face there was aa expression akfh ta bewilderment. "W hat can It mean. lu'sleu ?" he aaksd. ^ "TT» tho German«!" Ubarti* ostea u “ Courvolelert" the said In « Tow crest excitement. «oteo. V Deeplte * ••Oh!" * O h r ___ ___ the tight rein . aha "G oo d l" bo oxclolmod with satlafac- T C .w J .r fU » M lr f i W i i ^ i s i l l tried to keep on hereelf. that one low tlou. “ The ptbpr day to General during the year ending June SO, 1010- A t 1 S J % o u ld com. leaping to Ethel’a Jacques at the fort you offered your ported Into the United State« to brew t t a l ^ j » n y cupa < ||p| oorvtcoo for Franco,” ho ventured. The Imports for the year amounted to H alf fearful, half lucreduloua, Henri “Tool” r - on. pound for every man. woman and « W W I * ■ th# c m Chrlstophe stood stock still and gased “ H o wtsheo now to take advantage OOO.MM) pounds more tee was consumed during this year j stupidly st the A merles n. of-your offer." “That 1 cannot believe! he said at preceding 18 months. , ” 1 5 » ready.” she answered' quietly. u st But In a moment more he bad Uncle Sam la taking good care o f hla « " H a Ha proceeded sw iftly to the busl- to believe It. Even little Jeanne drinking people, and In order belter to p w l * t ' uees In hand. adulterated teg Ite maintain* « «p ed a l corps o f exaiulir “ The Germans w ill be here tonight, knew It. She came flying Into the examtnere. all under the direction o f a aupervlaor loc and here the road forks, one turn to room and flung hereelf Into her fa ­ ton. There are at present ««ven examiners In the «eve the rig h t the other to the left— you ther’s arms. “ Mon pere, tnon pc re! The Oer- country, «nd whenever tea la Imported from a port wig know?” "M r. Brown,” Ethel said, “you’re not examiner a «ample la »ant to an examiner at lh g » W a « “ It Is Important the general says, man* are coming!” ahe cried In terror. English. I am; but you are an Anglo- Her father looked down at her ten­ Whenever tea 1« rejected by any o f the exam n «r a «j The chtot chametero are Ethel W ll- Saxon, and you*must sympathise with that he should know which road the Germans taka—whence comes the at­ derly. t>r, ■ • a r y Str«etman and CmpL la Immediately «hipped to the office o f the aupervlaor, gfc The minor characters the allies.” “ There, there! Do not cry!” Chris­ tack. . . You are to Inform him tested and compared with ltd, respective goverwnegg j V a n ta fl o f th«®Brttl*h “ Sure I dor* w as hla prompt re­ toph« said, trying as best he could to Charles Brown, a New sponse. by telephone.” quality, purity and fltneaa for consumption. iswapaper correspondent Ethel, “ But they w ill cut the w ire«,’' Ethel calm her fears. “ They w ill not hurt It Is tha opinion o f the Englishmen, and. Indeed, lent or sir Oeorge'a household, “Then, whatever happens while secretly married to Streetman. a Qermaa objected. you or me.” expert! here, that la «v ite o f the fact that «o much spy, thouarh she did not know him aa you're here," she continued with au air As for Charlie Browu—he promptly “ A ll that they can find,” he agreed. In the United tftatra. Americans, as a rule, do not kno»| such. Captain Redmond, her old lover, o f great earnestness, “ whatever hap­ returns to England after Iona absence. pens. I want you to remember that I “ But last night, while the others slept, forgot all persoual consideration*, lie It properly, and therefore, the very good tea «hat rear FVom him she learns the truth about w e have strung a wire from the fort became at once the newapaper man. and U nde Sam allow « nb tea here that Is not Streetman: furthermore, that he has am English, and that It la England I betrayed her simply to learn naval se­ serve always. . . . You w ill believe to— that chlmuey!” By the mereet nod the news-gathering machine. making. crets. The European war breaks out. he Indicated the huge fireplace that “ The Germaus are coming! And I'm Ethel prepares to accompany Streetman itr projected Into the room. in the thick o f It! God. what a atory!” to Brussels aa a German spy In order to “ Oh» o f course I w ill!” he assured cet ravenye and serve England captain “ H ere?" she exclaimed. he exclaimed. It wa* what he had Redmond. Ethel