:auchamp, ML D. an and Surgeon OREGON . Pin tier, D.'M. D' E N T IS T Important Qccurrencos of Past " Week Briefly Complied for Gur Readers. T he location and proper m ark in g 'o f pioneer tra d e and o th er historic routes o t travel In Oregon have been under* taken by the Oregon geographic board and the Oaughtora of the A m erican Revolution In cooperation with the de­ p artm en t of history of the agricultural college. It la the desire of M nn and o th er ch ap ters of the D. A. R. to have m arkers placed along the pioneer high­ ways. ao th a t evidence of the old routes of travel p a / be perpetuated while inform ation regarding tboir loca­ tion la available. The s ta te em ergency board has au­ thorised J. W Minto, superintendent e f the Oregon penitentiary, to create a deficiency In a aum not to esceed $16,000 to rep air the dam age done to the Industrial building a t th e prison by fire occurring May 18. Lane county will pool Its eggs. Tlits plan of m arketing under the direction of the county grange organization ha* been applied to livestock, wool and mo­ hair with success. An «kg circle Is to be formed In connection with each grange, each forming a unit In a coun- ty organization C latskanle'a 10th annual rosa show will be held on June 17. ir Slayton State Hank P ortland la to wltneaa autom obile Stayton, Ore. racing a t the Rose City speedw ay on Sunday. Ju ly 16. T hree and possibly four w srshlps will ho In .(h e Portland harb o r during the Rose Festival. N AND SURGEON "Having d aylight” by turning the If TON, OREGON clocks an hour ahead Is being followed In the high schools of Portland. T he fourth annual W estern regon O lder Girts” Sunday school conference » « 1 held In Kugenc May 26. 27 and 28. TKOFATH Hinlan grass, on« of the new fonts« mca: Bell Black 4X2 crops for Oregon, Is being planted ex­ ALBANY, OREGON tensively by futuu-rs around Mon­ mouth. . . . W ith fair w eather prevailing and a big crowd In attendane« the «Iglitb annunl straw b erry festival..w as held w*th new Im provem ents confeinplatcd Y -A T -L A W at Roseburg. within the next two or th ree m onths, T heV xccutlve Ic.ard of th e farm ers' *t will have Increased thè m ill rap acity N O T A R Y P U B L IC «rain *unloii pf Oregon and southern from Its ^ rlq ln a l output of 60.000 r««t Idaho held th e ir s e m i uomini m eeting 'lay, to 160,000 for tho sam e w orking A. COODE in Pendleton. hours. — — i i ' ft b u s be. II lltM l,b d to CRII a special T he second annual W illam ette Invi- d NOTARY PUBLIC election lu W a s.') county tor 11 : « • pur- tallonai track and field m eet for the pose of voting on u $200,000 bond Issue 11011 conference colleges of O rm o » was for road Im provem ent __ ____ won fay—U llilàniette ut Baleni by a The p reparedness para le to fat; held "‘'«»re of alm ost double th at of the.near- In P ortland on the night of Ju n e 3 will cat com petitors. X H ' final count be participated In by fully 20,000 peo showed W illam ette to be in the lead pie, accordili« to indications. ~j wrth 77 potuta, Mc.MInn ville cqllegf. A. R1NGO The O frgorf A gricultural college 41H and Pacific U niversity third with OREGON team d efeated .th e L'ulvcrsHjr of Wash- | - points. 4ngton •<«; »«gation nt JJJir valli» In th« Resignation of Clyde R. AUchlson as •B an al dual meet, by a iaco rc of 79',* * m em ber of the Oregon public serv- to 6 1 '* .' ‘ ' . «, , | Ice com m ission, to be effective Ju n e W. I. P atterso n , a well kiv*wn c lm r ' J. » •» received by Oovernrir Withy- REMARIAN di aler of guiem . killed hla *lf.- and combe. T he executive will appoint-H * ics tic Animals. A little daughter, IT years old. and th«u >1 Corey, p resen t secretary of the i- T-Qb*reulin te s ^ shot a id k.lled uuuacif with a M’ cu'M- 'com m ission and w inner of the repub­ ile phone .1x7 lic- revolr.-r 1 Rcan nom ination from the «afctern Ore- T hree tl in •• i| p.-reo. a repr-ac-.t k'-n district, to fill out the umutplred Ing, alio at every family In northern term o f ^ i r . Altchlson. >. Lane i ouiity. attended “the H< cond nii -1 s ta te ladlcu' auxiliary of -the g u a i tv... iinu-ii M Hu- W...