ndard TINWORK ANDf T R IU M P H N O T E S * ** - » r * ' « * + 4 Fred Ritzinger has returned from Ashland and ia visiting now among relatives and friends. . Chus. Staiger moved his en­ gine down from the saw mill and is getting ready for the harvest Application Lemberg It Main Objective in Determined Ruth of Czar’s Soldiers. Bgth Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings. Farmers— W# carry a line o f Pumps, Leader W ater Systems, Gasoline Engines, Etc. 9 '* ■ ■*'* * ER, Editor, w matter March ifTW at Stay ton, if March 3, 1H71*. T?ie K ind T on R ave A lw ays Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of __ and has been made tinder his per» sonal supervision since Its In fancy. A llo w no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Jostnas-good ” are bnt KiptHiucnts that trifle with and endunger the hcuitli of Infants and Children—Experience against Ex pertinent. rap, M. D. What is CASTOR IA Surgeon STAYTO N , ORE Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Ofl, P a re ­ goric, Drops and Hoothlng Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotto substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys W orm s and all«ys Feverishness. F o r more than thirty years It Las been In constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, W ind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. OREGON Flutter, D . M . D. NTIST M u ten Stmt« Rank Stayton, Ore, GENUINE CASTORI A B e a r s th e S ig n a t u r e o f Jacob Spaniol ALWAYS __ C a p ita l, $25,000.00 LEE TA TE , President. . GEO. SPAN IO L, Vice-Pres. W. RICHARDSON, Cashier. Farmers and Merchants BANK- ^ D SURGEON OF STAYTON OREGON ; A T - l a A . D. G a r d n e r , President. J. T. H u n t , Vice-President. S. L. S t e w AST, Cashier. --------— J. I f . Rinoo. A *s ’ t Cashier w ARY PUBLIC V. A . C apital, $25,000.00 L Y O N S M ISTS «L T Z E L T h e Kind You H ave A lw a y s Bought GOODE TJUtY PUBLIC :ott, D. C Rome. — Italian troops hare scarad further rlctortdk south of Oortta. crossing the Vallone and carrying the western slopes of Monte N adlogen, it waa officia lly announced- Italian de­ tachments have occupied Oppachla- sella. The Austrian stronghold, Oortta, has become an advanced base for the Ital­ ian forces to strike at Trieste, the principal commercial pert of the dual empire. The Italian advance guard la now within 20 miles of Trieste, although doubtless the Intervening hills have been carefully entrenched so that pro­ longed resistance may be expected. On the Carso plateau and to the east of Gorlzia along the laonzo front, the Austrians have suffered further .reverses at the hands of the Italians. Spinologist linai Adjustments V. S., B. V. Sc. N A R IA N Animals. Also ap iberculin test. BRITISH MAKE NEW SECOND HAND FURNITURE B dow isjflstafew items of hundreds of bargains you will find at our store . . . GAINS Germans Seriously Menaced on Both of Th slr Wings. London. — Indications that a new general attack by the brltlsh toward Bapaume Is near came In the news that they bad gained 300 or 400 yards on a front o f nearly a mile northwest of Posleres and that heavy fighting was going on all along the line. The British gains take them nearer to both Martlnpulcb and Couroeletts, key positions on the Bap«ums road. The »H iss now hold a strong grip oa the German third-line Irene has. the point o f the wedge d riv e « la a week ago having been broadened ant deep­ ened. The greater part of Maurepaa la now In French bands, while to tbs south they are In the outskirts e f Clery. The Germans are now men­ aced on both wings, trying to hold Clery and Comblea. both o f which are pillars o f their lines. |nd Gy si’ s Methods taking P la te--------- S. S A L E M . ORE. H. M A Y >r should be consult- I chronic disorders, te you well. S ALE M . W ATSON O’NEILL ETRIST Seattle 8houta for Prohibition. For InfantJ and