Mvnf»- tile Soil. aide of u sleep rock, overlooking a Pur­ sailed up the G u lf of California and garrage, Stayton Oregon. glen and rive r bed. Atnlnyu Mippllea discovered the mouth of the Colorado chases can be made through 0. Mo1 entire grn European maps as an island genuity Mini (]ulekneaa In the work. Angeles Nawspapar. FOUND—one heavy7 motor jack up to ns late as 1748. Men. "om en mid children sqtinl al»>ut on road between Stayton and All attempts of Spain to colonize at file entrance« to tln-lr caves, kneiol; Low e r California Is V* ! *he California peninsula ended tn dis­ West Stayton. Owner can have log the cluy with tl»elr hand» Into region that has never been n? well elegant Jura nnd u*lug their Anger known and has long been m isunder­ astrous failures until the task was del­ same by paying for this notice. egated to the Jesuits, o r Com­ nn 11» to apply di-corntlve Hues. stood. Kven we of U p p e r California, pany of Jesus. In 1007. These Jeault Andrew Ferry These troglodyte», or cave dw eller» despite ou r close proxim ity, know missionary priests were possessed of are aliiiimt like wild nnlinal». having little of the peninsula except Its ex- the tact of the French explorers, the F O R S A L E — 250 White Leghorn no m oral», nnd very IlMle clothing to | treme northern part, writes A rth u r persistency of the English colonial set- chicks 5 weeks old at 40c each, bonat of. D in in g the nummer the Iterg, In the |,oa Angeles Tim es. Few tier« nnd the bravery of the Am erican ehllilrea run about altnoat nuked, nnd i \ of us reallxe that It Is r.ot nn utterly frontiersman. I Claude Boone. AumsviMe. M28tf the woman wear the short«»« of skirts. barren waste; that It Is a tropical Padre S a lv itle rra made the first i _ , T h e y are prolmhly the Inst re in mm 1 » | country with a salubrious climate and mission settlement In L o w e r C a ll- j FOR SALE Ford Car in good of the nhorlglnes of Grand Canary. many regions of luxuriant vegetation; fornin <>n October 15, U507, at the hay condition, price £375 if taken at who arc known t<* have lived In caves that It» northern and southern parts of San Bruno, on the east const. For 000 years ago. T h e cave dwellers are | Mrs. Geo. Colby, Lyons. are utterly unlike one another, nnd 70 yearn thereafter the Jesuits con­ once. very different from the n*#t of the i that rich resources abound that are trolled the peninsula, nnd those 70 Islanders, who look upon them ns j AUTO MUD CHAIN—Found be­ year» represented the era of Low er pariahs uud would as soon think of , only w aiting to !>e «levi-hqied. tween Stayton and Leffler on Despite Its Jagged, barren heights Ca lifornia ’s greatest a ctivity nnd Interm arrying w ith monkeys us with I and cactus-clad me-ms, which glow in Monday. Owner can have same greatest prosperity. them.— Wide W orld U n g u ln e . the Aery rays of nn tinohscured sun. ------------------ --------- D u rin g their sojourn the Jesuits by paying for this notice. It was a land rich In history when the east coast. explored the THE TRUTH ABOUT EVIDENCE the timbers of the M ayflower were yet charted east and west roasts the Islands ndja- LOST -Ladies brown color glove tree* In the for«*st. Once sought nnd | thereto and the Interior In a on decloration day either at cem­ Some Difference Between Its Theoret- guarded for her ore* nnd her Jewel», manner that has never tn*en ««•»•lied; etery or in Stayton. Finder leal Purpose and Its Presenta- this peninsula, which to the Spanish founded 2.’t missions, of which 14 tien in Legal Pracltte. m nquisliidnre« wok an island glltter- proved to he successful; formulate«! a please return to this office “R e - \ i Ing In the axure web of romance, a system of inhsion life never thereafter i W A R D .” ____________________________ Evidence Is flint portion of the land for which the padres gave their surpassed ; not only Instructed the In­ truth which your law yer thinks w ill llv«‘* In fanatic devotion to the cross, dians In religions matters, but taught STRAYED—1 bay mare wt. 1050 Impress the Judge ,,r ju ry In your fa­ now lies practically unnoticed. Its ro- them many useful arts as w e ll; out- with circle band on left shoulder vor. A n y other portions «if the snme 18 year old; 1 light bay mare wt. truth must therefore