The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 22, 1920, Image 1

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^ 5 th. Year, No.
s t a y
50 .
o n
, M a r i o n c o u n t y . O r e g o n . T h u r s d a y . J a n u a r y
A Great Step Forward
Big Time Anticipated
A t Old Time Dance
A recent Sunday paper hod a
Saturday Evening half page illustration, showing
the distillers firing their whisky
I bottles ever the breastworks at
laiut week a number of mar­ all mankind, and in the back­
ried people of Slayton got to­ ground the^poorhouses, peniten­
gether and organ ¡led “ An Old tiary and insane assylum* creat­
Tim** Dancing Club." The* first ed and kept up the traffic in
dance will l*e held Saturday even­ I liquor.
It told an awful but
ing in the Streff building
very true story.
Sulem music has been engaged
Sow that the distilleries have
and il ia expected that there will i been pu£ out of business by the
be a large crowd of dancers United States government, and
present when the music starts.
no more of the accursed stuff is
All old time dances will be on to be manufactured, the country
tap Virginia Keel, polka, waltz, has taken n great step forward
T h e new fengled in civilization, morulityand right,
lovey-dovey wrestling matches and it will never again step back
will be' tabooed and the old time 'into the mess and wrongdoing
dances you used to enjoy when il was in Is*fore.
a hoy will ho danced.
Now the ilicit distillers are
Everybody is invited, young springing up. and ‘moonshiners’
and old.
will l>e plentyful, but by the
time a few of them land in the
Income Tax Collectors penitentiaries they have builded
tor others, it wi I be different.
Coming to Stayton The nation has broken and for­
ever destroyed the big whisky
cannon. The best friend of the
Notice is hereby given that
poorhouse, the asylum, the pen­
Deputy Collectors Collins and
itentiary an l the morgue, is at
Cayot will be at the Farmers &
least no longe- the partner of the
M* rebants Hank. Stayton Ore­
United States Government.
gon. from and including Jun- 28.
Never again will this nation
1920. to and including Jan. 29.
in consideration of millions on
1920, for the purpose of assisting
millions of dollars, permit whole-
tax payers in making their 1919 and retail of poisoning of citi­
income tax returns.
zens. and ruin of families.
The law provides that all re­ Out of the war has come w his-
turns must l»e filed on or lie fore ky’sen d . And no m atter what
March 15. 1920; and any per­ the war costs, or what lives it
sons delinquent in filing will In* takes, it will cost less and it will
subject to the heavy penalties kill fewer than whisky would
imisised thereby.
have cost and killed, had it con­
It is. therefore, urged that tinued its reign in this country.
each taxpayer affteted. prepare
a statem ent of his dhtire re­
T H e W a y of the World
ceipts from ail sources during
the year 1919, and also of the Weep and you are called a baby.
I^tugh and you are called a fool.
amounts to be claimed as allow­
Yield and you are called a cow­
able deductions arising through
the conduct of his business, or
Stand and you are called a mule.
otherwise, and be ready to sub­
Smile and they call vou silly,
mit the same to the said deputy
Frown and they call vou gruff;
at the time and place designated.
All possible assistance and in­ Put on a front like a millionaire
And some guy calls your bluff.
struction will be afforded the
Arkansaw Thbmas Cat.
taxpayer in arriving at the a-
mount of his tax, but bis co-op­
eration in having available the Oscar Steelhammer
necessary figures and data will
Is Popular Candidate
greatly facilitate the taking of
returns. v
(Iw ar Stwl hammer. one of the
If the taxpayer lias received a
blank from this office for the likely candidates for county as­
purpose of making his return, it sessor, was in the city last Fri­
is requested that the same be day looking over the field at the
presented to the deputy for use old home town. Oscar is very
popular in Silverton and will re­
in the connection mentioned.
a big vote both here and in
He has been around the
Milton A. Miller, Collector
country considerably of late and
says that the outlook is very en­
couraging f o r him. * Silverton
T h e ^ S ta r
* X
Bert Lytell
Bill Hart
Poppy Girls Husband
5 Reels - 2 Reel Comedy
A 6 reel Feature 1 reel Comedy
Enlighten Thy Daughter
Is the 7 reel teature to be run
at the Star Theatre, Stayton, on
Monday Jan. 28.
