Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, August 16, 1916, Image 1

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    Largest Circulation in Stayton’» Trading Territory o f Any Newspaper
S T A Y T O N . M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , A U G U S T 1#, 1«I6.
School Fair is Assured What President Wilson
v Has Done.
.^ ■ ■ ■ w d a y afternoon at
Ella Williams en-
iXrfMl with h “ fortune party”
r v M S P fg sister, Miss Lois
[ j j K f o f Portland, and the
■ ■ P i l i t a and Nannie D.
j^O, o f Mobile, Alabama.'
entertainment was largely
‘ «•ndMld by fortune telling,Miss
>ho: Williams discovering tho
preaent tnd future in the
Hip»» Mrs. J. R. Miller pro-
i tho fa me result with
Ml«» S ie Kearns demoti­
ng th# art of palmistry and
JMSffle Mlfcer delving into the
flout bf the aid of verses
The Stayton School Fair is an
t . L .. Drugger, in the
assured success unless all signs Tribune, pronounces cam
fail, ia the report o f S. H. Helt-| Hughes “ the premium faul
zel. secretary o f the beard of er,” and says that Presiden
trustees. He stated that he had son can point to deeds ac<
secured pledges amounting to ; ijghed, not mere assertions,
$71.00 in about two hours of ac-4to other ^ f o ^ g now ¡n jfl
tual work among the citizens of tion. Ag an offaet toM r Hli
Stayton. The Importance of the jmnlied nurooses. the actus
eorations were elaborate
Hfftl and the lunche« n
•y tile popular hostess
Ipp ou ld be deni red.
present to "enjoy the oc-
tU m the honor guests
lOMeas, were Mesdames
i, W, F. Goodman. Kflie
, MeLay and J. R. Mil-
it Sue Kearns, Della,
Blakely, Speaking of a
the Willamette valley,
• lin t any, as far as
rbtfry crop igconcerned.
Og he put out about 200
ry plants, not expect-
Mrs. Allis motored to MtA Angel
“ “7 K;
and Wilhoit Sunday,
led wrth that, soon
... ,
crop was harvest-
N,ck Zimmerman was a Stay-
Iossom and are now ton vi8itor Thursday.
;e second crop of
Dr- an‘* Mrs- H. A. Beauchamp
lious berries. Mr. and daughter motored to Casca-
tely have been en- dia Sunday.
for several days,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F .. Beery and
' b that The second ¡Cleeta visited Gates Sunday.
t***r than the first. I E. V. Ferguson and family, of
of railroad is said j Salem, visiter! at the Jos. Ham*
from Newport to man_home Sunday.
line running up j Mrs. Leander Smith and son
llmon river, thence were trading in town Thursday.
lake it comfortable and save work by covering
ilitchen floor with
* *
ive a new supply just in. Handsome patterns,
Quality the Best.
IN’T F O R G E T w e arc headquarters for
ig Twine, Machine Oils,
Rope, Belting, etc.
Stamps given with every 10c purchase.
nly Garage in town that is fire
proof. We can do work cheap­
er. We have no fire insurance
to pay
idle A uto Accessories o f all kinds, Gasoline
Gasoline 20c
Mrs. E. T,. Matthieu, o f this
city, has three nephews, resi­
dents of Mclfinnvitle, with the
Oregon troops on the Mexican
border. They are brothers, one
a captain. Writing to his cousin,
Miss Théo Matthieu, one of them,
Roy Michelbuch, says:
We are encamped at Imperial
Beach now, about eight miles
from San Diego, ^nd four miles
from the border. We are on the
beach and have a pretty nice
We have a few shade
trees around camp and it makes
us think o f old Oregon.
We were on thé border for
four weeks at San Ysidoro and
we got some valuable train­
ing there.
I got a big rattle
snake hide and some of the boys
got-tarantulas. They are worse
things to handle than rattlers.
We were camped within one
mile o f Mex. Furete o f C«(Tfuiza
soldiers and about the same dis­
tance from a race track and bull
pen. We are all having a good
have not been called on, do not
3 - Election of United States
be disappointed, because he will eenators by direct vote of the
4^-Income tax law, which lifts
the burden of taxation from the
5 shoulders of the masses and places
? it on those better able to bear it,
' the rich.
v *
' _ .5—The law extending parcels
I post, increasing weight limits,re-
[ during postal charges.