and Charlie Brown turn her And Immediately a thought came H e bowed. up at a Belylan Inn as the German army Into Charlie Brown’s head that made dreamed of. c o m ea " I have beneath my coat a tele- Ileurl Chrlstophe put hla daughter him start. "A n d by the w a y," be said, ost. poses to any extent He d ies figures Uncle Sam. The i particles o f soot from hla sleeve«. “ They come from many mllea,»way, to ahow that tho coot o f text books Is products o f the I Ethel consented to the arrangem ent tled, in spite o f herself, by that sur­ “ The telephone Is In the fa r corner.” I think, m'sleu,” be answered She was immensely relieved that the prising news. a relatively small Item In Ih# total “ Yes,” he continued, “ H e got kicked be explained, “ beneath some tree know everyone In th|s nelghlx-rbood quick-witted Journalist so readily ac­ amounted to expenditure for school purpose«. branches. It cannot be seen.” ont o f Russia ten years ago fo r some and these are strangers to me." cepted her alias. Officials o f tho United States bureau output Increased “ And what am I to do?” she* asked. “ Good, good!” their delighted host dtety business. Then he worked for “ Here they come!” the American o f education declare that exaggerated five-year period I “ A t the earliest possible moment the English against the Boers. They exclaimed. “ Sweet consomme, eh? said excitedly, aa the vangunnt o f the Ideas prevail concerning the total It may bo aasum couldn’t stand him either— he’s an aw ­ After the Germans - arrive and you -rabble poured up the street almost to Boiled chicken, an artichoke, a bit o f number o f text books sold In the Uni­ sldernbly above ful rotter. I don’t know much about have found out which road they take, salad, and some coffee— real American the place where he waited and ted States each year. It la said that mark fur tho him after that. N ow he’a with the call on that instrument. An officer coffee, without chicory, eh, m’aleu?” watched. “ You'd better go to your confidential data «»btalned by the T h or* w ee In Germans. . . . You'll forgive my w ill be waiting every moment from H e was already edging toward the room, Madame de Lorde,” he told bureau from fit) lext-bouk publisher*, tel Invested In tbs| speaking o f this,” be said, “ but I now on. I have signaled that the con­ door that led kltchenward, to begin Ethel. who handle B0 per cent o f the total employment to : * hla preparations for a meal that should thought perhaps as you’re In the ad­ nection Is made.” “ Yes, perhaps I had,” ahe admitted. text-book sales o f the country, show W hile the " I understand— and yon may depend forever perpetuate his Inn In the mem­ miral’s family, he might be trying to But ahe still lingered, fascinated by that their aggregate sale* annually number o f perse* pomp you about some o f the navy's on me,” ghe promised. ories o f his tw o guests. the rontagtoua fear that Impeded those dustry and the And he bad already reached the door peasants ou.wa.tgL A mhn, disheveled, o f text books for use in public schools, "G reat! Sounds Immense!” Mr. aecreta.” elementary and high, aggregnte about (here was a “ Oh— thank you for telling me!” she to take his departure when he came to Brown rejoined with enthusiasm. wlld-eytd. thrust'ttis bead lu at the llfi.000.000. In tho number 4 < "Yes, m’slen— immense! That Is exclaimed gratefully. And, somehow, a sudden halt. “ Now may I ask you door o f the Lion d’Or. According to figures which have gaged In t she fe lt the least bit guilty that she are Madame de Lorde?” be inquired In your good American word. . . . I “The Germans are coming!” be been complied by experts o f the bu­ producta, and ih tl shall serve such a dinner as the Lion could not be frank with him. “ And his qualpt English. warned them. “ You’d better get o reau. the total enrollment In public tors and B ra e i one thing more— ” she added, as he "Y e s !” d’O r never has seen before!” And they’re coming this way!