Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, April 26, 1916, Image 4

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    % ....
* i
For light,
wholesome cakes,
biscuits and pastry, use
Always safe and reliable. I f it*
isn ’tail we claim your grocer
will refund y ou r m on ey.
U. S. Government Homesteads
1,000,000 ACRES
In the Famous Columbia River Basin and Okanogan Valley.
Fruit, *
Dairy, Farm and Timber Land Map showing. Roads. Lakes, Riven.
Creeks, Mountains, Indian Allotments and Mineral Land. Book of
Description, shows How to Locate any Homestead of 160 Acres on
the Reservation W IT H O U T T H E E X P E N S E O F A LOCATOR.
P R I C E , P O S T P A I D , $ 1 .0 0 .
504-5 McKay Building, PORTLAND. OREGON
Clean Up Means Paint Up
See Y our
D o it N O W !
Business necessity — every Mer­
chant buys on sight.
B ig profits.
Exclusive territory. Free samples.
Sells from $5 to $100.
W rite quick
for territory. Sayers. 637 Railway
Exchange, Portland, Ore.
Everyone Should
Drink Hot W ater
in the Morning
P i a i B r a d o » B688.
Wash aw ay all the stomach, liver,
and bowel poisone before
Prompt Servie.
Specialty Machine Works
t o C M t a f . WeMin* MaeSine Shop Work.
Cm b e im Ex parta. Maenetua leptiml.
beta of all Kindt Made far Automobile*
T o feel your best day in and day out
to feél clean inside; no sour bile to
M N .rn a lS l
ParUaad. O n »..
coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head; no cpnstlpa-
tion, bilious attacks, sick headache,
| colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid atom-,
I acb, you must bathe on the Inside like'
jyo u bathe outside. This is vastly more
11a m ir Automobile School on the Pa.
(M e Comt maintaining a Cm Tractor
! important, because the skin pores do
Drpc. Urine Holt Catterpillar. C. L. Bam
; not absorb impurities into the Mood,
Tmeklarar and Wheal Tractera, both in the
| while the bowel {lores do, says a well-
aehmi and Operating field.
known physician.
M H artB araeA n ,
Porti a ad. Ore.
T o keep these poisons and toxins
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before
breakfast each day, a glass o f hot
water with a teaspoonful o f limestone
^ 8 h ip ai^your^Cream. Eggs. Poultry, Dressed
phosphaté In it. This w ill cleanse,
purify and freshen the entire alimen­
tary tract, before putting more food
H azelw ood C o., Portland, O r.
into the stomach.
Tha ham. of the aatufied chipper.
Get a quarter hound of limestone
Tbs hotter the Cream, the better the Prim.
phosphate from your pharmacist It
Is inexpensive, and almost--.tasteless,
Treatment and Prevention except a sourish twinge which is not
B o o k s F r e e of Contariou* Abortion,
Drink phosphated hot
and Prevention of Calf Scours. Hoc unpleasant
Poultry Diseases. Clip this ad and water every morning to rid your sys­
an X in front of books wanted.
tem o f these vile poisons and toxins;
>▲ BROS.. Dekaai Bide- Perils ad. O r * w
also to prevent their formation. -
, T o feel like young folks fee l; like
Didn’t Take A Chance.
you felt before your blood, nerves and
, “ H ow is the cooking In that restau­ muscles became saturated with an ac­
rant 7”
cumulation o f body poisons, begin this
Gentleman with toothpick— “ Fine.” j treatment and above all, keep It up!
“ And what did you have, may I As soap and hot water act on the skin,
cleansing, sweetening and purifying,
Gentleman with toothpick— “ A doz- so limestone phosphate and hot water
m raw oysters, some ice cream and before breakfast, act on the stomach,
of milk.”
liver, kidneys and bowels. *
Ynnr P a l m « « « Spirited.
Cash for Butterfat
Another Good One.
Metal Grain Bins
“ I see the Campfire Girls have an
honor entitled the ‘firem aker degree/ *
“ That ought to qualify them as good
wives for lucky men. H ave they a
dish washer degree?” — Louisville Cou­
ri,. l'ìwat.
A H in t
, troten-
He— I see where the government
wants women to save their rags.
She— W ell, R the government only
j takes a look at the clothes I have to
; wear, It can see one woman’s doing it.
Spring Colds
A re the W o rst
A g e n ts W a n te d
Coast Culvert & Flume Co.
P O R T L A N D , [Kenton] OREGON
They lead to catarrh and pneu­
They weaken the entire
system and leave it unable to resist
the sudden changes.
