♦ S T A Y T O N . M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2bth. Year, N o. 14. 1920 W. H. DOWNING FRANCES FREEMAN STEELHAMMER DOES NOT HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS HAVE TO BE SPEAKER ON WINS COUNTY DECLA­ BELIEVE THAT THE 10 PER SLUMBERS DISTURBED BY DECORATION DAY MATORY CONTEST CENT INCREASEON PROPERTY HOP-GOBBLIN’S AND BEARS IN COUNTY IS NECESSARY Frances Freeman, a sopho­ Decoration Day will be observed more o f Stayton High school, in Stayton May 30 and appropri­ carried off honors for her School ate services and exercises will Friday evening. May 14th, Abe Lulay and Bill Prichard lost when she won first place in the held at the cemetery. after the annual Class Day Pro- no time in moving their blank- Marion County Declamatory Con­ Memorial services will be held gram, the Junior Class aceom- eta to another location, Declaring that he does not be| Mr. Steelhammer said that he gest for high schools, at the Sa­ in the High School Auditorium panied by four members of the! Everyone was up at 4 a. m. lem high school auditorium, Sat­ Sunday. May 23rd. Rev. Reese, lieve that the 10 per cent in-believeá that through proper faculty, left in cars for th e 1 and breakfast was over at six. urday evening, May 15. The of the Methodist church will de­ crease in property valuations in equalization of property values Little North Fork about five Mr, Ford and Miss Moore left prize was a gold medal on which liver the sermon at 11 o’ clock in Marion county, that has been it would be unnecessary to im- miles above Mehama for a two for Stayton so part of the bunch her name will be engraved. the forenoon. All denomina­ imposed by the county assessor’s pose this increased assessment, days outing. The boys were i started out to climb a ‘pinnacle’ Lindsey Doty o f Jefferson high tions are invited as this will be office, is necessary, O. A Steel-¡that has shouldered upon the arrayed In there old clothes and They returned for dinner hungry won second place. , hammer. Republican candidate ¡taxpayers of Marion county a a union service. carried guns of all descriptions as bears and found it was only W. H. Downing win deliver for nomination in the primary i burden of about $4,000.000, in Miss Freeman conpeted with and considerable ammunition. nine o’clock such schools as Salem, Silverton, an address at. the cemetery on election Friday, in a statement ¡increased valuation causing its The girls had previously inter-1 Afternoon a party left for Jefferson, Scotts Mills and Aur­ Decoration Day. this week explained his views in taxpayers to pay a state tax viewed some o f our ex-soldiers Elkhorn and the rest o f the ora. Her work was far superior levying assessments in the coun- greater than any other county and ex-Oregon Guard men and crowd went fishing. Those who to that of the other five contes­ ty. ! in Oregon. went to Elkhorn report a won­ tants according to the opinion of were dressed accordingly. U / rrif r n n m m u r “ No other county in the state I f nominated and elected to Those who went the judges, ae well os o f the has found it necessary to make, the office o f county assessor. Mr. The first two cars arrived at a derful time. -----*— an increase like this.” Mr. Steel- Steelhammer said, he will con- log cabin about three miles above fishing said “ the fish were no* large audience, which received Last Friday, immediately af- hammer said, “ although each duct the office in such a business- biting that afternoon.” I her reading o f “ Some Other Taylor’s Grove at seven thirty. ' ter the ball game, the Senior'’ county in the state is governed like, efficient and careful manner Here they made camp. At half, A fte r supper the crowd sat Birds are Taught to F ly” from class left for its annual week-end ; in this respect by the same law. that such increase will be unnec- Ford’s car had around the fire and sang. Leo Kate Douglas W iggin’s “ The . past eight outing, this time motoring to,Therefore 1 believe that it is an ; not arrived, so a searching par- Willing and Wm. Prichard went Birds Christmas Carol,” with cesaary. M r. Steelhammer’s Aiihoyt springs. This outing injustice to the taxpayers of; tv was sent out and they found 1 L.vons tor oil. All was quiet intense interest and enthusiastic number on the ballot is X84, a was reported as the best the Marion county when they are them gazing down upon Mill City Saturday night as the supply of applause. seniors ever had, the weather compelled to pay this unjustified vote for which will mean a square and exclaiming about the forest