*' be repeat- elementary and high schools amounts decreased ULfi p « i “ Now It la perhaps beat that you be H enri disappeared in high spirits. seemed about to leave her, “ you w on’t speak o f meeting me here? . . . told,” . to about l&fi00,000. Excluding the o f salaried . he. continued. “ Before A fte r the depressing dullness o f the elemenjjpp' school enrollment o f Call por root nod the i pant weeks it was indeed exhilarating You’ll promise, won't you, even thongh yon came a gentleman in the service fornia, since California prints Its own earners In the o f your country, a gentleman who met to minister to tw o appreciative pa­ I can’t explain V •• elementary books, the number becomes por c e o t “ M y dear girl,” he protested, " I ’ve you In Brussel»—he ask fo r you.” trons. > been on so many stories, I ’ ve Inter­ HL200.000. For each child enrolled In Ethel started at hla announcement. B y the time Chrlstophe had van­ the public schools In the United ished Ethel W illoughby bad quite re­ viewed so many people. I ’ ve seen so And she draw nearer to him. States, therefore, the total annual sale “ Captain Redmond!*’ she exclaimed covered her self-poesesalon. And when much o f human nature, that I know ¡tty w ell when to print a story and in a low voice. o f text books Is about 80 cents. It Charlie Brown turned to her w ith a hee been figured that the total expendi­ “ Ssh— ssh— madame I” he warned her. look o f Inquiry upon hla face she was when to kill it— and I ’ll go through for mont In C o il “ It was be,” he whispered. ture per child for all school purpose« ready to meet hi* scrutiny with a stout you any way yon want me to.” Cover Strip I Ethel turned to him impulsively, “ Is he here?" she asked eagerly. Is approximately f3&31. The coot o f h ea rt “ H e coold not wait. H e must re­ text books Is therefore approximately "Y o u seem surprised— and quite nat­ gratefully. Th o develop— 11 “ Thank yon— you’re a dear”' she turn to bis work,” be enlightened her. per cent o f the total coot o f main­ urally,” she said, “ at hearing that man o f tungsten d< told him. , “ Bat w hat was he doing here?” she tenance, support snd equipment . The call me Madame de Lorde.” discovered la And at that moment the French spy demanded In a la ta . cost per child on the school popula­ "W e ll, that afternoon I knew you greatly stlmulafcf j The little Frenchman w aved her to — he o f the newspaper— returned. tion basis—five to eighteen years o f aa Mias Willoughby,” he replied. tungsten has batel And, paying scant heed, apparently, a nearby chair. age according to officials o f tho bu­ “ But 1 w as then Madame de Lorde,” miles long. Oat f t “ Not so close, madame!” he begged. reau, Is fid.fi cents; (be annual per Ethel explained glibly. "Yon see, Mr. to Ethel and her companion, be sat parts, who baa She sat down obediently. down at a table, lighted another ciga­ capita cost o f text books on the total • Brown, I ’d been married secretly.” found that tho m i “ What was he doing here?” she rette, and resumed his intent reading population basis Is less than IS cants. “ Secretly 7” remarkable asked. once more. “ There w ere reasons— good rea­ Tho deposita “ H e came to arrange about the tel- | Aa soon as be caught sight o f the sons,” she rejoined. “ I could not ex­ o f Bishop, Inyo i ephone.” the fellow told her. " I t Is stranger Charlie Brown warned Ethel plain what they w ere then; nor can I April T. 191«. M bis plan.” with a quick “ Ssh!” now.” compony bogan \ “ His plan! Then be will come " I t must be nearly time fo r dinner,” “ Surely— sorely!” be acquiesced, for rr* built, back-*-” Government*« Experts Havo Elimina«, he bad not the slightest desire to pry Madame de Lorde remarked carelessly, a mill i "H e could not be certain, madame.” i as I f their conversation bore only upon ed Danger o f Bursting Propol- Info her private affairs. “ But what was brought In, “ But he’s alive, and well— ” She trivial matters. •era, It la Announced. on earth are yon doing in this dead began to could hardly w ait fo r hla answer. “ That’s so. And If w e’re going to .‘ «a d -aHne spot?” And then, In the next “ Yes, madame, quite so.” Mines company i breath, he exclaimed, aa a sudden In­ dine together I think I ’ll go wash up— Unde Sam's experts have succeded “ Oh, thank God!” Ethel murmured. 