Mi* L argest Circulation In S tayton’a T rading T erritory o f Any Newspaper NO. 2. — STAYTON. MARION COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 5, 1916. VOL. ^11. ■..— Mrs. G. F. Korinek p* excellent lunch, but until some Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parry and in a few short minutes the citi­ of the braver guests had “ sampl­ Dixon arrived Sunday morning entertained the Birthday zens of Turner Were provided ed” the refreshments were al­ with Mr. and Mft. Ralph Speer, her (home on Friday ai One Turner councilman, Lee with a subject for many a fire­ from Junction City, coming in The house bad been tastily most afraid to indulge. J. F. the Speer car. Mr. and Mrs. S. orated for the occasion, bas­ |Jean*. is under $600 bonds on a side session. Peery and Dr. Korinek attired visited Aumsville and West Stay- kets of Japanese quince being Hunsaker was badly cut about charge of assault with a danger- in “ nifty*" regalia served the ton friends, returning home the ing used in the living lous weapon, Robert Hunsaker is the stomach and abdomen with a The Lilly Hardware Co. is now lunch and presented each guest following morning accompanied All of the members were present in the hospital in a critical con­ pocket itnife in the melee, and nicely located in the large store wjth a “ fool's cap” which they by Mr. Parry. Mrs. Parry and And enjoyed the afteroon chatting dition from knife wounds, JamW was rushed to the Salem hospital room lately occupied by * th e ! wore during the remainder of the baby remained for a visit of and sewing. A dainty lunch waa served by the hostess, as­ a week or more. 'Kelley and Martin Nicely are where for a time it was thought House Furnishing Co. the evening. sisted by.her mother, Mrs. E. 6 , also suffering severe knife cuts, he would not survive. He rallied Miss Elizabeth Cornelius, can­ Handsome new shelving has didate for County School Super­ Alexander... The next meeting and two dozen other prominent ♦nwever, and ia reported aa do­ been put in. E. N. Teague doing intendent, is meeting with much of the club will be with Mrs. W. citizens of Turner are nursing ing irlg nicely. Kelley and Nicely the work. Stairs have also been \ encouragement in her campaign F. Follis. wer also slashed about the ribs placed in the rear of the room so ■ bruised eyes and broken heads - were A. E. Roy and family motored for the office. SheVkJj,vered an all for a $3 license fee. The apt and mid section*, but their that the upper room may be util­ Teacher Training, Wednesday up from Portland and visited address of unusual merit before which broke out Saturday night wounds did not send them to the ized. The gasoline pump has eve..7:30, and weekly conference a large gathering of representa­ Sunday at the E. Roy home, re ­ i j i, . , __ _; on Bible school work. is the result of a feulKthat has hospit (1, although it put .them , been placed tives of the Parent-Teacher As­ turning Monday morning, on the walk in front t , * n OA D .. . # Thursday? 7:30, Prayer meeting were accompanied by Dr. Rag been aiiumering for over two out of commission for some time. over two large tanks, capable of and by pMtor, “ Brotherly sociation at the Richmond school Murphy, a former resident of at Salem recency. Monday last Ix*e Jt ans. who was tfrested holding 600 gallons. years and the rival factions came fis s s ^ g "T" Stayton, his father to blows at the entrance of a for wedding a knife, says thati Mr. Lilly informs us that he, Ladies Aid Friday afternoon she addressed a local lodge a t principal of the schools here ten Silverton. tentof the Browning Amusement he was set upon by half a dozen^has p h a s e d new goods.Twth Lord's Day—Bible school 1 or mere years ago. Dr..Murphy The Boy Scouts of Staytoo.are Company whpn the city council men who jumped on him and j in the hardware and furniture is a dentist and contemplates lo­ Communion 11 m. now registered with the National cating here. endeavored to collect the. $3 li­ that he simply cut his way out. j ) i n e 8 f and that he wj|| carry one Junior 3 P !9* '■ Council of Boy Scouts of America Thoa. Galloway and wife and cense fee for the performance. He says he did not know that he (>f the mo9t cofT)p|ete stocks ever n, At ? P' m' Sunda*’ a meeting and are known aa Troop 1, Stay- Jesse Campell and family motor­ cut Hunsaker at all a ^ ♦*-♦»-! • • - of the congregation. Every! When the license fee was re­ Jhat he j shown here. The furniture and member urged t o b e p r e s e n t a s > n* 0re«on- The Scoutmaster, ed up from Salem and spent Sun*- fused they attempted to arrest can assign no reason for ornt as he , house furnishing lines will be this is an important special meet- "7 . Putnam * “tn*: and his assistant, day at the Joe Peery home. Mr*. V. A. Goode, are commisioned Manager Browning. The Turner and Hunsaker had always considerably increased. * ' ¡ng for membership only. officers in the movement. The Peery and Cleta returned home band, under whose auspices the good friends and that there was! When entirely moved and ful- Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. ' troop needs troop property and with them. carnival was given, came to the no personal animosity between jy rt.ady for business this will be Preaching ,8 p, m. Subject. any assistance toward this will rescue of Browning, reinforce­ them. He says he did not re- , a we|| stocked, well equipped “ Man—Past, Present, fu tu re.” be greatly appreciated by the Euerybody is ‘Welcome. ments poured in from the other cognize Hunsaker at the time but store a credjt ^ Stay ton. troop and officers. Please see •R. L. teutnani. Pastor. the Scoutmaster about this and side to help the councilman, other that he slashed madly right and . ---------^ —— F o r a short 'tk q e six he will gladly explain what is reserves came up in double qujck left as he thought his life was treatm en ts be needed. - time to help the band boys and in danger. given for $10:00 W. I. Needham, republican It was Almost impossible, to [ . ~ ^ „ The sermon theme for next candidate for sheriff, has had Electric L ig h t B a th w ith ' a move^about with ease in the Fos- several years' experience in the1 Ur ^ lastTridayevenin* sheriff'» office as deputy, and it -------— full m assage. r when the Epworth League mem- •How Christ pleased God.” In »» claimed by those in a position 218 Hubbard Bid., Salem. We want you to know that there is a real bers and their friends met there tbe evening Miss Mary Hepburn know that he is an extremely Phone 556 t> spend a social evening, so of Portland Will occupy the pul-! comPetent official.