced new for $46,274,363, or reproduced, less depreciation, for $88,258,909. Juarez fears an attack from Villa, who is reported as having taken Chi huahua. Charles H. Sherman, who is believed to be the last o f the famous San Fran- ciaeo vigilantes, died in Santa Bar­ bara, CaL, Tuesday. He was 91 y e a n old. Announcement was made at army headquarters at San Antonio, Tex., that the Third Minnesota regiment is scheduled to start home from the bor­ der on December 2. The kaiser is planning to send Presi­ dent Wilson a Christmas gift. Dr. Philip MiHe Jones, editor o f the California State Journal o f Medicine, la dead in San Francisco. He was widely known in medical circles and was a trustee at the American Medical Association. The American steamer Chemung, bound from New York to- Genoa, was torpedoed Tuesday, and sunk off the coast of Spain, The captain refused to lower his colors snd the ship went down flying the American Flag. The tended. Fall o f Glass Reveals Crime. Minneapolis— The falling o f a chair leg and broken pieces o f glass near where several persons were standing Monday in front o f the Soo Line build­ ing, led to discovery o f the robbery o f the Security Mutual Life Insurance company. F. A. Dickey, manager o f the company, said $39 in cash and $¿31 in checks and a certificate o f deposit for $2660 had been taken. In blowing the safe the yeggmen had covered it with rugs and used a chair to hold them in place. A part o f this chair was blown through the window. elded to advise the kin* t*> «meant to lliroeonetruction of the «v 7 rnm.nL Thl. wee offlcl.ll/ ■ ht The statement read*: rim ml. u p 'T b . - moat effective prosecution of the the kin*, to consent to the reconetriie- tlon of the government The political crieie has hero to* •cut“ It 1« said •» wall-Informed quarter* that D.vld U £ '£ war secretary, h « tenured hl* r o e lr nation, which ha* not yet been ae- where e new stern will replace the old one. It wee said nearly $1,000,000 Alimony Paid in Pennies. would be saved. The stern will be abandoned. It ia Cripple Creek, Colo.— Mrs. Minnie planned to make the aft bulkhead o f G. Scanlan, divorced wife b t Thomas the stern less vessel watertight by ce­ Scan 1 an, a miner, filed salt in District menting it. court Saturday to compel her husband to pay her $46 a month alimony in Cyclone Killed IOOO Persons. legal tender. Scanlan for three months London — A Central News dispatch has paid tha alimony in pennies, a from Calcutta says it is estimated month ago sending 9000 pennies, be­ 1000 lives ware lost in the recent cy­ ing one month in arrears. clone in Pondicherry, the chief ef the Mrs. Scanlan alleges that Saturday French poseeaaiona in India. Tremen­ ha sent 4600 pennies which had bean dous damage was inflicted throughout soaked in sorghum. It took her three dad ras provines. Four hundred bodies boors and 45 minutes to wash off the sorghum, Mrs. Scanlan said. have been found. H & P .K S M f t E In an addrea* which haa aroused much interest Jam«* M. Beck, former aaeirtant attorney general of the United Stata«, said he belieeed tl war in Europe was the beginning o f a titantic conflict. H* «aid the world it likely to ace a "aeething caldron o f international hatred for aome de­ cada«. ” and it would be difficult for the United States to keep out. secretary for war. had a long intar- view with Mr. IJoyd George. Reynolds newspaper aaya that David Lloyd George has intimated his inten­ tion of resigning.- His resignation, adds the paper, haa been delayed at the request of «ever«I of his colleagues Tn the cabinet, but there is little pros­ pect of success on thsir part The reasons given for the poeeibfe resignation of Mr. Lloyd George ia that he has definitely decided that the methods of dilatorinese, indecision and delay, which characterize the action of the preeent war council, endanger the proepect* of winning the war. It ia understood, adds the paper, that Premier Asquith has declined to accept Mr. Lloyd George’ s view that the war council must be materially de­ duced in number. It i* believed that Mr. Bonar U * and lx»rd Derby con­ template following Mr. Lloyd George’s example. Snow it Four Feet Deep. Seattle. W aah-A fall of more than four feet of snow on the eastern sum­ mit of the Cascade* haa compelled the tne three transcontinental railway lines using the passes to make ready for immediate use their rotary plows and flangers. On the Northern Pacific there is a depth of 60 inches at Martin at the east porta!. ,nd 29 inche. . t uneasiness am ong the people o f the aland and eyen a suspicious doubt with One Convicted In Land Fraud Cate regard to ou r Intentions concerning them w hich the adoption o f the pend­ ing m easure w ould happily remove We do not doubt w hat we wish to do In'any essential particular. We. o u g h t to do It at once. • - - "T h ere are oth er m atters already ad­ vanced to the stage o f conference be­ tw een the tw o houses o f which It Is the Federal court here. not n ecessary that I should speak. Home p racticab le basis o f agreem ent con- permitted by United States Judge Maurice T. Dooling to re­ Wil1 upon ,,ouht and action taken them. b« '«und main at liberty under the h.n i lh e b ,il Kiv#n "Inasm uch as thl* Is. gentlemen during trial p rob a b ly the last occasion I shall have to address the «4th Congress, I hope that you w ill perm it mp to say w ith w hat genuine pleasure and satisfaction Ship Sold a . j unk , , Rich I have co-op era ted with you |n the m any m easures o f