amunition had exausted and the This selection is a delightful and roads being well in their increase. deal for all. fire they could see in the distance white bears were all chased away work of a humorous nature, well favor. which they later found out was. All were up early Sunday morn- adapted to platform work and About 8:30 that evening they the consumer of the Hammond. *nK and an(^ Fisher got succeed in landing him in power. arrived at the springs and set up breakfast; everything was.pack- ’ to Miss Freeman’s abilities, Lumbef Co. M’MADV A Ain III lAUMCAAI Charley McNary may salve his Miss Freeman makes a grace- their camp. The following d a y ,' Nine o ’clock and Ford and his ed and at nine the crowd started Saturday, was spent in hiking; own conscience by an appeal tor laylor's grove. More bad appearance on the stage. She bunch arrived. He told his tab* appearance on and hunting. On Sunday after- - ------- luck. Fisher lost four dollars of ! from Philip drunk to Philip so- o f woe between sandw itches and is ever casy> and natural, has a toon the class packed up and “ Do you sepport Senator Mc­ ber; he may be willing to risk Uncle Sam's money and the' hot coffee. He had onlv had one spledid speaking voice, and this started on its way home, visiting Nary? bpnch back tracked and found the hazard of the leopard chang- blowout and two punctures. combined with natural talent, un­ Oregon City, Portland the then “ Is Senator McNary radical? ing his snots. all but a half dollar. A fter supper all sat arsund taking the Pacific highway home “ And is he pro-German or an But the people o f Oregon will Before dinner the bunch start­ derstanding and willingness to All reported as having had a the Ironfire and sang, and at a anarchist?” not follow him down the line. late hour the bunch began to re­ ed for “ the slide’ so as to work work gives her the promise of i*;ry pleasant trip. The above three questions have President Wilson tried such an They were told future success as a platform ar­ tire to their feather beds of rocks up an appetite. been asked o f the Statesman by experiment in the last Congres­ CARD OF T H A N K S and one blanket. A short time it was a mile away but when they tist. She will repeat her read­ a Johnson supporter in Salem— sional elections—and everybody later Miss Bendler and Wava returned they riqxirted that they ing for the Benefit o f the high We wish to thank our many who shail be nameless out of re- knows what happened to Wood- friends and neighbor« for theii Brown went to the spring for a had walked ten miles and didn’ t school students. Friday morning sympathy and help during our ¡spect to his family in the days row. Charley sohuld have re- drink and returned screaming see the slide either. at the student body program for ber<*avment. Also for the many to come: when the name o f Hi- membered that. and breathless, telling o f a big A fter the hike and dinner I>o beantiful flowers. S ig n e d - ram Johnson will be more o f a ------- white bear they had s^en and Willing got a funny spell and eighth grade graduates. Albert Frank and Family j hissing and a by-word even than Now. for the questions of our wink his eye. Bill Smith took entertained the whole camp. it is now to ail decent Americans > weak minded friend: his gun aud the three started The spell lasted all the way home and well wishers o f the world. Yes, the Statesman has sup- hack. Rill shot the bear alright for he stopped several cars on f In his letter asking his Oregon ported Senator McNary. Been which proved to be a large stump the way home and asked them if friends to support him Hiram with him in all his ambitions,» Things were pretty quiet after they had seen his wife or his ¡Johnson, because he is a western ever since he was born, that until Ix*o Willing remember­ dog. man. Senator Chas. L. McNary No, he is not himself a radical, ing that he still had his gun The hunch arrived home about says: “ His personal view’s on , But he is advising the support along and wondering if it would half past four very sleepy and foreign affairs, whether we agree by his Oregon friends of a man still work, shot a hole through a tirSd but suoremely pleased with or differ, must yield to the over- whose main support is from the five gal. can of water at the the outing. . i powering force of public opinion, reddest of the red radicals. head o f two of the boy’s bed. The Junior class of Stayton Hi first, last and hick names of I entertain no fear of his boldness Nor is Charley a pro-German — presented its annual class day students. In other words, Charley Me- or an anarchist. But most o f one of fourteen Marion County program in the high s£hool audi­ Nary knows Hi Johnson is an the pro-Germans and anarchists The girls’ quartet looked very candidates for representative. torium, Friday afternoon. May charming as they came dancing arch demagogue; that he is train-, in the United States are for Hi Besides having served Marien 14. The program was consider- in, dressed in dainty summer ing with pro-Germans and pro- Johnson.