I H C ^ e S T A Y T O N M A IL F. A. Bell, Sublimit Whit»* line. F. A. Beil, secretary. Ap 22 29 C has. S . C la rk , b d ito r a n d P r >pnctor Rigdon 1er (noon I hereby announce my, candid- Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year in Advance ^ Advertising Rates Made K Foreign Advertising RejrcsvJed l, 'ri'- i 1 ! ■.!" YIEWS PAST AND PRESENT ON PRESI­ DENTIAL POWER l& V t Z approvrl of the Republican vot- ers at ine Prim r es, May 21st. This .xffit* has h n held by the I lie- sante for 21 ears. 1 Ml*- *i — lieve > eh- ege t-* 1 is time would he foe the . liest < forests of the t ri > tor. \! ■ ( county n 1 it ■minated and sr< 1 •** olecteii I will p» r'orm the duties Of the office in .1 most efficient /to* Mail ami economical • nner. Llov I T. Rigdon. — ----- , —_ M20 Oli eî ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Upon ' ppli>‘Htion Entered as second class matter j Oounty, Oregon, under rh Xct Address all Communical ^ I he “It’s a Lucky D ay forYou” says the Good Judge When you learn about the Real Tobacco Chew. A small chew of rich to­ bacco lasts so much longer than the old kind. You don’t need a fresh chew so often. That’s why it costs less to use. A ny man w ho u*ses the R eal T o b a c c o Chew w ill tell you that. P ut Up In Two Styles R IG H T C U T is a s h o rt-c u t to b a c c o W -B C U T is a lo n g fin e -c u t Notice is h eph.t -’iven that the, •>r:il -el> • >n f the Slayton In The tV nnty Court Of The S ta te Of ’ 'perative >witchlv>ard Asso-j Oregon For Marion County, In The ton will !>t h Id in Stayton, j M atter Of The E state of Delilah u.-sday, \1 4th • ‘ the hour of | Glover, Deceased I .m.. to elect five (5) directors1 Notice is hereby given th at theunder- •t i to transact anv business that signed by an orvivr of the County Court rrav legally come before the of Marion County, Oregon, has been A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgtin PAYTON. - OKKGON . H. BREWFR, M. D. IYSICIAN ANI1 MViiEON S t a y t o n . O regon /, Tt. Pini iti * D. M* D* DENTISI Office Oj»i mi« 215: I M ' ipfl» 11 1 tor« un. Or* V. A. GOCPE LAWYER »nd NOTAKY IT'BUC to b a cco O ilin’ R ihi II i N u . (1, Ku> I’-ltlg. ,A 'c y n u tT -U ru tt n C u m p ttn y 110/ Brrvi»dvvwy, N e w York City 1 1 UNERAL DIRECTOR “ C u ltiv ate free com m erce and hon­ e s t frien d sh ip w ;ih a ll m elo n s, bu NL- m a k e e n ta ilin g a llia n c e s w ith none W . A . WEDDLH — A ndrew Jack so n . I'hone "I never had the d esire to in lluen c, TAYTON OREGON th e m em bers ot C ongress — T hom as Jefferso n . • '... , ¡ 111 . ' ¡appointed adm inistrator of the estate ‘‘F in a lly w ere I P res'd en t, I should of Delilah Glover, deceased. All per- ■ im follow ing ..e candidates having oisima against aaid estate d e sire th e L egislatio n of th is country to re st w ith C o agress. uninfluenced nominated from subordinate are ^^ircHi to present them, w ith the VKT KK1NARY SURGEON b y th e ex ecu tive u its o rigin or pro­ •' lllizations: proper vouchers attacherl, within six DENTAL EXPERT g r e s s .”— A Lincoln. 1S48. P . Kirsch, Kern R id g e line; montha from the date of this notice to “O ur se c u rity is in our w atch fv i- .1 Mayo, Stavton Mutial: I. **» u n d e rsig n ^ St S u b li^ t y . Oregon. C h II b Answered I)«y or Night r, / » . , .» Dated this ¡id day of April, 1920 xiess of th e exe< o liv e pow or."