The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 24, 1920, Image 7

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    r *f ::iiT
Advancat of BOO Yoaro W ill Mak* tha
Vaar 1920 üaam L ik « a P r »-
bistorto Aga.
fa m o u t "0 »a d M «e d OlrW"' Llvart a iti
O i«d In fu*l Appratiam o» of Hla •
C Pupularity.
Tlioao ittilniHitliintlii* |ii'opli> who |ia-|
(tendwooil ttlek I» demi
I I '» reni
ll«*v*< Hu1 lilatli plti'li nf In v riillv « -•■ulii«
milite u n » lliehutd Itulloek mid te*
Mil« rnirlitHl Milli Ml" ml vi*il I nf elfe
dleil inoat eooveotloiinlly ut no un» '«I
Irle lly , lulltltig inuelilllva, a lrp lm i"» imo
aeii'iity-llve yem » iti u hoapltnl
tlif X niy will In* In ififH ifii in kmiM I
i il. i u I i i ' p ( i l i
lim i flvlIIr.iilWni im H i I m Iilaiifl ima
ftfi»livo»<l Dli-I* «Itruilil Itnve In- li
reiilly J uki Inum i. I»r. A M a
thè linppled ot diflt. FifW meli
Immillili fiigliiefi » t i li Himiy InviiHkoia
fili«» iivlllchi yenr» llllioiloed *•> 'u
1» lila rreilll, *ny* fl Vf blllidrt-il vfiiea ;
Iflmv of tlielr |iu»*
l'eW ineo
In lief m ir dmcMnlanta will lo»U(^iaek :
■ inite ttili lo i**t»| bende Ile- nh"'
U| mi | i eiimlltImiw In HKitl u tili JliM HIleh
ihenmPlVf# w h eli nre fidilidpd >ti
fffllliUM » f ululi « i l p ly ii« we finivi
liiodleliili »1 m u li
Aefillle» ne
f » r Ille amie » f |In* «u lu lila of |ire -
remi Mie "A etfi<l
Hntnti m*i>i ri
lilatiirle tluifa.
“ lilffdllae l.oat
noie«» Ile Inni
T h n aelfiillat firmitela Innung »itip r :
rn*ed It aline M ilitili» <luy h y lh e tp t *
thliiRa ttini ln 2130 A. I» ult imlilii* |
Umile» of III» (ilntitlllP nleule
IhiiriHiyfifama m ul p u ik» w ill he me
frietl never «ennnefl thè "Nlheliu.
ileruroiiiul, v r h iiif « will !>«• h u i i>y '
T h e g c n '* -«l h urof» of »tu
Mirele««. le lf|ili»iiif will eiirry u » « l 1
urea leni Ile» hy thè »rciiti*»l lln r» ha»
UHiillielit i - i i i i b l l i i g l l i f »piMkcra I » » f f |
niet tlielr end hellevinK Ihey woiihl tu
fin ti »Ille r, mul ull rullila w ill In- a» | unluinoreil miti ¡inoline hy pnaterltv
a i i u M i t l i na tillllnril Im i1«.
Not »o wiili 1«ond lilek
h r., w ii» in im iifil n m » t » r , ■nan vena al hla iltow ilio«e »everni
aemilor mul hu» |iri.tlnee<l un iippnruf- j
A ll he limi lo il» w n » t<
ll» für «wellig »lui|ile ufijeiia liy w ir«, j
Inke rbiwn one of thè volume» «v e r
In » re if nt Iniervlew In leuiiluli aulii
wtilrh thè Imya of a gerieratlon or t w
In |uirt;
ngo (Mired lo rea lire > k « a areni nino
"W h fii a man ««-tu r:ul for hiialnea« he hnd not heen
And all thè tluie
he will ihm i> r»iffil, im fie il»e « nowr.
