■BfeSTAYTON MAIL Chas. S. Clark, Editor and P r ipru'tor Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year in Advance Advertising Hates Made Known Upon Application Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Stayton. Marion County, Orepron, under the Act of Congress o f March 3. 1879. Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail ------------------ :---------- M t. P le a s a n t Mr. H. D. Pierce. County Commissioner o f Albany, visited one road District, Sat. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wriprht of Mrs. W. Woodard who has been Salem motored to the G. H. Ray quite ill the past week is much home Sunday. be tter at this date. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray and I Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas son visited with relatives at Mc­ motored to Lacomb, Sunday. Minnville the past week. Mrs. Mary o f Lel»anon is visit­ H. B Shank and Tom Epping purchased a Sampson tractor the ing her parents, the N. W. Thomas’s at present past week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davy and family o f Stayton visited at the P. H, Lambert home Sunday. U n i o n H * l l STANDARD THE WORLO NEEDS H ig h M o r a l t s a m p l a S a t b y R o b a rt L e g la S t a v t n s o n W a lt W o r t h L i v i n g U p To. Hobart I »n il» Starpnaon rvfustng 1« ink** nil thin waa o ffv m l him for n I kh - iii hr ill,! uoi think hla boat, wrote: I do imi live much to Ond and honor, out I will not willfully turn my hto k on both.” In the morleat wort!» Hit» deep tho unl.tr Hinmhiril by which » mini rvn not>e to *n tl»fy himself with III» llro. it 1» n atitmliird the world today «nre- i j need». We hear o f unroot mul »hull hetir of It. Why not. with ao ninny men and women trvlug to live lip *o a »tiiinhird »et by nomanne else? tf .hey aueceed. there 1» no hnpplnea» tn It. for It him no anlictton from their own heart*. The man we count sucrassful la •unlerinl affair» and exiieet lo find happy 1» never one who him reached ■ certain plnce. Itut w hen u mini hna »et a murk for hltimelf In poaMHt- •dons and hac kepi tlml mark In view until he reached It. we cnll him auc- racsful. Jt may hnve been a SlO.Ikkl uome; It may have been one ml.'lton dollar«. Hut It wan hla own ftoal. It la not lesa true o f hla tnuer life. *Ve do not expect milch o f a mnn wbo has ho atnndard for himself o f right ond wrong. And he cannot claim any right to contentment. I f hla only tnor- ai standard la the law, he «aims only ibe minimum o f satisfaction. Steven­ son. refusing money whlidi he needed because he thought he hud not cant­ ed It. Is a thousand times more to he envied than the man who takes a hun­ dred or a million dollar» he has not eumed. because no law will punlsli him.— Milwaukee Journal. T m h e re to T ell Y o u ” •ays the Good Judge Jordan Mr. J. C. Ellington went to Portland, Sat. Mrs. Jno. Foltz is nursing her sons H. C. and Ed. who are laid up with the mumps. Mr. Harve Shelton is spending the week in Albany having his eyes treated by a specialist. Mr. J. H. Cunningham came down from Portland to look after business pertaining to the plant. The stork dropped a fine son at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rundt, Friday. Leo says he is a fine boy if he is a Rundt. Mrs. Herman Shelton of Crab­ tree visited her mother and other relatives here Sat. and Sun. NO M IN ATING BLA N K STAYTOfi MAIL ‘EVERY BODY WINS” CONTEST GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES I hereby enter and cast 5000 Votes for Miss, Mr. or M rs.. .................................... ........... ....................... As a candidate in The Stayton Mail “ Everybody W its ” Prize Contest. N ote—Only one nomination each candidate nominated. STAYTO N. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. ’ H Y 3 IC IA N AND SURGEON S t a y t o n , O h ego n W . ft. Pin tler. D . M . D . OENTIST will Office Opp. LaaeafleW Shoe 8 tor* Phone 21ftZ P u t up In two styles Stnvton. Ore V. A. GOODE LAWYER end NOTARY PUBLIC R IG H T CUT is a short-cut tobacco W -B C UT li a long fine-cut tobacco W i * y f 1V t n R r j t on C o m p a n y • 1107 ßf ' i uj dw. i y Office Room No. 6. Roy Bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTOR N o w Y o r k C/ y W . A. WEDDLE We Handle Everything In I’ honv^XH STAYTON OREGON Dr. Paul Fehlen V E T E R IN A R Y SURGEON D E N T A L E X PER T CallH Answered Day or Night Phone--Res. 3X3-1 OREGON STAYTO N Rjight Now is Time to Get Your STAYTON MEAT MARKET Garden Tools SESTAK We carry everything fo r the Gardner. O u r prices are right THOM AS, Proprietors. Fresh.Salt&Cured Meats Lard» Creamery Butter OUR FURNITURE LINE IS COMPLETE LILLY HARDWARE CO. & ffifbrsl Market Price Paid For Fal Slock i A. W. Sim m ons, D. V. M V E T E R IN A R IA N "When good fellows get together, I’m right there” •— Chesterfield r I ’H E most companionable bunch o f A tobaccos ever rolled into a cigarette — silky, : romatic Turkish, and fine, full-flavored Domestic, expertly chosen and expertly blended. That’s Chester­ field. And they sure Silverton O regon CANCER NOKNIFE AND LOSS OF BIGOD