The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 17, 1920, Image 5

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    rded FREE, On Saturday Night, August 7th by~
tion is open to men and women, married or single, and
i and Marion County, It costs absolutely nothing to try
Every participant will be rewarded for his or her effort,
the coupons below and send them in at once for yourself
Purchased from
Lilly Hardware Co.
Stayton Agents
ivaäht *v
You Have always wanted a
Big Automobile, Now is your
Chance to get one
to Yellowstone
National Park
Grand Prize
Includes a first class
round trip transporta­
tion; Standard J ’ull-
man both ways din­
ing car expense en-
or trip through the park, including
Worth $110.00
Purchased from and ‘ on Exhi­
bition at P. C. Galbraith's
Jewelry Store
Fourth Prize
The Plan in Brief
^x~x-<~x~x-x-xx~x~8"x~x-x-i--x~XK-->-x--X“X~X“X^x-4--x*<~x-<*-v<-<"J-i"><-<'< x~x~x><»x*«*X“X-X'<se~x--x^
The object of this big prize distribution is two-fold; primarily to increase the already largo subscsiption list of
The Stayton Mail, to collect arrearages and advance subscription payments from present or old subscribers, and at the
same time to afford our friends and readers an unparalleled opportunity to profit in a big way, through their spare
time during the next few weeks. So it is a plan that works both ways and to the ultimate f,ond of all concerned.
in order to gain this end quickly and advantageously, the most valuable and attractive st of prizes ever offered
by a local newspaper in this section of the state has been made for distribution among *' ose who participate mpst
heartily. Ambition and energy are the only iequisites for success.
The plan adopted is the fairest and most impartial conceivable. There will be no * double vote offers” dr anything
of the kind, nor will there he any special prizesiiffered, or any other inducements whatever inaugurated during the
life of the contest. Tne plan of the campaign is straight-forward, simple, and is fully outlined in this announcement.
Let it be understood at the very outset that this is n<w a "beauty'’ nor “popularity” contest, but a strictly lesri*i-
mate competitive proposition for enterprising men and women, and one into which no element of chance enters. One
leature of this competition is the fact there will be no losers in this race-
How to Enter the Contest
The first step in order to become a candidate and compete for a prize is to clip the nominating coupon appearing
l»-ir>w; fill in your name and address and mail or deliver to the Contest Dept, of The Stayton Mail, Stayton, O eg •'*.
This coupon entitles you. or the person whom vou might nominate, to 5,000 FREE votes. These votes are given you
as a starter, and speeds you on your way to w;n. Only one such nomination coupon will be accepted for each candi­
date nominated.
The next step is to ca.ll on or write the Contest Dept, for FREE working outfit (consisting of a receipt book, list
of subscribers in your locality, sample copies, etc.)
Thus equip;>ed, you have but to see your friends and neighbors, relatives and acquaintances and have them clip
the free coupons from their papers and pay up their subscription to The Stayton Mail through you. That’s all there
is to it! However, you will never “get anywhere” nnles3 you make the start; ar.d while it will not be very u.fficult
matter to win the first grand prize, at the same time it will be no child's game. You must plan out your work the
same as any successful business man plans out his work for a season, and, above everything else, don’t let anyone
discourage you. Anything worth having is worth striv /for. Seven short weeks and you may be riding in jour
own automobile!
How Vote; . re Secured .
Musikland Phonograph
Sm ìé
Get in the Game today and ride in your own car August 7th
C o s t s N o t h i n g t o t r y ' it! E v e r y b o d y w i n s
It takes votes to win, and votes are secured in twe >s: First, by clipping the free coupons fkom the papers.
There is no limit to the number you may secure. Begin gathering them NOW while they are worth 100 votes each.
After next week these coupons will be reduced to 50 votes; the following week to only 10 votes and after that they
will be discontinued entirely. The only restriction placed on voting these coupons is that they must be deposited at
the Contest Dept, on or before the expiration date printed thereon. Get your friends to saving the coupons for you—•
they all count.
The other and much faster way, to get votes is' by securing new renewal subscriptions to The Stayton Mail. On
each subscription turned in a certain number of votes are issued, the number varying according to the amount paid
and during which ‘“period” same are received at the Contest Dept. (See schedule of votes below.) So you see, the
more subscriptions you secure the more votes you get, and the better your chances are to win the grand capital prize.
Early Start Means Easy Finish
The advantages of an early stast are manifest. Not only do you have the full seven weeks in which to secure
the winning votes, but now and up to and including Saturday^ July 17 you will receive the maximum schedule of
votes on subscriptions. Then too, the first in the field will undoubtedly get the "cream” of votes and subscriptions,
while those who put off entering until a later date will have to take what is left.
Don’t lose valuable time “waiting to see what the other fello\y is going to do,” but pitch right in and show the
“other fellow” how to do it.
It is the sincere aim of this newspaper to conduct this contest, from start to finish,
The Advisory Board in a fair, honorable and impartial manner. Every precaution has been taken to
the interests of participants, and absolute honesty in all dealings is guaranteed.
However, not all wisdom lies with any one man or institution, and for that reason an Advisory Board has been
decided upon, whose functions shall be to decide any question of sufficient moment that might happen to arise during
the competition, and from which a committee shall be selected to count the votes and award the prizes the last night
of the contest.
The personnel of the board is as follows: W. H. Downing,’Sublimity; Atty. V. H. Massey, Stayton: Atty. F. A.
Turner. Salem; Dr. Brewer, Stayton; W. W. Elder. Chairman School Board, Stayton; J. W, Mayo, Cashier Farmers
& Merchants Bank, Stayton.
has been set aside to be distributed in
rinners on a 20'X basis. Any candid-
campaign, making a regular cash report
fails to win ope of the big prizes offered,
THINK OF IT! One dollar out of
you fail to win a prize. This arrange-
and means that THERE WILL BE
tything be more fair or liberal than this?
Schedule of Votes and Subscription Rate of The Stayton Mail
Embracing the first four weeks
Embracing the fifth and sixth
Embracing the seventh and last
(terminating July 17), the following weeks (terminating July 31) the fol­ week (terminating August 7), the fol­
number of votes will be issued on sub­ lowing number of votes will be issued lowing number of votes will be issued
on subscriptions:
on subscriptions:
2.000 1 yesr......................$1.50
1 y ear.........................$1.60
8,000 1 year........................... $1.50
6,000 2 years.................... $3.00
2 years.....................$3.00
8,000 2 years......................$3.00
10,000 S years.................... $4 50
3 years .................. $4. SO
12,500 3 years......................$4.50
20.000 ! 6 years..................... $7.50
6 years.....................$7.50
25,000 5 years... .•.......... - . .$7.50
The above schedule of votes, whieh is on a declining scale basis, positively will not be changed during the com­
petition. However a special ballot, good for 60,000 votes will be issued on eviry club of $20 turned in This arrange­
ment will be in effret throughout the entire campaign and is to be considered a part of the regular schedule. There
will be no extra votes offeretl, e xtra prises given or any other inducements whatever inaugrated during this campaign.
Remember this and lav your plans accordingly. No suh»v ription will be accepted for less than one year nor for more
than five years in advance from any candidate. Votes will be allowed on job cards on same schedule as on s: Ascriptions
$25 in Gold
Sixth Prize