— Dan­ Phone-Res. 3X24 • B o ed iR h . imer, Lone Oak; I- . Frank Glover. A dm inistrator ie l W eb ster. A. Zimmerman, Blui Line; M. yj £ Winslow, Attorney “ I bold th a t r.n attem p t to contr '. v OREGON TAYTON Ryan, Jordan Line; W. H. th e sen a te on th e p art of th e exeou- April-8-15-22-29-May-« Carter. Sublimity Telephone Co.; iv e Is sub versive to th e p rin cip les of o u r c o n rtitu tic n .” baid Stephen A D ouglas. GAS SE ST AK & “ It Is im p o rtan t, lik e w ise , th a t tb< h a b it of th in k in g in a fre e countrv l i T H O M A S, sh ou ld in sp ire cautio n in those 1 ’ (trusted w ith its ad m in istratio n , to Proprietors. Approximately £40,000,000 of state road bonds can be issued under a iconflne th em selves w ith in th e ir r e ­ ! , % limitation on the present assessed valuation of the state, including sp e c tiv e sph. ~ s. av o id in g in the e v ; >onds already issued. The constitutional amendment to be voted upon « r c ls e of the pow ers of one d e p art­ it the M a y 2.1 election provides for this 4 % limitation. « m e n t to encroach upon an o th e r."— Interest and principal of the entire ¿40,000.000 of bonds can be paid W ash in g to n in h is fa re w e ll ad d ress 1 rom revenues from auto license fees and gasoline tax, based on conservative So m uch for th e past. P resid en t tstimates of that income. Hifbetl Market Price Paid Far Fai Stock Wilson, in his book on c o n stitu tio n al, Following is an official estimate of th e income to the Slat-- Highway governm ent said: “ The nation as a Fund from auto license fees and gasoline tax, compared with interest and -whole has < hosen the P resid en t and principal requirements for the entire £40,000,000 of s ta te road bonds, is conscious that it h as no other po- t h is table has been audited and certified b y Whitfield, Whitcomb A. Co., lltlc& l spokesm an. H is is th e o n ly , terrified public accountants, whose attestation is subscribed below, V E T E R IN A R IA N national cl ice in affairs. Let him It verifies the claim made that voting for the 4 % state road bond limitation will not involve any tax on property, as principal and interest will be paid ones w in tbe ad m iratio n and confi­ Silverton Oregon dence of tl** country and no sin gle rom the auto license fees and the ga* tax, leaving an actual surplus above force car. v i hstand him and no com ­ he amount required. bination c f f o r r 'r w ill e a s ily over­ o f fic ia l t a b l e > power him. 'tatement ol hstim ated Income to State Highway Fund Compared With tntereet The pr.' ;der.t whom the nation and Principal Requirement* to t a r r y $40.000,000 Honda. tru sts cannot o n ly lead it but con­ OF POWDER form it to Ills own view s He m ay be 4 , 5 * 7 Eaiiuited Motor V ehicle Gasoline Tax 'J otal Amount Interett and Siirplu* Ke both the lead er of his p a rty and the Net Income to hstimated i’nncipal man.ina Alte' Somber License Fee. THINK OF Income to Requirements fur i’ayinrnt ol ot Motor Net Income to Stale lltguway leader of ’ he nation. If he lead the Vehicle* State liighwa» Fund State Highs ay $ 40 , 000.000 Interessami Fund I und Bonds Principal nation tl. p a rty can h a rd ly resist blm. /iw 920. .105,000 $1,575,000 00 $ 525,000.00 $ 2 , 100 , 000.00 $ 494,150.00 $1.603,150.00 1,456,750.00 625,000.00 2,500,000 00 1,043,25» .00 1921. .125,000 1>,»75,000.00 His offk is a n y th in g th at he h at 1922. .143,000 RETTER RESULTS 715,000.00 2,660,000.00 2.145,000.00 1,393,2 50 XK) 3,466,750.00 th e force and s a g a c ity to m ake it. 1923. . 156,000 790,000.00 3,160,000.00 1.4*0,250 00 NO HEADACHES OK 2,370,000.00 1,6/9,750.00 *50,000.00 3,400,000.00 1,392,660,00 2/107,340.00 ILL-EFFECTS From th e fore lin g and th e course 1924. .170,000 2,550,000.00 922,5*2.50 1925. 1 * 0,000 2,700.000.00 900,000.00 1,600,000.00 2,677,617.50 NO FREEZING p ursued by tb provident for the last 1926. . .1*5,000 925,000.00 3,700,000.00 2,957,367.50 742,632.50 2,77 5.COO.OO Or THAWING two year-, can > <■ not d istin g u ish a u ­ i927. . 190,000 2.» 