Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, November 29, 1916, Image 1

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U r*'*t Circulation in Slayton'» Trading Territory of Any Newspaper
certain the profit realized on lo­
justment of
or the so called.drop letters, Ditto, Bell & Co.
• Postal Rates cal,
must be exorbitant. In view
Store Robbed
of this condition, which is vouch­
o p
Washington, Nov., 28.—The ed for bjrpostal experts, I believe
When Mr. Bell o f the Ditter,
a are now being greased for that Congres* will be justified in
Bell & Co., of Sublimity opened
launching o f the movement taking immediate action.”
up his store last Saturday morn­
the rtadjuctfttfent o f postal
Congressman McArthur, o f
in the next session o f Con- Oregon, takes the stand that "the ing he found that the store had
This problem w u to have cost o f transporting a letter been broken into and robbed
n taken up in the last session should have something to do with during the night.
The thieves had forced their
t had to be deferred on account the postage rate, and there is no
into the rear door and ap­
the consideration required by valid reason why more than one
had made themselves
jway mail pav. Since this has cent should be charged for local
n disposed o f the committees deliveries. If my bill becomes a perfectly at home by going
With its request for co-oper­
prepared to take up the mat- law it will have a great tendency through the stock of goods and ation in making the 1916 Red
helping themselves to whatever Cross Seal sale the most success­
of placing the various postal to stimulate business."
their fancy indicated1. They got
tea on a more, equitable basis,
Congressman Humphrey, o f away with several gum slickers, ful in state history and its an­
nouncement o f "Tubercolosis
A tone system o f rates for se­ Washington, said: "I cannot be­
a large assortment of knives, Sunday,” which will be observed
rf class matter is being prom- lieve that it is fair or just that
several pair of shoes, socks and either December 3 or 10, the Ore­
ntly urged to take the place all the people should be taxed for
underweaf and in ail they made gon Associaton for the Prevention
the present flat rate Which the benefit of the magazine pu tv
a fair sized haul and so far no of Tubercolosis brings a record
adopted nearly forty years Ushers of the country. This is
trace of them has been found of accomplishment which jnstifies
The present rate has for exactly what is done under the
The same parties or some of the original declaration
e time been regarded as a dis- present system of two-cent post­
their gang seem to have a spite "every seal sold is a bullet in the
mination against the newspa- age. Every person that places
at Dither, Bell & Co., as this is war against the Great White
rs in favor o f the great national a two-cent stamp on a letter is
avout the 4th annual visi^in as Plague.”
izines. Like the parcel post taxed one cent for the benefit of
many years, however this time
Efficient organization, low ad­
proposed tone rates would be the magazines."
they did not bother the vault as ministrative cost and personal
on the length o f the haul.
Congressman Randall, of Cal­ they seemed to want was mer­
service freely given by public
The postal committees have ifornia, a member of the postal chandise.
spirited citizens have combined
n besieged by petitions bear* committee and author of the zone
to make every dollar contributed
millions o f names and several rate bill for second-class matter,
toward the work o f the Associ­
ndred thousand letters from says that his bill is designed to
ation practically do the work of
ividuals urging a readjust* remove 'several gross evils or
t of postal rates with a view abuses from which the American
“ Tubercolosis Sunday” furn­
making possible one cent let- people suffer in the adminis­
Mr. C. E. Taylor was called to ishes a reason for definitely
A survey o f the tration of the postal affairs of Portland Tuesday Nov. 21st, by carrying the state-wide debate
uation indicates that sufficient the country.' "The time has a phone message frem an old for preventative effort against
ages will lie made in the var- com e," said Mr. Randall, "when sailor fireman friend, A.S.Gower, the disease and adequate care of
s rates to permit the granting the postal service must be put who had been at the hospital for the stricken into every pulpit and
Discrimi­ over thrte weeks, suffering ftrom before every church audience of
a 1 cent rate on local delivery on a business basis.
ters in the next session of nations against the man who asthama and a weak heart. A Oregon. It will be made a time
buys the 2 cent stamp, and change of altitude and surround­ too, for gratitude and thankful­
hatrman Moon o f the House against the publisher of the news­ ing conditions being the surest ness because o f the great econo­
tal Committee, today said; "I paper in the local field must and speediest way to bring per­ mic and humanitarian value of
nk that the Committee will cease. The postal rate of 1 cent manent relief in such cases and the results obtained.
The Oregon Association for the
e up this second*elass mail per pound which is granted as a as he had no friends to care f*r
tter at the next session and virtual subsidy to the national him or look after his little wants Prevention of Tubercolosis has
s it to a conclusion at once, papers of the magazine class has while in the hospital, he was de­ commenced a survey -of the state,
ile 1 cannot speak for the resulted in fabulous fortunes for termined to leave there and ac­ county by county. The surveys
imittee, this is my desire in private interests, and to which cepted Mr. Taylor’s invitation to in Lane, Clatsop, Jackson,' Jos­
matter. I do not know what the postal department is given «a come and stay with him until he ephine, and Washington counties
of a bill we will pass, wheth- plain contribution of eighty mil­ got straightened up again, so have been completed.
they left Portland on the 2 p. m.
t will have a zone feature at-
Southern Pacific train for West the work is done.
ed to it or not. This view
The survey has already proven
Stayton, Wednesday Nov. 22nd,
been presented frequently in
by its means information
and things went along fine and
it, and sometimes receiv-
The biggest event o f the last he stood the trip well until they never befor gathered will be tab­
favor and sometimes not. As
ulated. The facilities or lack of
hat shape the legislation will month’s work in the Turner cow got near Hubbard, when, Mr.
