erect.'d. The church will be jpainted and altogether Mehuma is artistic in its rural atmosphere. The mothers of the Stuyton Misi Anna Stout and Walter High srhtxd were entertained at Richards left for Albany We '* an afternoon tea last T h u « ay nesday to attend the Willamette from 2 to 3 in the l>ome»tic Prebstorv. Miss Stout will go Science dining room Tea and on to Portland to attend the fancy cookies made by the girls State Sunday School Convention. were servee. The room was With Mrs. R. F. Boringer of tastefully decorated in pink and white crepe paper streamers and of Mehama Hotel this week is Mme Virginia Rovere the pro­ apple blossoms. minent singer and teacher from The Fr.shmen had a very de­ San Francisco. Mme ■Hover»’ lightful time at their class party i just closed here busy season with iist Friday evening in the Scien­ a most suc essful pupils resital ce room. Ice cream and wafers h Id in Berkeley April 17 and were served. with her recent engagements of Many of the high scth ol stu­ Good Fiiday and Easter in St dents attended the Junior May Maty’s Catjierdal of San Fran Day Festival at the* Willamette cisco. Mme Rovere formerly University at Salem last Friday was a great favorite in Portland .ami Saturday. when the Lambardi ‘Grand Opera Stayton defeated the Silverton Company last «ppoired there. Hi baseball team again last F; i- H r friend Mi-s. -May at Stayton. score 5-4. 1 hey in this part of the country at -also defeated the Albany Lam present gives-us the opportunity here on tne 11. The score being to have tl is beautiful singer witl\ 0-3. This was tile first deteat us whom we hope to here before that Albany ha> me*, this seas n. long. When a.-ked how she like:' and our boys are highly elated this country .Mme Revere assure- over the fact that Albany won us tnat tho she >has traveled for victories over Eugene. Corvallis tvelv ’ years she has* rare;\ and Salem. Junction City will tii mid more beautiful scenery or play here Friday. May 11 at 2 climate. She says if the San- ‘o’clock in place of the usual time tiam river were in Europe it 3:30. would be used a thousa: d ways The Senior class are planning for power and pk anire. on leaving Friday afternoon for Mr. N. i o\* lien, overseer of the an outing at Willheyt Springs , new logging road at Mehama is where they will spend a few days a visitor at the Mehama Hotel. hiking, taking pictures and hav­ Mr. Wm Siinns the enterpris­ ing a good time. ing manager of the new meat Maysel Montgomery at the market is residing at the com­ schoC Tuesday afternoon. fortable Mehama Hotel. SCHOOL NO TES Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eherhardt, Miss' Nettie and Archie .Flier- heardt motored to Salem Mon. Wm Ryan returned home Fri­ day from O. A. for the week­ end. Miss Elsie Downing spent the week end with her snyor Mrs. Selmer Brown of Aumsville. Lyle Lutz and Abe Haiti call­ ed at the Mrs. Roxie Shank home Thursday eve. W. R. Brenner ami wife ami daughter Miss Delphi«. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Lambert and son were Sunday visitors at the I*. H. Lsmbert home. Miss Grace -Shank and Frank Lambert were Salem visitors Sunday. G. H. Ray am! Mrs. Linn Lam­ bert an. son motored to Me- Mimnibe Tuesuuy Mrs. IIo\ie Shank nod family s|>ent Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Shelton of Jordan. The Misses Dorothy ai d Maud Smith and Fred Smith motored to Albany Sunday. Mrs Hal Shelton \ ¡sited with home folks iloi day. lit*« I l.namt Hint i II« i ‘ uhh P \ O ** NENOERSHOTT & BURMESTER. Prop’s %\ %.Mi 17 xft* 13 m,<8 ! ¿ ’ 8 I O u ‘rtteH fU M i nrv i\\ ■ K iiilillu r v Min) HMiirt*» Olh«»r n a l(n tM eu »n «> < l Bur fNMti •t|i| 12 .:« 8 ? ft«TJkl........ I I t H it |T * K , btt*« W HUt fUH«t UlulivHkrd briiNl" * , ItHMWlabHii *lul ihm pnt . . 2.474 ni . HlUtl* «Il (ifeUQtl i ' IMI») l * til M It l»Ht t 9 1. J. M rintfA AMlllant t itab' r r f »He above luittul t>«*nk. tltl tolridnly •»«"» t u t t h e alH ivo* 1 •tu te m rn l it* I r a « tt* l b G£(> M> ed U1 M •< M t: intro \ Subs tiU»l ulivi MWtin lu Itcfutr of Mio’. 19C0. * Ovtfbtt I »J» MICHELIN Universal Cord G& Fabric 'i'ires « < an LU t ; ♦ 1 .« 11 th iU> ; ..KLU j, !$ tary l ’ ublii- Are Full of Life X J T Hunt A. U Gimfitrr Ut* T*t* cA D JU S TM E M TS ¿ M A D E Mr««turo. OF Til K • KM MILL CITY ST A H ANK m Ilia Clark’s Tire House J id Baptist r'issfonary in B'irma en­ velops Unrue Indt'Ctrv— C or eminent Helps m Educat oa, tin* o h ! flip reftil Ilo lilln iii M.imliilMV. la y ." ait-uni -iJu>ol are now HERE Diamond TIRES Goodrich National Spark Plugs KTntnrli fo c,euns y°ur sP,,rk p , ub s* n inovcs c<,r* If|U LUI II It# bon |»ives your motor more pow er and n) anti an L .d .» .- . ^ I “ On Phone your trouble lo Hcndershotl’s Confectionery 4 0 7 r * r ' :n ? w h ir r luum-ht-» n iiik lti)! •juenl in ,’ i* m ill H ie |in>llfa fro m ■ijiss Hazel Lambert of O. A. C. spent the week-end with home folks. The Misses Grace, \Yrna and Crystal Shank and Mrs. A. Cas- pell inotdred to Salem, Friday. Telephone Repair Shop . nt o f bihlintM Mr A N le lio ls I* the ninu th at Is illr e e t ly re a p o n a lh le fo i tills In iln strin l tle v clo p tn en t In fn r • IT H iin n n , on th e m-tuul soil o f olil B iiffln n d, e v e n tlio u ^ li ns K I f >1 i n s a v » " t h e r e a in ’ t n o b uses riin n ln fr o m On- hank to M a n tin la y ,” h e s it u r e il a s.iSv m ill 319 N. Com. St. Phono 74 Salem. Oregon -x-x-v-: . . . I«; Alti 111 I M t'a|*ttal *>t(H'k i»m«l tn l*miti litri! profit»*, liU " * paid i>ur to lank.» timi ban er» Foatal Sav inijd btat'i ikposit i Individual «lep i i u autor» t tu 1 llrmnit'l crriilkaUM of ii« 1 » sit Tinto ami »avtnir>* (Uiaaitr mid .... f j4i r «$•»»; . ... a,» 37 .l 0 f'Smooth as silk, eh ? Same here'’ — C h esterfield *k . Tf.tflO ir» 1 n s* Ä.T33 •ttajuo ir. ! T otal flie li sale lo th e n a tiv e s a r e h elp,up In ih<- T h e Mehama Improvement Club this time headed by the energetic Mr. Phillips and Mr. Simms have started out to do some spring town cleaning. • New sidewalks will be laid, lots c!ea-ed and new fences l i.K Farmeis and Merchants B.tik Al Hlrflln») . IM O m > M rtt f ’ li i r*rcc* u rc/ c t * i I L -iU liL u l»U I 0 « J M lta io n Mt. Pleasant .vVi* O V T I l K V O M U I I t \ i n «VII, n u ll! h r iIn- B v i m .- n *. Im y * o f u I ’ ltp lU l Mehama ,K Slate* «•! O n iton < ^ t («tiltI> t*l Mnrioti i 1,1 M. A ri.otri t *• 'hi*-1 »»I Uia above* liaiiird Imltk.AitMtl^nittlt *• .