« The multL 10NA N, IMUS, great was the attendance. With pit and tell the congregation o f ! todinous duties that devolve on the game of charades and other the great work being accomplish-1th,a office require a man ofex- ' In Stayton r nn tn ed by deaconesses in connection' Penence and capability, and jfop» lar c >ntests leading up to with ^ the Methodist denomination these qualification Mr. Needham No where can you find a better selection of Alt delightful refreshments, which Mr. Loclrb has. He is a popular man, with Loclrhart states that woolens than at this store. in their turn were followed by Hepburn’s discourse will be a many friends in all parts of the county. His election is consid­ an address by Mrs. Foster on the treat. ered sure. work of the League. The gath- \ Junior and Epworth league* W e want the people to know that it is not John Thoms made a trip to ering was one of the happiest of me€t the usual hours. necessary to go out of town to inspect the Eugenb the first of the week in The church is making earnest the season in this community. finest line of woolens on the market. of the Brown-Petzei ir preparations for the coming of the interest We core all diseases of the Several new members united John Lewtas the evangelist dim! WE SHOW THEM HERE imber Co. eye that glasses will remedy. with the organization. The pas­ about the first of May. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Richards of If the condition of your ey tor of the Methodist church is The Sunday school contest at Mehama were in town Friday. is such that the services authority for the statement that the church shows, says the pas­ Mr. Richards sold a pair of hors­ a special surgeon are Cleaning and Pressing. Odd Fellows Bldg, the Junior League recently or­ tor, that the men and boya are es to Riley, the Albany buyer. sary—we will tell you for most tro u b le s _ ganized is also increasing in one score behind the women and girls. tific examination reveals the numbers, both organizations hav- ----- ! ----- | --- ; ----- is vastly more important than < cause and our correetly-fit- been born within the past even purity in. foods because ted glasses removes it. few months. when sickness comes ^.the full ef­ Joe Waldrop will deliver an * . f • , address on “ Labor and Capital” fect of the medicine must be had. We warrant absolutely that - Optometrist in the Star theatre next Monday our drugs are thoroughly up to W ith Barr Jew elry S to re . Two or three reels of There will be a meeting of the night standard. pictures will be shown. No ad­ State and Liberty Sts, Commercial Club at the Beauchamp’s Drugstore. mission will be charged, but it is hall next Friday night, the expected an offering will be tak­ th, to discuss matters of im- en to cover expenses. Mr. Wal­ to Stayton. All mem- drop ia an entertaining speaker and others interested are and many will be glad of ^he op­ portunity to hear him on this to be present. Com. subject. Everybody is invited. . LULY MOVES MINATURE WAR Now Located in the Roy Block Church of Christ ATTENTION! League Party Given win Methodist Church GENTLEMEN Measure Suit Store * You May Not Need a Surgeon . . . v . . .... W e Invite Competition • Vi* * V # ?-■ •' * . T H E F IX U P Purity in Drugs Free Lecture Dr. HERMAN W .B Alfc Commercial Qub WHITE SHOES Several new styles just in Black or W hite April Fool Party Nothing Like It. &7C. TRADING STAMPS GIVEN N ow Located In our'new quarters in the Roy Block, where w e shall be glad to see both old and new r customers. NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING And in a short lime we shall have one of the most complete Hardware and Furniture stocks ever shown in Stayton, W e shall add largely to our Furniture stock and ask you when in need ot anything in this line to call and see what we can offer. Mr*. J. F. Peery and Mr*. G. F. Korinek were hostesses to the members of the Eldeen club mud their husbands on Saturday even­ ing. Mrs. Peery issued the in­ vitations inviting the guests to Upon a 600 party at ’ ' her home. **' arriving at *t the Peery home the guests foui found a large card upon which was printed “ April fool! Goto the Geo. Korinek home.” So they repaired to the Korinek home, where a pleasant evening was spent playing cards and do- fool stunts. Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp won the prize for highest score in 600, while J. . Mayo was awarded the prize in the »“ peanut stabbing” contest. The hostesses had prepared an There is no pleasure equal to that gained by the use of a ko­ dak, taking pictures of your friends, views of faniiliar scenes and beautiful scenery found in your travels. The use of a ko­ dak is educating and enjoyable. We have them all kinds and sizes, with £ full line of supplies. Beauchamp's Drug Store. Mrs. E. D. Alexander received the sad news yesterday of the death of her only brother that morning at Emery, S. D. He was a traveling salesman, living at Sheldon, Iowa, and was strick­ en suddenly while making his regular trip. MilUnery. The largeat and most complete stock of exclusive hats in tbe city. Tbe Frenc Shop, 869 State St. Salem. No color in the new styles for spring. Everything is all black or all white. ( W e are showing hundreds Of liew styles. Ex­ press shipments* arriving each day. Come ill and see them. NEW PUMPS Hundreds of new things in pumps display in our show windows and our per1 room. Get your pair while the here. All sizes from triple A to doubla You can be as well fitted by any one of our large force of salesmen as by anyone or in any store on the Pacific Coast. THE PRICE SHOE GO., kSm.