ho limi the eon»rlou«ne»» thel he reni
I>y frniiiw "v m r ur iru tn ; he will pana
ly limi pua-ed Montlerfnl (tu va tm
almiK di-tlgh ni avellile« uiulenieath
monntuln and ptnln. hmillng jtnlil hy
tlie «urfuee » f 1 he «*arlh. I’n rk » mul Mago Mirntigli perii» creai ed hy tinture
all »liie r (ilneea of |iulitle rraori and noti hy mun— timi there wn» «nonni)
heniity will he roofml tu
of thè herolr to Justlfy thè modero
" M » f » r enr» and alt mofor vplilelmi minai rei.— Cincin nasi Tim e*-Star.
w ill iiroeffd hy w lrali"-» jiower nini noi
liy lite enule mettimi nf usliig |ietrnt.
T h e y will he dl teil uji llke litxurloualy
» I>|>• >1 111 <•<I dniwitig nanna mul will hp
d riv e » nt n rute » f »ne litnitlra*«) nille« In Denmark It la Employed to Furolah
nu Imtir. tviri-b-«* fp|«‘|ih»ne« will W<*
Power for Many L in e « of
lli«milei| I» llie pura, n» weil na every
Big Induatrle*.
klnd » f np|i»lntnient tnnklng fnr liixurjr
In 101B peat entuhtlnlied Itaelf na a
und comfort, Mnny peripli* will own
tlipap pnrn.
filer nor* firmly thmi ever In Den­
It In unetl Dow hy nenrly all
"People w ill llvp In n p »n d ltl»n of mark
»plioulld physlr-al laolntlon.
T p I p v I»- | the IfttiuatrlcH by the private rnll-
Ion- -llia t In, the nhlllty to «pe yonr ■ roudn and In the country district»,
nhapnt friend over n dl«m nep of mnny ! where It M practically the only fuel.
m llpa- nml wlreleaa telephony will lenii - Tw e lve million pent brick» were
from the inaralio« In the Odense dis­
to tht« condition.
" ii i la vlalon la n»t cxtrnvngnnt » r n | trict III 1018. nml while figure« arc not
w ild aei of thoorle«. It I» the illrertlon j available for 1010. IrU a estimated that
*w willeh »rleiitlflp dlapoverle» and ex- I the numher wn* v-onahleriihly larger.
perliiient« temi. Mnny aelentlflp men Th e electrical w ork« of the towu of
hnve pome face to fm e w lth dlaotivor ■ Hvendherg
! p « nnd Invpntlona whlcb are only nep- | pent gua luateud nf (tetrolenm. Aa a
nrnted frotn nelnal renllxntlon by a I locomotive fuel It proved U> have *otjM
almple Utile illfTleulty, whleh w ill ct-r- . dlaadvanlagCH, requiring a larger holl­
er mid giving off mini) »park*.
la lnly hp overcotna In tlrn«*."
I’ent producers have complained
Mint the government's maximum prlre
G iving U p F a iry Btorias.
on thin article has utude It* manufac­
Ho you renieiolier when you hnd fa
ture difficult. Th e re hnve lieen a num­
give up rending fairy atorlea?
ber of ful I urea. However, Mie quality
cour»e you didn’t hnve to Rive 'em
of (»-at ha« been greatly Improved
up If you didn't want to. tmt teacher
during the ln*t live yearn, and more
and fattier nntl m i.'her nnd nil the
hti» been learned of Its |K>s»lbllltlea
rent nf the grown folk» -ilit you mtiat
It will therefor«, undoubtedly figure
rend grown-up hooka nnd ao the fair-
much more than previously aa an
lea ware eaal nalde nnd—
economic fuctor In Denm ark.— New
Oh. well, the an me tragedy of youth
York Sun.
la going on every dny even now nt the
public llhrary, any the attendant* in
Physique of Country and C ity Boya.
the children'» room.