They inter­
fere with your digestion and lessen
vour activity. Neglected they soon
become that dread disease known
as systemic catarrh. Don’t neglect
them. I t ’s costly ss well as danger­
Will Safeguard You
Have a box o f Peruna Tablets with
you for the sudden cold or expos­
ure. Tone your system up with a
regular course o f the liquid Peruna,
fo rtify it against colds, g e t your di­
gestion up to normal, take care o f
yourself, and avoid danger. I f you
are suffering now begin tha treat­
ment at once.
Give Nature the
help she needs to throw off the ca­
tarrhal inflammation, and again be­
come w ell.
Peruna has been helping peo-
pM fo r A4 years.
Thousands o f
2 * ^ ®n 14 to r « K « * * , colds
and indigestion. I t ’s à good fetale
for tha weak, aa welL
The Pa
*. Th e struggles o f Indian boys In the
different schools with the English lan
gnage are revealed In a batch o f let
t e n In the poaaeaalon o f A. 8. W yly.
a^ertntendent o f Indian schoola In
An Indian boy on a farm wrote:
am not going to uae those mule team s
any longer than 1 can help. They In­
jure my religion. I have to scold them
and use bad words before I can get
them a going on such speed as I want
them. These facta are true, to be wit,
by Qod.”
‘1 Just received your good sarsa­
parilla letter and your picture,” wrote
another. “ I can feel that It la purify­
ing and enriching, the letter and the
picture, acting gently on my liver and
framer. _ W rits m e. I am i s lo x a with
the truth."
Another Indian boy placed on
farm w ro te '« letter o f objectlon-to that
kind o f labor, and a gentle complaint
as to the wages he received.
"M y honored school fsther and
friend,” he wrote to Superintendent
W yly, “ now I am going tp .write you
this day and Inform you how I like my
place. First o f all matters I would say
earnestly I don’t like I t I think the
trouble Is I am too big for him, be­
cause he told me right before my face,
he said he rather have a email hoy, so
he can give him $6 or $7 a month for
his labor. This was when I first came
to this place and ever since he has
had same opinion.
“ Another thing he can't g iv e me
higher wages, he wouldn't do It for
any man, and yet the tight wad wants'
me to work on two farms and yet he
Qnly give m e $10 a month, gracious
life. A woman can get more as $10 a
month keeping house. I would rather
be a housekeeper than work on tw o
farms at $10 s month.”
An Indian boy from the Snake set­
tlement tries to tell the superinten­
dent he Is tired o f school and would
rather go back to ths tepee. H e Is
not the first boy who has "played sick”
to get sw «7 from school, but no school­
boy ever voiced, it in such quaint lan­
“ M y dear friend' school father," ha
wrote. "Particularly I am endeavoring
to assume a splendid opportunity to
say Just concisely to you on this beau­
tiful morning. I suppqse you recog­
nize that I am sick in nfy giblets. I
deem I am w ell again no more. I
want you to let me go home as soon
as this month. I f I stay here so long I
can’t be entirely well, maybe so.”
Germany’s Trained M % ty ----
Distinguished W ar Veteran.
The Journal O ffic ii o f France con­
tains the follow ing: "Corporal 8urru
gue (Charles) No. 9131, Ninth com­
pany, Sixth regiment o f engineers;
veteran o f 1870; knight o f tbe Legion
o f Honor; volunteered for tbe dura­
tion o f the war at the age o f seventy-
six, asked to be sent to the front as a
sapper, shares without any sign o f
physical weakness all the work carried
on by his company, both by day and
by night, under the enemy’s fire; a
most conscientious soldier o f discip­
line, energy and keenness.” In private
life Surrugue la a civil engineer and
regularly walks many miles to super­
intend the construction and upkeep o f
the light railways In his district. A
twenty-mile walk la mere child’s play
to him. For tw elve years before the
war he was the mayor o f his native
town o f Auxerre, In Tonne, a place o f
17,000 Inhabitants. In the w ar o f 1870
Corporal Surrugue served with Gen­
eral Ffetdherbe. Called up as a civil
engineer, he gained the rank o f cap­
tain. H e was tWlca mentioned in dis­
A fte r the Honeymoon.
Mrs. George Jay Gould .was defend­
ing, at a dinner In N ew York, a mar­
riage o f a rational rather than roman­
tic nature.
"Th ese romantic and Improvident
marriages are very fine in the begin­
ning,” aaid Mrs. GonM; "but later o n !”
She shook her heed pensively.
"L ove,” th e M id, “ laughs at lock­
smiths, hot later on the w o lf at the
io o r does the m o m thing."
fc * * 1
Nobody can Tell when you
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
with Sage Tea.
One Complained That Mulaa "Injurat
Hia Religion"— Low Wages and
Hard W ork Has Embittered
U fa o f Another.
H ere Is the list In the logicai order
which the Germans considered In mak­
ing w ar a science, remarks the En­
gineering Magas ine:
(1 ) Investiga­
tion, finding ont what to do; ( ! ) or­
ganization, building the machine that
would properly carry out what should
be done; (3 ) records, gathering tecta
and statistics to be used by thla or­
ganization in arriving at the right
kind o f conclusione In carrying out
what should be done; (4 ) planning,
logically arranging and co-ordinating
all details so that the various steps
can be rapidly and efficiently carried
o'fitj'TS) standardization, carrying out
the steps determined or actually do­
ing the work in a proper manner; (6)
incentives, the reenlta o f the success­
ful application o f the other five.
In other words, the Germans real­
ized that to win the rewards o f war
the actual work would have to be
done properly by w ell trained men,
after the most careful kind o f plan­
ning, based on and, as indicated by
recorda, secured through an efficient
organization, which thoroughly in ves­
tigated every possible feature In con­
nection with the task ahead o f i t
Grandmother kept her hair beauti­
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was spplled with won­
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for “ W yeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound,” you will get a large bot­
tle of this old-time recipe, Improved
by the addition of other Ingredients,
all* ready tfl-use. fo r shout 60 cents.
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and beau­
ty to the hair.
A well known downtown druggist
says everybody uses W yeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell it has been spplled—
It's so easy to use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft brush and draw
It through your hair, taking one straud
at a time. By morning tbe gray hair
disappears; a fter another application
or two. It Is restored to Its natural
gplor and looks glossy, soft and beau-
tlfuL Thla preparation Is a delightful
toilet requisite. It-is not intended for
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
. *
• ,
mma^-Honeit. Mature, aian’ty w r
accept Jack's proposal laat night?
Maude— Y-Y-Yes. But how did you
' ', ' ' *'
Maine— Oh. the poor dear looked so
worried this morning.— Penn State
Heard On the Elevated.
First Young Thing— I started read­
ing “ Les Misérables'' last night. It
la very interesting.
Second Young Thing— Isn’t It!
think It la V ictor Herbert’s m aster
piece.— Boston Transcript
Always. Thus.
“ I understand they want to turn dis­
tilleries into munition factories.'’
“ It might help. If they do. But Its
the old-story of the ultimate consumer
getting the worst of i t ”— Washington
■ a r e H ealth y , S u m * , B s s s U t s l S jS t
Oculista and Physician s need M urtas Kjre
io U j assay years before Is wee off*rod se e
D a n n ile Xye M edido*. Murine Is ilUU Com­
pounded by Our Physicians and guarna teed
»y Usas ns a Reliable Reilsf for Eyes that Meed
Carer Try It In your E je * ned In Baby * K jt e ­
tto Hw» 1 -tlog— Juet Eye Comfort. Buy Marios
of your D ruggist— accept aoSuhaUtate, and II
La lerce led write tor Booh of tho By* Pres.
It (J Ml MB B Y * R C M E D Y C O * C H IC A G O
S ix fe e t t h r o u g h at base, 4 fe e t
6 in c h e s t h r o u g h at to p , fiv e f e e t a b o v e
g ro u n d .
G ia n t S t u m p in g
P o w d e r d id a c le a n jo b , t a k in g o u t
ro o ts and all w it h o u t t e a r in g a b i g h o le
in th e g r o u n d .
F a r m e r s w h o h a v e u sed
th e m k n o w th at
always save them money, time and work.
I ”hey ta v e jB o n e y
because they lift and heave a* w ell at »hatter, and go further than
high explosives that merely split the stumps. T h e y save time,
and work because they get out the stu m p s- b ig or little, green i
deed— in a co nditio n easy m handle. .— I g f t b flt t l I t f u il* IfQl
Giant Powders than from any other powder 1 have used, says
A. E. Adkins, Woodburn, Ore.
Bix— I wonder if Dr. Cook really
thought he discovered the north pole?
Dlx— Possibly!
W e all »m ake mis­
takes. Why, when I married my w ife
I thought I had discovered Paradise.—
Boston Transcript
Loans Seem to Weaken It.
A (to man be has touched)— Thanks,
old chap. But what is this little pam­
phlet you handed me?
B— Oh, I always hand, one o f those
out with a loan.
It tells how to.
strengthen the memory. — Boston
Tran script
Y e a C èa G e l AtteWe reet-Caae i m .
W rite A lien s. Olmsted, U Roy. N. Y., fo r*
Ire« sample o ( A llen’s Foot E ra * It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makw
nemor tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
cerrhi. ingrowing nails and bunions. A ll drug-
|Uls sell 1
Don’t accept any substitute.
Five Blasting Books FREE
Better ways of removing stumps and boulders, making
ditches, planting trees, and, breaking up the subsoil are
described in our five illuitrsted books They were written
for western farmers, to meet the conditions that yen have.