Children In U s « For Over 3 0 Years ish Bank Building S M IT H Lonn.ry In its SI* Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Learning and Labor. Forty-eighth School Y ear Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. foporty to sell, lint it I f you want to buy re me a call. Lancefleld Building OREGON I. P H IP P S Theraputics Drug less Heal ir g ilo Trouble,. Hloml. Stomach, 1 and similar ill«tirratwm.nta ZPorLhlfo. Free rVn.ulta'I* n. 6. Boll Phon« lOIS • k Homo Pool» l i ALBANY. OREGON Degree Courses requiring a four-year high Achool preparation, are offered in the following: AG R IC U LTU R E , IB Departments ; COMMERCE, 4 Department*; E N G IN ­ E E R IN G , tt Departments; M INES, 3 Departments ; PO R K STR Y, 2 Depart­ ments; H O M E ECONOMICS, 4 Depart­ ments; and PH ARM AC Y. V o c a t i o n a l C o u r s e s requiring an Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, snd Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two- year high school entrance requirement. . SCHOOL O P MUSIC.— Piano, String, Rand and Voice Culture. C staW u e and beautiful illustrated book let'free. Addreae T n k Rum am An, i wJ-it-i* iae-f-is) coavALU», orroon Seattle.— A mass meeting of Seattle citizens which filled the arena Sunday afternoon expressed with a unanimous, vote approval o f the Washington pro­ hibition law and o f the work of Mayor Hiram C. GUI and Chief of Police Charles Becklngham in enforcing the law. Governor Ernest Ltater stated emphatically that the state waa better o ff under prohibition. Tbe meeting was called by the Seattle Ministerial federation to dlacusa more stringent enforcement o f the law. Demand Made on Railroad fo r Caro. Salem, Or.— Convinced that bustnese Interests In Oregon tributary to the Southern Pacific company face dis­ aster and ultimate bankruptcy unless immediate measures to relieve the growing freight car shortage are adopted, the Oregon public service commission demanded that the con pany furnish needed facilities to Ore gon producers and shippers. Order to Move M ilitia Rescinded. \ynshlngton.— Orders for the re \ malning mobilized units of the nation . al guard to proceed to the border hm beep’ suspended by the war depart ment. No official explanation ha* been made, but it Is known that th«> delicacy of the railroad strike sltua tlon has boon the moving considers ttoa. e buy the house furnishings of ¡two or three houses every day and you a n always find a large assortment here to choose from • e ♦ W • 30 Y e a n Experience 1 A ll work on watches and 2 • clocks guaranteed for One Year. •T ry My Work. It Speaka for Itself. 2 • Located in the Shoe Shop In rear o f Stayton State Bank Stayton, QUALITY HERD Poland China Swine Can furnish anything from wean­ ed pig to brood sows and service boars. Write me your wants and I will do my best to please you RAY J. FOX, Lyons, Ore. n o w ................................................................ Dressers, values to $15, slightly used .... $3 to $7.50 One $18 full quartered oak H all T r e e ................ $9.00 T w o $12 42-in. 6-ft. Extension Tables, round, can’t be told from new ........................... .............. $5.00 eac h One $7.50 heavy mission Rocker........................ $4.00 One $25 10x12 10-wire seamless Brussels R u g $11.00 One 12 2-in. white continous B ed....................... . $6.00 One set hardwood D in ers........... .......... .......... $3.00 Dozens o f other good Chairs, each......................... 50c m a t e r ia l E s p e c ia lly d e s ira b le in the c o u n try o r w h e re th e re is n o w a t e r system , b e c a u s e Durable Roofin'! W e s e ll th e c h e a p e st b e c a u se o u r ex p e n se s a r e lo w . Com er Court & Liberty Sts. -:- F IR E F «O O F Salem, Ore, Durable Roofing Mfge Co. P ortlan d , O ra . Porsalato 9 Brown-PetzelCo,Stayton Let as Do Your Job Printing