é - .| * » ;-iE STHYT0N MAIL'S PRIZE 60NTEST m Which > just t ng, is open to men and women, boys and girls of the m ore ambitious sort, residing in Stayton and su rro u n d in g te rrito ry . Sat- urday n ht, * t 7 ti — just six weeks from this Saturday night, will se the most aggressive hustle:s in the race the proud ; osseseors of the following priz^. It is y no means too late to enter the race! Everyone wins! Costs you nothing to try! Act quickly the time is limited. Ca )ital Purchased from Lilly Hardware Co. Stayton Agents 1920 Maxw 1 ^ourng Car Worth $ You Have always wanted a Big Automobile, Now is your Chance to get one 1335.00 CASH FREE Solitaire FR EE SUMMER VACATION TRIP to Yellowstone National Park Second Grand Prize Diamond Ring Includes a first class round tripr-transporta- tion; Standard Pull- man both ways din- r. ing car expense en- route and and a five day-all expenses-paid motor trip through the park, including Hotel, etc. FREE. . • _____________ _____ THIRD PR IZE Worth $125.00 _________ Purchased from P. C. GALBRAITH Jeweler and Repairer and now on exhibition there - - $50 in Gold Fifth Prize Fourth Prize « > IN • GOLD A SPECIAL FUND OF $500.00 IN GOLD has been set aside to be distributed in the form of salaries among active non-prize winners on a 20% basis. Any candid­ ate who remains active throughout the entire campaign, making a regular cash report not less frequently than once each week, but fails to win one of the big prizes offered, wiil participate in this commission feature. THINK OF IT! One dollar out of every five you collect goes into your pocket if you fail to win a prize. This arrange­ ment secures compensation to all candidates, and means that THERE WILL BE NO LOSERS IN THE RACE. Could anything be more fair or liberal than this? It is the sincere aim of this newspaper to conduct this contest, from start to finish, in a fair, honorable and impartial manner. » Every precaution has been taken to the interests of participants, and absolute honesty in all deal­ ings is guaranteed. , > However, not all wisdom lies with any one man or institution, and for that reason an Advisory Board has been decided upon, whose functions shall he to decide any question of sufficient moment that might happen to arise during the competition, and from which a committee shall be selected to count the votes and award the prizes the last night of the contest. The personnel of the board is as follows: W. H. Downing, Sublimity; Atty. V. H. Massey, Stayton; Atty. F A. Turner, Salem; Dr. Brewer, Stayton; W. VV. Elder, Chairman School Board, Stayton; J. W. Mayo, Cashier Farmers & Merchants Bank, Stayton. The Advisory Board Worth $110.00 Purchased from and on Exhi­ bition at P. C. Galbraith’s Jewelry Store $500.00 • * • : : Musikland Phonograph $25 in Gold Sixth Prize Schedule of Votes and Subscription Rate of The Stayton Mail FIRST PERIOD SECOND PERIOD THIRD PERIOD * Embracing the first four weeks Embracing the fifth and sixth Embracing the seventh and last (terminating July 17), the following weeks (terminating July 31) the fol­ week (terminating August 7), the fol­ number of votes will be issued on sub­ lowing number of votes wdl be issued lowing number of votes will lie issued on subscription«: scriptions: on subscriptions: 1 year.........................$1.50 3,000 1 year........................$1.50 2.000 I year......................$1.60 1,600 2 years....................... $3.00 8,000 2 years......................$3.00 6.000 ] 2 years..................... $3.00 4,000 3 years........................$4.50 12.500 3 years. ...................$4.50 10.000 ! 3 years..................... $4 50 7,500 5 years....................... $7.50 25,000 5 years.............. J . . .$7.50 20.000 ; 5 years ....................$7.50 16,000 The above schedule of votes, which is on a declining scale basis, positively will not be changed durihg the com­ petition. -However, a special ballot, good for 50,000 votes will be issued on every dub of $15 turned in. This nrrsngc- meiit will be in effect throughout the entire campaign and ia to be considered a part of the regular schedule. There will be no extra vot* s offered, extra prize« given or.any other inducements whatever inaugrated during this campaign. Remember tnis and lay your plans accordingly. No subscription will be uccepted for less thnn one year nor for more than five yenis ir. advance from any candidate. Votes will be allowed on job curds on same schedule as on subscriptions 4 ; ; t ; : : : : : 3 1 c o 7 )»f* t t f-*-* *****^-AAArtAA**A***************A******A*-*aA***<^******>*******at fl* t*6***a6a>*é>*a*'>*****A**.%*A*A**v^H tfrt f f ^t f t t) (to 1 1 >> For Complete Information Call, Phone or Write “Contest Department” The Stayton Mail, Stayion, Oregon, Phone 3X84, A. H. C HUKCHILL, Contest Manager