THE STAYTON MAIL 26th. Year, No. 11. S T A Y T O N . MARION C O U N T Y . OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1920 STAR THE ATRE b o y s and W i l d w e s t Have You Read the Story of THE VIRGINIAN Also 1 Reel Bray Pido and 1 Reel Comedy Prices I5c-30c DECLAMATORY CONTEST Riggs to be a Winner FRI. EVENING, APRIL 8 If the dlroct prim ary low I* g oing | lo avail th* people anythlnR, It must A declamatory contest will he g lv « thorn a fair representation In a f- held in the High School Autdi-1 falra nf government. It was put on torium. Friday evening, April 30 l ho stututea to allow thr average c it­ izen a c h a n c e lu the (»election o f o f - at 8 o ’clock, which will deter« fleori. mine the student who is to re­ It wan naturally exported the p r o ­ present Slayton High School at fess ional Jobholder« and c h ron ic the Marion County Declamatory j offic e seeker* w ho are with us always Contest which is to be held in would r o n t lu u » to be candid ates, but It wax assumed a rnun w h o d o e s not Salem, May the 7th. d e v o t « all o f bis time to politics, but The students participating in can on ly boast nf being an averag« the contest here Friday evening taxpayer and citizen would have a are: Fern and Frances Free­ cha nce f o r recognition. A m on g the candidate* f o r R e p r e ­ man, Chris Neitling, Albert Lu lay, Crabtree, and Osmund sentative on 1 he Repu blican ticket, Rice. They will give humorous.: will b* Zadoc J RI r r s . a substantia! business man o f Salem, w h o has con drantatic and descriptive read-j du eled (he Capital Ilrug Store for ing. several years, w ho Is a m em b er o f thr Musical numbers by Miss various civ ic organizations. a man Mickey and Marguerite Schulte- w h o hu# m a d « a success o f his ow n l»ein will add variety to the business and has no wares to sell the «tute nor politic al axe to grind. The program. selection o f such men ns Mr. R iggs, The winner of the local contest guarantee* Marlon c ou n ty a repre­ will go to Salem. May 7th where sentation second to none In the state. Voter. he will meet thr contestants Duane GYMNASIUM DEBT WIPED OUT BY HARD WORKING STUDENTS Student Body of Stayton High School Deserv­ ing of Much Praise for Carrying on this Undertaking and Paying off Debt T h e benefit play o f the Stayton High School entit led " T h e H o o d o o . " Klven at Slayton and Mill City mark- <-d the close ot the u nderta k in g o f the student .body o f 1917 in the build- in « and llnunrlng o f a g ym na siu m that Stayton and th e en tire c o m m u n ­ ity can be proud to claim as their ow n in N o v e m b e r o f the year 1916. a parent-teachers m eetin g w as held at the Hitch S ch o o l A u d itoriu m c o m ­ posed o f the most enthusia stic school from the various high schools Iti V 'KM .» T H 'K K T I su pporters as always are fou n d in of the county, including Salem Y e editor a c c o m p a n ie d S lo ck w e ll High Suitable awards* will he Corn eliu s by u uto to Slayton li st Sun Stayton and c o m m u n it y and ths sub­ jec t o f bu ildin g a g ym na siu m was given those taking 1st. 2d. and day aftern oon . Talk ultout r o u d * — brou gh t up and discussed. And It 3rd places. they » r e very bad T h e t o * n was In was the c on s en s u s o f opin ion am on g It D# a great honor to "place” a very quiet dress, but we did a d ­ those present that such a building mire t h e h an dsom e new g a r a g e re­ was n eeoed . so with the e®conrage- in one of these contests, and all cently erected As a S ta y lon ile re­ ment o f those e«esen t, the High Stayton people should take an! m arked. “ we are In the sa m e position ¡S ch o o l Student B ody started out to interest in this type of school | you are lu T u rn er, all we need Is to j build a gvm And it Is no w onder activity. All s t u d e n t s and; get rid o f the u u p r og res slto eltlzens. ¡that success d o w n e d their efforts, f o r friends of the school are urged j then we could perhaps, build up the ¡with ih e ir undaunted spirit and en- to give the contest their enthu-j tow n and lake on new life. T urner Ithusiasm o f both n ow and then, they T ribu n e I nil w ork ed with on e heart and aim. siastic support.’ An admission land the Fesult o f their efforts, c o m ­ fee o f ten cents will lie charged. • The average citizen's Idea o f the bined with th e b ou n tifu l support of way to run a paper Is: ''Prin t the the citizens o f the c om m u n ity . Is now In i he seed eutalogues a eueum her news, no m atter what It Is, when it manifest to the w orld in the magnif- lo o k s like a watermelon. Is on the oth er fellow.*' llcent stru ctu re that udorn s the* north- cast c o r n e r o f the sch ool grounds. T h e Student B o d y im m edia tely set j to work under the able leadership of I P r o fe sso r Gauntt in ta k in g un a pop­ u l a r subscription around Stavton and : vicinity and the erection o f the g y m ­ nasium at o n ce began. T h rou g h the g en erou s co n t rib u t io n s o f the citizens o f the c o m m u n ity $6 00 o r ov e r was that capacity with whatever un­ raised and ad ded new en cou ra gem ent prejudiced independence the best lo the enthusiastic co m m itte e s that interests of the people of Ore­ p rom oted the w ork . T h e present gon and the development and value o f the gym Is based at about $3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . The balance o f the a- welfare of the State shall de­ m ou n t. a p p rox im a tely $ 9 0 0 . on, was mand. If the voter-s decide that pledged by the Student Body. MOUNT ANGEL BANKER IS FOR ECONOMICAL PROGRESS In announcing his candidacy for the legislature on the Re­ publican ticket at the primary election May 21st. .1. J. Keber. hanker at Mt. Angel. api>eals to the voters of Oregon as indivi­ duals, who, as such, are well qualified to judge the issues of the day. and who can and will vote as their judgement shall direct. Mr. Keber is a Fiepubli- cian and believes in the princi­ ples of the party with whom he is associated; and above every­ thing he is an American and be­ lieves in the principals of his country. He is not a member o f or affiliated wflh any particu­ lar faction or psrt of the Rcpublician party: nor is he pledged to support any of the candidates for office at the com­ ing primary election. His slogan is: "N o hobby to ride, efficient administration and conservative legislation." In speaking of his candidacy Mr. Keber said: "I pledge* to the people of Marion county that in conducting my campaign. I will not support any particular candidate for office in preference to the other candidate for the same office: that I will not promise political patronage to anyone: that if nominated and elected 1 shall enter the office with neitlur promise nor pledge to redeem, except those which I give to the people themselves; reserving the rig fit to serve in SATURDAY Influential a u ction eerin g o f G e o rg e K eech, realized a net pr oceed s o f $130.0 0 to apply on the pledges. Every u nderta k in g m arked m or e e n ­ thusia sm both in c o m m u n it y and school. ^ta ring the* f o llo w in g tw o years, 1918 and 1919, u nder the a b le d i­ rection o f P r o fe sso r s F ord and G r o v ­ er, the ple dges were br o u g h t d o w n from $750 .0 0 to $3 50 .0 0. The w ork o f dim in ishin g this debt being u nder­ taken by the Eilgh Sch ool Students in g iv ing plays, cu ttin g w ood and oth er work to o n u m e ro u s to mention. Big May Day Dance after show New Supt. at Mill KENNETH THOMAS ; JOINS THE BENEDICTS Mr. Miss Emma StrefF and James F. Ashe were married at Kenneth Thomas, son of Mr. Oregon City on Wednesday. April and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, o f Stay- 21st at the Catholic Church. Rev. ton and Miss Ethel Braden Father Hillehrand pronouncing daughter of M**. and Mrs. J. W. the words that made them man Braden, o f W’est Stayton, were and wife. married at Vancouver, Wash,, The ceremony was private and on Wednesday, April 21st was witnessed by Mrs. Rav The ceremony was witnessed Payne a sister and Miss Elenore ¡by M r/ and Mrs. Wm. Green- Beam niece of the groom. burg, Mrs. Sadie Small man and After a few days spent in Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas. Portland and other points of in­ After a few daysspent in Port­ terest, Mr. and Mrs, Ashe re­ land visiting relatives the new turned to Stayton where they couple returned to Stayton, are comfortably located in the where they will make their home. Mutchler residence on Water The groom is employed in the street. Santiam Woolen Mills hers. Kenneth has been swaping They have been receiving con­ gratulations from their many good smokes for congratulations among his many friends here. friends. Mr. Ashe has been promoted to the position of Superintendent of the Santiam Woolen Mills here, taking the place of Mr. Fell, who will go to Portland. STEELHAMMER’S POPULARITY IS GROWING FAST FOR SALE--Goats, 20 nannys Salem, Oregon T h e year 1920 m a rk ed the clo sin g F. X. Hot- and 25 spring kids, April 26, 1920 epoch o f these pledges with P r o fe s ­ A -22-29 tinger. Scio R. F. D. To the Editor Stayton Mail: sor Ford again g iv in g the Student In talking with some friends ltody his valuable support and t h e : W h e n you see w hat s vast lot of about candidates for c o m m u n ity still b a ck in g and support ing th e Sch ool as they did In the pre­ t r o u b le the w .»rid happen s to be in at officers, we all agree that for Oscar Steel- vious years, was ab le to en tirely pay­ the present tim e y o u 'll have to ad m it county assessor. off those pledges and d eclare t h e ' that bon e-h eadry is pretty well set in hammer is a man well qualified If the d r a m a s o f Edon for the job, as he has had a Associa ted Student B ody fr e e of hum anity. had to be re-enacted, in th e light o f number o f years experience in debt. We all think h um an experience f o r 60 00 years, the the office work. T h e School B oard favored the Stu- j devil w ould pr op a b lv not take the that he is a man well qualified dents by equ ipp ing the Interior with tr o u b le to dis guis e h im s elf as a ser­ and in every way the right man sh ow ers, loc k ers and o th e r m a t e r i a l ; Mr. Steelhammer pent and If apples were scarce he fer the work. needed in m a k in g it on e o f th e best has never held a public office, al­ w ou ld probably put it o v e r w lih a g y m n a siu m s and ba sk et ball floors in though he has had six years o f carrot. th e state. experience in the assessor’s But the enthusiasm o f the Stud ent; office and is framiliar with every B o d y has not died out w ith the p a y - : detail. We feel that, w ith Mr. Ing off p t this debt. Th eir next j Steelhammer on the job, the aim is g ive th e gym a fresh coat o f ! work o f the assesspr’s office will paint and eit her so o n e r o r later equip There will be a one reel film be well cared for. We all feel I' with an ex cellent heating plant. at the Star Theatre, Saturday that when a man has had 2 terms Pla ns are also under w ay that in night showing the habits of the o f 4 years each, 8 vears in all, it is time to give another a chance. the near fu tu re a rally will be given Pocket Gopher, his burrowing Those of us who have been in the c o m m u n ity , c e lebratin g this great ev ent hv a for m a l affair sim ­ tactics and the latest methods of personally acquainted with Mr. exterminating Steelhammer for a number o f ilar to the dedica tion . Com m ittees poisoning a n d are at w ork a rran gin g same. A n ­ t h e m b y o u r experimenting • vears, feel that he is the right We find n oun cem ent o f this rally will appear stations in Oregon. This run in man for assessor. throughout the county a strong In next w e e k s’ Issue o f the Mail. connection with the other show sentiment in his fevor. The Student B ody o f the Slayton "The Virginian.” Prices 15-30c A Subscriber. High School wished to thank each and eveVvone o f the patrons and s u p - 1 portea* o f the sc h ool th roug h (he c o l-, umns o f the Mall f o r th eir unlimited support In c r o w n i n g the buildin g o f the gvm with suceess. m ak in g Stay- ten H ig h Sch ool o n e o f the best in­ stitutions o f lea rn in g in the W illia m - e»te Vallc.v. I W e are opposed to Unking our- c roa ch m en t which tends to c o n s o l - selves by new trea'.les with the q u a r - I d a t e the p o w e rs o f all d e p a r t m e n t* Mr. Root Is f o r a w eaker beer and rels o f E u r op e— D em oc ra tic pla tform | In o n e and th us crea te a real d e s p o t - » stron g er league o f nations. We o f 1S60. ism. No su m p tu ary laws.