Stayton standard. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1915-1917, March 29, 1916, Image 6

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    Good as Gold!
dt*C S tam ps are a m erchandise discount by
m eans o f w hich w e are enabled to fiv e you a
greater discount th an w e could w ere w e to
give you a cash discount.
Call and See the Many Premiums.
* /’
See our new line of
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Robertson
have the sympathy of their many
friends in the loss of their infant
daughter. The child was born
the 20th and passed away on
the 22nd
One Year. ....................... 81.00
All folders at half price until
Six Months . . . . . . . I ,
...... . 50
April 1, at Trover-Weigel Studio
Advertising rates on "Application
Stayton Standard
- John Bailey has been 1n town
several days. He is considering
looting in Montana. Jpi
Word from Ben Roy states
th at he has a goad position and
enjoys New York City life.
In S tilton April 1 and 2. All
folders half price. Trover-Wei­
gel Studio, in Matthieu building.
L. A. Messing, the jeweler,
sdys th at his business has been
increasing considerably of late.
CooL Refreshing
Fountain Drinks oa tap at \
Beaochamp*s Drug Store.
Our underpriced store of up-
to-date hats* 83.50 none higher.
Saturday nigbt th e n waa giv­
en by the Rebekaa gnd Odd Fel­
lows ay their hall a social func­
tion th at waa in lino with usual
happy occasions arranged by
theta orders. 'The affair waa in
the nature of a surprise farewell,
honoring Guy Kearns and G. C.
Eksmon, who expect in a short
tfths to leave for Alaska.*
The evening waa vory pleas­
antly «pent with games and va­
rious amusements. Mrs. Mayo
fevqred with a vocal selection
w iteh was highly appreciated.
Dr. Beauchamp acted, as toast­
master. Grant Murphy made
the- principal address. The hon­
or guests made brief talks.
The ladies had prepared "a
spread th at is spoken of as su­
perb in all o f 'its appointments,
, The lateness of the time when
the eighty-five participants dis­
persed—which was the “wee
sm s' hours’ —attests the excel­
lence of the entertainm ent
Thursday,, th© 28rd. was the
82nd anniversary of Uriah Whit­
ney, and in honor of the occasion
his daughter, Mrs. Silhavy, ar­
ranged a birthday 'dinner. His
granddaughter. Mrs. Geo, Thom­
as and husband, and Ciel and
Cliff Thomas wrre present. His
daughter. Mrs. Worley, of Cor­
vallis. was unable to come, but
sent him a handsome memento
Mr. Whitney is well preserved
for a man of his years and his
many friends hope to see him
pass many more birthdays.
W. I. Needham, deputy sherT
iff. was up from Salem Monday
to sell the personal property at
the laundry. J. E. Sloper was
the purchaser. Mr. Needham is
a republican candidate for sher­
iff and will no doubt secure the
office, as he is a popular man
and has made an efficient deputy.
Frank Kusy wi» a Stay ton via»
itor Monday.
Illaa Gladys Hill sp«nt tha
weak end-in Mill City.
", J. M. English and wife were
trading in towp yesterday. £
Gao. H. Brewer was up from
AnuosvIUe way yesterday.
M r and Mrs. J. P. Crabtree
were In from their farm home
A. E. Adams has severed his
connection with the Wood burn
Independent v H. L. Gill, who
w ts with the Independent when
we landed in Oregon, will con­
tinue to make it one of the best
weekly papers in the state.
There will be a meeting of
Troop 1 of Stayton Boy Scouts of
America, Saturday evening, at
the old school building^ Scouts
are requested to be on hand.
R. L. Putnam. Scout Master.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robertson,
from near M t Pleasant were
trading and visiting in town
Peter Deidrich lias a carload
of new Fords at. the station, It
looks like he would sell more of
the “universal cars" than he did
last year.*
The Sfay ton High school bas­
ket ball'team went to ScioFri-j
day night last and m etdcfeat at
the hands of the Scio team. The
bad weather and worse roads
made the trip a decidedly un­
pleasant one.
Dr. Beauchamp reports the ar­
rival of a daughter at the home
of H. EL Kuenzli and wife, of
and a
North Santiam,
son at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Crabtree, the same day.
There will be preaching in the
Baptist church the second and
fourth Sundays of each month at
the usual hours.
