î4 ,m OREGON OF GENERAL INTEREST Ifessional Cards leauchamp, M. D. lician and Surgeon — ■■ * " Important Occurrences of, Past C. O. Hall has baguq his duties as * supervisor o t the San liara national for­ est with headquarters in Albany, suc­ ceeding r. I!. Bnmdaga, who was transferred to Pori fand to be sopor- 1 visor of the Columbia national forest. Th* ADMIRAL VON CAPELLE of th* Pri!,*Tl“* charter to permit of tbs borrowing of t>N. - OREGON' {100,000 on a bond Issue for the pur- | pose of building a railroad from I’rtne- I vine to tlie Oregon Trunk railroad ' Ildar Redmond, a distance ot Id in lies, -7 « . - * The total registration of drçgoh au carried. Governor Wlthycotnbe has appoint- tomobi lea is 21,809. - * over Stay ton Statu Bank. The eoinrat retal club of Ph Wborg is ed Pred O. Biichtel, head of the state Stayton, Ore. arrsiiKlng for a corn fair th's fart, . éfwolghts and inessures department un A better bable»' comesi is being f der Htate Treasurer Kay, a delegate to the national convention of weights planned tor • I'endloton tu be stui. and measures, to be held in Washing­ -> April 21 sod 22. \ sci.onl for convicts at the Oregon ton, D. C„ In May. G I A N A N D SlUtCEON T ^tlsry.liss been oponed with an. • 3. M. Blank, o f ’ Canyon City, has been appointed by Governor Withy- incut of 50 men. STAYTON. OR LOON ' The organization pf a civilians' rifle combe as district aRunny for Grunt with 5Ö charter members was county, succeeding V. G. Cosad. of cted at Albany. * " i Canyon City, w ho has resigned to be­ tie Sunday school convention come register of tho United Slates will l>e held at Itoseburg fur three land offlce.jsi Burns. lh Phones: Bull Blac k 482 daym- beginning .Aprii 24 ; Officials of the O.-W. A R. Co. are I tv cp«'U'leut ¿7,1 . Industrial club work union« the Kla arianglng to put Into* effect within the ink- . A L B A N Y , O R EG O N, mBtjj coul,iy public school» Is to lie next few weeks a new wage schedule thgr^wIM provide slight Increases In ‘ ' taken up again this year. S. H. H E L T Z E L county farmers arc rejolc- wag'*s for conductors and brakeraen 'In s over the prospects o f a bumper smploycd In ihe^frclght service on J r n e y - a t - l a w crop this fall, as the ground Is In flue various parts of the system,, rusrlea B. Pfahlcr, formerly clerk N O T A R Y P U B L I C •hâPe- A survey has ticen begun In Lane o f the Episcopal diocese of Oregon county to rttmtoare the six ■ railway under the late Bishop Charles U. Bead- crossings between Eugene and Cottago ding. was held to the grand Jury at Portlund after a preliminary hearing Gruye. A rich manganese strike Is reported In the district court at which he ad mined having destroyed the records ~ on. the ground amt many claims have of the diocese. Representative gtnnott has notnln been staked. . - ~ ’ T -» 1 - Thu datés for Condon's spriUR race ated, as the restilFòTl CpmpetW** ex- meet have been definitely set for May amluatlon, the following candidates 31 and Juue 1 and 2. and $2000 In for admission to the Anhapolis naval academy: Principal Mark Crouter, Un­ purses Is offered. The l-etiaiion paper mill: which had ion; alternates. Herbert E. Hunt, Ba­ been operating hut one paper machine ker; Cyril M. Parsons. Bonanza, and for more than a year, started to run Harold D. Sproule, Ontario. Formal announcement that Clyde B. to Its full capacity. Wheat shtpmentrdry the water route Altehlson, chairman of the Oregon from I'nriland during the nine months public service commission, had accept­ I all Domestic Animals. Also a| - gf the fiscal year ending March 31 ed the position as chief of the valua­ tion department of the Natibnal As­ plies the Tulicrculin t«at." total 8,450,851 bushels. Telephone .1x7 The Redmond commercial club and sociation of Railroad fommlualunnrs, Mr. good roads euthuu uots are making ar was made by the commission. m I A I 81 A V IO N VIABI :'.s rang- -ncnis fur uuothcr "good, roads Alndilson will resign after the prtinor- h a next mouth. da>e**aatuTday. April 8. ICxj cudltores authorized by. the O,-' The desert land board .has notified \V H ^..N.,iom|,r.