constructive policy w ith w hich you have enrlVhed the leg isla tiv e annals o f the country it has been a priv ileg e to labor In ,uch com pany. I take the liberty o f con g ra tu ia tln g you upon the com pletion S S A K » # f rare *‘’ rv ,c««*>leneea and Over on " f i f u o y d George had . to n «« tat ion with tha premier. Otfimr riel- tora were A Bonar Law, “ f****jT “ the coloni««, end the Merqule of Crewe. lord-presldent o f the Sir Edward Careen end Mr. Law ap­ I im m An i . peared together and n d d " - * d .m o r n ­ reaching Importan« tary operations of ing meeting of the Unionist t«e, while the Earl of Derby, under- day In the public new Russian Pr« poff. that, by an Kears for Neutrality In 1916 and suL of the United States Italy, the nllîia Kuaela’a right to the Straits. Simultaneously, Bucharest atill cam« the n e w s __ Ing heroic efforts to events in Roumanie fe ertlng vigorous Falkenhayn in Russians have g libaba, - ______ t The new Kuasiaa flht south of Bucharest la • tack on Field Marshal sen’s rear, which, Russian official n iefi by aome sum Bulgarians n Tsomana and Russians are also: pressure in DubrudjA These Russian titesfc extreme flanks of may change the Roumanian camps Indication aa yet that era have succeeded la considerable parties ef armies. r i T r t f c ,un lhe we,t ,ld®' The Great Northern reporta nearly five feet of snow on the east side and 2ft on Th® Milwaukee haa 48 the g ra n t to the E x ecu tiv e o f the ated expectation s o f extended privi­ £ p ow er to con trol and op erate the r a il­ lege w hich w e have not satisfied. There inches on the east, and 26 on the west. w ays w hen n ecessary In tim e o f w ar or oth er lik e p u b lic n ecessity — I n ow v ery earn estly renew . "T h e n ecessity fo r such le g isla tio n Is m a n ifest and pressing. T h ose w ho have en tru sted us w ith the resp on si­ b ility and du ty o f se rv in g and s a fe ­ g u a rd in g them in such m atters w ould Und It hard. I b elieve, to excu se a f a i l­ ure - t o a ct upon thfeee g ra v e m a tters o r an y u n n ecessa ry p ostpon em en t o f a ction upon them. "N ot on ly does the In tersta te C om ­ m erce C om m ission n ow fin d it p ra cti­ ca lly Im possible, w ith Its presen t m em ­ bersh ip and org a n iz a tion , to p erform its g re a t fu n ctio n s prom p tly and th o - r o u g h ly f'b u t it is n o t u n lik e ly that It m ay presen tly be fou n d ad visab le to add t o its d u ties still oth ers equ ally h eavy and e x a ctin g . It m u st fir s t be p erfected as an a d m in istra tiv e In stru ­ Bear Is Being Cut in T w o. Eureka, Cel. — Workmen Monday ment. “ The c o u n try ca n n ot and should n ot started cutting the wrecked steamer con sen t to rem ain an y lo n g e r ex p osed Bear in two with an oxy-acetylene to p rofou n d In dustrial d istu rb a n ces torch to save 807 feet o f the vessel, fo r la ck o f a d d ition a l m eans o f a r b i­ and co n c ilia tio n w hich the C on ­ which will be taken to Sen Francisco, g tration ress can ea sily an d p rom p tly supply. Dardanelles Algo w . *»• > ■ » ' • » £ ^ r r n’f ' W M Sunset Seawall Wrecked Hoquiam, W a s h .-A new sea wall about half « mil« |„ ,engtK , t s " « i t tor 18 10 . m » ! ” " ! . « ! ‘ ° ' m ’ more . resort on the North beach we.t of Hoquiam, has been carried out by the ocean aurf o f the past week aim«., before it waa com pteid. The ««« J .,*1 1« tl'“ h" come S i c h from f r o m the ' S T encroachment th® th*' workday, |„ the /m i * “ van-hour beach of th* MA had been under construction ainc* White, n t e r a ^ ? 0" ^ Joh" P- teat summer. T h . heavy .torm of Unite, Mi*n*‘ wnlu Pre,Id/ nt « the who .p o k i su nd^ i ! : 8 ° f ï ■urf, r f which w h iÔ ft drove M ^ in * y against ,tart6d the * « n new of ‘ ¡vs. of the .U h,b®f? * this field. "Such I 1,«"' " * '/'’ nn,on, ,n » a wall, and underminad and tore tha abort, but haavy, piling. * ° Ut sca rsa , Carranza Forces, Looted Or Juarea. Max. again in control Sunday and Villa had ulna to the west ef I was announced Gonaatea, coouaaadwM brigade here. General Francisco’ ranxa command Ing slowly northwaad waa also reported la elty after having column 10 miles aoMfe City. No Americana have Chihuahua City ky Vite, a private meeeai that city. Tha mem only foreigner« le Chinese, for whom tl no mercy. General vino were both in ( Red Tape Costs! Sheridan, Or.— more, of Sheridan, secured at the CoL last spring. Mr. check far the first \ due, and the ■ check, demanding * Mr. Dinamore wsemt it waa too lata to i coin, and waa Info the race. The claim waa an one, adjoining cultL aides valued at $100 M Dinamore fee la the I Buffalo Are Washington, D. C — once threatened with creasing In numbar« reservations, accordlnf report of tha blologitol big game preserves and vationa are maintained The report urges that land not suitable for poses be converted grounds for birds, acres of marsh lands, be turned easily into for water fowl. Cuban Vole § Havana, Cuba — haa elapaed since election, the result doubt and many mo fore the outcome Is Partial re-elections two provinces where interfered. The Menocal a majority 1 del Rio and Orlanto Alfredo Zayaa, liberal ried Havana and 1 R oad Headquarter! Washington, D. C. of Agriculture haa Portland western public road ing d istrict, created Federal good roads road ebnctruction in ton and Idaho w ill be Portland. Turkish War Amsterdam, ria ! tinopla dlspaU chamber o f di ■octal welfare, " ^ a i d ' •Conom,e Md proposal «o Increase for the war ministry