s If you wunt to enjov a real Fourth of July celebration, come to to Stayton on the Third ami help you.* neighbor celebrate. Toe old Queener building be­ longing to Geo. Spnniol, between the Commertia! hotel building and the J. R. Gardner store building, is being rased this week irrrrrrrr n*aaMW*w*a*Nt**» bv Ed. Burnett, who will use the lumber for building purposeSgon West Stayton Stage bis place. There arc* an number of such ^uildings in the town Herman Marking, Prop. i -------------------------- \ I that are an eye sore and should * Highest Cash Prices J * 2 hips daily Sunday included be treated to a lik<* fate. Leave Stayton 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. for West Stayton —PAID— John Mielke and daughter« Clara and Cacilia and Wanda P a rc e ls called for an d de­ at the and VV'ava Brown autoed to Mill livered to an y p ru t o f City Saturday. Tow n Stayton Feed Store 3 Leave orders at C A RD O F~TH A N K S | NENDEL and’RIGGS, Prop’s Gehlen Bros. Store a*aMaa«M*»***a****a*ttWMuaa We wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those Cacilia Mielke visited friends piace your order now for your who so kindly assisted us during at Portland Wednesday. Mielke. Overland 4 with J. the sickness and death of our ' He is now in position to make dear father and husband. Also Male and Female Sat. Star!delivery of these cars for the many beautiful ttoral Theater ! —— offerings. ----- Florida soil is very fertile. 1 Signed:—Mrs. Heny Miller, John Thoma made a business year they planted cat-tails there Ilenry Miller. trip to Portland. Friday and quite plentifully and that fall they Mrs. Leondine Hunt. Saturday. raised “ C atts” for governor. Mrs. Adele Cam.ll. WS i Eggs Wanted j : Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mrs. J. L. Quinn was a visitor Get your fishing tackle at J. F. 0. Myers at Quinaby. Ore. a 7 lb. Mielke's. Also the place where at Salem, Monday. baby boy on Sunday, June 20th. 1 you can get that angler's license Apples get in to pies and He will be known as Alva Robert. ' you need. peaches into short skirts. Miss Clara Spaniol left for NOTI CE! Portland the first of the week. ; John Braun was a Salem visit­ While there she will take in the or Monday. One bay driving horse 5 to 7 Shriners Convention and Rose yrs old, wt. about 1000 lbs. Norman Keinedy of the Val­ Festival. shod all «round, came to my ley Motor Co., is celebrating at See J. F. Mielke for your farm place about a month ago. Own­ Portland this week. machinery. Prices are right and er can have same by paying Cecil Schaefer is in Portland he can furnish you with Binders. | charges. Harry Porter. Aums June 10-tf this week takin in thfe Rose Fes­ Mowers, Cultivators, Rakes, e tc ., ville, Oregon. tival and other sights. Wanda Brown and Edwin Keech are home from the Uni­ klale and Female Saturday Star versity, at Eugene, for their va­ Theater. cation. Mary Lulay visited at the A. Dr. Pintler, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Kirsch home a few days the L. A. Thomas were among the first of the week. Staytonites that took in the do­ SATURDAY Don’t trade off the good old ings at Portland this week. wife for a 1920 Model. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mayo A 9 reel super production Chas. Schaefer, transacted had as their Sunday guest Mr. business at Salem the first of the and Mrs. Day and children, of Price 25c-50c. Show starts 7:40 Albany. Mrs. Day is a sister of week. SUNDAY Mrs. Mayo. In spite of preachers and editors BILL HART in Margaret Mulkey, daughter of the devil is still on deck. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mulkey, The Valley Moter Co. deliver­ formerly of Mehama, died at Comedy-"LIGHT FIX” ed a newSFord to Byron McEl- Salem and was hurried Monday haney of Shaw, this week. She was 17 years old. WEDNESDAY ~ ' Sloped s PERFUME D ru g S to r < New Line of F eaturing - R j)o y ~ a l V o g u e Fr"*ee Sample These Popular Brands are guaranteed R R R R R R .R R R R .R R R R R R R « J j y ^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R * Sloper’s S to re T h e ^ S ta r THEATRE Male and Female “Wagon Tracks” • MAE MURRY in Mrs. Alva Thomas and Mrs. The Misses Cleo and Marie Clarence Beauchamp have been Weddle returned the first of the spending the week in Portland. week from a few days visit with A 6 REEL FEATURE their friends Edith and Ethel Mrs. J. L. Quinn is in Portland Fresh at Rocky Point. this week visiting relatives and taking in the Rose Show. Anybody wishing to advertise T e le p h o n e F a c te . on the celebration programs see 1 T h e »«Seplmne ln«lu*try In 1017 guv«» Luther Stout. Norman Ken­ Harry Humphreys, Secretary. eii'plnym ent to 202,029 portions. of nedy and Lloyd Musson spent The rates are just to pay the ex­ wh-mi 171.110. o r over 05 |»*r cen t w ere wot ion. T h e ■urn pit 1 u f u C o u n ty , as F r a n k J. C b a n o y m a k a o o a th that ho la a a n lo r p a r t n e r o f th a Arm o f V J. C lien ay A C o., d o in g b u sin e ss In th a C ity o f T o la d o , C o u n ty a n d H ta ta a f o ra s a ld , f : a n d t h a t aa ld A n n w ill p a y (h a su m o f O N B I I U N D R K P K 0 1 .I.A H 8 f o r e a c h ' a n d • v a ry r a s a o f C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t t>a I c u re d b y t h e u s e - o r IIA I .I 8 C A T A R R H M R U IC IN K . F R A N K J. C I I E N I T . S w o rn to b a f o ra m * a n d ■ u b aertb ad In m y p re s e n c e , th i s ( t h d a y o f [> #csm bsr. A. D. MM. A. W O t.K A B O N , (S e al) N o ta ry PubU o. H o l l a C a ta r r h M ad lcln * Is ta k a n la - t s r n a l l y a n d a c ta t h r o u g h th a R lo o d o n th a M u co u s flu rfa c a a o f th a S y ste m . B and f o r te s tim o n ia l« . f rs a . r J. C H JEN K Y A CO ., T o la d o . O. S o ld b y a ll d r u g g is ts . I k . B a l l 's F a m ily P ills f o r ro n a tlp a tlo m The fees of gurdians are fixed by law, and are no more for a bark than for an individual, C A P IT A L N A TIO N A L B A N K SALEM. OREGON v rn u w L U i Ä f t Ä Tort TOUR J-JX . I atlas—Murin« for Red- J F ' nc*a. Sormaaa, Granula r v / r Ç d o n Ilching and Burning Lit J of the Eyea or Eyelids; *‘l D rope" ----- Affet th he 1 Movlea. M ovie«. V M otorinv or G o lf nil wie Your con' raencr. Jener. A A«! tk Your Drug|».»t wbi «Ait * M urine w hrn your nur Eye Eye« « Need Ner C iirr. M u r in e E y t N tm c d y C o .,C h ic a g o DID YOU S E E - -The BIG Contest Announcment? Before you dispose of your GET A PRICE FROM THE Santiam W oolen Mills Exclusive Manufacturers of High-Grade Woolen Blankets, Wool Batts, Wool Comforters and Wool Mattresses Sell Direct to the Manufacturer 105 Union Ave. N. Portland, Oregon Philippi & Pieser Local Buyers Mills at Stayton, Ore. :