>/ ìrfti tfzF * » ■ ' .i-ft ;•*** T H E S T A Y T O ïl M A I L & * _ IS i f 26th. Y IO ST A Y T O N . MARION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920 NAILING THE SIDE STEPFER DR. W. D. #00D IS CANDÌ ATS POR ORICE “ Did you oh e r v e /’ aaid a mer­ to a customer “ the hand­ O F? R’Y. OF STATE chant some advertisement I have had STAYTON COUPLE ARE MARRIED AT OREGON CITY MAY DANCE Facts Concerning There will be a big dance (in Streifs hall, Stayton, on Saturday night, May 1st. The Elementary The music will be furnish- Tbe by Salem’s best orches- These Saturday night Educational Bill ed tra. dances are proving v e r y tool< place marriaRe of Miss Emma painted on the railing of the “ No." replied th" Streff. daughter of Mr. Michael I)r. W. I). Wood, candidate for bridge?" customer, "but if you will send Streff to Mr. James F. Asche, the office o»' Secretary cf State, the bridge arouno to mv house I at Oregon City, Wed- was her** Monday in the interests will try and read the announce-1 of hie candiraoy. Mr. Wood is popi’lar and it is expected ^ We are unable at this writing seeking the Republican nomina­ ment I read the papers and 11 Th}§ y ,, wH, ^ on the bailot | levies, that there will be a large at- to give the full details of the We are informed by the United . __, ___ , , tion and judging from rumors we haven’t time to run around iron n at t||e primarv election Mav 2l*t. event but will next week. on M.y 1st. have heard on the street he hua place to plase to read the nil- |t provides for a levy of two mills Suta, (■ „ „ » ,» » „ Of E duc- tion that there ia in this country I icketh will be $1 and the a on all taxable property of the a good chance of becoming the I State f« r the support of the ele- 8 shortage of 100.000 teachers; management promises a next secrutary. The entertainment given at I mentary schools. Should this that the doors of 18,000 schools w ho a tten d a ro u sin g good r n n i v ic ded uct Dr. Wood was born in Wash­ the High School Wednesday e\en^ bj|| paH8 the tax will tie levied failed to open this year for want time. T O D A Y I 3 ROBUST ington county in 1863 and haa ing by P. Waldo Davis with his,jn Ltecember, 1920. and annually of teachers; that there are 41.900 ------ - ■ —■ ___ been a resident of the county Gilded I ripple Tuned f himes. ac- thereafter. It is not retro-active. teachers below standard, who j F HutchaBon> rbairman of . . . . ever since. He grew up on a companied by local talent, prov- ,ief wbo In looking over thethat of mimes This fund will be apportioned cruld not pass an examination; th farm and attended public school j ed to be one of the best musical f„nds to send to of men who, haV< “ f on the basis of the number of fhat last year 143,000 teacher* ^ ^ at Hillsboro, graduated from the! progarms rendered by the High “n? ™bb*T teachers employed in each coun­ left the profession; that the out-. the stai , inff children of ArInenia, *ron« Pacific University. Forest Grove. . School for some time. The sel- *** ty in grades one to eight inclus­ put of our normal schools has was bere Saturday and exhibited | tom ¡'u,« n,“ d f ail to Oregon with A. B. degre«. and ect.on8 p|„ ed by Mr ^ - . - ,, ... people to elevate them to the ive. The proposed law does not fallen off alarmingly. in many were wonderful, having Miss hi*h“ ‘ * i,hin th -r do away .with the present state ,n .u n c « a > p .r cent th .t t o t Z T t r i ^ h . Mickey as accompanist, on the and county apportionment nor y.-ar unt* fifth of .H the child^n | ~ ^ o f the | piano. The vocal selections by does it change the method of dis­ went to school to teachers who , throughout the county : W* r< mwded Mrs. Uingu were most worthy of l than a high schooled«-1 £ "contributing freely to the that all modern gali bom of ,n- tributing it. The present lew- ' mention as wan also tl.e Gypsey . d h hj(rhlv Aated and exaggerated ego, Is of in Marion county for the county cation, not another civilized peo- ! Quartette and the High School school fund is 2.6 mills. pie on earth of w hich this can be *,ated over the enthusiasm show n 3uch robu8t natUre 63 t0 defy 4,1 chorus. said. This aiarming condition is by the people. The fund is be- n e rv e specialists of known sci­ ______ In many cases this law will nation wide and threatens our, hjmdle(] jn thjs rounty by the ence. Science is making won­ Don’t fail to see the headliners not impose an additional tax. state R e p o r t s on file in . varioug teachers. Personal let- derful strides, but it cannot keep • at Star Theater tins week. They j Most districts now vote a so cia l own the office of State Superintend- ter3 have bt,en sent out t0 a!1 up with modern gall. are good. Gish. Bickford. .lames¡tax. The millage tax would in The 1920 brand of gall is sub­ antJ. A. Churchill show that not teacherg who are authorized : J. Corbett, Hoot Gibson, Charlie i many instances do away with less than hve hundred posit.or.s to receive doratiop9 and ls3Ue limated audacity supreme, trans­ the necessity of voting special ! of the Orient. w,ll be vacant if this bill fails to recejpt Anvone wishinR. to con_ cendent impudence, immaeulate taxes. pass. This means that our teach- trH)ute to the starvin>f children nerve, tripple-plated cheek, brass M