he Irrelevant nnd Immaterial and should not he udiidtted 1150 with small white star in T h u s evidence Is both iis evidence. forehead 3 years old. Finder part truth nnd partial truth. please notify Jessie L. Tooley Th e theoretical purpose of evidence Is to bring out the truth, the whole Sublimity. Rt. 1 Box 47 Phone 66 truth and nothing hilt the truth. In June 17-24 tf legal practice, however. It Is used to emphasise unduly certain portions of O ; FOR SALE—Just placed instock, the truth, to color other portions so and new from Portland distribu­ as to Imply tiling* that are not the tors. Western Special Teaming truth nnd to cover tip the rest of the truth. Gear, 3J in. steel skein, 5 ft. 1 Th e re nrv several kinds of evidence. THE U N I V E R S A L C A R Í track, drop tongue, 37 51 in. Circum stantial evidence ha* probably i wheels, 3 x 33 in. tires, No. 5o convicted more Innocent parties than any other kind. Docum entary evi­ brake. Just the wagon for use dence has no doubt convicted more in logging or heavy service. guilty parties than nny other kind. Special now at $160 00. J. F. A m i counter-evidence cannot a l" • v« Mielke, Stayton. he made to count. T ru th crushed to enrth may rl- ■ 1 FOR SALE Shoats also sow again, but not If ym tr la w ye r'» objec tlona are sustained by the court. Ver­ with 7 pigs between 2 and 3 ily the seeker nfter truth has no hual- weeks old. Jacob Seigmund, Rt ne«» In n modern courtroom.— O tis C. 1. Stayton. June 24-tf Little. Many Believe A ll Th is . It Is unlucky to drop n tenr on n letter from n friend. If you blot your paper nnd send It away In that con­ dition It w ill find the recipient In poor health. Y o u ,lire sure to witness n fight If you misdate a letter. Should your letter cross In the malls one coming from your sweetheart It will cross out love. It la a bnd sign to receive an unsettled communication, though the soothsayers do not say Just what w ill happen In that event, Just contenting themselves with the expren- aloti “ bnd sign” nnd leaving you to w o rry n» to what It may bring. Should yon get n letter with the stamp upside down you " I I I make a mistake about i money that very day “ a.- ever "its .” If you want to henr from some one w rite him a long letter w ith a pen, lulling hiut «.v jn tU liM . U u tl u ttel&ll- Stavton - Savf Today for Tomorrow’s Needs ✓ All our Thought, Time, Money Energy* is devoted to ¡J Transportation ( Th a t's Mors Th a n Some Do “ Whoever told you you con'd play golf?” Kne*-r«*d the expert. “Who? Me?" asked the novice. “ I’m playing Just as well as any ot the other*, am I not?” “W hy man alive, you took 14 stroke* U> make the first hole! Is that what you call good playlngT” “ Well. I hit the ball every time, didn't I?”— Stray Stories. NOT DESERT LAND • Oregon Fite Relief Association Farmers Fire Relief of Butteville, Ore. Agent New Jersey Fire Insurance Co. for / Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York ' Fire Association, Philadelphia Believe It or Not. H e was a stranger tn the w a y« of a city and made his way about with d if­ ficulty. He entered a large deport­ ment afore and waa standing near the elevator when he heard the man di­ recting the ru nnln r of the elevatora any; “Take the elevator to the right. It w ill take you anywhere.” So the »franger entered the elevator with the assertion ; “ j wish to go to the terminal station.” < •Take the next car,” came the quick rejoinder. LOW IN SCALE OF HUMANITY V V FOR SALE—1918 Ford roadster $500 and 10 young fresh jersey | cows. Oscar Bouck. Marion, ■ Oregon. June 24-July 1 FOR SALE—Brand new 6 horse , power gas engine, burns coal oil. , Murphy-Gardner Lumber Co.. Stayton. ' June21-tf FOR SALE —1 8x30 good scilo '! and one No. Bizzard Ensilage 1 cutter. L- F. Rambo. ! June 24-July 1 H WANTED— Girl for general I? house work. J. T. Hafner. Sub- limity, Oregon. Phone 624 June 24-July-1-8 Save from 10% to 2 0 On Heaters, Ranges Oil Stoves, Dishes. Emaled Ware Chairs. Rjockers Beds. Springs cTWattresses. Tables A Store Full of Bargains W e Buy Sell and Exchange- Profits Divided People’s Furniture & Hardware Stor 3 ; ; ; 271 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon • x ~ x ~ x - x ~ x ~ x ~X“X«- x - x - x ~:~>- x - x ~ x -<--X“X- x »- x »9>«X' ? > >