facilities for the care, treatment,
nlans notable to say,'but I am testing association was the won­ Gower suddenly died.
prevention of tubercolosis in
The corpse was taken off the
the Committee will give it derful production of two cows
county will be shown. The
His train at Woodburn and the Coro­
best possible shape ia the owned by J. B. Bowne.
grade Jersey Roanit I produced ner was called, who stated the number of cases will be listed
lie interest”
and segregated aa to whether
ngressman Dill, o f Washing- 1460 lbs. of milk and 82.06 lbs. of cause of death was heart failure. they are incipient, moderately
n, said "such legislation fat and her full sister, Roanie II The brother at Lincoln, Neb., and advanced or far advanced, and
Id be specially valuable to milked 1426 lbs. of miHc contain­ a sister in Maine were notified of also as to the number o f cases
his death and his brother wired
merchants i n developing ing 76.68 lbs. of fat, milked two
the Masonic Lodge at Woodburn reported before the survey and
business. The country is
the number reported as a direct
ing more prosperous each care outside of a liberal ration to bury him; which was done the result o f i t
The survey will
afternoon of the 24th. Mr. Tay­
and a cheaper drop letter which all cows of such capacities
county a history
The butterfat lor remained with him until he
ge would, in my opinion, aid should receive.
was buried, returning home Fri­ o f the disease in that county, in­
aking it more prosperous alone from these two cows sold
dicating its increase or decrease
for over $60 in the month of Oct- day evening.
it has ever been.”
how many of the afflicted con­
Both are daughters of
ngressman Julius Kahn, of
tracted the trouble within the
Mr. Bowne’s registered bull,
fornia, said that: "Since the
county and the number that had
eminent derives a very great Hazel Ferns Tormentor.
the disease ¡when they moved
K. Hanneman. Tester.
t from letters carried and
one that occurred at the Catholic into the county. Then it will be
See our Clubbing offer.
ered at distant points it is
church Tuesday morning, the shown how tubercolosis is dis­
28th, when Rev. Father Laink tributed as to cities, towns and
officiated at the ceremony that rural communities. Cities and
united for life Miss Josephine towns having city hospitals, clin­
Laux and Arnold Senz, in the ics and dispensaries, school in-,
presence o f a number o f friends. spection, and open air rooms will
The bride was attired in white be designated,
The county, s care o f tubercul­
gatin, and attended by Misses
patients in such institutions
Mamie Laux find Mamie Zim­
merman, who wore light blue as jails, and poor farms will be
discussed and whether the county
silk. The groomsmen were Frank
has a relief board and what
Senz and Peter Laux.
assistance ia granted in tuberco-
A reception was tendered the
happy pair at the home o f the losis
The survey is definite and
groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
thorough and its value to all
Henry Senz, near M t Pleasant,
health and public officials will be
where a bountiful dinner was
so great that the work has the
served to a number o f relatives
hearty approval and full co­
and friends, among the number operation o f the Oregon State
being Matt VanHandel, wife and
Board of Health.
baby, o f Portland.
The proceeds of this year’s
fcK Stamps given with every 10c purchase.
The young people received nu­ sale of Red Cross Seal* will be
merous present* and start out in used to carry on the survey and
married life with the best wishes to maintain the preventative
o f many friends.
work organised by the Associ­
Heart Failure
Cause of Death
NO. 36
the County Court All new mac­
Road. Meeting Votes adam
roads therefore will be
they are considered
Three Mill Tax
There was a well attended
meeting o f road district No. 32,
Monday afternoon. A 3 mill tax
was voted for a permanent im­
provement fund. A t the meet­
ing a month ago it was voted to
use a one mill assessment for
the oiling o f new macadam roads
before they were thrown open
for use, but on account o f the
new 6 per cent law carrying in
the recent election, the meeting
voted 6 per cent o f what was
raised Monday • for oiling the
roads, thus giving a permanent
fund for that work.
The meeting went on record
instructing .the road supervisor
to oil such rmicjadarn^a* he con-
structs this\
out o f the
general fund
lieh is levied by
J. H. Dyer, Assistant General
Manager o f the Southern Pacific
returning from a month’s absence
brings cheering reports o f the car
shortage situation and says that
the first lot o f new cars recently
ordered by the S. P. Co., now is
beginning to arrive.« The care
will be distributed among ship­
pers throughout the Southern
Pacific territory, and Oregon will
gets its share. ¿Business through­
out the Pacific Coast is improving
says Mr. Dyer.
Salem—A committee o f citizens
is making a survey to report on
needed reforms at the state pris­
on. About all they find really
wrong is that the mpn ere kept
in idleness and need employment.
All Styles Suitable for
H o lid a y JGrifts
You might do a whole lot worse
some where else
But one thing certain you can't do
better anywhere than at
Freshen Cows In Fall
We Have an Exceptionally Fine
Line of Pictures, Framed and.
Unframed Tor the Home
•! -
'J f
Glasses repaired at Dr. Eaton’s
Saturday Special
7 Bars white flyer soap
3 Cans com - - -
3 “ string beans -
"3 “ Peas - - -
Youngs Cash Grocery.
Sale Is Still Going
At Alexanders
— mmmammmmmmmmmmm
Goods, at Cost
And Belöw
Furniture, Wall Paper, Dishe;
Come in and secure some hargainc
before the goods are gone. There
is still a large stock to select from.