Nv) BLASThHS A M » PAINH FOR HOURS OK DAYS TUM0RS PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOWELS Jo ”satisfy ! ” FOUR YEARS STUDY IN EUROPE OVER » ) YEARS EXPERIENCE «12 I'ortlarul I'h ) »it m I T h rr a p y I »1« ritfori«*» to 417 Journo! Building I O K T I . A M ), f»K K . /Vie t h odist Ch u rc h Pastor Rev. Reese Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. rn. Sunday School 10 a. m. Epworth League 7:30 p. m.. Prayer meeting on Wednesday in the parsonage at 8 p. m. the street practicing hi» d a rli,et. and »o forth. They bothered me. Bill blme-hy I took to going out on the hack poreh nnd filing n saw to quiet my nerve*. And If nftvny* done so; after a good spell o f filing the noise* o f Mie neighborhood didn't pester me at nil.” — Kansas City Star. him If he did not knqw better than to nerve a drink to an officer In uniform. “ Is you an officer, sah?" said the dnrky, Innorenee oor.lng from every pore of his face. • "Fo. de Lawd, I thought you wa* one o f dem Sousa'» hand.” He Looked Musical. An officer of the reserve wn* tired lifter a hard day’s work, and thought he would like a coektnll, which lie or­ dered. Then he bethought hltnaelf of the breach o f discipline Involved In nerving a drink to a mnn In uniform. Pretty noon ihe darky returned with the cocktail neatly "dolled up" In a cup surrounded by cracked lee. a* orange Jtilee I* served. The officer looked jtern ly at tbe waiter ami asked The Parent’s Assistant. The *nn of Mr. Newly-Rich wanted to he an auctioneer. Ill» father had Intended him for a learned profe»*lon. hut promised to think It over Meet Ing a friend Mr. Illaon from the flunk», he confided lo him the dilemma, and naked for Ids view o f auction,,Ting n» a falling. “ W ell," snld this authority >li short rut» to wealth. ‘'If'* like this: An auctlouecr orter 'live nil a miner nnd an 'rail, an' the 'nminer ain't a ht'ioin o’ use without the 'end.' FREE VOTING COUPON IN TH E St. M arys Church Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun d iys at 8:30 a. m. Rev. Fr. ! diinck. Pastor B aptist C hurch Preaching every second and fourth £u days o f each tnonth, morning and evening. Morning services at 11 a. m. aad evening services at 8 p. m. Sunday school each Sunday morning at 10 h m. S. L. Boyce, Pastor. IF Y O U ARE IN STAY IN, IF NOT, W H Y NOT STAYTON MAIL AUTO CONTEST IN THE Address . ..... Physician and Surgeon I That you got f faction from i the Real Tobai Chew. ' ^ The rich tasto of this class of fuV'Cco makes It last i< or— and cost less— th: the old Lind. the Any man who u- Real Tobacco CI k tell you that. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mol let. son Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and Ralph and daughter Ethel, Miss family motored to Salem Sat. Mabel Rans and Mrs. W. H. R a-; Mrs. Ed Eberheardt and daugh­ TO EXTERMINATE CROP PESTS bens motored to Salem on busi­ ters and son Archie motored to ness, Friday. S c ie n tist P la n a to U se F l a m * T h ro w e r« Salem, Sunday. a n d O t h e r M e th o d s to Do- The Walluga Club was enter s tr o y E n e m ie s. Miss Dorothy Smith went to tained by Mrs. Belle Heater, Portland Saturday for an ex­ In 1BI8 and 191» the territory near Thursday afternoon. tended visit. the della o f the Rhone suffered grently Rev. Reese of Stayton preach­ from «warms o f the Morocco cricket, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Lambert ed an interesting sermon here, which multiplied so excessively as to and son called at the G. H. Rav he o f great Injury to the crop*. At a Sunday afternoon. recent meeting o f the French Academy home Sunday. Stella Neal spent Thursday o f Sciences a report was made hy M Mrs. Roxie Shank and family Vaysslere on the use o f the "flame afternoon with Clara Heater. spent Sunday at the H. R. Shank j throwers.” employed In the war for Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bower. throwing liquid Are. to exterminate home. George Scott and son Verney these pests. With an apparatus hold­ Miss Mammie Zimmerman of were in Salem on business. Wed. ing about twelve life r» o f petroleum an extent o f 200 square meters ran be so Sublimity and Messrs Tony, Pete, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rabens rlinmutrhly »wept with flames a* to kill and Frank Laux and Nick Senz and children. Miss Dora Rabens si) the Insects. Asphyxiating gaaes motored to Albany, Saturday. hnd hut little effect hut applications and Marion Hunt spent Sunday o f (towered ehloroplcrln were much Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and at the W. H. Rabens home. more satisfactory. While vegetation family were Sunday visitors at ( suffered somewhat the effect» were A large crowd attended the only temporary. Lastly. M. Vnysslere the Tom Eppilg home. ball game here Sunday and saw niade use o f poisoned halt with n basis B. F. Lambert called at the o f arsenic like thni employed In Italy Union Hili win the game. Lee Downing home Sunday. and In the United Sintes nnd obtained Frances Harris o f Portland good re*nlts. He proposes to utilize Mrs. Henry Senz and family spent the week-end with home all three methods— first the flame called at the Joe Senz home Sun­ folks. throwers to exterminate the hordes of young larvae In all ca«es where their day. