MAIL TAY S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , DECEM BER 18. 1919 ¿5th. Year, N o. 46. A MERRY CHRISTMAS APPOPLEXY TAKES UFE OF DR. FORD, DEAN OF CHURCH WORKERS Dr. Thomas, It. Ford, 74 years of age, father of Burge* F. Ford, principal of Stayton high school, died of uppoplcxy at Oregon City last Sunday. Dr. Ford was a Methodist min­ ister and was one of the most enthusiastic church workers in the Pacific Northwest. He died while waiting for a street car in front of the ruins of the Methodist church in which he had been pastor for a nnmber of years. K#v. Ford has been sujierintend- ent of the Salem district of the Methodist conference, for the past three years and his sudden death was a severe shock to his large number of friends over the valley. He entered the Methodist min­ istry in 1860 and has devoted his entire life to the church work in several states. From 1860 to 1896 he spread the gospel faith in Missouri and Arkansas, when he came to Oregon. He has been pastor of some of the leading churches of the state—Sunnyside church, of Portland 1904, Hood River, 1908, and Oregon City in 1912. He leaves to mourn his loss, four children Sadyey Evelyn, Oregon City; Mrs. Harold Swa- fore, I-ebanun; Burges F. Ford. Stayton and Olin ’ Ford, Oak Grove. His wife died about four years ago. Funeral services were held in new m otor agency HAH BEEN O P E N E D IN THK C A P IT A I. IT T Y Thi< Il & C Motor C om pany— co*>- poNud of Lew A, Cat«», a fo rm e r pnWNpapor pu b lish er at Dallait, Ore- Kon, and P. H. H urhholi, of E astern Or«Kon. hns oponed aalearooma In Ha- l«m and will d la trlb u te th e I.eiltiK- ton Minuto Man Six. th e A uburn lleauty SI* und th e Klcar F ie r y F our In Marlon, I'olk and Yamhill c o u n ­ ting. Mr. Cat«» If know n to a co nsider­ able n u m b e r of peraona In tbU sec­ tion. all of whom be will be pleas­ ed to meet at the Salem h e a d q u a r ­ te rs of th e rom pany. The last two weeks have been a hard grind for the Mail force on account of the bad weather. With frozen water pipes, heavy snow it has been a continual round of uphill work. This v eek we are handicapped by our shipment of news print paper not arriving on time and we are late with the paper. If the state was wet (licquoracory) i-peaking, we mi»,ht go out and revive our Bpirits. A man is. according to the rules and regulations of the laws of the univente, allowed one vacation in a year, and we have de­ cided to take that vacation next week. There will be no issue of the Stayton Mail on Thu-sday, (Christmas day) as the editor and his family and the “ devil" are going to celebrate the best Christmas that this grand and glorious world ever had. The editor has not bad a vacation for five years and we have come to the conclusion that it is about time for a breathing spell. Here a Merry Christmas to you dear reader. Chas. Hottinger returned last THOMAS II. T A Y M Ilt AND N E T T I E LKNOKA C R A B T R E E Saturday from the Dalles, where ARK M A R R IE D AT T H E D A LLES he attended a meeting of the T h e m any friend* of both MI h * Farmers Co operative and Edu­ C r a b tre e and Mr T hom a* T aylor, cation! Union, of Oregon, which were *urpr!»ed to h j a r of th e a n ­ was held on the 2-3-4 of Dec. n ouncem ent tn a t they w ere m a rrie d There were a large number of at t h e home of Mr. and Mr*. H. E representatives from the differ­ Ro**ell, P a e to r of th e C h ristian ent districts present and an en­ i-hurcb. at T he Dalle*. Oregon. T he cerem ony took place at !