—Salem Statesman, success for the large audience county in the Housp he once rep­ costumes with arms filled with everything else opposed to Amer- thoroughly enjoyed the varied flowers, to sing their song, “ Say ican ideals, merely to get votes, resented the Harney-Malheurdis­ entertainment o f songs, stunts, One o f the candidates for the It With Flowers.” SilvaSestak. as he has always been all things trict. Davy is a gifted news­ costume work and readings. Legislature in Marion county is Wava Brown and Ciara Minden to all men in California for the | I have four patterns o f silver­ paper man and singularly im­ The program opened with the composed the quartet. The class sake of political preferment. referred tr in the following lan­ high school song “ Stayton High” pressive pub'ic speaker. He al­ But he Will calm down and ware A 1 goods that I am offer­ prophecy was very cleverly writ­ guage by the Oregon Voter, ing at the old price less 25 . sung by all the students. The ways exercised a great deal of ten by the students and was read “ yield to the overpowering force whose editor. C. C. Chapman, is These articles are below manu- next number was a speech by ¡of public opinion,” if his present by Ed Kleeker. , influence in any session of which i facturers prices today, so don’ t one o f the most intelligent, fear­ the class president, Leo Willing camouflaging and grandstanding he was a member. His record in which he told o f the many A number which was especial­ be late and disappointed. P. C. and appealing to the arch enem less and impartial critics among has been excellent." Mr. Davey successes and achievements of ly pleasing to the audience was íes of the United States shall Galbraith, Jeweler. western writers: the male quartej' “ Tumbled Down the class. “ Ex-Speaker F’ rank Davy is ; is No. (>fi on ballot. The faculty meeting was a Shack in Athlone. “ the bovs, Leo chacteristic impersonation of the Willing. Norval Fisher. William high school teachers discussing and Worth Smith were heartily school discipline. Dressed in ap-J T ° re<* nnd ,re8P °nded, with a propriate costumes Gerald Finley l’ !.1*** »Utty. She fold Me F’ inley took the part of Prof. F'ord, So.” Albert Lulay gave an in­ Have you Do you R e­ William Smith represented Miss teresting interaction of "Soul- Read the member the I)ake: Bo Smith. Miss Bendler; ful Sam-’ a war i * * " 1 St,r- Book by Limberlost? Ef) Kleeker, Miss Mickey and v,t>e’ and Wava Brown and Si,va Gene Strat­ Its shown Norval F ille r, Miss Moore. |estak danced t h e Highland ton Porter? In T h e Pictures Clara Minden pleased the audi- F ling in Scotch costume, ence with her piano solo “ In the The program closed with a Gloaming.” stunt "The Evolution o f a High The Spanish Opera was a stunt ^School Boy” a little sketch writ- vvhich was greeted with applause, bm by the students showing the Stage manager Lulay introduced j f ° ur stages in the development the famous and very charming °l an ordinary high school boy. Spanish prima donna. Señora ( 'lara Mielke read the sketch Rosa Maria Spaniola (Ella Span- ¡ while Norval Fisher as the in- ^ol) and the gallant Spanish hari- foot Freshman, was wheeled tone Señor Leon Macaron (Leo aliout in a baby carriage by Earl Van Will.ng) who sang the light nurse, Leo Willing, Big Dance at Beauchamp's opera “ The Romance of a Fisher Nuys acted as the silly sopho­ Paid Adv Hall after the Show Bov” , which was a love story, more. Bo Smith as the dashing composed by the members of the Junor and Ed Kleeker as the class, in which they utilized the dignified senior. ANNUAL SENIOR WfctK fcl/D UUliJMb AS TO CHARLEY m NAKY ANU HI JUnNSUPI JUNIOR CLASS PROGROM PRESENTED TO LARGE CROWD AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM A STRONG ENDORSEMENT Silverware Special A T S TA R T H E A T E R Freckles SATURDAY MAY 22,1920 Two Complete Shows Price 15c-30c VOTE FOE Lloyd T. Rigdon For Coroner Stands for Economy and Efficiency Break up the Monopoly Existing for 24 Years Elect a Younger-a More progresive M A N * Member Pioneer Family