— D e m o - fan cy, then, that the Root Bi-er Idea All efforts o f Abolltlonlsta o i eratic pla tform o f I8 6 0 , will not he so pop u la r as the H oot oth ers made to Influ ence con g res s tc | W e dem and the free and u n li m it e d lea gu e idea. in terfere with qu estion s o f slavery c oin a ge o f silver at t h « ratio o t 16 t o I'nlcs* on e h undred per cent A m ­ are calculated to lead to the most 1 D emocratic platform o f 1 8 t t . alarmin g and d a n g e ro u s consequ en- W e dem and that the people o t th * erican. do n 't let 'em land. ees and ou gh t not to he c ou n ten a n ced p h illippin e Islands be given th eir Ub- by^nny friends o f o u r politic al instl- . „ r t y al on ce.- D em oc ra tic p la t f o r m tutlons D em ocratic pla tfor m o f | o f 1900. they do not desire that I be th-»re On March 30th o f the follow in g candidate, I will give my un­ vear a large g ath ering collected In divided support to the Republi­ I he new g ym nasiu m , then com pleted, to partake In the form al dedication can candidates of their choice. o f same. Th ai evenin g, follo w in g "I shall, as far as possible, the dedica tion , a basket social was make a personal campaign, with held In th>- building and through the the object to establish and main­ tain a close relationship with the A fter H ear}' Ford has told every- people of Marion county, so that thing he k n o w s and aired all his I may the better know their views, that n ewspaper o f hi» w on't needs and reqirements, and be seem so fu nn y. He'll feel like an old and be entirely comprehensive | b a rh olor w h o has been given s baby of such. I to hold by so m e b o d y w h o n ever re­ "I am firmly convinced that turned. the progress, prosperity and de­ velopment of Oregon demands that all lines of business, with due consideration for this abso­ lute necessity of practicing mos* rigid economy, be maintained to the full standard. IN •a If nominated and elected 1 ahalf consistently endeaver to give Oregon an impartial, clean, economical and business-like ad­ ministration which will have as ideal, the greatest possible ad­ vancement of the moral, social and economic p r o g r e s s and prosperity o f the people and through an evar increasing de­ Where you hear good music velopment of it3 recources keep Oregon at the top in the vast fabric of our national life. county NOTICE TO FARMERS WOULD THESE PLANKS FURNISH MA­ TERIAL FOR A “ BRIDGE OF SIGHS?” William Parnum Z A N E G R E Y ’S “ THE LAST OF THE DUANES" SUN. MON TUES. ‘OREGON* i Standing----- Dustin Famum 25 C W e are opposed to g ov er n m en t b y This c on v en tion d o e s explicitly de- ln iu nr(on i>*m „ (.ra,e pla tfor m o t clare as the sense o f the Am erican people that a fter f o u r years o f fal- W e fav or single presidential term ure to restore th e t'n io n by the ex ­ and we pled ge the n om in ee o f th is perim ent o f war. d u rin g which. un-| c onv ention to c arry out his p la tf o r m d er the pretense o f m ilita ry necessity promise. D emocratic p la tfo r m o f o f a war. the c onstitution Itself, has 1912. been disreg arded In every part atul D em oc ra tic principles are un- public liberty and priv ate right alike tr odden d ow n Justic e, h um an ity D em ocra tic pla tfor m o f liberty and the inibir w elfare d em an d L®®"- that Imm edia te efforts he m ade fur a " ° c o m m e n d to the Am erican p e o - cossatlon o f h o s ti lit ie s — D e m o -r a t Ic ipl^ splendid d t p lo m s t'c v V t o r - p la tfo r m o f 196 1 ,**■» o f o u r great president, w ho h a * It Is Im p era tively d em an ded th a * ‘, P 'e!‘ ,“rv'f,l fb ‘ ‘ vlti*i in terest o f o u r no president he n ettnd'dn ie for ■ e - ' govern m en t ae-l its citizen s a n d election - - D em ocratic p la tfo r m o f kept o s o u f or war D e m ocra tic t $ 72 . ( p la tf o r m o f 1916. W e are o pposed to centralisation W o u ld tV - -- pi-nlts furnish ul'd that d i n f f R M * spirit o f r S i g h * ? ’ * ma­