V - . V THE STAYTON 26th. Year, No. 19 STAYTON. MARION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1920 Are You A Hustler? Get Busy and Win the Grand Prize Maxwell STAYTON’S CELEBRATION PROMISES TO BE THE BIGGEST AND BEST EVER HELD IN THIS SECTION HENRY MILLER SUCCUMBS STAYTON CAME HOME AFTER OPERATION FOR WITH MOUNT ANGEL’S INTESTINAL CANCER SCALP LAST SUNDAY PLENTY OF ROOM AND PRIZES FOR MORE HUSTLERS IN RACE NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN Stayton’« ball tossers journey­ ed to Mt. Angel larft Sunday and proceeded to clean up on that town in the way of a ball contest. A W ealth of Prizes Aw ait Most Enterprising The game was full of beefing Campaigners in this “Everybody and the boys say that Alva TWO BANDS WILL FUR- time. Thomas came very near coming Quite a little interest is beinR W ins Contest home to get his truck to take a ISH MUSIC ALL DAY taken in the buckinR contest. load of it home. This contest is beinR staRed bv Many complimentary remarks win one of the above mentioned This is the second game,the Messrs Roy Follis and Gene Ware are being heard on every hand prizes, will be paid a cash com­ Aeroplane*, Bucking Con­ boys have played and they have and is separate from the com­ with reference to the progressive­ mission of 20% ($1.00 ott of tent, Ferris Wheel, Merry- mittee work. The boys have an brought home the bacon each ness and liberality on the part of every $5.00 collected) of their Go-Round, Midway and outlaw horse that has never been time, which makes them feel The Stayton Mail in offering a total collections This arrange­ Two Big Dances are ridden, known as “Donnor” and that they, will be winners on the brand new Maxwell touring car. ment insures compensation to all Some of the Fea­ Third of July. have offered a prize of £25,00 for worth $1335 and other rich and active competitors and also means tures of tne Day’s The lineup of Stayton was as attractive prizes in its Big Sub­ that there will be no losers in this the man that stays with him. follows: There will he an exhibition of scription Campaign, just starting race. Programme buckinR and bull ridinR. The Bo Smith, C: Farlev, P; Keech. and which comes to a close Sat­ That Stayton will do herself stunt will he pulled off immedi­ IB: DeJardin, 2B; Follis, 2B and urday night, August 7th—just OPPORTUNITY FOR HUSTLERS proud on the Third of July when ately after the ball Rame and will CF; Rock, SS; W. Smith. 3B; 3ix weeks from this Saturday The object of this campaign is, of course, to secure new and it celebrates Independence Day, be staRed on the Richardson land Goodman, RF; L. Smith, CF; nipht. is manifest by the way the com­ opposite the Geo. Keech resi­ Thoma, LF and Clarence Beau­ The undertaking, while colossal renewal subscriptions to The in a way, has met with instan- Stayton Mail and, in order to mittees in charge of the celebra­ dence. The Rround is larRe and champ. Mascott. tion have completed arrange- | is fenced so that all may see the The score was 9—3 favoring, eous favor in the eyes of the gain this end quickly and advan­ there will be no newspaper reading public of tageously, the handsomest collec­ ments to carry out the proRram performance Stayton. * danger of the spectators RettinR Marion County and if the ad­ tion of prizes ever offered by any for the day. vance interest manifested be ! newspaper in this section of the Promptly at 10 o’clock the biR hurt by the horses. CARD OF THANKS taken as a criterion, the venture state has been made ready for parade will start headed by the Word has been received that is an assured success. i distribution among those who Salem Cherrian Hand, the Leb­ the oil companies have promised We wish to thank our kind already Christian Church Never before this section of participate most heartily. anon Band, Floats,, Decorated that there will be plenty of gas friends for their many kind acts the state has in there been a con­ Therefore, every wide-awake, Cars. LodRes. PI ur URleys. etc., here Friday so that all autoists and deeds .during the sickness, There will be the usual ser­ test of such magnitude, where energetic man, woman or child and preceed to the MasouicRrove may Ret there tanks filled so they death and burial of our beloved where the morninR exercises will will have plenty of Ras to cele­ vices in the Christian Church on mother, Mary Follis. Also for the time was short and the condi­ 1 m Stayton and vicinity is offered tions so easy and liberal, as the