KüCiiES 'S T WltSBff Does: VS. DEEDS ! A Chronological Contrast Compiled From Newspaper Reports A C Q U I T ft. CHICAGO: ,” 14 anything in this earn- W A S H IN G T O N : Prs*ort on the Army Appro- pose to see that that duty la dla- prlatlon Bill, the first of tha l*real- charged to the credit Of tha Arnerl- dent * defeuse,uieasurea. can people.” f A U G U S T 1a Fargo, N. D.t “ I f elected I should de- Washington: The W hite House an- rote my ublllty to serving the Unit- nouncea that the, President will not ad States-" * take any o f the government's Ume to answer Mr Uugbes' attacks A U G U S T 11. BISM ARCK, N. D.t *1 am keenly W A S H IN G T O N : Proaidant WilaSn awar* of th* import arte* of qur ag­ aigna th* bill making appropriation* ricultural proaperity, and I daairo to for th* Oapartmant of^^Agriculture do all that can bo don* to promote and containing thro* measure* #*- that prosperity.** aiosvad to improve market practice* and th* atorago and financing of crop*. AUGUST 12. Helena, M onti *Tb# present admin- Waahmgtom Secretary o f Commence lstration is to a very great extent Red field makes public figures show- a sectJonaJy^Sdininlstratloa." lug that half bis staff Is composed of T a ft appointees. AUGUST 13. Bpokan#) Mr. Hughes rests from ills Washington) President Wilson, to "arduous Work of criticising the/ avoid a nation-wide railroad strike, deeds o f President Wilson's admin- calls representatives of the un.lons lstration. and employers to the Whit# Houa«. ACc:rTA\,c r r r' : : : H - ' AN ! Q*WAL ¿'.YAISAL, the « tZ 7 , ' • 308 X YES |SA VOTE T,".-j Ptvah’ent W ilson'« speech o f accept- a tier was couiplvhciisl'e. frank auJ diced . . - | ’ It was tlieTitterani-e or a muti and a political party, cona'-lou* of tbe hon-, eaty of past endeavor» end ooufldeut o f shlllty to cope with whatever prbh- i lenn the future might have In store FOR VOUR CHILDREN ONI p in g WOT ENOUGH Oregon has but on# Normal School. 1 hi» »« ka local ad at Monmouth kxcall.nt « »• l,b* o f ’ thU keboi,. It u utterly urtnbla to W j f * ™ ^ small part of th# n#od tor train#n tha world threatened to chock him In hla efforts and to Involve the nation In the disasters that «re afflicting utmost every nation o f tbe old world How he has brought the country '^tmuigh n a|j with honor and with astounding prosperity. the acceptance ( speech succinctly and modv-stly tells. It la a story o f triumph which every American may read with prkl# In h la » great country 8 # Of mar* than *«h»ol *1 " TrVnad' m Oraaan but 4.000 II P#r «®n| '•*'**^ h#v# b##n if#»"®« fo*4 lb#«' “ftr'^ n a s a iiiii-® s.r£, . Sight .......... m tha eurina th# paat flv# year*. »1 1 »•«'*• >, h, |f Monmouth •, « r « S T » « v . y#.r. .h. „ v r 'w T i V / ,. ?Tgan|'n7t rf'It7 # r«U E t/ a itS * o f «h. leasing a o - .iw ** (*w*nV*to°th#°erowdod condition of our on« Normal at Monmouth and also the distance and attending, atudente from Kaatwrn Oregon ar* com polled to go to neighboring alula* to aecur* tholr training as teacher*. O N L Y COSTS 4 CENTS PER SI.000 Th# annual malntanane# e«*t of tn# Normal School I" ■••l*r" 0 r.*A° . I T u.r . o f U ■ * b I * gbth of a mill or * c#"U on * thiuaa«# proparty, lan't It worth thia to have your c«il#r*« tram## to Mcom# uMfot snd pro^uctiv# c»t**»«» • STRONG ENDORSEMENTS It la a atory o f achievement, of glory far greater .tbdn cornea to cooortimltlea. the. whole commercial sy* tem set In order, with prosperity abounding. and reason bna never alum- dotted Its throne In all o f the country's perplexities. ~~ . The speecb was a message to tbe peo­ ple o f all the world. JF was s n<>tl<*e to tbe world that.this country la big enough to maintain its bouor and to keep out o f five war. and at the same , time big enough 'to regulate Its do- mcstlc cviDiii: Inn*. * The *|iecch was oo apology, no de­ fense. no complaint It was a speech (hat all men anJ wo.iueti almnid road to tear« what the countrs ha* really been doing.. Among tho#« who strongly wndora# th# n#tahltab m1*nt of the propoift] Kditfrti (>r«fon Nt»rmbl arc Governor Wllhjrcombt». J. H Arkrrnmn dent of the Monmouth SUU* MormnI; W J Kerr. Prealdent of the Oregon Agricultural tC v ily R .-1*. i a Campbell. President of the State University. Hubert A . French, former Prealdent of tha Weston Normal. T a n d practically all «• located In a town of Io00 or more population anil having enough grade pupils for teaching practice. VOTE RICHT Or voting r r j for No. MO you will haje to 01*» te tha • school c- J-vn of Oregon iiir aj-e* advantagva vnjoyod by th* school children of our ns.ghboring stataa ' Vet# YES for No. W*. Eastern O regon Slat* Normal School Commit too - '; , . 