*,65'),Cow. w ater to lands on the project not now F’m ■ S' rip ii :i” • ((>-:'■ M-• t i > '** — -- « L l v . i i - •isThi'.ny foreign corporation^.-cbtlgatod to be served under the com-. t ’ . -1 in Ms i ip Plate ha^’c been adinttied to do busincs* lu piiny's—eanal unlevit first * cancella-" listi'.or T- frph'. SALEM . ORE, Orep«>n~alnce -.Im.uary .1 fhii* year t > thru of an equal amount of Irrigable ■ Men :• 23 as in, the correapondiu^ time land* for which l • the canal Is uow ot>U-_ mwr ’ r ~ ^ 3g*cd I* exeeHied.- Tv.u of C o rv a llis th is - In addition to tin big Hawley paper ilT.’hirouraetor shoofal eonsult- verinH have pd'n based propeTty on plant row under construe tl6a. at Ore- 1 oM dcufc an t. cfironlc tl« ,r,i« i < « hi City, It fir-Kporte-J that* the Ore­ 1 He c,nn make you. w* II. gon City Manufacturing company,' op­ brd Bl !g. SALEM . aduilirfn. erating tin- Oregon Cit^ woolen mills, Ernm the sale of .Its school lands '* considering the expenditure of $100,- and Interest on the Irreducible school 000 In making additions to the present fund for the last 4C years the state of plant, which Is said to be swamped Oregon has received the sum of $13,- with war orders.” Statements from the 177 state banks 141,186.78. Although last w irier was a severe and 84 national banka in Oregon com- i one. the damage to the Columbia river blned Into a report tyr State Bank Su- highway In Clauup county can be re perlntendent Sargent shows a total paired. It Is said, at a cost not to ex­ gain In resources of $7,400,078.82, and s net Increase to deposits of approxi­ ceed $1000. Building permits In the city of Ku- mately $9.250,000. for the jrear ending gene for the month of March show au March 7. Postal savings and other Increase of $8522 over the correspond­ government deposits show the only ing month last year, when the tout decrease In the report. Candidates filing by nominating ps- was $14.465. Expenditure of $40,000 to build ten tlttona or declarations for state or dis- additional stalls to the 26 stall round- trict offices must send them to to the A S ftV *' ‘house at La Ofande by the O.-W. R. secretary of state by April 14, which A N. is announced. Work will be Is the latest date upon which petitions startsd soon. .v. or declarations may be filed under the The construction of the $760.000 ad- law. Aspirants for county offices, dltion to the Hawley Pulp A Paper however, who file with the clerks In |air Tonic, Face Creams, Hair oompany's plant, which Is now well ! their respective counties have until ds Made to Order, Manicur- under way. has resulted in s general April 19 In which to fils. Scalp and Face Treatment. During March, S7 vessels loaded at business revival In Oregon City. Suit 1, K. o f P. Building Salaries of women teachers In Ore­ the mills In the lower Columbia river Bell Phone 281-R combined cargoes gon are advancing faster than the sal­ district - Their OREGON iLBANY, aries of men Instructors, according to amounted to 27.918,604 feet of lumber. W W i data complied by J. A. Churchill, state During the same period, 8,771,067 feet of lumber was loaded at the mills to superintendent of public Instruction. The week ending March 3() was a the upper river district, making a record one for accidents, according to grand total of 86.689.661 feet of lum­ the state Industrial accident commis­ ber that nos shipped In cargoes from DKAt.KK IN sion, the total reported being 206. the Columbia river In the month of None of the accidents reported was March. Registrations for the coming pri­ fatal. L a minimum wage of $8.64 a week maries May 19 show an increase of for all adult women workers of the 19,245 since last week, according to state Is favored by members of the reports filed with Secretary of State county clerks. . * . . I Investigating- committee recently *P- Olcott by . the different _ du have property to »ell. •'»* pointed by the Industrial welfare com- The total as compiled shows 140.886 with me. I f you want to buy . , 1 ,__ . give trie n call. ' mission. . • - persons listed on the books as com- Eifty lgndseokers made application pared with 121,141 last week. Repub- Office in Lancefield Building at the United States lard office In llcan registrations so far number 93,- l YTON, - OREGON Portland for government land In'the i 480; democratic, 36.224; progressive, foimer S lid * Indian reservation when |843; prohibitionist 3320; socialists, some T6.O00 acres were thrown open i 3328, and miscellaneous registrations, to entry. 