The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 17, 1920, Image 8

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S. S. Duncan, L-'banon. super­
visor Fire Warden of Linn County
Hertfian Marking, Prop.
* is building trail and putting ur>
2 tii.js Jail) Sunday included
2 telephone line in the tire dis­
trict in Jordan district. Mr. T.
Leave Stavton 7 a. m. and | IJ. Thomas, of Jordan is working
4 p. m. for West Stayton £ with Mr. Duncan.
P arcels called for an d de- |
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ChurtWM
livered to a n y p a it o f
arrived in Stayton. Sunday and
Tow n
are busy getting ready for the
Leave orders at
f 1 big automobile contest that ts to
Gehlen Bros. Store
£ be put on by the Mail.
The old problem w hether a
Speaking of breakfast foods
hen sits or L-ets is going the
there is nothing that beats good
rounds again, hut what the own­
old ham and eggs.
er wants to know i9 whether,
when a hen cackles, is »he lay­
Ha! Sheltcn was here from ing or lyinjf.
Jordan, Wednesday. He reports
work on the new lum e progress-
Peter Deidrich left Saturday
for a months visit to Minnisota
and the Dakotas. Mrs. Deidrich
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hender- and daughters are visiting her
shott were buslndss visitors at sister. Mrs Jake Hnfner at Sub­
limity during Mr. Deidrich s ab­
^ a'em> Monday.
A rthur - Kelley broke a tooth
Frank Bieneman, who is em­
while transacting business at
at the Sloper saw mill,
Hendershotts, Monday.
had his head cut Wednesday.
Shorty Smith is learning the The accident occured when Frank
bakery business.. Shorty says attempted to turn a log. when he
lost his-footing, falling against
’es a ’ittle mite tired o’ the
the end of the peeve handle.
barbary business.
West Stay ton Stage \
I Eggs Wanted j
——— ■
1 »
Highest Cash Prices ]
—P A ID -
at the
Stayton Feed Store \
N E N O E L and R iG G S ,
Prop s
Mr. and Mrs. .lack Jones were
capital visitors Tuesday.
Tuesday, Dorothy Gish in “ I’ll
Get Him Yet.”
Joe Brewer was here visiting
relatives, from Seaside.
Mrs. Dr. Brewer is at Portland
visiting relatives.
Chas. Ray Sunday in Hay Foot
Straw Foot Star Theatre 15-30.
Atty. Massev transacted busi-
ness at Portland last week.
James Rossell has moved his
family to a farm in the Blue Den
Mrs. H. Lilly was a Portland
visitor last week.
T h « P io n eer Picnic sch e d u l­
ed for S u tu rd a)'-, Ju n e 19th,
to be held in the H u n t G r o v e
is postponed indeffinitly" on
a cc o u n t o f the inclem ency" o f
the w eu th er.
F eaturing
F r*ee Sample
v + W—
Mill City, visited relatives in
Stayton Wednesday.
If you (jo not dispose of yflur property
by “ WILL” your esthte may be disposed
of%y "LAW ” very differently from the
way you would wish. The law, without
a will, can make no provision for the
special or personal needs of the different
members of your family, or for any
charity. Surelv you want to say who shall
enjoy the results of your life work.
To insure that, make your wiljand appoint
this bank your executor. Our office's
have the business experience to properly
perform this Rervice, in an impartial
business like manner.
See your lawyer, and have him draw your
will. Don’t put it off until too late.
Virgil H. Massey
cA tty at-L aw
- -
« //? /* £ f ; t t r *l»oloome,
I m h i t i g end Heeling
i r Murine for Red
Horents*. ------
von V
iy ^ t * . neu,
-,— k----------.
Vivi . n C W C C '*on Itching and Burning
L Y t J o f the Eyes or Eyelid»;
D rop#
A fter the Movie«, M« dorine I orGt
or Golf
--- wf
j H5 lo u r confidence.
Ask Yi o u r D ru m i
C lt*
A it Murine when your Era« Nerd
. _____
DID YOU SEE- -The BIG Contest Announcment?
D o ro th y Giah in
1 R eel C om edy
P ric e !0-20c
Before you dispose of your
2 R eel C om edy
“ The Scholar”
P ric e 10-20c
Magic Stones Get a New Bed.
What do you think of Butler
T ra d itio n tell* th a t m iracle* of henl-
Bossing Millionaires.
T hat’s In* w ere p e rfo rm e d by "S t. T llln n .” In
th e Scottlxli highland*, by rubbing on
Manager Rowe of the Stayton ! what you see in Male and Fe­ the uiifferitig m an o r heaat c e rta in ol<^
Electric Light & Power Co. was male comming to Star Theatre. | w n ter-w o rn atone*. T he*e atone*, or
atone* o f th a t d e sc rip tio n , a re aflll
a t Salem, Wednesday.
T. J. Thomas was in town 1 c a re fu lly p re se rv e d | n th e Island mill
of K lllin. a i th e w e ste rn end o f I^Kdi
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weddle from Jordan last Saturday getting T ay . L ord B ren d alh an e. th e ow ner,
and daughter Marie were Salem his horses shod and making pre­ haa leased th e old mill fo r a hand-loom
parations for the summer. He w eav in g fa c to ry ; h u t th e !*■**,•<* bind*
visitors Monday.
h im se lf c a re fu lly to p ro te c t th e relics,
will pack for the fire patrol.
an d to give th e p u b lic fa c ilitie s for
view ing them .