Under Hie selective draft low. regis­
One of the mnny dutlaa of theac at-
trant» werejglven two physical exami­
tetulnnta 1» to lend the children grad-
nations. one by the local draft bonrd»
unlly awny from fnlry ntorlc« to real
life atorlea. It 1» no Pftay Job liet-nuae and nnoihcr hy the arm y surgeons af­
ter the tm-n who passed the local
I he children straggle ngnln«l giving up
their fnlrlea.
Analysis of thene records of physi­
Never, It ta »aid. haa there been
cal examinations «how* that the coun­
«m il n run on ttie fnlry title «helf In
try hoys utadc better record» than
the children'* room na there lina been
those from the citte» : the white regis­
trants better than the colored, and
In time, however, the fnlrle« make
the nntlve born better roeords than
w ay for “TreuM ire tnlmul." the "Itciira
those of alien birth.
These differ­
of nitre R ive r," “T o m Navvy«*»" » r " I J t -
tie Women," and then ’the »pell of ence« are ao considerable that 100.0110
country boys would furnish for the
fnlr.vlnnd In more or lean broken.
nilllttiry service 4.790 more soldiers
" II would tn* ao inuiii enaler to kelp
thnn would nn equal number of city
the little f o lk » ” lamented one of the
hoys. Sim ilarly. 100.000 whites would
attendant«, "If we only hnd more of
furnish 1.240 more soldier* thnn would
(lie hooks Hint children » » quickly
an equal number of colored. Finally.
learn to love utter they leave their
100.000 native horn would yield S.rgto
fairies."— Kxchnnge.
more soldiers than would a like num­
her of foreign.
T h e Importance of
Unique Styfe of Greeting.
these figures may lie appreciated by
S ir Auckland <ledile«, who I* evi­
noting that 3.<r>00 men Is equivalent to
dently ex|M*cted to do u g lin t (leni nf nn
regiment at full war
entertaining when he gmv» to the strength.
I'n ltcd Stille« I» n notable athlete, tint
It limy lie ilolthtflll whether lit* physi­
Endurance Test.
cal cmliirnticc w ill he equal to the
for the tale Is l.n Jolla
hnnilNhnkinR which w ill lie Involved
n small town near San Ptego. It Is a
m ile»« ' to- reform » h i» method», re
place Mint bonsla of great swimming
m u rk« the Mnnchenler tliinrillnn.
anil mnny other attractions, besides n
la moat Interesting If ralher exhaust­
museum. A little maiden, whom we
ing, to watch him recolvc a “number of
w ill call Nellie, was passing the mu­
guests a< to* did recently nt Olym pia,
seum with her mother.
Both were
for he lui* nn athletic style Jill h i» own.
newcomer« In the town and were tak­
À » i ndi title«! cornea tn sight S ir Auck­
ing their flrst sightseeing tour
land inlvnneè» one foot, plant« It firmly
glanced up nt the sign tn front of the
nini balance» himself a* If for « trial
museum— "M an-eating shark. Fifteen
of «trengih. Th e n 111« long unii «hoot«
cents admission." So the two passed
out to full length, he »m ile» th«
on. T w o or three hours Inter, mother
guest straight In the eye like a boxer,
unit daughter cume hack hy the same
«c iré » Ills hand and dra w « b in de­
route, nnd again passed the museum
terminedly around In a sem itin le to
Th e sign. of course, was still there.
greci (he lioste»».
Nellie could wot he silenced. "Is llmt
He will need to develop n le- • ex
uinn still eating the sharkT” she asked.
pensive muNCUlnf action for the so­
"I should think he would get tired.”—
cial tasks before him In Amoticn.
Pittsburgh Chrnnicta-Tolegm ph.
W eaving Mills of Bielefeld.
