STAYTON S T A Y T O N . M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 13, ¡»2 0 Ivan G. Martin Republican Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE T. Ii. Davison, familiarly known among his friends as *T>eon" Davidson is in the race for the nomination on the Republican ticket us one o f the five men to represent Murion county in the next State Legislature. ‘Leon’ Davidson lives on “ Indian Hill Farm” which heownsaod which is located south of Salem. He lias paid taxes in Marion county for 22 years and has made a suc­ cess of his business. He is a Iuw student having attended law- school und in all his efforts has applied scientific business meth­ ods. He owns a farm in Yam- bill county and has other inter­ ests. He is a quiet, unassuming man; thoughtful of his friends; ready to ussist a worthy cause, but never busty in taking up with mutters until he is sure that they are for the best inter­ ests of all the people. He has a large circle of friends in and ar­ ound Salem and is known in most every corner of t h e county Those who know him well know that he is dependable and can rt|ly on him to represent them in W. H. Downing, of Shaw, was in town Wednesday talking poli­ tic* and getting a line on his many friends and impressing up­ on them that is a candidate for delegate to the Democratic Na­ tional convention, which meets at San Francisco on June 28, Mr. Downing has been identi­ fied with the democratic party all his life. He served as chair­ man o f the the Democratic Cen­ tral committee for a number of years. He was manager o f both the Chamberlin campaigns in this county which gave majorities both times. Mr. Downing was a member of the State Board of Agriculture for eight years, and was presi­ dent o f the board four years. During that time the large stock barns were built at the college and other improvements were made. Mr. Downing’s slogan reads: " I favor the adoption o f the League o f Nations and the p&- sage o f progressive measures to bring the country back toa peace basis as soon as possible. The people’s choice for President will by my choice.” I grew up a farmer boy. went Dr. A. E. Wrightman of Si - to the country schools, clerked verton, is a candidate for repre­ in a store; then was city editor sentative for the legislature of Announcement was made Sat- o f the Capital Journal for three this county on the Republican urdry o f a partnership formed by years. Educated in Willamette ticket and asks your support at Drs. M. C. Findley, B. L. Steev- University, Business College and the coming primaries May 21. es and H. E. Morris under the University of California; paid Dr. Wrightman is well known in firm name of the Henry E. Mor­ my way through law school by Silverton and Marion county and ris company, and the declared In the legislature. Senator A. teaching band in San Francisco; has practiced medicine in J ilver- purpose o f the firm is to estab­ M. La Follett o f Marion county, am a taxpayer in three counties. tQn the past nineteen years. He lish the largest optical house on ’fought against every road bond Why I Ask You Support has extensive property interests the Pacific coast. measure. His opposition to good I am on a special committee to there, fie is progressive and a The partnership became e ffe c ­ roads was intense, bitter and report at next session on drain­ good business manager and will tive Monday when Dr. Morris haoitual. It was supposed noth­ age o f lands. if elected, make a good repre­ moved into the Salem Bank of ing could change it. I believe that regulations could sentative. Dr. Wrightman, while Commerce building w’here nearlv He dropped in to see his neigh­ be enforced to more effectively he is a candidate for this im­ the whole of the second floor will bor C. C. Chapman o f Howell, prevent profiteering; believe that portant office, did not seek it. I k * occupied by the firm. Dr. just across the Willamette river the voters of each county should He was urged by the Commun­ Morris w ill he manager o f the from the celebrated La Follett fix the salaries of their county ity Club of Silverton and a large ne,v firm. peach orchard in Mission Bottom, officials. L et’s take it out o f the number o f his friends to make Drs. Findley and Sleeves are where the senator grew the first legislature. There are other the run and consented, and as widely known as occuiists and Silverton is the second highest loganberries that ever were measures for your interest. rank high in the profession. Dr. taxed city, paying nearly a mil- grown in Oregon on a commer­ Morris is comparatively a new ion and a quarter in taxes and cial scale. The two cronies pas­ man in Salem, having come to has had no representative for the sed the time of day and looked that city about a year ago, estab­ at some of Chapman’s hogs and past eight years. lishing offices at 306 State street, Dr. Wrightman is not a pro­ calves. where he has enjoyed a nice bus­ “ Chapman, I ’ m for the bonds,” fessional politician, but w ill make iness. Eor three years Dr. Morris finally blurted out the old sena­ a strong candidate as w'ith his was a member of the state board wide acquaintance and clean tor who had led the fight against of optometrists, has been vice record as a successful business every state and county bond is- president o f the national assodis- man he should receive the solid sue that had been up for years. tion of the state boards and also | support of Silverton and that at one time was president o f the ¡coupled wi ith the large vote that Chapman amazeu Oregon Association o f Optome­ | he will draw throughout the “ The state road bonds, the trists. Is a candidate for election as ¡county, we predict will assure amendment I voted against, rais-, The new firm w ill occupv near­ Delegate to the Republican N a­ I the doctor of a seat in the legis­ ing the limit from 2 'Jc t o 4 # , ” | ly all of the second floor o f the tional Convention from the First lature. he responded. “ I ’ m for the| Bank of Commerce building and Congression District, and his This is one of the rare cases measure. I looked over the fig- will conduct both a retail and a number on the official ballot is that seldom happen in present ures t^at those expert account- wholesale business. The new- No. 30.