ton home Wednesday also made a short call on Aunt Ollie Shelton. Eugene Gey hart died In Albany March 19. D* ceased, had resid­ Chas, S. Clark, Lditor and Pr oprietor ed in our vicinity some fifteen l ■ — " years. He was born in Fiance and would have been 58 April 4. He leaves u wife and two child­ ren to mourn his departure. Messrs Dooley of Hillsborough A d v e r tis in g Kates Made Known Upon Application Oregon visited the their uncle Chas. Barrstt here recently. Miss Ella Fink has discharged Foreign Advertising Repressed by The America* Press Association ht*i “ tlu patients” we under­ stand and is clearking in the Entered as second class m atter at the poetoffioe at St ay ton. Marion .Ionian Store. "Oct, wasn’t the County. Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. tlu. Just bad colds. ” iliss Elsie Pepperling is help- Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail | her cousin Mrs. H. C. Foltz at housekeeping.________________ Jordan John A. Carson, of the law firm of Brown & Carson, of Sa­ Mrs. A rthur Beaver of Dallas lem, will be a candidate for the is visiting her parents, Mr. and office of Prosecuting attorney ' Mrs. Harvey Shelton. for Marion county. In conver­ Mr. J. H. Goswick and wife sation tvith Mr Carson this week the w riter learned that he was of The Dalles are visiting his going after the office with both parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gos­ We are specialists and experts in the science bf examining fe e t While he has not yet made wick. eyes and the fitting of them his official announcement, it is Messrs F. Thayer B. Shelton with glasses (over 19 years expected he will very soon. Mr. and J. .Stichy visited our burg experience). Carson has a number of friends on business pertaining to the We grind onr own lenses in this end of the county who Light & Power plant. ^ and operate the only lense are pleased to hear that he has Mi*. Cuningham t h e head grinding plant in Salem. We decided to become a candidate. engineer has finished susveying can duplicate anyproper lense Bring or mail us the pieces, and gone to Portland. As soon satisfaction guaranteed*! And now Hearst has caused a as plans and specifications are number of his space writers to made will set to work soon,1 nominate him for presidhnt of a possibly in a couple of weeks. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS proposed third partv. We claim Mesdames H. Shelton and A. 30P State St. SAI.SM, ORE. to have a double-barreled vocab­ Beaus visited at the V. E. She\. ulary, but are trained in only two languages, the English and profane, and there are not en­ ough words in these to express our thoughts upon this subject and do the m atter justice. Oh, if we could only write Bolshevik and Chinese. ■®eSTAYT©N MAIL Subscription Price $1*50 Per Year in Advance <1 ^ FACTS H ere's Something for You to Remember” sa y s th e ¡M~y> w " , V A k Good Judge And any m an who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you so. You get a lot more satlsfac- lion in a little of the Real Tobacco Chew than In a hi# chew of the old kind. / / r~ / And It costs less to chew. The full rich, real tobacco taste lasts so m uch longer. >—■ — — P ut Up In Two S ty le s RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco punishment of the Kaiser would be more severe than anything yet mentioned. We would sen- tence him to read the Congres­ sional Record every day for a month. \ Times do change. No longer do we oid rounders sit on the sidewalk at 2fc. m. and seek to swipe the front gate as it goes ; tangoing around. For a iclt m in Wilson is some1 bomb tl rower himself. Polai d is instituting a Senate. Why nut oive ’em curs. HP A ' , *Exiie* STAYTO N , OREG ON ■ * ! L ■■■■ BREWER, C. II. —— M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON S t a y to n , O regon ---------------------------------------------------------- £ W. N. Pintler, D. ML D. DENTIST Oft lev Opp. t.ancr fl*M Shoe Storr I'hono 2U>2 Stavton, Ora V. A. LAW YER GOODE and N O T A K Y H J U! Olllre Room No. tt. Hoy llldg. FUNERAL A. W . DIRECTOR W EDDLE Phon* :tXh OREGON STAYTON Dr. Pajil Fehlen « VETERINARY SURGEON DENTAL EXPERT* Gulls Answered Day or Night Phope--Ros. 8X24 OREGON STAYTON SERVICE STATION STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK & THOMAS, Proprietors. Inside Facts I t 1* what'* tniidc your battery that make« It live long or wear oat quickly. Inferior ¡imitation wrnra out hafor • the plate» do. aaul reuuillation it in graaary. Fresh»SaIt&Cured|Meats Lard* Creamery Butter Threaded Rubber Insulation eliminate« the n*ed of r'inauiation, makes a battery last m u c h lunger u n d e r e q u a l eo n d ilion » , and reduce* the liability to any other kind of repair*. It'» the one biggest battery improvement in ten year« - demonstrated now by four years of use. Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock You ran't afford not to know about it, lot gome day you ’ll need a new battery. Call and let us tell you a ll about it. 1 d o u b t y o u i u » f b een u sin g y o tt-ry p r e tty s tr e n u o u sly th ik ■ sta r t It o u t o n it s w in te r 's wo infi it p u t in good order. C ars a r e cold w ea th er. *Ve m a k e n o c h a r g e lo r b a ttery . , A. W. Simmons, D. V. M VETERINARIAN Silverton Oregon ENJOY YOUR EVENINGS The “ J£xii>C” Starting and Li,rl is th e o rig in a l U n it-se a l B a ite r After a Day ot Blasting th e m -• . » fru c te d b a tte r y . I t glv«« pow erfu n d u riiv , rh .it you ca n d rfic n d o n. I t 's ea*y to c a re to. .in i I t ’s* th e fa m o u s ’ G ia n t t h a t Iivc4 in a I k »*. ' U K V i \ NO OF USING OL'R KRtt INSPECTION SERVICE REG jT j R. D. Barton, - ^ - — 171 S. Com. St. Physician and Surgeon Wgyrtwm-BruWìeHSomHtUV- dlQ7- Bremdvwy.-'NcW York City HENRY E. MORRIS & CO. If we had our way abrut it the H. A. BEAUCHAMP,M.D. HEADACHES OR ILL EFECTS FROM Baltrry and Magneto Strike Pfecne 1197 . Salem Oregon TROJAN POWDER BETTER RESULT» NO FREEZING Or THAWING SAFE T0 HANDLE Black blasting Powder, Caps, Fuse Why m an- w e m ade this cigarette fo r yo u ! Degge & Burrell, Auto Electricians. 238 N. High St. Salem, Oregon I . • *«, « .S S S S S S S S S S ,* * # * * * * * W e Handle Everything In H A U S E R B R O S . Service Our ‘Pride j I H. L. E/iKL, Agent- Turner Ore. ; ¿\Cogaiincs Conveniently to ta le d ; Salem, Albany, Eugene, Corvallis .• « • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • a » CANCER NOKNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD NO PLASTERS AND CAINS FOR HOURS OK DAYS Rjight Now is AMELS fit your cigarette de­ sires so completely you’ll agree they were made to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mel- low-mild-body due t o Camels qual­ ity and expert blend o f choice T urk­ ish and “choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! W ith Camels you can gothelim it without tiring your taste. They leave no unpleasant cigaretty after­ taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor! To get a line on why Camels win you so completely compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price. You’ll pre­ fer quality to coupons or premiums! C t o »4 C a m e ls f t - *-o¡d e v e r y w h e r e in s r i e n t t fíe.-'ll m ied r o d a g e * o f 2 0 r i p e t e t t e , (nr 2 0 cem t* : or t e n p o d . ( , 2 ' 0 r id a r ti, e -) in a fla * *ine rarer c o v e r e d e r to n W e s tr o n g ly r e c o m m e n d th is c a r to n to th e h o n e o r o f fice s u p p ly o r w h e n y o u tr a v e l OLDS TOBACCO CO., Winaton-Salsm. N. C. T line to Get Your TU M 0 R S P ILE S FISTULA ; GOITRE O ISE A SE S OF WOMEN .SK IN STOMACH BO W ELS FOUR YKAKS STUDY IN EUROPE OVER .10 YEARS EXI'ESIENCE Garden Tools P o rtla n d P hysical T h e ra p y Labor «tori* a 412 to 417 J o u rn a l H uildin« PO R T L A N D . OKK. We carry everything for the Gardner. Our prices are right Methodist Church OUR FURNITURE UNE IS COMPLETE LILLY HARDWARE CO. Pastor Rev. Reese H Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 pi m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Epworth league 7:30 p. m., Prayer meeting on Wednesday in tne parsonage at 8 p. m. St. Marys Church Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun- d tys at 8:30 a. m. “I am prom pt«! to m ake thin atnt INDIANA IS F IR M meut l>y new spaper reports that In- Rev. Fr. Lainck. Pastor diana memWrn of the house and sen P o litic ia n s C a n ’t O a llva r It to Praal nte lim e (|r•«•l«r^■d the state'* «Meante» d sn tia l C and idat*. eventnnll.v w ill vote for one o f the\po- lltl.'fll «lubie. I^twden or Harding.” hi In.lInnapollH. Ind.— No p elltlrlan w fm u p of politician» ran «lellvet declared. “I hope the»«* reports arc Preaching every second and lnillNti:i to nny rundid» I* fora (hr Incorrect for no deleítale will he mi foot I sli a» t«i Itinore the over« helming fourth Sundays of each month, H.'fiiil>lli-nn nom ination (nr the / nnfndnie which the presidential prl morning and evening. Morning ilem-jr. Frn*lw|efc A. .To««, n'//,m n v ie , chiilriiiiiii ol lio- !,*> oiwh K}J»' ooi 1 tun r.v of May I will dlctpte for l.conard services at 11 a m. and evening Wood. i services at 8 r>. nf. cam paign «•«»mmltn-p. (lo<-l»ro