4. end by tho or the folks w ill think I belong here,” spiration came to him, “ Oh, by George! removing one o f the paramount In a tone o i vast thankfulness. H o w dull o f me! You’ re honeymoon­ Mr. Brown said, glancing down at the hazards In aviation. It Is announced. completed a l H er fellow-spy smiled at that—a Wreck o f bis once Immaculate new ing, o f course!” The bursting of aerial propellers has capacity, end — I English suit. “ Oh, X almost forgot my happy smile. been the source o f a largo part o f main ore body, “ Not exactly!” Ethel replied. Just a " I am glad I have told you,” he vanity bag!” he exclaimed. And he aviation accidents and the danger o f pinch as B0 feet I bit lamely, perhaps. “ My husband Th e ore bodies I retrieved his paper parcel from the said. " I had thought perhaps It was this has now been eliminated, It la Isn’ t here— Just now. H e had some table where he bad dropped I t Then an affair o f the heart H e had the geological sorvffii I said. * í* * - « * « s * _ íU business in Brussels, but I came on look. . . . And now, madame, for he w ent Joyfully to hla room. ahead.” *1 Hava Beneath My Coat a T e l» Under the new fl.l.ooo.ooo congres­ mentioned by what you w ill do permit me to thank sional appropriation, the foremost I ties on ore 8he had, indeed, le ft Streetman In phone.” yon. It Is for France.” C H A P T E R X III. minds o f the land aro now combining source o f tungtete J the Belgian capital. “ Shall yon be "A n d fo r Larry!” Ethel murmured ed breathlessly. It was plain that he to make aeroplanes as nearly perfect o f arheollto staying long?” she asked Mr. Brown. softly. Der Tag. had run far. And Immediately he ns can be done and to place this coun­ garnet, epldoto l “ No! I ’m off In the morning,” he It was Ethel’s turn to warn him started on again. But Chat He Brown Meanwhile Ethel Wlllonghby, alias informed her. try’s air fleets on a footing with those era! country F o r a door opened. Henry called to him. Madame de Lorde, strolled aimlessly then. are scattered o f European nations. The information relieved her vastly. to the cigar counter and leaned neg­ Chrlstophe had returned. “ W alt a minute!” which became She had not relished the thought o f ligently against I t H er feelings w ere Tho executive committee o f the "Good day, m’sleu!” the little man when the granite 1 “ You are «ure?” Chrlatophe Inter- hsvlng to confess to the American that newly-appointed advisory committee decidedly mixed— compounded o f pleas­ said cheerfully. And he departed. posed. condition, Monsieur de Lorde w as no other than for aeronautics Is In charge o f tho ex­ "Ah, madame! Dinner Is ready!” ure and uneasiness. A s It turned ont, The man came Inside then tered to his erstwhile acquaintance o f the tea perimentation. This committee con­ she foand It agreeable to meet Mr. Chrlstophe announced to Ethel. "And subordinate "Sure! Sure! They're not a mile party— H enry Streetman. But as a sulta with the best engineering talent where Is the American gentleman V Brown. It was a distinct re lief to be ahead!” Jy gasped between great sob- vapors then spy In his majesty's service, Ethel took ” 1 fancy he w ill be here directly,” the country provides, as well ns with able to talk to someone against whom like breaths. And already Chrlstophe’« the ore bodies as easily to subterfuge as a duck to experts from the bureau o f standards. she was nnder no necessity o f being she told him. neighbors crowded through the door- water. She surprised herself often by on her guard. Bnt at the same time, a “ Ah, good, good! Bnt w e most not The chairman Is Dr. 8. W. Strut- w ay and peered curiously at the fel­ the readiness with which plausible matter o f business had brought her to spoil the chicken,” be said. H e bad ton, director o f the bureau o f stand- low. “They came through our town— tales sprang to her tips. Courvoisler, and the Inn. T o be sore, taken especial pains with that chick­ arda. The other membera are Prof. I enw ’em— I — I, Andre Lemalre. . . . "O h! Then you w on’ t be able to Streetman expected to Join her there en, and be wished It to be served at . Am*a ° * John< Hopkins unlver- } “ w ' « “ — all graylike— million» o f meet Monsieur de Lorde,” she said later. Bnt in the meantime Ethel ex­ Just the proper moment. em— and they’re still coming! There’s ■Ity. I r °f. Charles C. Marvin, chief with a note o f re g re t *T don’t expect pected to meet someone else firs t Who " I say!” Mr. Brown exclaimed. " I no end to them !