50,000.00 6 So,* 20.00 950,000.00 3,600,000.00 3,149,1*0.00 SAFE TO HANDLE 975,000.00 3,900,000.00 tocracy from .1 en go racy? 192*. .195,000 2,925,000.00 570,257,50 3,329,742.50 1929. . 200,000 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,1100.00 3,000,000.0. 570,94 5.00 3,429,OS.’.OO Black Blasting Powder, 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.0t 1930. . 200,000 601,157.50 3,000,000.00 3,396,642.50 Som e . 0 ’jr.'-ns of g a ll a m .iie one 1931. . 200,000 3,000,000.03 1 , 000 , 000.00 4, eoo, 000.00 691,607.50 3.30J.392.5C Caps, Fuse b y th e ir rrc-ttness. a s for in stan ce 19 52. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000,000 00 7*0,057.50 - 3,219,142.5C 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 * 6 », 507.50 3,131,492.50 Jo h n S h e -n a n defen d in g N ew berry’b 1933. . 200,000 H A U SE R BROS. 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,043,042.50 956.957.50 Degge & Burrell, Auto Electricians. 238 N. High St. Salem, Oregon p u rch ase r t a seat in th e .sen ate IV34. 200,000 S ervice O ur '’P ride 1935. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 2.954,592.50 1,045.407 50 O th er sp< I'o.'-ns am use us. and s till 1936. . 200,000 3/100,000.00 1 , 000,000 00 4.01X1,000.00 2,(66,142.50 1,133, *57.50 H. L. E m RL, A*eol- Turner Ore. O thers spo • o ur ap p etite. Of the la t­ 1937. . 200,000 I.OOO.OOUOO 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,777,692.50 1,222,307.50 j M I t t f t f t — AA» A* * * * >>A* t > >>>* * * >>* * * * >* * >>>* ' A’ * * * 1 , 000,000 00 4,0(10,000.00 •'IT a g tu in e * C o nve nie ntly L o c a te d 1,310,757.5.) 2,6*5,242.50 t e r c la ss i the chronic k ic k e r who 193*. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1939. 3,000,000.00 tjOOOfOOObOO 4,000,000.00 1,399,207.50 2,600,792.50 U fo rever fum ing about fem inine 1940. . . 200,000 Salem , Albany, Eugene, Corvallis 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.0t 2,412,342.50 1,5*7,657.50 fash io n s. \v poke a little fun at 1941. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000,000 00 4,000.000.00 1,672,107.50 2,327,192.50 th em ourse. . as we do most ev ery­ 1942. . 200,000 3,000,000.01 1 , 000,000 00 4,000,00') M 1,7*1.557.50 2,218.442.50 3,000,000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 1,931,507.50 2,068,492.50 th in g else, hut it is only in fun 1943. . 200,000 1944. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000,000 00 ' 2,154.047.50 1,»45,952.50 O th ers a c tu a lly ta k e th.-m selves ser 1945. . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 1,161,475.00 2,636.525 00 Souslv about i: When the hoop sk irt 1946 . 200,000 3,000,000.00 1 , 000,000 00 4,0«>0,000.00 3.206,725 00 793,275.00 1947. . 200,000 w a s h ere th ey w nr, jn ag o n y ; then 3,000,000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000.000.00 513,012 50 3,4*6,9*7.50 194». 1 . 000 , 000.00 4,000,000.00 244,000.00 3,756.0(X).00 c am e th e pull-back-- and th ey tlirew a 1949 . 200,000 3,000,000.00 . 200 ,i >00 3,000.000.00 1 , 000 , 000.00 4,000.000.00 56,237.50 3,943,762.50 flt and fe ll into it. Now it js the NOKNIFE AND L O S S OF BLOOD o Ff ICI AL. ta XP LA NATION OP TABLE N v ir iA S T h R S AND PAINS FOB fihort s k ir t and d e c o lla te w aist, and * HOURS OR DAYS Column 3 rxprxsfnt» ibe nxt income 10 thi State Highway Fund frorr. motor vehicle i f 1 » is not one th in g it is an o th er E ver since I've - t .;, ,1 s ,, , license tees (Chap. 399, Laws 1919). I lie 1920 registration figures to date obtained from TUM0RS PILES FISTULA few (re e k ! , . VrKHf |n a , ,hr Secretary of State’, office indicate an avrrag, l.cens, fee ofciwemy dollar. ($ 20 . 