It is an ail
star cast and one of -the best if
not the best, ever put on a
screen. It captivated the East
where the admission fee was
The Pacific Coast Rescue and
Protective Society secured the
coast right and is running it for
the nominal sum of :15c for ad­
ults and 25c for children.
Fathers ar d mothers it is your
duty to bring your children, tell
your neighbor and come early.
Mrs. C. P. Neibert, who is
counting the noses in Stjtvton,
has just ubout finished her work,
She says she don’t think she has
missed anyone, but if she has
they \vjll be confering a great
favor to notify her or leave word
at th««Mail office.
Read Less Rancid Rot Glen Munkers Now
Located In Portland
In a recent Hearst magazine
With Truck Company
one of the m a i n featured
/í*jJN Í
i? i
stcries, a young and pretty maid­
en was made much of in picture
Glen R. Munkers and wife are
and language because of her here this week visiting friends
youth, Iteauty and sweetness, and relatives for a few days. *
meets a stranger in a city park,
Glen, who has been in Frisco
who comes up to her and deliber­ for some time, handling the Aca-
ately invites her to lun.'h. She son trucks in that section, has
goes w ith him to a restuarant come to Portland where he will
where they have a $5 dinner, have charge of the distribution
and then to an assignation house of the famous trucks for the
where she sells herself for $25. state of Oregon.
two ten dollar bills and a five,
Temporarily the Company is
with all the other disgusting de­ located a t Broadway and Fland­
tails, all oecause she needs the ers streets, but will, in a short
money to fielp out a sick friend. time, occupy their new building
Now we respectfully submit which is under course of con»
that Mr. H earst or any o th e r, struction at Sixth and Everett
man whe publishes such dam - j Streets.
nable and degrading perorations
The many friends of .Mr. and
of prostitution and s *nds it out Mrs. Munkers in this section.
into the homes of the people to Will be glad to know that they
pollute the morals of our young have returned to the valley.
men and girls deserve the lash
They are stopping at the Mult­
of public condemnation, and that nomah hotel, for the present. ,
the doers of every respectable
home should be barred against
the week.
his magazir/e.
One might just as well revel in !
•* • » •
i rot and reek in filth of the “ Boc-
Wilfred Bollinger has arrived
caccio Decameron. “ Three Weeks and is staying at the home of his
lor Mrs. W arren’s Profession."
sistere, Mrs. J. W. Krise and
Wah! Pass the amonia.
Mrs, Wm. McLaughlin.
Mehama To Have
Community Church
% 1 IH 6 M 4 V
Fruit Jar Bank
The Tripple Alliance
Not Substantial
Non-Partisan League
That the North Dakota Non-
Partisan League is fighting for
political control of the state of
Washington, no une can doubt.
Walter Thomas Miils, a nation-
al Socialist leader, is campaign-
ing in western Washington for
the socalled tripartite Alliance.
He is one of the foremost ex­
ponents of t h e Non-Partisan
League and is working among
labor elements in the navy yard
towns. He holds meetings with
the grange, the farmers union
and the central labor unions and
proclaims the gospel of Town ley-
The Tripple Alliance is class
hatred turned loose in politics
and pure Socialism with a pro­
gram to crucify capital.
Walter Thomas Mills was eject­
ed from Prosser county and po
sesi « a m artyr of free speech
and the apostle of progressivism.
Many western states have the
same menace to fight.
On His Way to
God’ s Country
Ths following was taken from
a notice which was posted on
the wall of a deserted homestead
shanty in the wild region of Wy­
“ Four miles from a neighbor,
sixteen miles from a postoffice.
twenty miles fijoni a railroad,
fourteen miles from a school
house, forty miles from a church,
a hundred and eighty miles frern
a democrat, half a mile from hell
and the same distance from a
republican. Going ' to Oregon
state, which is God’s country
and get a fresh sta rt."