eham a The chief value of the bill is er* are taking up other occupa- fund of Armenia can do *0 by in solid slugs. It is the same brand that enables a man to bor­ Work is progressing rapidly on that it is a fairer and more equal tions because the schools do not calling on Prof. Ford. method of raising and distribut­ row $5 of you, forget to re pay it, pay a living wage. It means e e building at the fish hatchery,. . , , . , and then touch you for $2o more. and it will be a f in e addition to scho° 1 than the plan that we are filling our ranks now used. The county tax pro It wouid cause a woman to bor­ with the unprepared, the unfit. our already prospering town. duces only about 80 per cent of Tiiis breakdow n in our schools row her neighbor's new easter Mrs. F. B. Shaw was called to the present school fund, state The Non-Partisan League gov­ bonnet and then complain be­ comes at a critical time, a time Mill City, Sunday on account of school fund about 10 per cent ernment of North Dakota has cause it was not the latest style. the illness of her little grand­ and 60 per cent is raised bv dis­ when we need the steadying in- from Ann Arbor. Michigan with daughter. She returned home fiuencr of Strong, conscientious beer a rather cosily experiment It causes cheap politicians* to itch M. D. degree in 1890 and has Tueaduy accompanied by her trict tax. Districts vary widely teachers in our schools. The to the people of that state. Farm­ to air their asininity in the Con­ l*»en a successful practicioneer daughter-in-law Mrs. A Craw­ in the amount of taxable proper­ passage of this bill will place our ers in other states probably will gress of the United States and ty. Comepare two one-room public schools upon a good foun- look very carefully before they even think they would not rattle in Washington county ever since. ford. schools. One has ten and the dation. Temember that not a »«*P the » m e kind of a mix around in the presidential sheas Dr. Wood has always been Mrs. Sara Bering"! and sons other thirty pupils. In both ca cent of this money will be squan- °P- The follow ing from the of a Lincoln like beans in a blad­ public spirited and a keen obser­ Errol and Russell King also Mr. ses the cost of equipment and dered but will come Pack to th e! Country Gentleman gives a pret- der. when in reality most of-tbem ver of business affairs, both in­ and Mrs. Hurry Patton and Ed. teacher is about exual hut under should be fiddling on a stick o f various districts to improve the *y fa'r !(^*a °f situation: dividual and governmental, a Taylor motored to Salem, Sunday the census plan of distribution cord wood with an able-bodied home school. G oto the polls ] "It cost the farmer* of Nhrth lifelong Republican and has al­ afternoon to visit Vernon Patton one school gets three time* as join the bucksaw. It enables featheri- May 21 and vote 314 yes. Dakota $16 per head to ways advocated a conservative who waa badly hurt a couple fif much funds a* the other. ______ ' Non-Partisan League. A. C headed dudes to marry good policy of state development and weeks ago when he felt 82 feet Districts vary w idely in valua­ girls and increase the breeds o f hational political achievement. . from a bridge on the railroad The e™ «1 tbem ««hem .o f the I h , followinir toilowlmt letter letter li.s n n been! Men T°Wnl‘'y- promised briichUMW tion. Some as low as $30.000 boneheads with gall instead c f He has been elected three here. He ia improving rapidly while other, traversed by rail received by the school boar J from >nd ih, , , ranculltion heart, liver and lungs. It spoil* times State Senator from Wash­ and WH! soon be able to leave roads or containing rich timber Coonty Superintendent Smith: of ^ w, . , „ d uxation wjlh many a good ditch-digger and ington county, which demons­ the hospital. At a special session of the lands, haue a high valnation 110 per cent farmer representa­ makes them peanut politician» trates the eateem in which he i$ Mrs. Joseph Stephens and dau- Take for example, two one-room Legislature, a bill introduced tion. Now Townley has deliver­ instead, with putty under their held by the people of his county ghter Esther are spending a few ; schools, districts 28 and 90 The by Mrs. Thompson, passed the ed both representation and taxa­ fuzzy hat where brains are sup­ ‘and the confidence reposed in weeks with Mrs. Stephens fath- former has a valuation of $60,183 legislature proposing that a two tion, with emphasis on taxation. posed and intended to be- It him. against ail 1 Last vear the farmers of North pats men on the rostrum who er and sister Louis and Miss An- and a census of 21 pupils. This mill tax be . . levied . . . . district this year levied a tax of propwty of the .U te for the .up- Dakot> jd ) i m w ; in could serve the world better by O. M. Raker of Kingston and na Stout. port ot he «‘“ “ » ^ « ' “ » ^ iT h i.P e .r th e, will pay M.540,- Mrs. M. Bollinger arrived from, 9-4 mills which produced $565.26. planting mild-eyed potatoes or W. H. Stevely have formed a Thi. i . to be submitted to he ^ m u:(e, „ j„creMe of G„ly harvesting string beans of ilinz’» Portland last Tuesday evening 1 N a 90. has an assessed valua* partnership and will handle the legal voters of the state at the