Tn a review of the Bielefeld flax anil
linen market the Hhelntscb-West fal­
larli /.cluing says that the weaving
mllla cannot undertake operation on a
large scale for lack nf cotton and lin ­
en yarns. (T.ito n In im rtlru liir Is a l­
inosi wholly lacking, as It 1ms to be
Imported, and a revival of the ltlele
felli Industry Is Impossible without cot­
ton. It Is Impossible to compete In the
world markets with cloth of paper
yarn, which wn* manufactured durln .
Hie Inlter years of the war, although
Its quality has been Improved consid­
“ You veni very much Interested In
the coining campaign."
"1 am " '-util the musician. "I'll he
glad to heat the hands playing »"la ­
thing Mint keeps people marching
sim igli! for awhile luateud Of
Diplomats at Washington.
Th e re are 42 accredited representa­
tives of foreign governments tn Wash­
ington. Besides these there are mnny
unofficial representatives of nationali­
ties seeking recognition from the
American government. Chief among
Ihe latter are representative* of th«
Irish, rkrn ln ta n s, Armenians, Lith u ­
anians and Albanians. O n ly the stntcs
of Monaco and San Marino, two of
Ihe smallest republics In the world,
ure without representatives.
Polar Cap* on Vanut.
According to E d w a rd M. Nelson,
w riting In ihe English Mechanic, polar
capt wen plainly visible on Venus last
.tune In Ids Miree-lin h refractor, power
Th e y are described ns of. In­
tense whiteness, resembling that of the
crater Aristarchus on tlie moon.
sliullur observation is reported from
M. Flam m ntion’i observatory at Jn v-
lay, Franco,
Mrs. Maud« Wood Park o f Boo-
ton, chairman o f the National
League of Women Voters, la now
In Chlcagb heading a delegation
with a requoat to the Republicans
that the laaaea vital to women bo
written Into the party platform.
The committee will then bold
meetings at points across the qpn*
tlnent os they go to coll on the
Democrats at San Francisco, JfnM
" C e l ton Secret I I I , ” owned by
H olt Thomas o f E n g la n d , has jnat
won the title o f being the best cow
la the British Isis, when In compe­
tition she gore 19 1-1 Rollons o f
bulk per day, beating all known
records there, gha is from tha
Frtaaian hard breed. American
dairymen judge milk by the but­
tertat contained therein, while li>e
English Judge in qauntlty.
i XI.
Are you in it? If not Get in the Contest
■ ta t
- O
*( ,*
& b \ .
en th
E N years ago you might
have seen one or two
T h e r e is one tire, at least,
automobiles waiting outside
that m a k e s n o d is tin c tio n
between small cars and large
cars so for as quality is con­
cerned— the TJ. S. Tire.
the station, when the weather
was pleasant.
Today, the square is crowd-
ed with them.
And most of
the cars you generally see
S ifc c f 3 -o u r fires ao-
C o r d in f t o t h » r o a d »
t h e y h a v o t o tr a v e l:
there are moderate-price cars.
In sandy or hilly coun­
try, wherever the s; -ing
is opt to be heavy— The
U . S. Nobby.
For ordinary coun‘ ry
roods -T h e U . S. Cluun
er Usco.
For front wheels —
Th e U . S. Plain.
Fo r best r e s u l t s —
e ve ry »/ ie ro -U .S . Royal
Anybody who tells you that
ow ners of iriooeratc-price
cars are not interested in the
q u a lity
n ever
o f th e ir
tir e s has
m et very
m any of
E very U. S. Tire is j u s t
lik e e v e r y o th e r in quality
— the b e s t its builders k n o w
how to build.
W h a tever the sire of your
car, the s e r v ic e you get out
of U. S. Tires is th e sam e.
It isn't the cor, but the m an
w h o o w n s th e car. that sets
the standard to which U. S.
tires are mace.
W e come in contact with
the small car owner every
day and we have found that
he isJ u s t as m u c h in te r e s te d
as the big car owner.
W e feel the same w a y
about it.
That's why wo
represent U. S. Tires in this
United States Hires
Lilly Hardware 6o., Aqents
'T I B I