| day politics -a case where the ant9 figured up, and I ’ m satis- firm will occupy time rooms, two Mr. Tooze says my 'slogan is: office seeks the man, not the 1 believe that your delegation the bonds won’ t raise mv of which will be in use by the “ Republican Victory supreme man the oflice. Such men, when taves> so I ’ m for ’em, as I want should have an attorney as one wholesale department. The lens National Importance; For Presi­ put in oflice always make good. vvant all the goon roads I can o f its members for the reason grinding department w i l l be dent, your choice my choice” ’ Silverton Tribune. get. ¡ f they are going to be that he would doubtless be a equal to any on the coast when It is my honest opinion thrt a ..........--------------- built in time for me to use them member of the laws committee fully established, making it un­ republican victory next fall is they had better hurry up and where a great many important necessary to send outside o f Sa­ absolutely essiential to the fu- If KIT A ft» l C f build them, for I am getting old. measures are acted upon. lem for anything in the optical turejwelfare o f America. De­ you belive from my experience I really don’ t deserve any reads. line. feat would be interpreted here and record that 1 am efficient Shocks fnmmnnttv the way I ’ ve fought ’em. but I and abroad as an approval o f the U JIIlIIlim uy guess I ’ ll get them all right.” he and deserving and that I, owing A STRONG ENDORSEMENT autocracy and obivious mistakes ----- continued with a wink. “ I ’m to this experience and personal o f the present administration, as A fter several years of failing getting all my neighbors to vote acquaintance with the members well as offe r encouragement to of the legislature, can serve you health. Mrs. Albert Frank died for the measure.” ’ ’ ¡e radical and disloyal elements more effectively in the next ses­ at her home at Rock Point. Sat- “ Yes, I voted against the now infesting American public sion. I will appreciate ydur sup­ urday morning. May 8th, at the measure, but I ’ m for it now,” life. Domestic concerns, as well port and will strive to be fair age o f 52 years. 5 months and he concluded “ L e t’s get the as international difficulties, de­ 22 days. roads built just as soon as r/e and shall at all times solicit your mand a change o f administration advice and help. Augusta Caroline Melcher was can. We are paying our license so that our people may cope with born near Berlin, Germany, Nov- fees and gas tax. and we may as the grave situations confronting Verntfn L. Moore, District man­ ember 16th, 1876. She came to well g et the roads. them by the oppfication of the ager of the Famous Players Las- America with her parents at the The bonding measure comes up rules of Americanism as promul­ ky corporation was in Stayton age o f six months, settling in before the people at the May 21 gated and upheld by the republi­ Wednesday of last week. Mr. can party. Firmly believing Moore is making his semi-annual tour of the northwest territory arranging the summer and fall exhibition franchises for the new Paramount and Artcraft pictures. He arranged for the amusement lovers o f Stayton an opportunity to see some of the big ones such as Male and Female. The Mira­ cle man. The Copperhead. Huck­ leberry Fin and many other such attractions that are showing at O f Jefferson, Republican can­ big theaters in the cities. didate for Representative of Mar ion county, was born at J effer­ As deputy Secretary of State son in 1852. He attended Jef­ for more that eight years past. ferson institute and Willamette Sam A. Kozer, Republican candi­ A family re-union was held university and has been a lead­ date for Secretary o f State, has ¡Sunday, May 2nd at the home of ing farmer and breeder o f pure gained an intimate knowledge of liewis Stout in honor of his 91st bred Jerseys in Marit n county State affairs. He promises, i f birthday May 3rd. The follow­ for years. He was a member elected, to insist on the strictest ing children were present: Miss of the 11)1!) legislature and presi­ economy in all state activities. Anna Stout. Mrs. Joseph Steph­ dent for three terms of the state “ My 9ole aim,” says Mr. Kozer ens of Portland, Mr. Ray Stout board o f Agriculture and a mem­ in his statement in the voters’ of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lu­ ber for many years. pamphlet, "shall be to insure ther Stout of Stayton, Mrs. Ben His slogan is: “ Farmer: will for the people o f the state the Irving o f Wilber, Wash., Mrs. serve county and state to the greatest degree of efficiency at Clara Mulkey of Corvallis and best of my ability.” the smallest possible cost guid­ . Mrs. Alpha Horner o f Mill City. ed solely by sound business prin­ A daughter Mrs. Mary Mulkey I f nominated and e l e c t e d ciples and common sense.” It Secretary of State San A. Kozer, is such men as Mr. Kozer the Charles Ray burns the dirt in now Deputy Secretary o f State, people are demanding for public promises to give to that office Greased Lightning Sunday. Star office. Mr. Kozer is deserving and spends part of his time out that high degree o f efficiency Theatre. of your vote in the j rimary elec­ in his garden and walking which the people are justified in tion. May 21st. The Copper Head is coming. around the town. demanding of a public official. Sudden Death Of MTS* Albert rrank