-Writs us (or the book on the subject you are interested in.
THE GIANT POWDER CO.^ Con •i oeircs Su Francisco
” Everything fo r Bloating "
In s til Offltw ■ SwHU. >*» » « « « . Portland. Ish Lsks CSSs. I
Doubla Tread, Puncture Proof Tires
Made from your old one*. l-»»l Ion*
ee Bren New Tire*. fif* ALSO M Y
Tlkt.H Wepayae KUrh ee 10c
per lb for euch es we ran use In Double
Tread work, end th* Mr heel market
Ship your. Ttree at once ur write ua. • j
rauMwe a . ue •■***■ a. rwami a*
TWo Deluded S ou l*
Thtre are trfo Glam Farm Powdsr», both mads «specially for Pacific
Coast farmer». "Kursks Stumping Powdsr it etoel economical foe dry
work and Giant Stomping Powder save» monsv in slump blasting ia wet
soil. Try «here two. Compere them with the powdsr you Hava been
using, and you will slwsr» u»e Giant In future. Writs us and we will
bavt our nearest dittribulortupply s trial csss si ths lows»! market pries.
le OeSSw*» a lees Me
£V*4 free|»^_r»IUM*^
I» «et* I t e * Steri Ire PUM C
1«-«*** esse eteri>*e pmm
c ter tejerle*.
. . . M .
The s e ul ' « » J
yeete et •eerielutee
aeertsllxtne le i*MUM eed orarne
if *j*»re*te*>l* «Mer S
i h m ** Getter's,
e ~ J
TM c u i m
m i tABoaavoe v .iiririw . «a
Down. . . f
"W hen I was a youngster," remark­
ed Uncle Braggles, “ I was about the
beet baseball player In this county."
"W n àt did you plsy?"
“ Pitcher, catcher, shortstop an’ all
the rest o f ’em.”
"Yes_un cle," spoke up little Willie,
the champion bright c h ild .. “ But w e’re
talking * about baseball, not amateur
theatricals.’’— Washington Star.
A guaranteed remedy for
La'Grippe. Price 26c o f ygouri
I t ’s good. Take nothing else. — Ì
We went alt you hare.
Write fer prière i
•hlppine ue*
SJ North fr e e
Äcw tc avoid
Sense of Responsibility.
"Is Bllgglns patriotic?’’
"W ould he fight for his country?”
" I don’t know about th a t But he
hasn’t the slightest doubt that in an
emergency somebody ought
Washington Star.
Tim es Change.
W hat?
You need new clothes
again? When I was a boy I wasn’t
ashamed to wear garments that were
"Yes, dad, but you know you didn’t
associate with such refined people as
I do."
These Three W om en Tell H ow
Escaped the Dreadful O rdeal of|
Surgical Operations.
Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, b u t they I
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills|
peculiar to their sex. Many letters on fiW in the Pinkham f
aboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great n u m b e r of
women after they, have been recommended to s u b m it to an
operation have been made well by L yd ia E. Pinkham’i
Vegetable Compound.
Here are three such le tte rs . A l l
sick women should read them.
Marinette, Win.—“I went to the doctor and
he told me I must have an operation for a female
trouble, and I hated to have it done as I bpd been
married only a short time. I would have terribk
pains and my hands, and feet were cold all tha I
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkhara’s Vegetable Cbm-
pound and was cured, ®nd I feel better in every
* 8*Te you permission to publish my name
because I am bo thankful that I feel well again.*
—Mrs. Fum B kumkx , Marinette, Wla.
W e eat too much meat which
Clogs Kidnevs, then the
Back hurts.
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clog­
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
else we have backache and dull misery
In the kidney region, severe head­
aches, rheumatic twinges, terpld liver,
acid stomach, sleeplessness and. all
aorta o f bladder disorders.
Ton simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain In the kidney
region, get about four ounces o f Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful In « glass of
w ater before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys w ill then act fine
Thla famous salts is made from the
acid o f grapes and lemon Juice, com­
bined with llthla, and la harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu­
tralises the acids In the urine so It no
longer Irritate», thua ending bladder
' Jad Salta la harmless; Inexpensive;
make* a delightful effervescent llthla-
w ater drink which everybody should
taka now and then to keep their kid­
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com­
A wall-known local druggist aaye ha
M ils lots o f Jad Salts to folks who be­
tte r« In overcoming kidney trouble
« fe ll« it ia only trouble.
Alidu—“ When I first took Lydia J»f
undergo an operation. I could hardly walk
Pinkham’s Sanative W «h an*
and * P **a *» of Lydia X
B M Ì.™
A m - * ■ * K * » « , “ k*-
aaamssi a Y Cal
taking it ai
t o T O
“ d„ Ä
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wmdd like spedai adda»- , r
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