0 . By J-. H. Gwinn, Secy.. Pendleton. Ore. (Paid advertisement) B ill AUGUST 1A , Oakland: “ Wherever we have the,gov­ Washington: The ' IVttse ,.passe# tbe ernment represented u: regulation Administration Slipping Bill de­ and supervision it no.ist t>e a regula­ signed to create a uaval auxiliary tion and supervision that is really and naval reserve and build up an * expert and square with tbe facta of American merchant marine to meet business life." the requirements o f the nation* commerce. AUGUST 21. San Diego: “ I believe In preventing Washington: President Wilson re- children from being drawn too early v ceives hundreds o f ’ letter* com- into the hardships o f industrial mending him for bis successful life.” (See Wilson a deeds of Aug- fight against child labor, ust 8 and 18.) AUGUST 22. ** The undersigned will sell at public sale at the Bushey place on Fern Ridge, 8 mi. east of Stayton, 3 mi. west of Mehama, on SOM EW HERE IN C A L IF O R N IA : "M axico — H uart J — policy — roo- ognltioti — in te rv e n ti«« — shanvo — weak — conduct — Am erican citi- tans — bullets — bo-dar — wrong — troubla— Adm im atrat.on— Huerta— * •L W A S H IN G T O N : Proaidant W ilson name* Secretary o f th * Interior Lana, Ex-Judg* G eorg* Gray and I Dr. John R. M ott aa mombars of tha joint Am arican-M axican com mission to settle peacefully th# d fa-anca# between th* countries. AUG UST 23. Rane, Nov.: “ W e can have pesco wlthout trouble In this country." Washington: The Cnlted Statea 8en- ^ ate repassea the Army Appropria­ tion Blit amended to meet the President’s wishes. AU G U ST 24. Ogden, Utah: “ Let us brace ourselves for tbe new era. Let us maintain the honor of tbe American name. Let us get tbe driving force of pa­ triotic sentim ent" Washington: At Prealdent Wilson’s urging the Democrats In tbe Hou«e resolve to push the fight for a nou- ! partisan tariff board In order to be i prepared to meet new traJe condi­ tions arising after the war. AUGUST 25. Choyanno. Wyo.: “ I believe we ought Washington: Tbe House concurs In to have compensation acts wisely the Senate amendments to the bill and fairly provided-in onler that providing for compensation o f work- those who work may be assured o f men injured while In government proper protection " service A U O U 8 T 26. D EN VER: “ I do not think thar# has W A S H IN G T O N : Th* Federal Re­ boon in many years a campaign in serve Board'# weekly statement which business men, solicitous for shows an increase of more than th* future of the country, should $2,400.000 in th* total aaming assets feel or have so deep an intereat.” of tho mem bar bank«. AUGUST 27. Estes Park, Colo.: Mr Hughes goea Washington: Prealdent Wilson c-on- lnto seclusion to rest from tbe ar- fera with Democratic leaders about duoua labor* o f hla campaign o f plana to save tbe country from a criticism. . railroad strike. A U G U 8 T 28. Estes Park. Cole.: —Still resting—a Washington: President Wilson, still game o f go lf—posing for the moving laboring to avert a railroad strike, picture men—a musical« In tbe even- decides to go before Congress and tag—rearing. ask for arbitration and elgbt-bonr laws. A U G U S T 29. Estes Park, Colo.: Mr Hughes takes an automobile ride to Long's Peak gross and asks Inn, 10,000 feet above the level of ialation to the aea. where be might obtain a and provont auoh a crisis arising in bird’s eye view of the "lnactlvl- th* future. Th# President com­ Oes" o f President Wilson s admin­ pletes th* Adminiatration’a pra istration. pa redness legislative program by aignlng th# Army and Navy Appro­ priation BiUa. H# alee aigna tha Philippine Bill and tha new Bill of Sat., Sept 23,16 » Commencing at 10 o'clock 1 roan horse* 7 yrs* old* wt* 1600 1 bay horse* weight 1300 5 roan and red Durham cows 5 Jersey cows . 