Owing to the war in Europe,
the presidential election coming
on, laziness of hens, erratic ac­
tions of the thermometer and the
increased price of living, the
steel trust could only declare a
dividend last year of seventy
millions. Lord knows how it is
going turret through.
A community church' has been
Organized a t Mehama with a
charter membership of 14. and
The Muskogee Times-Demo- others-are to be received
Democrat narrates a cad story
Mr. Amos of Portland and Mr.
anent a certain Mrs. Ifurphy, McGee of Albany, have been
who went to her fruit ja r bank hoiding meetings for the past and found that someone two weeks and all parts of
had taken the savings of many church work have been organ­
years, to vit, eight hundred dol- ized. Services will be held every
Sunday both morning and even­
The money in the fruit jar ing and a wide awake Christian
was idle, It was out of circula- Endeavor is being contemplated,
• • • •
tion. It was rendering no ser-1
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brotherton
vice to anyone. Yet there are
hundreds of persons in every moved up from Salem Sunday
community who are handling and are occupying rooms at R.
money in the same foolish un­ H. Champ's.
* •
productive way.
The cook house at the lumber
M hatever is said about banks,
, camps opened its doors Monday
money placed in them is more
rnoon and a number of men are
safe and is on a basis of credit.
I employed on grading. The log­
Bank deposits add to the credit
ging engine making its initial
of the individual, the bank and
trip through Mehama the first of
the community, in resources and
Always a certain percentage
of neposit3 are ,oaned out to car- \
ry on industries, business enter- ■
prises and to emplay labor. On ,
top of this banks are reaching 1
out to help the frrm er enlarge j
his herds, improve his equipment 1
Made To Order
and increase production.
here, on account of his musical
ability, has returned here a fte r &
two weeks visit a t Cottage Grove.
S. Wr. Champ has sold his in­
terest in the Mehama buteher
snop to C. H- Merrill and K. O.
Winzer, The above named gen­
tlemen will continue the business
at the same location.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton
have movsd here and are stay­
ing a t the Mehama Hotel. M r.,
Patton has a position with the
Silverton Logging Company.
• • • •
Howard King left last Sunday
for San Francisco to accept a po­
sition with his uncle. We wish
him success in his new work.
Beef cattle wanted We will
pay the highest m arket price for
your beef cattle. We also w ant
a few* milk cows coming freeh
Philipps & Pieser
Varney Not To Run
For Sheriff’ s Job |
Percy M. Varney, w'ho resign- ■
ed as chief of Salem’s police £
Monday night, said Tuesday that ■
h*> will not be a candidace for ¡J
sheriff at the next election, ■
neither will he run for any pub- a
lie office this year. Much sup- ■
port throughout the county had J
been evidenced in favor of the ■
former chief, and in his state- 2
ment th at he would not Ire a ■
candidate for sheriff’ he ex- m
pressee deep appreciation of this. ■
Just what Mr. Varney will do a
is cloaked with mystery.
He ■
said Tuesday that he will spend a
som etim e on his farm in Y am -.*
hill county; and still retaifi his a
residence here. Capital Journal. ■
L*>st black goat.
Has been
gone for several weeks. Finder
please report at Gohlen Bros,
Clothes For Men
Every Man Who W ants The Best Cloths At The
Least Possible Expense Would Do Well To Place His Order
Don’t Buy Elsewhere Untill You Look At The Hun­
dreds Of Fine Woolen And W orsted Models We Are Show­
* There Is Positively Nothing Like Them.
Fit, W orkmanship And
W earing
Groceries And Vegetables We Have
The Most Complete Une In The City.
We Pay You Cash For Your Produce.
Get Our Prices On Veal And Hogs.
■ m ia im a a ia n n im n sia rsr^ a a u si
i GEH LEN BROS., Phone 314 Stayton, Ore. ;
G caa a aa cii M*,a as C Ä L i a a a a a a
* ■
a 2 ^ ■ ■ a a ia a n