4191. ). A big shipbuilding plant to construct | Four world Indoor records were wooden vessels for transoceanic trade t mashed, throe of them h* Fred Kelly I VSt- will be started In Hortland within the I ’ tlio Loe Angc'os Athletic club, and next 30 days. Portland. Spokane, Se­ the fourth by Harry Cole of Qregon attle and oaslern capitalista are back Agricultural college, in the big far j pf the enterprise. ffeiuern championship Indoor meat The state Industrial accident com­ held at CorvallU. Oregon Aggies cap­ mission received reports during March tured premier honors, gathering a to­ : ot 608 non-fstsl and five fatal cases tal of 40 points. University ot Oregon and disposed of 619 cases. March's took second place with 30 points, Los list makes a total of 8972 handled by Angeles Athletic club finished third the commission since It was organised, j with a total of 29 pointa, and Mnltno- The shortage in tbe supply of paper- | mah club finished fourth with a score making materials does not affect the of 20. Other teams finished In the tol- Oregon City paper mills In the slight- j lowing order: University of Southern eat. say officiale of the two planta. Not ] California, 13 ¡'University of Idaho, 8; until all the pulp wood in the foreata Willamette university. 6; Columbia of the Pacific northwest la used will university, Portland, 8; Olympia elub, the Oregon Otty millo fiaos o abortóse Shn Francia«*, t ; and unattached, in the aopsly of row motertal. pointa. X e t Contents IS 71*14 Week Briefly Compile/ for Gur Readers. N. Finder, I). M. I). D E N T IS T . F o r In fa n ts and C hildren. Mothers Know That . : Genuine Castoria BREWER, M. D. D Badila I \ f V\'TS [ary M. Marshall .SSU1 OSTEOPATH ALCOHOL- 3 PER C & t A Vegetable Prepantionfct'M CHUCHE Always j Bears the Signature OntnsiMorphiDe Mr™““ - ÍT o t N a r c o t i c . * JUS n e s s a n d l t a l ^ '^ f * ^ Morrow V. A. COODE and NOTARY PUBLIC J. M. rTON R1NGO QREGON IKORINEK, V. S.. B. V. Sc. VETERINARIAN 0. A, OLSON • DENTIST |R. P H . M A Y ehurejies wlit'- h to ,< r» 1 new "Churches and' u -rT d «hurrh h.i* ai;vH^-ci/eil a $6Ud0 . C B. O'NEILL OPTOMETRIST 0PTIGÂN it H-Bush Bank|Buildiog Oregon IELLA HASTINGS DRESSING PARLORS A . S M IT H i City and Country I e a l e s t a t e U A L IT Y H E R D vmmm 'oland China Swine furnish anythinft from wean- |pig to brood sows and service ire. Write me your wants and dll do my best to please you RAY J. FOX, Lyons, Ore. Admiral von Capelle, who succeeded Von Tirpitz as head of the German navy. > BRIEF WAR NEWS ii - r ... A- .. .' Greater activity than-usual bias been dieplayed In the fighting between the Germans and Russians in tbe region of Baranovichi, southwest of Minsk; ('apture of the Tillage-of Malsncourt to the Verdun region west of the Meuse, was announced by the German war office. The Germans took 328 C opy o f W rapper. prisoners. - -■*— One hundred and fifteen persons are missing from the Russian hospital ship Portugal, sunk to the Black sea by a bowtile submarine, among them being 16 Bisters of Charity. . According to official advices from Paris the Germans are gradually clos­ ing In on Verdun, drawing their lines a little closer northeast of the fortress, Graduate Palmer Fountain Head School • * _ where, by massed attacks from two di­ — ------— ^ a C J M a m sik -__________ . rections, they have secured a footing Try Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and get welL lit-the village of Vaux. Aircraft have been active around U. S. N a t’l Bank Bldg. Rooms 406-7.