j I* A f J* ■ I* ■ »y. X''- #* j HNji Thousands of Dollars in Rich Prizes W i be Awai " ,," VM 'K ~ V !^ ,S X X ”V .V .''K ,vv > 4 | This Big Contest officially opens next Monday, June 21, and closes I Saturday Night, cylugust 7th ? R u les and R egu latio n s 1 Contest officially opens next Monday nn.rning. June 21; will extend over a period of seven weeks only, closing Saturday night, August 7th. \ . . . . . . .. 2 Any reputable man, woman or child residing in Stavton, Marion County or vicinity is eligible t - center tins contest and compete for a prize. Nominations may be made at any time during the contest. 3 ‘No employe or near relative of an employe of the Stavton Mail is eligible to enter this contest and compete for a prize. The Stavton Mail reserves the right to reject any nominations. ,. 4 Tiie winners of the prizes will be decided by their accredited votes, said votes being represented by ballots is­ sued on subscription and coupons clipped from the papers. . . . ' , , 5 Candidates are not confined to their own particular town or community in which to secur * votes ami subscrip­ tions. but may take orders anywhere in the county; or. for that matter, anywhere in the state, or united States. 6 Cast must accompany all order« where votes are desired. Candidates will be allowed to collect back subscrip­ tions and renewals as well as entirely new subscriptions, anc votes will l>e issued on ail alike. 7 Votes are free. I t costs the subscribers nothing extra to vote for their favorite. Votes must be asitet tor at the time of paving subscription, otherwise subscribers waive this privilege. Votes will not he issued on receipts cov­ ering past payments. 3 Votes cannot be purchased. Every cent accepted through the contest department must represent a subscrip­ tion. Votes will not be issued on subscriptions for less than one year nor for more than five years in advance <<>r any one candidate. ,. . 9 Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot withdraw in favor of an \o th er candidate. Should a candidate withdraw in favor of another candidate. Should a candidate withdraw from the race his or her vote« will be cancel­ ed. Neither will it be permissable for candidates to give or transfer subscriptions to another candidate. Votes on such transferred subscriptions will be subject to disqualification at the discretion of the management. . . 10 Any collusion on the part of candidates to nullify competition, or any combination formed to the d e t r i m e n t of candidate or this newspaper will not be tolerated. Any candidate entering into or taking part in such combination will forfeit all right to a prize or commission. f . 11 All ballots issued on subscription may be held in reserved and voted at the dis?retion of the candidates. 1 he . printed coupons appearing from week to week must be deposited at the contest department before iha expiration date appearing thereon. . 12 In the event of a tie for any one of the prizes a prize identical in value will la* given each tying contestant, but does not automatically advance the succeeding candidates in the prize winning class. 13 No statement or promise made b> any solicitor, agent or condidate varying from the rules and statement pub­ lished through the columns of this newspaper will be recognized by the publisher. 14 In case of typographical or other error it is understood that neither the publisher nor the contest manager shall be held responsible except to make the necessary correction upon discovery of same. 15 Candidates in this contest are authorized agents of The Stayton Mail aad as such may collect arrearages and advance subscription payments from present subscribers as well as from new subscribers. 16 It is distinctly understood and agreed that candidates will be responsible for all moneys collected, and that they will remit such amounts in full at frequent intervals, or on demand, to the contest depaitm ent of The Stayton Mail. . . . . . • 17 There will be SIX BIG FRIZES awarded, besides a tw enty per cent cash commission to all active non-prize winners, but it is understood that in the event any candidate becomes inactive, failing to make a regular caa.i report, he or she will, at the discretion of the management, became disqualified and thereby forfeit all rights to a price or commission. 18 To insure absolute fairness in the awarding of prizes, the race will be brought to a close under a sealed ballot box. During the entire last week of the contest the box—locked and sealed —will repose in the vaults of Farmers & Merchants bank candidates and their friends may deposit their final collections and reserve vbtes. And, not until the contest has been declared closed, will the seals be broken, the box unlocked, and, in the presence of the candidates and all other interested parties, will the judges make the final count. In this way no one not even the contest man­ ager—can possibly know the voting strength of the respective candidates, which precludes any possibility of favorite- ism and insures fairness to the minutest degree. • , , 19 The Stayton Mail reserves the right to amend the rules of this contest, if necessary, for the protection of the protection of the interests of candidates or this newspaper. . , 20 The Stayton Mail guarantees fair and impartial treatm ent to all candidates, but should any question arise the decision of the management will be absolute and final. 21 In accepting nominations candidates agree to abide by the above conditions. FREE VOTING COUPON IN THE STAYTON MAIL AUTO CONTEST N O M IN A T IN G B L A N K IN THE STAYTON MAIL “EVERY BODY WINS” CONTEST GOOD FOR 100 VOTES GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES Miss, Mr. or M rs.. _......... ......................................... Address .. __.............. As a candidate in The Stayton Mail "Everybody Wins” Prize Contest. No'te—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated. Grand Capital Prize * t 1920 Maxwell Touring Car Worth $ 1335.00 CASH Solitaire Diamond Ring THIRD PRIZE Purchased from Miss, Mr. or Mrs P. C. GALBRAITH Jeweler and Repairer and now on exhibition there ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE RACE TODAY $ 5 0 0 .0 0 IN 1 GOLD For Complete Information Call, Telephone or W rite “Contest De- partment’’ TH E STAYTON MAIL, Stanton, Oregon, Phone 3X84- cA. H. CHURCHILL, Contest Manager*. route and and a five day-all expenscs-pae Hotel, etc. FREE. Worth $125.00 I hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of ..... ........... ................. ..... ........ i Address _______________ . ______________ This coupon, neatly clipped out, name and ad­ dress of the candidate filled in, and mailed or de­ livered to the Contest Department of The Stayton Mail, Stayton Oregon, will count as 100 FREE votss. It does not cost anything to vote these cou­ pons for your favorite candidate, and you are not restricted in any -sense in voting them. Get all you can and send them in —they all count. Not good after June 26th I hereby enter and cast 5000 Votes for In a seven week's Gigantic Subscription Campaign. Competi boys and girls of the more ambitious sort, residing in Staytoi for the valuable prizes offered and you positively cannot lose. Read this announcement carefully—Every word of it—then clip or friend. Remember— A good start is the battle half won. $50 in Gold Fifth ^ Prize A SPECIAL F U N D O F $500.00 IN GC the form of salaries among active non-pri ate w ho remains active throughout the en not less frequently than once each week, wiil participate in this commission featun every five you collect goes into your pock ment secures compensation to all candid^ N O L O SE R S IN T H E RACE. Cou TO *4.