* I that Htr above atateini'tif 1» trtia 1 0 thv •• la* > k u u w k ' d g t ami I k *lit 1. #e»i o. C aa h lrr S ii I* m ’ i B< h I and » a o r li to >** ' •rr me thla p»th day ol 'la y , 19ju W I I I I " I I* M < MAHTKKH. »lafjr Fubllc. M> ( itn im B d u n t \plr* • <'»•! , IM . f o r m i Atti*1 »!: • W W All' n Y I a K N o I.H > M A»* j I | . f "Ml ESTER FIELD S arc "hitting on «11 f on r ’ s m 001 h n c s s, t«sic,quality and value. What’s the good word, everywhere you gor They satisfy! |Hr «t«f Charlvs Roy bur: 1 the dirt in Greased l.igntr ing Funday, Star Theatre. DOWN The Copper H. a is coming. The Bootery where prices are always k*ss on Men’s, Women’s ami Children’s Shoes, together with a lar^e stock oi Furnishing Goods front our . iscontinu- ed store at Toledo. The tow stocks w ill be offered at a Sacrifice SALE BEGINNING WEDNESDAY. MAY One l„t UdieC Black. Iv o ry and Grey Shoe». ( .«c.h Lop, French Heels, all sizes $2.8< ............. ........... ....... .... ................. — One lot Ladies’ Black Kid Shoes, Cuban or French heels, all sizes $2,292 ■- ■ ■ - ■1 One •lot Black and Brown shoes. English last, low heels, all sizes. $5.98 $9.00 Ladies’ Brown Calf Lace Shoes, 8-inch top Cuban Heels__________ ~ ________________ $6.90 | SPECIAL PUMP VALUES y One lot Ladies A will go at Y ,, small size Pumps. 49c pair Y X 87.92 ODD LOT SHOES ^ SEE THIS LOT i X One lot La« ics’ Shoes broken lir es. A small sizes. Special 5 ; g j 95 f 9 •-'.00 Black Calf Blu?her Lac- . round toe. welt $5.63 Î M E N ’S A R M Y SH O ES $: {• $8.00 Tan Blucher lace, welt soles, y army last $5.38 »! X M K N.S KLK B A L S he?**_____________ 82.95 X Black and brown Elk Lace Outing > 900 Men s Gun .Metal Button, Semi English ? Shoes $2.49 ast ____________________ . _____________ $4,89 V { §10.00 Men's Gun M* tal Calf, C'*own or Nature t » $8.50 * zes. $9.50 ation I H EK G M AM ’S LOGGERS Lace, English, J- $20 and $22 Bergman’s lOin top Log- .<7 ;»,9 X gers, Hpeciai $16.40, same calked $16.98 Men s Brown O.xfords. English Last. all Special $5.96 Men’s Leather Gloves, regular $200 Men’s Black Gun M -tal Oxforris, Gombin- values $1 45 last____________________________ $6 63 §8 50 Chippewa Hetvy Bruivi -ewed and nailed Bliicner lare §4.89 I Boys’ Kahki Bib Overalls, $2.00 at regular $1.48« THE BOOTERY ATTH ‘~ M CSIG N 1 U L - L I W 1 L i l V 1 SALEM, H a vin g solci m y place I will sell at Public Auction the foLowintf property, 6 miles southeast of Stayton, near Mt. Pleasant school house, commencing at 10 o clock TP BSD AY, MAY 18TH 1920 _______________ $6.00 to $8.00 Ladies’ White Fabric Shoes, Lace French Heels $3.35 ----------------------------------------------------------- •■ 8 ». 60 to §8.00 Ladies’ White Fabric Shoes, Lace heels ““ $3.35 — -------X 8-1.50 La es’ White Canvas Oxfords, French §8 50 Me s Brown Calf Lace English la-u. welt ________ _____________________________ §5.98 s-9 Mahogany ( aif. Blucher lace, round to«’, welt sole $6.98 cyluction Sale in the forer.oon, on One lot Ladies’ Shoes, all kinds small \ sizes onl-V. choice ¿12.00 Ladiet’ Browi Kid ami Calf Shoes, Cu- j- a or L> uis He.-)- 5TH OREGON 6 Head of Horses and Mules 10 Head of Cattle, 5 Goats 20 head sheep, some with lambs 4 Sows with pigs by side 2 Shoats weight about 125 lbs. 1 McCormack Binder - Two Mowing Machines , And All Farming Tools Othe; Articles too numerous to mention Lunch will be served on the grounds by the ladies of Jordan benefit of new Cacholic church T C p iy iC a A ll »urns of $10 and under cash, over that amount five months time at 8 i>er i E.I\m*J4 cent wj|| given with bankable paper. F, N. W O O D R Y , ^Auctioneer J. H. K L O E R . F A R M E R S £& M E R C H A N T S B A N K , Clerk O w ner \