> thusiastic meeting was the re­ o'clock p. m.. D ecember 3rd. fn th e sult. Resolutions were passed p ie scn c e of a few friend*, th e Im ­ favoring tho income tax which pressive ring ce rem ony being used T h 0 bride wa* gowned In b e a u ti­ is to lie half of what the federal income tax is at present. The ful w hite *llk while th e groom wait money thus derived to be used ilre*»ed In conventional black. T he wedding r t th e C hrl* t'a n p a r on road work in the respective tonage was a resu lt of a p le asa nt districts. Resolutions were also ag re e m e n t th a t th o lr old tim e friend adopted for the expulsion of all nd pax'nr should officiate when the Mongolian races from this court-j happy h o u r of th e ir w edlng should try. The members were unani-1 irrlve. w edding d in n e r was served to mously in favor of more direct th e A b ridal p a r ty by Mr*. Rossell Im­ harmony between the producer m ediately following th e cerem ony and the consumer, eliminating T h e bride Is one of the p o p u la r young ladles of S tayton w here she the middle man. ha* lived for a n u m b e r of years, and Some people pray to r w hat they w here *he ta u g h t fn o u r school* for -.ome tim e, end Is considered on e of w ant and o lh e ra read w ant ads. the best te a c h e rs of th e w ork she ta u g h t th a t S tayton ever had. Portland from the First Metho­ T h e groom Is one of th e p ro sp e r­ dist Episcopal church and inter­ ous f a r m e r s of th is section and Is very p o p u la r a m o n g his n u m e ro u s ment was in th at city. associates. Both Mr. and Mrs. T a y lo r are m e m b e rs of th e C h ristian church. T he Mall Joins with a large n u m ­ ber of frie n d s In wishing Mr. and We are all tickled to death to note the dove of peace hover­ Mrs. T ay lo r bon uoyage o ’e r life’s around with its celebrated though somewhat frayed-out olive m a tr im o n ia l sea. The Dove of Peace ing branch. Most of us were afraid it had got the pip, or that the American Eagle or German Vulture had broiled it on toast, owing to the high price of anything else broilable. {It don’t seem to be quité as white and spotless as it used to be, and all the feathers are clavyed out of the back of ita neck, and its tail is conspicuous by its absence, only the piece that flew over the fence last being diBcernable to the naked eye the piece that Father gets from the Christmas turkey. Anvhow. we are at peace once more, figuratively if not tech­ nically. If you don’t believe it, look around and see. Each con­ gressman is giving his collegue a black eye and tearing out his whiskers in bales. Each senator is lambasting the other under the lobe of the left ear and jointly endeavoring to land on the solar plexus of the President. Capital and labor are enjoying more peace than they know what to do with -th e y have it for breakfast, dinner and supper and then warm it up again for lunch. The peace of capital and labor sure passeth all understanding. Then there is the producer and the consumer -my, but they are a peace­ ful bunch! They smite one cheek and tnen the other, and then roar because there are only two cheeks instead of several dozen. The man and wife of the average family are getting along so peaceably with the profiteers they don’t know where they are go­ ing to sleep.tonight, or any other night, if the landlord has any­ thing to say about it, while the coal operator and miner have been spreading peace jam on their bread an inch thick. All the rest of us have our coat over our left arms, our fists doubled up, our mouths screwed off to one side and a chip on one shoulder as big hs a Minnesota saw log. Ah! we’ve got peace, all right, and if we can manage to trade a lot of it off for war with Japan or Mexico or somebody mabv we can manage to get through the winte. AND \ \ HO T H E - - - ARK VOC? Slnie of th e se h a rd boiled guys who a r e cla m o rin g for a six-hour day end a five day week m ight dig o u t an object lesson from th e following, which we And In McUIU’s Magazine: A g e n tle m a n In th e en g ra v in g business on Broadway, N. Y , greatly annoyed by th e ta rd in e ss of one of his skilled en g ra v ers. Calling him into th e offlre one m orning, he saltl: "Mr. Drown, I get her«« at 8:3l< evorv m o rning and look over my m a ll; at nine o ’clock I look out th«« w in­ dow end i ee Mr. Rockefeller on his way t«> th e office; at 9 :3 0 Mr. J P. Morgan passes on his way to the b ank, at t««n I see Mir. V anderbilt going by, at 10:30 Mr T aft passes on th e way to the office, at 11 you conic lit W ho In th e H - l a re y o u ? ” Notice Is here b y given t h a t th e C ounty S u p erin te n d en t of Marlon C ounty, Oregon, will hold th« r e g u ­ la r exa m in a tio n of ap p lica n ts for S ta te Certificate* at the H ouse of R e p re se n tativ es, S ta te House. Salem. Oregon, as follows: C om m encing W ednesday. Decem­ b e r 7. 