Mr. and- Mrs. J. W. Thomas
were in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradshaw
spent Saturday and Sunday with
his parents at Mill City. Re­
turning, Mr. Bradshaw 'spent
Monday in Salem. E. C. Titus
had charge of the store during
their absence.
W. W. Elder has been chosen
democratic committeeman of
this precinct
Double trading stamps for one
week on all Rexal). Nyal, A. D.
S. and Purola purchases.
Beauchamp’s Drug Store.
Chas. Streff. of Mill City,, v i^
ited Wednesday and Thursday at 15c can, 2 for 25c at
the John Braun home in Linn
Beauchamp’s Drug Store.
county, and with his parents, M.
Mrs. George F. Korinek will
Streff and wife, in Stayton. ^
be hostess to the Birthday Club
For Sale—White Rock eggs, 15
on Friday afternoon, March 31st
for 75c.
' Brewer’s Dairy. At
Ira B. Carter was in from the
„ The Hob Needle Shop invites Hills yesterday.
you to visit their .beautiful new
store, 409 Court S t Nice place Geo. Downing, of Mill City,
to rest when in Salem. Y-ou are stopped Monday nigbt at the Sid
welcome. Everything in needle- Kerr borne. He was on his way
craft line. Mrs. A. B. Kelsay. * Salem to see his father, who
has th« same name.
Some of the Epworth League
people are claiming th at there ' Word comes from Mrs. George Some Symptoms
will be some high jinks in the Davie that she is recovering nice- of Serious.
way of “fooling” . a t the April Iginkm her recent operation.
Buggy and double driving har­ Eye Troupe
fool social Friday night
ness, both nearly new and in
Stanley A. S tarr went to Port­
—Dimness of vision, seeing i
good condition, for sale. Inquire
land Tuesday on business. He
specks, etc., dance befoi
a t Ham man’s barn.
is expected home Friday.
Full blood Holstein bull for
service. 81.00 cash.
Brewer’s Dairy.
Chloride of Lime
5th In sta llm e n t
f *• ’
• . • •-* s
I*.* »
A ll
F irst Installm ent
‘“£gfe Red Circle”
R uth Roland— F rank M ayo— T w o P a rta
• I •
L a st Installm ent
L A. Thomas or J. W. Mayo
Neal of the Navy
Administra tors' or Execu
to n ’ First Notice.
Notier is hereby given th a t the
dem gned have, by an order of
County Coort of Marion
County. (
■on. duly entered of record this day.
been appointed Executor or Adminis­
trato r with the will annexed, of-the es­
tate of Jacob Kloetach, deceased. AU
P ersons who have claims agsinat said
re ta te are hereby notified to present
»be *ame, duly verified to Carey F.
Martin. Attorney for said estate, 413
Maaotur Temple Building. 8al-m. Ore-
gms, within six months from the date
o f this notice.
Doted. February » . 1*1«. .
Executors or Administrators of the
«**»*• 1of Jaoob Kloetach. deceased.
.C aret F. M asti ».
Attorney for Estate.
L DITTER. President. '
G B a SPANIOL. Vice-Pres.
Fanners and Merchants
to b
Capital, $25,000.00
2aB o r phone a before selling your d jp i
W c arc buying both mohair
and. wool this season and
w ill pay the top market price
» - -
Two Other Reels
Stayton State Bank
• r
• ‘ Two R^eels—Francis Ford—Grace Ounafd
Sacka Famished Free if Yoa Sell to
V * ■ v %
‘^The Broken Coin”
—Seeing better sideways than
Beauchamp's Drug Store.
straight ahead.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Griffin,
better in the evening or
of West Stayton, were in the
early morning than at midday.
city yesterday.
—Seeing a halo or circle about a
ter. of Sublimity, and Mrs. J. A. —Fain in or about the eyes.
Yan Handel
-callers today.
—Constant or periodic headaches.
Mr. sad Mrs. Felix Van Ermen
returned Thursday from Benton My 3S years' experience in sci­
county, where Mr. VanErmen entific eyesight testing is s t
has been working in Geo. Keech's your disposal. If I find glasses
piling camp. The cutting is are not necessary, then I de­
cline to supply them.
Capitili, $25,000.00