-Id picnic at I'idted Spanish W ar V eterans will be GENERAL GALLIENI Children Cry for Fletcher's T h a K in d T o o B at * A iim y s B o u g h t, a n d w h ic h h a s b e e * 4 a u se fo r o v e r 8 9 j e a n , h u j o r n « th e s ig n a tu re o f n o n a l s u p e rv is io n s in c e I ts t a f a n e j . A w X i « * A llo w n o o n e to d e c e iv e j o t s f a t h l e . A l l C o u n t e r f e i t s , I m i t a t i o n s a n d MJ t m t - a s - f o o d " a r e b a g E x p e rim e n ts t h a t trifle w ith a n d e n d a n g e r th e h e a lth o f I n f a n t s a n d C h i l d r e n —E x p e r i e n c e a g a i n s t E x p e r i m e n t . What is C A S T O R IA G sneral Galllenl, French ax-M Intster of War, who saved P aris from the Germ ans In 1914, is dead a fte r .a short BRIEF WAR NEWS GENUINE C A S T O R IA «* Bears the Signatare of ALWAYS L DIRECTOR H. M AY In the class w h'ch will «raduato Iriun the Albany high school til » week are four m em bers of the sam e family throe siste rs and a brother. T his tarn ish es an instance said to b e : un­ paralleled In Oregon schools. The four are Misses Prances Myers, Helen S„ Myers, H alite K. Myers .a n d , Lyndon L. Myers, all children of Mrs. Nellie Myers, of Albany. Misses Helen and Hullle M yers are twins. The census bureau has Issued the result of the census of m anufacturers of Oregon in 1914. showing Increases com pared w ith the prior census made tush Bank Building In 1909, of horsepow er. 26 per cen t; capital, 66 per cen t; salaries. 40 per cen t; m aterial, 25 per cent, and the Clyde O. Huntley? of Oregon City, value of products. 18 per cent. The wan appointed by Governor Withy- total capital employed in 1914 was combe ss a m em ber of th e Oregon I139.COO.OOO and the value of m anu­ P harm acy board to succeed Leon B. factured products 8109,000,000. At the recent primary* election, three Haskins. of Medford, whose te r m 'e x ­ counties, U m atilla, Union and Coos, pired-.May 20._ SING P A R L O R S The aiutimi Roomer day celebration voted on th e question of Issuing bonds and stock show at Oregon City S atu r­ foT highway Im provem ent. In the two 'ace Cream s, H air 0 O rder, Manieur- a day was a g re a te r success than had form er counties the Issue was over­ 1 Face T reatm en t. Jij been expected. Ovi-r 1000 vlsitora re ­ whelmingly defeated. In Coos county of P. Building »? tu rn e d to th r tr homes a fte r a day full the issue carried by a m ajority ap- 'hone 281 -R proxtm atlng 500 votes, The am ount of entertain m en t. - OREGON ? Extensive preparation to protect the of the issue authorized Is $362,000. It ¿¡unlaw nat o, ul forest In w estern will be expended In standardizing the Lane county from fire Is to be made grade of the main roads of. tho county. The S outhern Pacific recently se t d u rin e the early- part ef the sum m er, a force of men at work on the north accordin'; to announ^em i nt made stile of Coos Hay planting sand grass by Supervise! R a n k in .. % iI.R It IN Tho prospects of raising broccoli In along the W illam ette-Pacific right of the (bios Ray m et Ion. as lias been suc­ way betw een the Coos Ray bridge and tl C o u n try cessfully followed In Dot glas county. H auser, a distance of five miles. It Is Is a ttra c tin g much .u n re a l. The com­ i th e expectation of the railw ay com­ m ercial lioilles of the bay cities are pany th at the g rass within a few years cnileavorlt.1; to Intit/est the farm ers. i will root and spread so th at the shift- S enator Chunil erlain-is preparing to | ing- sands will be held .In check and urge an am endm *nt to. the sundry civil 1 the railw ay will not be sifbjected to nerty to sell, lit bill to pro Ide ¿'.’110,066 for developing mud drifts. f you w ant to buy M. C. Sm ithson, of McMinnville col- a rtesian we Ms ¡util luvestlgaffon of underground w ater supply lit the seml- i lege, rep resen tin g Oregon, won first ncefteld Building p la c e in the Pacific Coast Intercolle­ OREGON « ik I regions of centra-l and eastern giate oratorical contest a t McMinn­ Oregon. In e- r / i ’M'iit e with tho cilfctom es­ ville over rep resen lativ cs of the Uni- tablish •< u year age-,- the O.-W. R. & versRy of Redlands, - Stanford and N. com pany has arranged to entertain W hitm an. Gordon Palm er, of Red­ a party of young women living in va­ lands, was second. Mr. Sm ithson's iolili p a rts of the northw est as its victory m akes him the reprenentatlve .u-- to during th e 'a p p ro a c h in g Ri.so of the cclloyea ^ | h e Pacific coast at tho n tiic .ia l Tiratdrlcal contest at Lex- f'osi I < al. ", . The elm-»'-'!! helil at nonOhurg for | in -'tm , Ky.,vin December, Tho purpose «of am ending the ch arter i liood River canning straw b erries to perm it issuing of bo id« In the^Him ind cherries have been contracted at of 3:i(M,a00 for th e construction of a price» higher than over before re­ railroad to Hock. Creek, In the tim ber ceived. The F ruit G row ers' Exchange d istric t east of Rosoburg, carried by a han sold its Royal Annea and other white varieties of cherries for $i4 vote of Cól to 94. Hwon