an unparalleled opportunity to Sunday, June 27th, at 11:00 a.m. ' be held. brate on. beautiful floral offerings. one just announced by this news­ profit and in a BIG way, thru The speaker of the day will be A prize of $15.03 will be award­ and 8:00 p. m. by John Ricketts the Signed:—The Family. paper. Hon. Percy Kelly. their spare time during the next ed for the best float and $10.00 from Eugene, Oregon. The Rrove is beinR put in shape for the second best. MAXWFLL IS BIG FEATURE few weeks. So, it is a plan tt\at so that everyone may be made For the best decorated car $10. The Lesley Hotel is preparing One feature alone is enought works both ways and to the comfortable. Ample seatinR ca­ 00 and the second $5.00. to make it tr.e most talked of ultimate good of all concerned. | to take care of the public on the pacity will be provided and the The babies will come in for 3rd of July, when Stayton cele­ event in recent years. That fea­ The contest, which is just committee informs us that there their ture is the offer of awarding a starting, is now open to anyone share and a prize of $2.00 brates. The large sample room will be plenty to eat. There will has been brand new 1920 model Maxwell residing in Stayton or vicinity. set aside for the best next to the Star Theatre has be a Merry-go-rpund, Ferris showinR baby touring car, fully equipped, All that is necessary to bedome a in the baby parade. been turned into a rest room and Wheels, Side-shows. Midway. worth $1335.00 to the candidate candidate is to clip the nomina­ public is invited to use the Aeroplane and numerous other Three prizes will be Riven for Yhe securing the greatest number of tion coupon, appearing on this same, free of charge. As the Marion County Republican features to entertain the people. pluR URlies. votes in this competion. page, fill in your name and ad­ is centrally located it will be Besides the Salem Cherrian Salem will cross bats with a hotel Central Committee Has dress and mail or deliver to the We want good work and are great benefit to the visitors to Band the committee has hired Stayton in a ball Rame and it is ; town Harmonious Meet, willing to pay liberally for it and "Contest Dept. ’ ’ of The Stayton that day. the Lebanon Band of 32 pieces. said that both teams are out to that is what we had in mind Mail, Stayton, Oregon. Officers Chosen This will Rive music both at the win. when we decided on the big car. Rrove and down tiwn at the same There will be fireworks a plenty. LIST OF ENTRIES An enthusiastic meeting of the And, can you imagine any­ By FIRST looking the list of Republican County Central Com thing more alluring than a free candidates, as over be adequately and timelv taken they appear for WATERPOWER COMPANY care of, with better service the i mittee was held at the court summer vacation trip to Yellow­ the first time in this issue, it stone National Park—the second ' house, Salem. Tuesday afternoon end in view*. will be noted that quite a number PRESENTS STATEMENT 1 when officers were chosen to grand prize? Think of beirg of enterprising people of this The present rates were barely direct the work for the coming able to spend your vacation this and vicinity are entered in city ON THE PROPOSED IN­ sufficient to cover the actual the summer in this wonderland of campaign. i&bor. material and tax expense -each town and community CREASE IN RATES during 1918-19, and for the first Annua) School Election Was Walter L. Tooze, chairman of mountains, streams, canyons, race having added its best hustler. and gorges: to view at first hand committee for the past two ------- six months of this year, will fall Interesting Affair Mon­ the However, there is still plenty of the wonders and glories of the years, called the meeting to or­ room tor campaigners in Readers of the Mail will be in-'short of these items by approxi- day, Five Ballots der and told the assempled com­ far famed gushers and geysers, this race, in more fact, the opportuni­ terested in the following brief mately £200.00. Was Taken mitteemen about the Chicago like of which may not be seen ties existing for live-wire statement of facts concerning Compared with waterpower and the candidates elsewhere in the world, or per­ is actually calling aloud. workers the increase in the waterpower charges made at other points— The Annual School Election, convention nominated for president haps you w’ould rather go south There were quite an number rates which Gardner & Bennett. Albany. $32 