(ose Festival Visitors are cordially Invi tad to visit LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE lUy« Fifth Floor. TUford Bldg., cor. Tenth and Morriaon Sta., during atival, June 7, 8, 9. A ll will be welcome. School In aesaion ail'year. L Better Barrel Flour Cheaper’’ HOUSTON OTEL S ixth oad E v ere tt Streets PO R TLA N D . OREGON (4 block* from Uafae Statico) Rara 50s, -78s, $1.00, <1.60 P IR N » ARK OOOO TO RAT. • A Y U NIVERSITY JAPANESE Considered Greet Delicacy PSy Nip­ ponese, Who Eat Fuget 'Sound rOWN - . Plant Like Asparagus. University o f Washington. — The common fern or brake that grows la the Puget Bound country la good,to Oat, according to University of Waah- Jngton Japanese students. Several Japanese famWes bave been gather­ ing the stems.of the plant oa the cam­ pus recently. They are boiled and eaten like "fukl,” the Nipponese rhu­ barb, or the American asparagus. To take out the acid taste of the fern, the sterna are boiled In water, to which ashes are added. When near­ ly cooked the water and ashes are poured off. Clean boiling water Is then poured on an