00 ) GOITRE ch a i]fI a ig leaf, th is c lit k ; per vehicle. H ie law provide*» that twrnty-five per cent be returned to the county from R jig h t N ow is Time to G et Y our AM been refo rm in g the fa- hlon* - '•hich the vehicle is registered, therefore the net income per vehicle to rhe State Highway DISEASES OF WOMEN Iaikc a peacock in the nfght he is rli« in11 ’’ 3 PPro*imaielv fifteen dollars (flS.OO) per car which is the figure used in com- SKIN STOMACH BOWELS* agro eab lp hut 1 ., , it I p,,,' n* * olumn 3. I he administration expenses of the motor vehicle law will be mel from FOUR YEARS STUDY IN EUROPE « . ’ w,>r ” whll<- lie receipts from motorcycle licenses, chauffers' badge*, transfer», etc. OVER HO YEARS KXPES1KNCE J itirsr f , . >ou w ish, lad les— j (olumn 4 represent, the income from the Gasoline Tax (Chap. 159. l aws 1919) to the I'or t land 1’h jn ira l T herapy I ftbonMorieu r e a l men w ill not forvakc you because i Higitwav Fund Figures obtained from the Secretary of State’s office indicate the 412 to 417 Jo u rn al ItuiMinir ITkRTl.AND. ORE. Of yo u r clothe«, even though if get average tax per vehicle in 1919, was approximately five dollar. ($5.00) and tlii* figure •>aek to th e cool and com fortable cos­ ha. been u.ed 11 . computing Column 4 (olumn 5 i* the total amount of the motor vehicle license fees and the gasoline ta. tu m e of th e G arden of Eden. And site k< I based on the estimated number of vehicle, as shown in Column 2. w ith l| ' f r>l >Ina^, K & k * Column 6 i. the amount required each year to pay off the iniere.t and principal at ml- Pastor Rev. Reese n ne ln d o -tru rtah le g a ll. Why r lurity of State Highway bonds up to an estimned amount of $40,000,000 (the approxi- Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 don t th e y ta k e a look at th.->ms>hves? mate amount which could be issued with a 4 per cent limit on the piesent assessed valua- p. m. Sunday Schixil 10 a. m. A n y m ale biped th at stru ts around tion of the tate These figure* are based on these premise*: That the balance of the Si* Million Dollar* Bonds (Chap 423, Law* 1917), the State Co-operative Bond. $l,*(KM)0: Kpworth L ’atfue 7:30 p. m.. w ith 1 form -lit tin g «uif and b elt, a (Bean Barrett. Chap 175, Law. 1917), and rhe Ten Million Dollar Bonds (Chap. 171 Prayer me(*tins: on Wednesday Xuztv h at, rin g -stre ak e d and striped Laws 1919), now unsold veill he sold during the vear 1920. Also that further bonds wili in the parsonage at 8 p. m. « h ir t . fire alarm socks and tooth pick b. sold a* follow*. 1920, $5,tKR',0C0; 1921, $5,000,00O; 1922. $5,000,000; I92J, $5,000.000 1924; $2.200,000; a total of $40,000,000. •h o c * , should hr.vt nothing to say All of the bonds thus far authorized are serial bonds and, except the Bean-Barren iM I M t t t t t m T t - — -* * * * * * “ — * * »* •* » — ***» * »»»* * * •» a b o u t fem in in e fashions. . is. e. mature one twentieth each year after the fifth The ~ B e an -B a rren issue maturei flf year. ~ 0 each year lie ginn ing with 1922 The Si^ M illio n anu Btan -B a rretl issues draw And in th e big cities, on a ll dress fion.00 4 ner cent int're.t. A l l other ¡»sues 4 5<; per rent. Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun- •riccaslons, th e y w ear plug hots. Oh ( rttiimB 7 shew * rhe surplus estimarnr re be available each vear after meeting obliga d iys at 8;:i0 a. m. JaOr, oh. Lor. Of nil the In artistic rlonr for principal and interest aind aw- wa.M n . . . i . * be ' rne-Quartrr Mill la x ^Chap 257, law s 1917) on the fot*l assessed valuatio« Rev, Fr. i,ainek. Pastor » a i l m m ro 'ttfc* ever tic ot the -tate is not shown in this table as art asset of the Stale Highway Fund a. this (jint * ig m t! by the Imp of darknexit, tn , ** J 'r, “athlrUc* for -tiwisl Sabos’ * of I t