and Eugene $18 for held in the High School Auditor­ there vice-president. He ex­ or north? Choose the place you of other candidates suggested operators of the waterpower the past three years with pro­ ium. Monday afternoon was pro­ and complete confidenc in want to go—anywhere equi-dis- and sent in by friends, but which ditch. have proposed to water posed immediate increase to $21— bably the most exciting and the pressed the success of the ticket and tant— and The Stayton Mail will are not included in the list below. users and the Public Service the company deems the proposed closest election that has been of Republican principales in the foot the bill. Comwission: advance to $15 not excessive. held in Stayton for some time. coming election. Then, too. there is that beauti­ In each case the noninee was The present charge is seven As an illuminating comparison, The nominating ticket placed Ralph E. Thompson was chosen ful solitaire diamond ring (abso­ notified by letter and requested dollars per horsepower per annum the Albany Flour Mills Co. pays in the field was Grant Murpht. chairman of the new central lutely perfect -blue white) worth to “return the enclosed applica­ is in effect since 1908, and sub- j $13 33 per month more for the Byron Denny. Mrs. Geo. Brown committee for the ensuing two $125: Musikland Phonograph, tion blank.” It is expected that ject to a reservation of twenty- j seventy-five horsepower it uses and E. Roy for Director; and A. years: L. S. Rowland was elect­ worth £110: besides the $50 cash a number of these will be heard four days each year for repairs! than now paid for the entire S. Paneoast and Attv. Massey ed secretary and Chester C. prize and the $25 cash prize, either from by an early mail and that to ditches in which no rebate is 320 horsepower used here, for Clerk. W. A. Weddle was Geer of Woodburn was chosen one of which amounts would come next week will see a large num­ made for non-supply of water to : In asking water users and the also nominated but declined the treasurer. Walter L. Tooze was in mighty handy to purchase ber of new names added and the in the contest growing by users. Also the water users now j Public Service Commission for nomination for Clerk. elected state committeeman and that “something” that you have interest leaps and bounds. care for the tail race and the l the proposed advance, the corn- It took five ballots to decide M. E. Pogue congressional com­ wanted for so long. We’ll say hanks of the ditch adjacent to ! pany simply wishes adequate the election, there being four mitteeman. • it would! For further infoemation re­ their water lots. ¡return on the investment, pro- dead-locks. In several of the precincts the Nor is that all. Any candidate garding this big prize distribu­ The proposed new rate been 1 per compensation for the care of The final vote was as follows: men elected either declined to who remains active throughout tion call on, phone, or write the Placed at fifteen dollars peri the property ar.d for necessary Grant Murphy, 31; Byron Denny, serve or failed to signify what the entire campaign, making a "Contest Department,” T h e horsepower per annum, the upkeep and running expenses, 26; Mrs. Geo. Brown. 1; E. Roy, they intended to do in the mat­ regular cash report, but fails to Stayton Mail, Stayton, Oregon. company proposing to rebate1 It is estimated that it will re- 1 2. for Director. ter, and Chairman Thompson ap­ proportionately for all periods of ¡quir» an expenditure during the For Clerk, A. S. Paneoast, 25 pointed a committee cons;sting non-service, to take care of the coming year of approximately and Attv. Massey, 35. of T. F. Claggett. Ben F. Sim­ MAY LOCATE IN IDAHO, The special tax question, which tail race and to maintain ditch $7,000.00 to put the ditch proper- pson, C. C. Geer. M. Olson and hanks except for a space ten feet ty in proper working condition, was to raise money by special J. H. Rowland to bring in a list distant each wav from flumes of G ardner & B ennett tax for school purposes carried of names to fill those vacancies by a vote of 42 for and 7 against. and ex-Chairman Tooze suggest­ water users. The company is ~ *' proposing to assume care of the The Star Theatre will only be The new elected officers are: ed that in as many cases as pos­ tail race and maintainance of «Pen on Wednesdays during the Grant Murphy. Director and sible women be selected for the Virgil H. Massey. Clerk. hanks simply that this work may we