McLennan, of Shanlko, one of cents a pound, net, to grow ers. The the mosO extensive sto ck ralsers in Apple G row ers' association has con­ thinfrfrom wean- eastern Oregon, was found guilty by a tracted for the aale-of Us w blta cher- 8owk and service ju ry In .circuit cou rt a t The Dalles on j rlea. the larger portion of the local e your want3 and the charge of stealing and killing two crop, for 6 cents, net, to grow ers. The >st to please you horses ^belonging to C. E. M atthew s, association will sell Its stock of can- i\i cents a pound of C riterion. T he caas waa the eul- i ning straw b erries )X, Lyons» Ore. ih I nation of a stockm en's fight of many i not to growara, who also will g et back I th eir ora tea. mom ent noted being north of Lake MladzMTT" where the Russians put down a Germ an atteig p t to capture T h * K in d You H ave A lw a y s B o u gh t th eir trenches. ? Italian and A ustrian accounts are a t variance concerning the prograsa of the cam paign In the T rentlno. Rome adm its a retirem ent from an advanced posit.on on the Astlco river, but claim s that a sanguinary defeat was Inflicted upon tho A ustrians In the I.af&rlna valley. Chiropractic Spinologist The tide -fit b a t'le has sw ept back G rad u ate P alm er F o u n tain H ead School ^ o f C h iro p ractic and forth with unequalled fury around AUTO STAGE Verdun for the past week. The mighty Try C hiropractic Spinal A djustm ents and.g ?t well. artillery duel which rap£v StaVton for S alem ..............1 “ Sublim ity................................I Fresh, Salt and Cured “ Aum sville, meet* train 62 n o r th b o u n d ...................I STAYTON-SALEM STAYTON - KINGSTON “ Turner^ .. 1......... -............ I Creamery Butter and Lard Highest Market Price . Paid for Fat Stock SMITH Y HERQ hina Swine southbound__ *.............. I “ S u b lim ity ............... I “ S ta y to n ..........%.......................I METRIST HASTINGS ; A r Salem, m eets Oregon Elec­ tr ic .................................... I Lv Oregon Electric depot a t S alem ................................1 A r T u rn e r......................... .1 “ Aumsville, m eet train 61 Lv Stayton for Kingston, meet motor..............................6 JO p. ■ “ Kingston for Stayton........6:35 ** JO S . HAMMAN SHORT NEW S NUGGETS Five persons were seriously Injured and property dam age aatlm ated at $300,000 was done-in and around Wim­ bledon, N. D., by cyclone. Dr. A rthur W arren W aite was found- guilty in New York of the m urder of his father-in-law, John E. Peck, the Grand Rapids m illionaire. Exports of m erchandise from the port of New York during-April am ount­ ed to $184,751,946, com pared with $136,1?$,523 In April a year ago. , United S ta te s D istrict Judge Mau­ rice T. Doollng of San Francisco, fixed $18,000,000 as the 'u p set” price for th e sale of the W estern Pacific rail­ way, In a foreclosure suit. Two men w ere killed, two probably fatally injured and property dam age estim ated a t betw een $80,000 and »Hto.000 w rought b y ,th e fire in the main building of the Penn College at OskalooBS. Iowa. C hairm an C harles D. Hllles, of the republican national com m ittee, has ex­ pressed the opinion th a t the platform which will be adopted by fhe national convention will be unusually brief and will deal only with the m ost vital pub­ lic questions. _ • • The penalty* of expulsion provided in paragraph 271 of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church for m em bers who play cards, dance, a tr tend the th e a te r or engage in other sim ilar am usem ents will rem ain in ef­ fect for an o th er four years a t least, us tho resu lt of action taken by the general conference. Growing Crops No B ankruptcy Asset. B utte, Mont.—Growing crops cannot be considered as assets of bankrupt farm ers, according to a decision of the U nited S tates .circuit court of appeals. The original decision was m ade in the case of R. S Miller and S. A. Lang dorf, farm ers, who in filing petitions jp bankruptcy failed to Hat growing crops. , Greeks Aroused by Bulgar Invasion. Paris.—A dispatch from A thens says grave trouble has broken out th ere fol­ lowing th a new s of tho invaxloa o f Macedonia by tba M carlaaa. Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings. Farmers—We carry a line of Pumps, Leader Water Systems, Gasoline Engines, Etc. P . B. P H IP P S Suggestive Theraputics Jacob Spanio! Sanitary Enameled Iron Tray, quickly -/t » detached and washed with other dishes. Makes, baby , healthy ' and mother happy. No dirt or germs ■«x* to accumulate as in wooden trays. See them at Alexander Furniture Co’s