1 year and a half old heifer 1 brood sow 5 pigs* weight about 90 lbs. "rssrsi’j jfrss jrsz A l f l U B T m, IW W A S H IN G TO N : lluhhard MLigr: DR. C. B. j OPTOM OPTICI; Rooms 5-6 Bush ! Salem, ' proposed Kaatorn Oregon «lata Normal H c I uh .I Pondloton. Oregon. . ' • C I V I E A S TE R N OREGON SQUARE ORAL ’ A U G U S T 14. . . t . — ^ S PO K A N E : **l am desirous that this W A S H IN G TO N : Th* Sonat#.approves matter of th# tariff should bo at* th* adminiatration'a ravsnus bill tended to without abusa." providing for th# creation of a non- partiaan tariff commission. A U G U 8 T 15. Soattla) “ I f we ever fall so low that Washington: The House o f Repre- w e will not protect our citixens we sentatives adopts the Senate amend- mlght as well haul down the flag. meats to tbe Na-ey Bill calling for 1 am not Foo proud to fight.” the building o f sixteen capital stupa within three years. AUGUST 18T Portland, Ore.: " It would be a breach Washington.- The Cnlted States Sen­ o f trust for the United States to ate passes the Philippine Bill en­ abandon the I'hUipplnea at mbs franchising tfcO.oOO men and retain­ time.’* ing guardianship over the Islands until they cgn establish a stable _________________ -.government. Montana Republicans for Prohibition , A U G U S T 17. Roaeburg, Or#.: “ W e must be sure Washington: President Wilson, find- — Helena. Mont.— With Frank J . t ' A that we do not leave unused the leg 'the railroad manager» have net wards, reptrWuan candidate for gov national powers which w ill give us full authority, summons the rail- :rror, a nem ber of the resolution; national prosperity." rc&d presidents c -rntnUtee, the republican state plat ------- V— T-------- n v O U B T i r ....... form convection here adopted a plank SAN FRANCISCO : ”Th# people ar# W A S H IN G TO N : Th# Chdd Labor declaring for statewide prohibition. entitled to th# vary bast.” Bill is adopted by the House and ., goes to th* President, who 'hao urg­ ed its passage. Senate pass** bmp- ........ ..................... ........ ;...... - NO R M A L D U .P . H The pill Child; ractor* •U Gir all acute ^ II* can muk,| - - a# m. the following property: 6 dozen chickens 1 Moline wagon 1 carriage 1 new Kentucky drill 1 set new work harness 1 Economy Chief cream separator 1 telephone household goods 0 DR. . A. DKNl (»rrnin- Suppli-r an.|t Uawl In .Vfixliij 214 Maaoidr Ta-mj lr. G . A . S! DBALEB C ilv an^ R E A L LI I f you have pro|>.-rty | » I th n/- I f you i / giv.- ni, a j O fflrr In I.nnci-fl« STAYTON, Notice o f Hearii count Notice i* ht-rcliy vili account o f Huida M. m u .latratm o f tfiT* i-*t( Shaxrr, (lrvra**i|, ha* L, County Court o f Marius ■ if « tr.-gun. an.I that Ovtol.t r. 101(1, at tin-L. m ., han bran duly a(| tVmft for Ihr hi'uring ' Anal accouf t an ■ • ■ F at which. Um»] t« fi in a n h •■•tat» j f;!' • tior.» t hr ri-to I . • • ’ at ih r aarnr I le i DA M D k ’ Its Admíi.iatratnx i f STMMÍ In th»- Circuit Courted Ori-gon for tht- loua 1 h-oartntf-nt I I 1 * 21 . U D. fiorii, 1 Man • > llrfiù rii. D r fil T o A lltrrt 'O . I)»I namt-tl ilrfrm lant. In th«- name o f th* .mi ar. hrrrhy n-,|.iraij itna vt i-r tin* con ntaKif f in tin- alxtvt- rntillcd » i . .» from thr Iati- ufi cation of thia aun>rri«a| »ix *»r. * , from tFi I’. 'lr, I f you fall Li wi r„ O r i luintilf »iS j court fo r .t r » relief complaint, namrly, tha ■riafrirnony hera-thfore I you ami tfo aliovr 'laaolvt^l ami heki I'laintilT h avr a ilt-vn-r j thr' car», cuatixly, arai childrrn o f yourarlf p ilaintifT'a coat* and • rein, and fo r auch i relief aa tn the court I Thia aummona la i publication in the St order o f Hon. W. V Judge, made ami herein on the 2!at day d| directing that the i once a week fo r six and pream bing the 2M4 lidfi. a* the date o f fintj O. H. A tt Aug 23. 30. Sept. Stayton Meat SESTA K ( V PRO PRI! Fresh, »Salt MEA' Creamery Butteri H i g h e s t Market j 1’a id f o r F it ! STAYTON STAYTON- AUTO ST) M m ,! tn f r o n t o f K l e t t 'i Po«it® O r e g o n R ltCtH c H fije in P h o n # FREE LUNCH AT NOON E very D ay, Sund Sums of $10 and under, cash: over $10 si:, months time on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interdi. V.-ee ner cent discount for cash on sums ev-r $10. All purchase; :m,a be settled for before leaving the place. l.v Stayton for Kingaton.^ n»ct motor . Kingaton for-^tayti Ar Stayton.... l.v Stayton for Salem. Sublimity........ *• •• Aumavllfe, meet» tr JOHN GEORGE KEEGH, A uct A ll cows tubercular tested. northbou.il! “ Turner............. ETZEL . ..... A r Sal *n, nu e l» C r (#•** t f i c .................. 'v^| t.v Oregon Flectric He("| S a le m ... Ar Turner................ Aumaville, meet U**| southbound...... “ Sublimity............. S. L. S T E W A R T , Clerk “ 8 Uyton ....... Lv Stayton for Kir m otor... t . „ - ‘ Kingston for 8 t Si