-8 S A LE M , ORE. Verdun. The- French brought down ibree German machines, hut Berlin as­ s e t s that the aerial combats hate re- suited In th>fr favor. Both sides have been busily- ’enraged In dropping boiriH ^cui. IriBl.tary establishments at vario;umiolrts. — __ PROPRIETORS r;- - i The Is’arri of trade's summary of casualties to British shipping reported In March shoVs that 19'steamers ag-' groutin g 44,609 tons and eight aati- lufi vessels of 1885 tons Wrirh’ sunk by enemy warships. Forty-three lives were lost In the case of the steamers Highest Market Price „ sunk by warships and 81 to steamers sunk by mines. Paid for Fat Stock American Ambassador Gerard at Berlin cabled Secretory of State Lan­ sing that the German officials were Investigating tbe attack on the French channel packet Blisses and the torpe­ doing of tbe British, steamer English­ man and had assured him that they would give him all available informa­ Bath Tubs. Lavatories tion at the earliest possible moment. and all Sanitary fittings. The French now have entirely evac­ • Fanners—W e can y a uated the village of Vaux and have drawn their line south of the town, line of Pumps, Leader but In its Immediate outskirts. Berlin Water Systems. Gasoline says that northeast of Haacourt, be­ Engines, Etc. tween Malancourt 'and Le Mort Homme, the Germans have entirely cleared the French from about 1000 yards of trenches, where they had re­ mained since the German victory on this sector, March 30. ASTORIA Exact Chiropractic Spinologist Stayton Meat Market SESTAK £& THOMAS Fresh, Salt and Cured, MÈATS Creamery Butter and Lard TINWORK AND PLUMBING J aco b S p a n io l i Swiss Jeweler - • 30 Years Experience Z All work on watches and clocks guaranteed for One Year. • • J Try My Work. It Speaks for Itself. • • Located in the Shoe Shop In rear ofjStayton State Bank • Stayton, - Oregon . •••••••••••••••••••••« Stayton-Salem Auto Stage Will make regular tripe every day. Sundays included, as follows Lv Stayton 7:45 a. m. “ Sublimity 8:00 ” Aumsville 8:20 “ Connect with train 62 “ Turner 8:35 “ Ar. Salem ,con. Or. Elec. 9:10 “ Lv. Salem - 4:20 p. m. Ar. Turner 4:60 “ “ Aumsville 5:06 “ Connect with train 61 “ Sublimity 5:25 “ “ Stayton 5:46 “ Stage leaves Salem from Ore­ gon Electric depot J&3. H A M M A N . SHORT NEWS NUGGETS Dr. James B. Angell, 87. president emeritus of the University of Michi­ gan, died following an Illness of -a week. He was a noted educator and diplomat. Captain Hans Tauscher. husband of Mm«. Oadski, the noted opera singer, was arrested on the charge of partici­ pation In a conspiracy to blow up the Welland canal in Canada. Eastern railroad managers replied to the demands of their employes for an ejght-hour day and higher rates for overtime work by submitting proposi­ tions of their own for discussion. The Daughters of the American Revolution announced the inaugura­ tion \>f a nation-wide campaign for contributions to relieve destitute non- oombatants in Belgium and northern fr a n c * - The big trans-Paciftc - passenger steamer Chiyo M tm grounded in a fog on one of the Lema Islands south of Hongkong. Nine tugs and launches from a British torpedoboat destroyer went to her assistance, and took off her 299 passengers from San Fran­ cisco and Manila. A German stowaway who gave his name as Ernest Schiller held up the captain and 66 members of the crew of the British steamer Matoppo, com­ pelling them at the point of a pistol to change the course of the veeeel and land him at the-Delaware breakwater, D elig h tfu l, R e fre sh in g A n abrolutély táglea* bedspring Does not roil occupants Absolutely noiseless i C annoc tear bedclothes Perfectly sanitary, germ-proof Easily dusted. Thirty N ights' T rial P Qtarter Cantury ^ — - * The Utmoat in Bedspring Q ALEXANDER FURNITURE after he h$d rifled the ship's safe and taken their valuables. He was cap» tared hgr the eoaat guard while ha- tag rowed ashore. «*» - ' ' ’* Î. ’ ¿ jflp ' ■ A u m B