WOOD LIKE GREELEY S U n o g rjp h «% W ar« P « r « l « » « 4 W1 H « Alw ays Cam « to T M «r R t * CM Ctadly. It*» a cinch Lroonrd Wo.'rf'a pcom »n»hip »« hU w*-ak»*t point, hut *» that be haa aa fU N iM jpM . H o f l i « i i r w lr j. (m l many other flluMrtoua leader* o f men. C lit r N m m m lla rtt, » t « hi* «twnograpber at Cuvrmur'a i«taml, w r ite * : “ And what a alitnatur« tt to! V o ­ le « » one knows in advance wliat it •" «a p f» " * “ ! to represent. tt mifht he looked at through a maitt>lfylD< fito«* without being able to decipher It. “ But no matter h r * pu fxU »* hi* chirugraphy may be to oitpr*. It 1« a In-ay a clear sih ! legible 1« the gen oral. I bad «ccflKion to »earn till* Terr M H . H*- **<*ulme<«t car.1 read that. Mr. Hartt. don't be afraid to ask me— and save time.' “ He wa« quite right al**at it's sav­ ing un e |t n oulil take a ouljw hoanl to read a page o f Ids notes, imd then one fcwldn't he sure tlutt even one word was corrdct! " I f this sound» like , an exuggern- tton. let me convince I«H o f the valid­ ity o f my statement. “ Itorin g the winter o f iiUIV17 Get»- ecnl Wood wns tr:rvei:r>2 here and there sjieaking in behalf of prepared- ness. It was iwrt of Captain John- aoo's duty—Capt::ln John.-.*) be­ ing an aide to.the general— to Weep in touch with bis itiuer.iry. On*- day the captain cnnie Into" the "thee, and picking up the general's metooruudutu pnd. soov. led in Jiendexfty at . the words scrawled across the pace in the general's inimitable hsndwm lug. The general watched him quietly for a few moments, then said: “ *Whatls wrong? F ire awey.’ *That wits bis usual -krtvil that he was rejidy to IL-Sen to wiiat one had to sa.v. “ *Er— excuse me. general.’ said Cap­ tain Johnson hesitatingly, 'but but— I don’t quite understand Hie memo­ randum. Thto reads. “ Here fot* lunch,“ while my slat« says you are not io town tomorrow— and I don't quite understand— that Is, I'v e made no plans fo r lunch fo r tomorrow.’ me see it.' su'd 'h e general. “ H e glanced quickly at the notation on the pad. and said disgustedly. T h a t cjpesn’t say atiythiug abonl “ Here fo r lunch.” It reads “ Leave f. r Ithaca.” * " to figure why Camels sell! w v Cucrd Vour Home with tu A & € f 1* U '.jf 1 T Lw ' r L 1 r n r~ r~ 1 C f f \D k a ! t i l - i B £ v*ii J N EVER has there beer, a 1 rtter renstwi for pre erving ycur property than at the present You should know why Ounels are so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfying. F irst, quality— second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you’ll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight I iction have f ve: tly increased .r.d no nuittor how High c. the v:. old the '» TV wi ’ t!< :na; e to preserve and P.Jnt— G( v»: ; of yt'Ui- p.v.j*ty than anything increai-; . else $-c> : c n v invest i. It is tNe greatest .-... res ot time a •: WMtfak. It is the list kir. i of insurance. g^3 WÌ th Guard yo Camels blend makes possible thnt wonderful mellow mildness—yet all the desirable body is there»! And, Camels never tire your taste I . You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after* taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I Si .Ciâ n t thciìì ai e 71 years of and otltrr products. Back pamt-ir. king experience, owne.'s have u • i. c ; 10 usâtid > of property For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff b y puff with any ciga­ rette in the world at any price l lucts for years. Look L'p a FULLER D;a!cr irt Your Town C d f n f / « df»> m otif t* n * r y w h e r e i n m< >*>t tfu mtfy mo* hmtf ft* - k * g * m o f 2 0 €•£*• rm tlrn * f c * f 2 0 cm. tm <*/ f # # 4 » . ■*• JO J t ro t f m et t o m £ i* m i gtmimr .c m r o r m d » ¿ 'i o '» W. P. Fuller C l C o . Northwest It .inches nt 2 SALVATION ARMY OPENS STATE RESCUE \ m FCR UNFORTUNATE GIRLS OF OREGON Attend the Chautauqua May -m d û n e © TT i»r ^ »Tf m su it New Tork. April .