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour use floes not Involve danger o f Are: Frank Lambert and Miss Hazel made a business trip to Stayton, secondly, ehloroplcrln powder where the flam»* throwers would he danger­ Lambert motored to Albany, Friday. ous; and thirdly poisoned halt In Irri­ Tuesday to attend the wedding gated meadows where no cattle nre o f their brother Charley to Miss pastured. BUT ONE THING LEFT UNSAID Gertrude Shimanke o f Scio. Kept Gowns of a Lifetime. A merry crowd of both old Seems Something of a Pity That Invoking round thp prodigious dls- and young people gathered at W riter Old Not Complete plav o f the late P rin c e s s LnlmnofTs Pungent Epistle. the Charley Spitzberg home Sun­ clothing at the Hotel Prnuot made von wonder If she ever gave or threw any­ day eve and had a general hous.i | Not long ago. the story' run», a trav­ warming. A most delightful: eling salesman visited a certain small I thing away In he- llferlme. Three hnndred or more tea gowns and eve­ town nnd »old the proprietor o f Its I ning frock» disposed o f In th*- recent time was reported by all. general store an order o f Jewelry, the sale of her effects, were o f every date Voulh’s Companlon relates. When the , slni-e her wedding frossean. Ib-r body Jewelry arrived It was not a« repre ! linen nlso was o f every style from the sentod. nnd the merchant consequently primitive simplicity o f early Victorian returned It. But the wholesale house ideals to the luxurious garments nevertheless, attempted to collect the adopted hy the Parisian coquette to­ bill, and drew a sight draft on the day. merchant through the local hank, Hut the embroidered and Incnl tioii«e which returned the draft unhonored. linen, the flne sheets In bundle* of fffl, The wholesalers then wrote to the found more itiger buyers than the postmaster. Inquiring about the linan elothlng. Her furs were of great beau­ rial standing o f the merchant, and ty and variety. Th.-re were coats and the postmaster replied laconically that clonks o f sealskin o f dark astrakhan, It was O. K. all In bewildering quantities, from By return mall the wholesaler* re­ the Continental Edition of the Lon­ quested him to "hand the Inclosed don Mail. account to the leading lawyer” o f the place for collection. His Way This Is the reply that they received: ” T W t klnda lost for a spell after I "Th e nnrlersigned Is the merchant on whom you attempted to palm off •old the old place ond came down to your worthless goods. The undersigned live with my niece.' admitted the re­ Is president and owner o f the hank to tired farmer. "I missed the fniulllat which you spnt your sight draft. The task*, nnd there weren't enough new undersigned Is (he postmaster touchons one* to keep me busy. The fnrnlllnr you wrote, anil the undecHigned Is the sound», too. were a-,sent, nnd at first lawyer whose services you sought to I couldn’t get used to the new ones; obtain for your nefarious business. If the young Indy on the left tinkling the the undersigned were not also the piano, the folks on the right running pastor o f the church at this place he their talking machine, the f e l l e r aero«« would tell you where to go.” f. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. blank accepted for Miss, Mr. or Mrs . Following are-the rentes o f candidates who are entered in The Stayton Mail’s contest to date. The names are arranged in alphabetical order and credited with the nomination votes only. Next week’ s issue will show the number o f votes cast up to Wednesday noon. Miss Mabel D re y e r...................................... Mill City .......................... 5000 Address...................... Miss Margaret Fehlen ....................................Stayton This coupon, neatly clipped out, name and ad- dress of the candidate filled in, and mailed or de- livered to the Contest Department of The Stayton Mail, Stayton Oregon, will count as 100 FREE votss. Marion Hunt................................................ sj,aw GOOD FOR 100 VOTES I hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of It does not cost anything to vote th. se cou­ pons for your favorite candidate, and you are not restricted in any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send them in—they all count. Not good after June 26th Mrs. Dr. Hobson......................................... g cj0 5000 5000 Miss Anna Kuiken ...................................... L y o n s ......... .... .. Miss Nellie Mickenham............................... Turner ........... 5000 5000 5000 Mike N e itlin g .................Rt. 1...................... Stayton................. 5000 Mrs. Alta H aggles...........Rt. 3......................Salem . r)000 Frank Jycofield.................Kt. 8......................Turner .. . ...................... 5,1)0 Miss Gelena W a g ffe r................................. . Mehuma ... * ' 5000 Miss Elaenor W illin g ....:...............................Stayton...........