Wm. English purchased the 21
On C h ristin a * eve, a* on every
M. J. Dennis and family and
acre tract of land, last week
C h ristin a * eve fo r c e n tu rie s pa*t, the
known as the Hendershott place.
stone* In th e ir n ich e o f th e wall w ere
spent last week here at the Wm. pro v id ed w ith a new "b ed ." o f reed s
Wm. English has just installed English home. Mr. Dennis and s tra w s a n d o th e r w rack bro u g h t dow n
th e m o u n tain to r re n t o f th e R iver
a new gas tank at his feed ham family have returned to Salem by
D o ch n rt an d left a tte n d e d on the
and as soon as the gas supply, but Mrs. Williams who will re­ roi k*. T h e b edding m u st on rio a c ­
gets good again he will be ready main here until after the Fourth co u n t lie picked by the hand of men.
to serve the motoring public.
1 of July.
Santiam Woolen Mills
Exclusive Manufacturers of
High*Grade Woolen Blankets, Wool Batts, Wool Comforters
and Wool Mattresses
Sell Direct to the Manufacturer
• 105 Union Ave. N.
Portland, Oregon
Philippi & Pieser
Local Buyers
M u r i n e E y e K e m r d y C o .. C h u n g o
‘ Hay Foot Straw Fool”
2 R eel C om edy
C has. R ay in
. S to re
S t a t e o f Ohk>. C ity o f T o led o .
L uck * C o u n ty , u .
F r a n k J . C l x n s y m a k e * o » tli t h s t h e
U s e n io r p a r t n e r o f m e Arm o f
I* J.
C h r n e y A Co., d o in g I m t l n t n In th e C ity
o f T o le d o . C o u n ty a n d S la t* a f o re s a id ,
a n d t h a t a a ld rtrtn will p a y t h e au m o f
O N K H ltN D H K D D O L L A R S fo r e a c h
a n d e v e ry r o s e o f C a ta r r h »hut » a n n o ! ho
c u re d h r th e u*e o f H A L L S C A T A ItH H
M lin iC I N K .
F R A N K J . C H E 1N E T.
S w o rn to b e f o re m e a n d s u b s c r ib e d In
m y p re se n c e , th l* « th d a y o f D e e n b o r .
A. W . G L E A S O N ,
(S e al)
N o ta r y P u b lic .
>(n il's C a t a r r h M ed icin e 1« t a k e n tn -
iy a n d n et« t h r o u g h tin Ml, nd ..n
th e M u co u s S u rf a c e s o f th e B y t'c m . S en d
f o r te s tim o n ia ls , free.
K J. C H R N E Y A CO .. T o led o . O.
Bold b y a ll rtru m fh tn . 78c.
Have You Made
Your Will?
W m . F a rn u m in
D ru g
1 R e e l C om edy.
1 R eel B ra y P ic to
X- X- v - X- X- v v
The^rstar a
“ Redemption of David Carson”
r r r r r r r r i m r e r t 'i ’/ r r
Brown-Petzel Lumber Co. has
J. M. Ringo, asst, cashier of constructed a plank road from
Male and Female is not amoral the Farmers & Merchants Bank, the Laundry bridge to the saw
returned the first of the week dust pile in order -to use their
trucks in hauling wood and lum­
Wm Tate of Union Hill doing from a trip to Idaho.
ber to be staked this summer.
the town, Wednesday.
John Shelton, who has been
A Paramount and A rtcraft laid up for some time with rheu­ The farmers of the surround­
matism. is reported to be getting ing vicinities are greatly elated
picture Male and Female.
over the recent rains as it is add-
along nicely.
' ing dollars to their now prosper-
Tom Smith returned from a
pleasant trip to Astoria Wed.
Albert Neitling, the Lebanon crops.
plumber, was here Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinkamp
Perry and Claire Thomas are visiting relatives.
Aumsville have returned from
in the Chitten Bark business.
Bellingham, Wash, where thev
Hendershott is having the
Male and Female comming.
wfre summoned on account of
Gem Confecdionary treated with
the death or Mrs. Steinkamp’s
The Mielke residence has been j a new coat of paint this week.
treated to a new coat of paint
Mrs. Bertha Helmer was here !
from Mill Oity, Tuesday receiv-
Pieser Bros, pool hall ha^been 1 ing medical aid.
receiving a new coat of paint and
W. H. Down, delegate to the
otherwise being improved.
Democratic National Convention;
will leave for Frisco next week
A ship wrecked on a deserted
Island. See it in Male and Fe­ where he will help nominate a
Democratic Presidential candi­
male soon at Stai Theatre.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thomas
Miss Ella Williams was a Stay-
of Salem attended the Mrs. Follii
visitor Wednesday from Hap­
funeral here Sunday.
py hallow, where she is making
Mrs. Geo. Allen is here from an extended visit with her broth-1
Salem visiting her sister Mrs. er.
Geo. Davie.
Forrest Mack ha’s just installed
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Gehlen a new “ 2 in 1” power clipper in
and son, were Salem visitors his barber shop, and is now bet­
ter than ever prepared to give
his customers a smothe piece of
G. W. De Jardin and G. T. work.
Wadsworth of Gervais, spent a
Mrs. Dena Mack still has a
couple of days in Stayton this
ladies hats that she is sell­
ing at 20 per cent discount until
Mrs. Millie Kerr is visiting her thr;4th of July.
daughter Mrs. Ricum Huntley
W. M. Farnum Saturday at
this week.
Star Theatre in Redemption of
Mr. and Mrs Fred Caspell of David Carson. Price I0-20e.
T hese Popular Brands are guaranteed
Mills at
Stayton, Ore.