— Mrs. Leonard Wood gave n tea for business women when she was in New York with her •a husband. lt\ fcpfl.ftf r-kt VSMÊÊ Beauchamp's Ha!! Saturday ■ »m ii May 22nd li “ I am traveling with the general, hut I am not campaigning,” Mrs. "Wood said when she droftied into tbe women's Wood headquarters at the Hotel Imperial and was pressed with a dozen Invitations to speak at enm- pnlgn rallies. 'T d like to talk to the stenogra­ pher* in the headquarters, though.” she added. “T h ey are the people who are doing the real work o f the cam­ paign.” .*0 th»- clerics and stenographer* were summoned and shook hands with 1be candidate's wife. ! TH E D A N S E AT 0 *r-3R f MRS. WOOD L IK E S TO ILE R S . . try** Salvation Arrry Rescue Home and some of its babies. E The Salvation Arm y, aa on - of the big features of Its Home Serviee Program for 11*20, has taken over and opened the W h ile Shield home iq Port land as a rescue and maternity home for unfortunate girls. It la a state wide home, where, under the most pleasant surroundings, with expert medical care the young mother is h elp'd to shape her life anc-v. La.st year. In the j w est’ alone, IM S girls turned from tbo nightm are of despair to such Salvation Arm y sanctuaries as this. O f these, 900 were returned to the 1 homes they left in their shame and. through the offices of the Salvation Arm y workeia, were welcom' d and th«*ir burdens lightened for them. The Portland home nursery now echoes to the delighted cooing of more .than a score of babies whose mothers are slo-ltered under its roof and taught how to go out into the world a n l win a clean living for herself and her h«by. V E N I N G r The same music— Saxaphone, Violin and Piano It Makes You Dance— Lots of Pep and Jazz WOOD'S CH ANCES INCREASE. Leonard Wood's chances for the Re- pnhl c m pr> sideatiai nomination ■ greatly Increased last week a «‘ a re- •ult o f his victory in Illinois.' A num­ ber o f prominent politicians In fbe Fast recently stated that i f Wood could make a good showing against Governor Lowden In .lUlnols, and a good «bowing against ‘tetiatur Hard­ ing In Ohio, lie would fall heir to the delegation o f 88 from New York. That delegation “ Is going to rale a winner” ai\d d f Wortd can show ihe same strength against Harding a tie did against Lowden, he will be tha man It will support. « Good Floor* Swell Time i T ickets - HOPES WOOD W IL L W IN . A letter in s chilli * t rod". rtflr.< aiM '. - d tu General Wood midi- 1 « fi.lh.vv«: General : I hope voti tir.. »■feet. I. M3 .! 1 flily v r the rriov wirh you In the Phlllpplrt"»- Me Is w nrki-.f for vottr m ininatli-" la i.», “ prom ilnrrlett Milner Frankllfl, West Kml Avenue. .V. Y. C.” tt*m cmrtme, K r t h o H. J. REYNOLDS TO B A C C O C O , W m .ron S»U m , N. C. Portland. Seattle, T a :o M , iipokane, Boise Mandiall Field III. c-hairnmn o f the Iveonard Wood committee fo r Cook comity, spoke fo r the organization whiidi did so much to carry «T.lm go In the primary Just tie f o r i be left the city, with his wife, fo r Palm Beach, l i e said: “ V\> attribute the victory in Cook county to the enthusiasm of every one o f our workers. They were inspired hy the genuine conviction that the crisis before the eonntry requires s»:cb a man as I>eonarf1 \Vood at the- helm o f state. They worked like beaver* in his behalf and spread the zn-.il they fe lt themselves throughout the city and county. “ W e regard the down-state vote as a personal tribute from Governor Low den'* friends and admirers in his own state and not ns an Indorsement o f the people generally ns a candidate fo r pres, clef it. W e are more than ever convinced that Leopard Wood w jll he tbe choice o f the conventiot) In June and will tie- elected in November. IV # rntrmmgip rr* A o m e o r of/..*» m u p p tjr o r w hm o y o u f r « » « / r*w I ■ I '*41+49 | j j m * ' rfy T T $ , - ...... . ffz - • f m , •• . -a - ' _______ j - '• - P I 1ÓI0 by Ni' k Mcl>m<&kl. W OOD G ETS IT I D IR E C T. Od»ri' 1: Wood loams from his farm« r ufJinirrr* Jn.*t how they look to I him to help fliera. „XE One Dollar* *