*’ him till tomorrow.” w . ^ We,,her burcau: prof- C. D. that person might be she did not know, Just happened to glance ont o f my w in­ “ But w e have done nothing. Thev Walcott, secretary o f the 8iulthaonlan Charlie Brown murmured bis regret except that the unknown was a spy dow. W b a fs going on over there?” w ill not hurt us.” tb# Innkeeper told toat tution; Lieut. Col. George O. | Uncle Sam at that circumstance. in the service o f the French. "W hy, nothing, m’sleu!” his host re­ him Innocently. a ship owner. “ But what are you doing here?” u L Y \ S< A ” and ^ “ “ Bonder Mark No sooner did be find him self alone plied happily. "A n d yonr dinner is The ship L. Bristol and L ieu t Commander th e man turned his piteous eras Ethel asked him then. "Perhaps you’ve with Ethel than the little Frenchman ready. It la delicious, I promise you.” James O. Richardson, both naval of- signed by th*! a secret In y o o r past too?” she added dropped hla paper. *, upon. Chrlstophe — upon Christoph* Curiously enough. Mr. Brown’s In­ law, creates who had not yet learned what was lii g*y»r "Bonjour, madame!” he said. terest In dinner had suddenly abated. •tore at fBO,000,000-- for him. M m But Mr. Brown could lay claim to “ I beg your pardon” ’ Ethel said. "B u t something Is happening! Look government no such romantic excuse. “ Do not look around—stay where fo r yourself” ’ be urged. •••k Recruits In fim «ll Cities. bdy or lens« “Oh, I came o ver looking fo r a war.” you are!” the s t in g e r told her crisply. Henri Chrlstophe went to the door Uncle Sam’s marine corps recentlv poses la he explained.4 Does It occur to you iha# AU at once it occurred to her that and gaxed down the village street need aa natal "A n d you haven’ t found It?" E lr e m ™ “'"* "Ut,° M ,n 40 this somewhat Inferlhr-looklng indi­ And w hile he stood there, looking D* L#rd* "»ey be d l » was t a £ r . *° Coaat ortlon government "Nothing like it at alir* be replied. vidual might be bo whom she sought. through the shimmering heat-waves ooverad ae a epy by the nar trolling share i "T h e da*», a fter I saw you I got a But she could not be sure. And she that flickered above the cobblestone«, « • n . tho flret 1 1 «. i . " ? , « . ¿ ndruT**7, bjr th« recruitment o f fi,000 tary being au straight tip to beat R for Belgium. I resolved to bldfe her tim e Charlie Brown took another survey iit yon one-and-a-half cylinder "Really, sir,” she said, with assumed of/ th e commotion be bad wltnaaead thortzod^ Iteci-uhT1 m ar,M i Jnat « * canal bond*' i„ K iP “ Ph 0 dMcriPtlv« the money, work In tha next Inatallment bicycle, and P v s pedaled aw ay for hauteur, “ I beg you to explain this from hi* room. - « o id iS are to be i ' day«, till I feel a ll legs and back. mystery— thlag-” ‘ "Yea, yea, m'aten—yon are right I” conflned to large d U e o -th ls nevTprtv iM y right name, this minute, la Georgs The board (TO BE COtCTINUBD.) " X y d e t y — ” be took the w ord out Chrlstophe exclaimed presently. "There • W . ,, T A d ^ e l i .. r president — --------------- o f her mouth— “ shall w e say rather la a cloud o f dnat and people a n run­ m m ^ organization has al- with a A Philadelphian to the inventor of w a «« h •o w n by the table upon which Ma- the mystery o f General Jacques,” be ning down that toad; some are coming te de L órde w as leering bar trim | corrected bar poUtely, authorised this way.” , . . H e turned aw ay U S E , * • top * w h h T Ï l i r t S J S * 0 rf Crulted to “ Oh, ye a a r e - ” ^ « « t that It f o r n a i from the door. And upon hla bread *▲ friend o f F r « nee I . . , And your password?” Ho waited fo r her UNITED STAl 32 , 860 , 000,000 CUPS ~ people of the SMALL PART OF COST TOBACCO 01 No Burdon in Free Text Booke, Annual Value of I Half Bill! Says Uncle Sam. or BIG TUNQSTBI UNCLE SAM HAS REMOVED GREAT AVIATION HAZARD UNCLE i*M ireeJire £ IT* th* den,anda raad* H 1RS uS^ 2 T V ! door t0 ylTgln r#c™lt- r and ot anttaa o f Itai ... ii