1819, a t 9 :0 0 o ’clock a m. and c o n tin u in g u n til S atu rd ay , Decem­ ber 20, 1919, a t 4:0 0 o ’clock p.m. W e dnesday Forenoon T. 8 H istory. W ritin g ( P e n m a n ­ s h ip ! , Music. Drawing. W edm -sday A ftern oon Physiology, R eading, Manual T ra in in g . Com position. Domestic Science, M ethods In Reading. Course of Study for Draw ing. M ethods In A rithm etic. MONEY ALL P O W E R F U L ITS IN F L U E N C E HA RD EST TH IN G TO COMBAT Money has been ail pow erful a long way back Into history, an d be fore t h a t Its equivalent, and money nnd Its eq uivale nts a r e all pow erful today, its influence is th e hardest ih 'n g to c om bat which C hristianity has. o r ever had. A few days ago th e H ea rst strin g of papers cam e o u t In big e ditorials with scream ing headlines, advising the congress of th e United S tate s to ’’kill th e whole tr e a ty ." Those w ere the exact w ords of th e headlngs- “ Kill T he W hole T re a ty .” A sm all coterie of se n ato rs a re evi­ dently of th a t sam e opinion and have alre ady Just ab o u t killed It by t a l k ­ ing it to dea th T he ch u rc h all over the land has endorsed t h e tr e a ty and th e L eague of Nations. T h e A m erican F e d e r a ­ tion of L abor h as endorsed It. The women have endorsed It alm ost 100 p er r e n t strong. R ight-m inded. God­ fearing. law-abiding, w ar-hating and p««ace-lovng people eve ryw he re have been a b o u t alm o st u n a n im o u s In th e ir Indorsem ents, and If It was put up to a vote prAbably 75 per c e n t of the people would vote for ratlflca- tfon. W h o Is a g a in st It? Let us see. N early all t h e G erm ans, who spent m illions In p r o p ag a n d a In this c oun­ ty before th e w a r an d a re still at It, a re against it. All Bolshevists end Anachlsls, who a re also sp e n d ­ ing millions from R ussia an d else­ w h e re In p ro p ag a n d a, a re a g a in st It. E very m u nition m a n u f a c tu r e r — those who m ake cannon, g uns and a r m y supplies, Bnd who m a k e pow der and ball to kill people w ith, a r e against It. and they a r e m illionaires end g re a t on propaganda. The builders of d re a d n o u g h ts and o th e r Im plem ents of h e 'l a r e aga in st the L eague of N ations also. T h a t any se n a to r s or n ew spapers a r e Influenced by any o r all of these rich but baneful o p ponents of the peace league we .would not say, not hav in g th e proof at h and, b u t th e re is no law that we know of t h a t p re­ vents us from being like th e sa ilo r's ««arrot, which It will be r e m e m b e r ­ ed. " d i d n ’t say m uch but k e p t up a devil of a th in k in g ." STAYTON GIRL HEADS LYONS DISTRICT FURN- $30,000 CAMPAIGN FOR ISHES XMAS TREES FOR NEW WOMENS BUILDING EASTERM MARKETS Miss Wanda Brown of this place ha3 been appointed by the student council of the University of Oregon to represent the Great­ er Oregon student committee in handli* g the local end of a $30,000 campaign* the students are starting to complete the un­ finished Women’s Building on the University campus, and will reach here the latter part of next week to take charge of the work. The state has been divided for the purposes of the campaign in­ to seven districts by the students of the University, who have taken entire charge of raising the last $30,000 neeeed to finish the $200,000 building. The dis­ trict including this county is un­ der the direction of Miss Mar­ jorie Kay of Salem. The Women’s Building will house the women’s gymnasium, the department of household arts and others of the women’s acti­ vities on the campus. Half of the necessary $200,000 must be raised by private subscription, the legislature having supplied $100,000 to match the individual A co rresponde nt school In d ancing probably would have the smallest a t te n d a n c e ; these a re tim es w hen a s tu d e n t w ants to get close to h 's work. See w h a t w e a re sh o w ­ ing in Kodaks for Christmas. Ko­ daks are one of tho best, usfui Christm as presents. We have them from $2.50 to $30.00 at Beauchamp's Drug Store. Owing to the big snow several of the boys from the camps in the woods near Mill City and Idanha, have come out for the holidays. Among the toys we saw this week were Frank Kleck- er. A. S. Waters, Jessie James, Happy Holligan and others. generosity of citizens of Oregon. With its enrollment almost doubled since its last new build­ ing was completed, the Univer­ sity finds its buldings entirely inadequate to handle the students already there, to say nothing of the large increase certain for next fall. The students, arous­ ed to the emergency, have called their “ Oregon Spirit” to the res­ cue and have organized the present campaign in which they feel confident of success. The Greater Oregon commit ee con­ sists of 150 members. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS w - X SLIPPERS For Christmas is the natural, logical and one of the most acceptable of all presents for men, wom en or children. W e have them tn choicest variety M en's from 95c to $5 W om en’s from 95c to $2.95 Children’s from 85c to $1.95 Y ou should see those dear little Yale blue and American beauties for that baby. Sizes 1 to 4, the cutest thing you ever saw . SPATS From those cute little baby Spats in white, bound in pink white or blue, and sizes 0 to 4, they are only 75c T h e la d ies’ in a ll co lo rs a t $1.50 to $3.75 M en’s ta u p e o r b lack $1.50 and $2.50 T h u rsd ay EoreuOon A rithm etic. H isto ry of E ducation, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Draw ing. Domestic Art. C ourse of S tudy for Domestic Art. * T h u rs d a y A fternoon G ra m m a r. G eography, S tenogra phy. America«, L ite ra tu re . Physics. T ypew riting. M ethods In L anguage. T hesis for P rim a r y Certificate. F rid a y F orenoon T h eo ry and Practleo. O rth o g ra p h y , (Spelling) Physical G eography, E n g ­ lish L ite ra tu r e , Chemistry. F r|,lny A fternoon School Law. Geology. Algebra. Civ­ il G overnment S a tu r d a y F o re n o o n G eom etry. Botany. S a tu r d a y A fternoon G eneral History. Bookkeeping NOTE - T h e ru les above m e n ­ tioned refer to the 1!I19 elitlon of th e Oregon School Laws W. M SMITH, County S uperin te n d en t. That some of the best Christ­ mas trees are found in this part of the state is demonstrated by the fact that several carloads of the trees were shipped the past two weeks from Lyons to East­ ern markets. FOR RENT—Seven room house. Apply to H. J. Rowe. A hunting party consisting of John Apple, Elgie Moss. Law­ rence Seigmund, Wendall and Theo. Farers, Jake Lambrecht, Frank Etzel and Eugene Ware, all of the Fern Ridge district, made life miserable for a good sized coyote that had been playing havoc with stock in that section, for some time. A fter a two hour chase the beast was killed with a 22 ritle by Wendell Farers. The boys also captured a live coon before the trip was ended. RUBBERS Plenty of them for everybody, all sorts— Heavy and Light, High and Low, Big and Little— All best grades. BOOTS ! F or M en, sh o rt or h ig h top $ 3.75 to $ 7.80 B oy’s and Y o u th s’ H eavy Short Boots $ 2.25 to $ 3.15 W om en’s $ 2.35 M isses’ $ 1.95 C h ild s’ $ 1.45 C h ild s’ S t. N ick Red Top B o o ts $ 2.00 “ The Shoe Store of Satisfactory Service” The Standard Oil Company of Salem had the pleasure of break­ ing the road from Salem to Stay- ton this week. On Tuesday the Company’s sled drawn by four horses, loaded with coal oil tanks made its appearance and distrib­ uted the product among our mer­ chants. It took two days to X make the trip one way. The I A t th e Standard Oil company is there when it comes to service. ! LITTLER & U P M E Y E R ? S o le O w ners f lectric S ig n “ SH O E S ”