It causes young celebarted S a m s o n tractors, for a visit with her two daugh- tion of $310.761 and a census Of primaries in May. This bill pro­ 169 per cent. Your state is in­ 57 varieties. women to rush into literature in­ ters Mesdames J. W- Knse, Wm. 12 and levied a tax of 1.5 mills vited to follow North Dakota’s trucks and automobiles. They vides that the amount of tax load and establish a Townley stead of into a laundry, to be­ and Mr. Wilfred which produced $466. The lat- have opened sales room at Urban j McLaughlin ter district has nearly as much paid by each county is returned Sovit government. It will cost come poetesses of passion instead Garage in Stay ton and also at] Bollinger. to the county. In other words, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and chil­ money with 1-6 the rate of tax a tax of two mills is to be placed only $16 a membership to listen of authors of rhubarb pie. Kingston in O. M Baker's Gar­ noise and then have Gall has the world grabbed. It age where they will I k * glad to dren moved down from Gooch levy. on all property of Marion county ^ jabberl up 169 per cent This bill will remedy much of is supreme in politics and lead» show and demonstrate the good and are occupying their home but it is retained for the use of ,Ri Biz . in its mo9t rapacio( this inequality in taxation. There its most rapacious the dance of death for inaraud- qualities of the Samson tractor recently remoddeied. the elementary schools of th e,days have contrived a r, iqg profiteers. big businea* and. is no good reason why taxes de­ to the farmers.* They have an Roger Montgomery had quite gaudier gold brick to ¡»ounce on pillar* of high finar\tfe. Great is sd in this weeks issue of the a misfortune last week when rived from railroads, public ser­ count>. Heretofore money for schools the skull of a gullible public.” !oall, especially of the 1920 brand.! vice corporations and timber Mail. 1-ook it over. dogs killed twenty-four sheep of lands should he i»eid to a few has been distributed according Baker Democrat. j 1 '• ] his. The guilty dogs have not favored districts. This law is to the school cesus. but this bill 1 been apprehended but it is need- provides that it shall be distrio- Notice! 1 less to say they would be dealt strong in that it places e v e r y uted in accordance with the ___ dollar of taxable p r o p e r t y | with properly if found. Notice is hereby given that the in the county back of the educa­ n u m b e r of elementary teachers Frank Kubio lost four head of tion of every child in the county in the county. Nos. the tax val- general election of the Stayton I ! cattle with lark spur poisoning, basing its apportionment on the uation of your district is $473.000 Co-operative Switchboard Asso-t the past week It’s another number of teachers, the chief arid a two mill tax on this valua- nation will lie held in Stayton, dreaded enemy of the farmer. item of expense. Oregon is one tion will cost the |>eople of yo \r Tuesday. May 4th at the hour ot'j of the seven states that have not district $946. I estimate that a 2 p.m., to elect five (5) directors' Rigiios lor Coroner a state wide tax for education. two mill tax on the property of Hnd t0 transact any business that i I hereby announce m.v candid­ Practically all the states have a Marion county divided by the nia.v legally come before the acy for the office of Coroner of state tax and apportion a part of number of teachers employed in meeting. the elementary schools will be The following are candidates Marion County, subject to the it on the teacher basis. approximately $320 and since as nominated from subordinate! How will the law work in Mar­ approval of the Republican vot- your district employs four ele­ organisations: | era at the Primaries, May 21st. ion county? A two mill levy on A. P. Kirsch, Fern Ridge line;, Tills office lias been held by the our valuation will produce $84,- mentary teachers, it will receive same man for 24 years. I ho- 684. Dividing this by 264. the $12.81) In return, and if this bill W. J Mayo, Stayton Mutial; 1.1 liove a change at this time would estimated number of teachers in should become a law, on this ac­ .1, Hoedigheimer, Lone Oak; F. | ■ lie for the lies* interests of the1 the elementary grades an.I we count your special ‘ax' would be A. Zimmerman. Blue Line; M. i F. Ryan. Iordan Line; W. H. county and if nominated and get approximately $320 per teach- $334 less. — PKot, fc- NWk MtiDooaM. r Ca-ter, Sublimity Telephone Co.;, elected I will perform the duties er. This amount will lie appor- GOV. C ¿ R L C. M ILUK EN - P h o n » by N ic k M« Don*%l«L Jonteel ('old Cream Combina­ F. A. Bell, Sublimity White line. 't M Utit. V. h > |<»!l Uip (IHi'icMion t o t^-lha nfficy |n H{"St efficient tinned *n all one-rwun school*. MRw' -tfSCPill.-:- BCÎ4TLC?,"'" F. A. Bell, ¿Secretary. I *o«t«o to ?r*ft Loonarrt W qp U « b U S making it possible for many of tion cream, complexion powaer; 1 llllnoia' flr»r gold atar author, is far and economical manner. scant visit to tbaft April-22-291 them to reduc« their special tax I and Beauchamp s Drug Store. Lloyd T. Higdon, l.gnard W ood,-------------------- - M20 •J MODERN GALL OF AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY