tÿèSTAYTON MAIL Chas. S. Clark. Lditor and Proprietor Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year in Advance Dutch l a s t India«. W nc* 191ft, lb« fir« yuar for which custom s atatlatlca for lm|H>rta of con- »»r*nt l i t Into th« Dutch Rant In ­ dia« arc given, th« United States ha« had a fulr «hara of th* market II«- for« the war practically all thoanlmon earn« from th« I'a rld c coaat. Mini in racer,t jrcara. when o th e r aourcca wer« «•Used. anrillnea anti h e rrin g w ere alao b iv u g h t from th« United State*. 'I.A.MAUCHAMP.M.D. Physi.hn and Surgeon / 0 Jx3 * I / / Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application ' C Because of Vou. Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association Entered as second class matter at the postothce at Stayton, Marion County. Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all Communications to The Stavton Mail O ne Su: u n la y a f t e r n o o n nvo girl frie n d s mi>l I h o ard ed n cro w d e d stre e t or.r. Wo nmiimred to get to th e fro n t o f fh<* o a r As w e d id n ’t cu re to hang to th e s t r ip s , we hold to e a c h o th e r’s an tis. I w as sta n d in g next to n seat w hich w as occupied by a m an and a ivonmn T h e c a r gave n su d d en Jerk an d I fell into th e u ta n ’s lap, pulling my frie n d s w ith me. w hile th e m an said In a su rp rise d lone. "N e v e r m ind pulling th«* o th e r s ; one Is en o u g h ." E v ery b o d y ro ared . O d earh . w here 1« thy s t in g ! —C hicago T rib u n e . H«vnan« o f you. Is tin* w orld any b o lte r off» Keen uso— n e v e r forgot— It Is boon uso o f you th a t a g re a t many thliiKs In th is w orld tiro a*» th ey uro B ecau se o f you a re th o r« mort* anillos Ilutn tearsT B ash uso of you, how iimiiy |x*opl< uro solili; lo ho Kind lim i th is day ra m o n round î íleon liso of you. Is tho^ conti ihutlon to tinm an c h a ra c te r e n la rg e d ? ,\r> th e re people of hi inter vision, fine* Ideals, h ro n d o r sy m p a th ie s mid mon* lolerntit o|ilnlot*s- I mkhuac of yuii» W ould llilnus -I iok up it little If yon « o re in uo u « n y — loti th en «row In pow er an d w idened usefulno** iliruuKh th e Influence you left hohlnd? Hoi'll imo of you. Is liie re m ore henn- ty In h u m an asso c ia tio n a n d m ore to -: fo r e n d u rin g thlnirs? Is ih e doy h**l te r off und a re you *lnd tliul It « 11110' — M ilw aukee S entinel. Miss Morton of Turner is visit­ ing with Miss Veneta this week. Fred Meriel, proprietor of the Lyons Hotel, has closed up his business and is moving to Salem. , Clyde Rogers transacted busi­ ness in Portland one day last week. L ondon'« F ig h t cn P ro h ib itio n . C om parison. Mrs. M, Martin, assisted by ’r ho rem odeling o f London saloon* “1 believe in fre e s p e e c h !” ex cla im ­ to m ak e ite m H ttructlve form*« p a il Mrs. Berringer and Mrs. Taylor, ed th e v o cifero u s man.' th e w liein« evolved hn a co u n te r entertained the ladies of the "S o do I," rejo in ed T oole Bill Hot- o m f o re to th e p ro h ib itio n ists wlm have Etoile de L’Est Club, of Stayton, ti e to p ; “so do I. Hut In one resp ect sw o rn lo m ak e London dry. H rew cr» at her home Thursday afternoon. free sp eech rem in d s m e of th e free and licensed v ic tu a le d hav e hired a r ­ In th e old «lays. Vou im*e to s.^. c h ite c ts to p lan large, airy public A very enjoyable time was re­ lunch a tunn m aking a pig of h im se lf Just to­ houses, w here final tu> well a* drin k ported by all. rn u - a - so m e th in g 's fr--o - can be o b tain ed . Clyde Maybee was called to Salem by the sudden death of his nephew William Woodruff and also his niece Bertha Simon’s If \6ur House is ¡old. Moke it New which occured in Salem last U with ^ Friday. A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Alta H iatt at the Rebeccah Lodge, Saturday even­ ing where she received many beautiful and useful gifts. A bountious supper was served by her many friends and all enjoy­ ed and all enjoyed a very plea­ sant evening. We hear the faint echo of wedding bells. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown 1 and grandpa Brown are enjoying1 an o u t i n g at the Brighten Bush hot springs. Miss Vera Trask is attending! the S£raw-l*erry festival in Leb­ anon this week. 71 YEAR Mrs. S. D. Brown and daugh-: LEADERS ter Mrs. Cliff Phillips and son Denton Brown motored to Albany, Friday, ^ ? FULLER Mrs. E. E. Trask attended the Z' ' Paint graduating exercises of Rev. NE thing ^ Preserve* Moulton Gatke in Salem. June is sure— an<* the 11th and reports a very en- you can’t hide the Beautifiea j >yable time. outside of your house from critical eyes. Mrs. Sarah Monroe of Gates is You’ll be proud of your home and your neighbor­ visiting at the A. Ring home. hood will be proud of you if your house is kept painted and in good repair. The well-painted house is evidence Mrs. M. Martin visited at the of community spirit and thrift. home of their son Aldred Martin FULLER Paint keeps new and old houses from run­ a t Mehama, >ast Monday. ning down, adds to their value and makes them attractive. Mrs. Geo. Colby expects to Specify FULLER Paint for your home. You can leave soon to join her husband depend on it to do two things and do them well—pre­ at Klamath Falls. serve and beautify. E. C. Cannipg was building Look U p t FULLER D««Ur in Your Town fence on his new farm west of Albany last week. Í949-Í999 The graduating exercises of Northwest Branch House« at Portland Lyons High School will be held at Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boisa the I. 0. 0. F. hall at Lyons, Thursday evening and everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. H. Mercer is visiting her husband who is ill at tha St. Mary’s hospital in Albany. He is recovering from a recent oper­ ation. J. F- Ray had a very success­ ful Poland China hog sale Sat­ urday. Many who were inter­ F o r th e first tim e sin ce th e C ivil W nr we hnve a real ested in hogs were present and m e rc h a n t m arin e . It rout us $3,0<) 417 Jou.ru,I Du,Win.* 1 0 1(1 L A M ) . O R E . Methodist Church Tc.CREDIE H O T SPRINGS JOSEPHINE COUNTY CAVES (Oregon’s SHASTA MOUNRAIN RESORTS Pastor Rev. Reese Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Epworth League 7:30 p. m.. Prayer meeting on Wednesday in the parsonage at 8 p. m. St. Marys Church Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun- d ,ys at 8:30 a. m. Rev. Fr. Lainck. Pastor Baptist Church Preaching every second and fourth Sundays of each month.v morning and evening. Morning services at 11 a. m. and evening services at 8 p. m. Sunday school each Sunday morning at 10 a. m. S. L. Boyce, Pastor. Administrator's Notice — Chesterfield T h« fa rm e r, m a n u fa c tu re r, la b o re r— every A m erican i« in te re ste d in holding o ur position on the tea«. OREGON PLAYGROUND - Put up in tw o styles To Keep American Ships on the Seas As u first ste p In th is d ire c tio n it is n ec e ssa ry to modi/.v th o se a rtic le s o f e x istin g co m m ercial tr e a tie s w hich Imve o p e ra te d to tliw u rt th e uphulldinK o f o u r m e rc h a n t m arin e— Hy liv in g th e n o tice o f te rm in a tio n for w hich th e sev eral tr e a tie s provide. T h is a c tio n , is d ire c te d in th e c o n stru c tiv e ShlppiiiK Itlll new b e fo re Don K re ss; W hich d e c la re s it to he th«‘ policy of th e U nited S ta te s “to do w h a te v e r m ay be n e c e ssa ry to develop and en- cotiraKe” a m e rc h a n t m arin e. STAYTON. r I A H E right balance of cosily Turkish and choice Domestic to b acco s, p ro p o r­ tioned by experts— that’s why C hester­ field* “ satisfy 1” Notice is hereby_ given, that the underoigned has been a f t pointed by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, as ad­ ministrator with will annexed of the estate of Henry Wehrum deceased, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at Wood- burn, Oregon, duly verified as by law required within six months from the date of the first publi- j cation of this notice. Dated this 20 day of May, 1920 J. F. Wehrum Administrator with will annexed, of the estate of Henry Wehrum, !deceased. ! M20-27Jne3-10-l7