1 6 —The law creating a federal
labor employment bureau. J.
7 -Thè law, creating a secre­
tary of labor in the president’ s
8—Rural credits law, giving
financial freedom, long delayed
justice, long time loans, low in-
’ terest to the farmers.
1 9 - Federal trades commission
law, aiding and protecting honest
1 business, eu rbi n g lawless trusts.
10— Seamen’s law, humanizing
labor conditions on shipboard and
lessening the dangers o f ocean
11— Clayton amendment to an­
titrust law, preventing control of
| big corporations by few men de­
claring that “ labor is not a com­
modity.” .
12— Alaska railway law, open­
ing America’s storehouse to the
13— Eight hour labor law on all
government work.
14— Law providing government I
insurance on ship cargoes.
15— He furnished government
money to aid in moving farmer’s
crops to market when Wall street
was holding money for specula­
tive purposes.
16— He averted a threatened
panic at outbreak o f the war by
offering to use government money
to relieve the business situation.
17— He perfected 29 peace trea­
ties with othér nations, thereby
greatly lessening the danger of
He is now urging congress to
pass the following laws:
1— A tariff commission law, tak­
ing the tariff out of polities, pol­
itics out of the tariff and regulat­
ing it on scientific business prin­
Inheritance t tax law.
3— A law taxing munitions of
Child labor law. (Passed)
A merchant marine shipping
law, curbing and controlling the
greatest o f all trusts, the ship­
ping trust.
, -
He has kept us out o f war,
maintained a strict matraüty,
strengthened and extended the
Monroe doctrine to South Ameri­
can countries.
He has refused to be forded in­
to a war o f revenge or conquest
with Mexico has extended the
hand of friendship rather than
the mailed fist.
More progressive legislation
has been enacted during the Wil­
son administration than in the
irevious 40 year*, vitally affect-
ng the people’« welfare.
Birthday Party
I time and feeling fine. My fifth
vaccination is just beginning to
take effect and I am glad it is.
It will be the last one.
James is with the mounted or­
derlies and is a lance corporal al­
ready. He feels like a brigadier
Inclosed is a piece o f Villa
money, which has no money val­
ue but is used to a great extent
as souvenirs by the tourists and
Captain Frank and I are fine.
Write often.
- J . P. Kirkpatrick has bought
stock in the Oregon Messenger
company and has assumed the
position of managing editor o f
that newspaper. C. D. Babcock
has accepted a position as pub­
licity m anager'for the Hughes-
Fairbanks campaign committee
in Oregon and is established in
Portland. ^
Mr. Kirkpatrick has been elec­
ted secretary-treasurer o f. the
company and will have complete
charge of the paper. -Statesman.
Bring Your Produce. Highest Price
i Paid for Eggs,
A New, Clean Stock of Groceries
Open Early and Late.
In Building with Mayo's Cash Store
The stock o f Salt we are selling
first quality branded “ Net weight.
The 501b. sack will run ashighas551hs
W e don’t sell short weight goods
sacrifice quality for price.
Price V
For C.i
W ith n ew b e tid in g * , b e tt e r e q u ip m e n t, and
■»any a d d itio n , to Ite fa c u lty . th e U n lvrrilty
o f O r e g o n ’w ill b e g in It* fo r t y -flr » t year. Tue*-
day. S ep tem b er IS , I S I S .
S p ecia l tra in in g In C o m m e rce , J o e r n a ll.m .
A rch ite c tu re , L aw , M e d lr lb r .T e n r h ln c . L ib ra ­
ry W o r k . M u sic, P h y .lc n l T ra in in g and Pina
Arta. L a rg e and stron g d ep a rtm en t* o f L ib e r-
al E du ca tion .
L ib ra ry o f m o r o than SS.SOS velu m e e , f i f ­
teen b u lld in p e f o l l y e q u ip p e d , tw o .p le n d td
■ y m n n .lu m i.
T u ltjo n F ree. D o rm ito rio * f o r m en a n d fo r
w o m e n . Ex p e a »o* L ow eet.
W r ite lo r fr e e e n te le « ., add reaetn c E o a le tm t
■ V S k S E OSESSW >