Tax, Tax, And More Tax l»KI*AKTMK-N'T OK T H K fN T K R IO K NO TIC E P V H E A R IN G V IN A I, ACCOUNT V. H. I.aml Office ml Portland. Ore­ run. October 21at, 1919. Notice !■ hereby given that \nan- In the County Court o f the state Collector o f Internal Revenue, I a m Hi.ilth of Halem, Oregon, who, on February 24. 191«. made homeatead entry. No 04«51, fo r HWI4 NEVi, B Thereaa Rleaterer, deceased. ! to the fact that cough drops, Notice la hereby given that the An­ HiNW<4 and Dot 4, Section 5. Town- vaseline, tooth powders and »flip !» South. Hang« 3 Hast, V/lliarr.- al account o f Bernard Oescher, ex-1 medl- elfe Meridian, baa filed notice of In- ocutor o f the entate of Thereaa Rie- pastss, and proprietary t.utilcn to make Three-year Proof, Hterer. deceased, haa been Sled In cj neg sold by grocery stores and to eatabllah claim to the land above by deacrlbed, before the Keglater and Oregon, and that the l » t day o f De- general stores, as well as Receiver o f the United States l.and cemher. 1318. at the hour of 1 » a . drugstores, ate subject to tax ... . Office, at Cortland, Oregsa, ,A .an M. hna been appointed by said Court for hearing objection« to said Anal a^ the ra te o f 1 cen t f o r each 25 11th day of oer, 1918. H H ___ _____ ____________recount, at which time any persons cen ts o r fr a c tio n t h e r e o f o f the ('lutings., .lamea aa wltueaaea Baptist Church i — Preaching every second and i fourth Sundaya o f each month, morning and evening. Morning service* at 11 a. m. and evening services at H p. n,. “ srs: Made Easy Sunday school each Sunday morning at 10 h . m. S. L. Boyce, Pastor. B y U sing One O f O u r H and Methodist Church Vacuum and ! 5 i am J- Carpet Sweepers Combination. Pastor Rev. Reese Services at 11 a. rn. and H:00 . m. Sunday School 10 a. m. ,iu< » ili IM g u e 7:80 p m., T’ rayer meeting on Wednesday in the parsonage at 8 p. in. As Í one you have a fine carnet sweeper as well It is opperated just like any Carpet Sweeper. $7.85 your home for only ■ IH V .' AUTO ELECTRICIANS IGNITION AND BATTERY WORK 203 N. Com. St. ~ X '*-> X -X --X -X *-X -,X ' I W e Handle Everything In Oregon C. C. Wright M.D.C \ Veterinarian : OREGON ; TH E UNIVERSITY O F A . W. Simmons, D. V. M OREGON SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS T' . f i n n i - y I f ; -1 Un» < -f m«r*ter«-. fklrin« auJ th* Art*. *&4 th* SPZOlAi. »S A T U R E « A \ •»»':fn| fa I ' . ■* of *:> ' lit», mnd* m faciliti«*. low cori, with vu IVirtSad), .%r c l u u v Jyiurutl'tu, C j u * UMffvw, Edu-:*Uvb *n.l mu * ic . tverjlssiy," • really d 'ralic a’ raaeph *ud Lh* f fi MOOS "O r«» .r , .1 . •» ul 8»?L l* of I/»w Ifadi-.u*. «si P'-r R caulotn*. f’‘n ©* ■i«»rtn\,,ti** fur »elf-fcelp, "ftliin’tic» vr rpocifio Information, addrara: R^ight N o w is THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF ORF.CON, EUGENE, OREGON. LILLY H A R D W A R E CO. FOR s I.i.T > •> ■> •> <■ <• X •' -> •> •> ■> •> y •> v * < • • } » « v v •> v v v v •> a Automobile insurance P. »'lût.I i ii\ leal Therapy I .abora tories »1 Hu.filing |*OlL I I.A NI», OKI F ire . Theft an d Transportation , Oregon Fire Relief Association Agent \ Farmers Fire Relief of Buttevine, Ore. New Jersey l'ire Insurance Co. for | Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York Fire Association, Philadelphia PROTECTIC.t o m f o r t , S e r v ic e H artford Livestock In su ran ce Co. ¡are the things that count when it rains . t. S tayto n H a r r y H u m p h re y s tO W E fiÿ 'J «8» •> •> •> *5» «f» •> «5» {* «8* *3» •> «J» •> <• «Î«V A *« «ÿ •y K? «*• «5 C» «& C« * « <• «> * •> ❖ 4 « <• * ❖ * « « ❖ * ❖ «ÿ »3» ^ *8» «6» atStayton, in the State o f Oregou, at the close of business Nov. 17.191«. Rrao t i n s . Loans and discounts............. I443.u8~ 13 Overdrafts secured and uusecured. 517 35 Bonds and warrants ....................... 77,070 57 StiKiks, securities, judgem ent«, e tc ... 1,88* 91 Banking house................................... 12,080 00 Furniture au«l tixlures..................... 4.-400 00 Due from approved reseive banks.. U3X)75 37 Cash on hand................................... 83,879 22 Other resources^ollections............. 784 00 % T o t a l .............................. L ia Demand certificates of deposit......... 1,607 85 Certified check*........... 500 OO Tim e andSaviugs L>epoHits............... 228,240 16 h a v e made #oed \ s in c e IA.16 » /t*A for I/o /UfUX to u O/ 44 It’s Like Finding Money j y says the Good Judge M u r in g E y o K i n i r d y C o ., C h ic a g o c A R N M O N E Y I N Y 0 U 3 K1’ A 2 E T I M 1: Get Kttncnctiofu tor the Christian Herald. VX/e help you succeed. Address L. E. Ore.utt. Manager of Agent». The Christian Herald, Bible House. New York City. wtv« miniitcr's name and imo oliva reference*. tconoiny in Every Cake f JJ f - r c f^ O . On Heaters. Ranges Oil Stoves, Dishes, Hmaled W a re Chairs, Rj>ockers Beds, Springs oMattresses, Tables A Store Full o f Bargains mu , , r y m i l D I H F ' Whokvomt, Clran4l*|. Rrlrevhint «ad Mealing lotion —Murine for Red- 30 « Z ^ net*. Soreness, Granula- r - - ,r C tlon Itching and Burning Y O U R E Y l O o I tlie K y.s or Eyelids; " i Drops” Alter Ihe Movies. M.rtgrlnp or Coll will win you. confidence. A«k Your ^isMurine when your byes NerdCsr*. L 1 0 % to 2 0 % ' , A 1 TOWER CO W e Buy Sell and Exchange When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the K°od tobacco taste begins to T o t a l .................................... 1686.923 15 State of Oregon f County of Marioni Save from suckers -Profits Divided People’s Furniture & Hardware Store 271 N. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon .X ~ X ~ X *X K -X ~ :~ X ~ X K -X -X ~ X ~ X ~ X *X -* X " X “ X “ X " X " X “ X " X - X “ X -I“ l, J W. M AYO, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state­ ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. Mayo, Cashier. bubscribed and sworn to before me th is 24*h day ol Nov. 1*20. V IR G IL H. MASSEY. Notary Public ! My Com mission expires March 12, 1919. C o rre c t-A tte**: A. D. G akunkk J. P. D ittem Q a>. SPANiot Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THK MILL CITY STATE BANK at Mill City, in »he State of Oregon, at the close of btiainea*. Nov. 17. 1919. RESOURCES Banking house,................. Furniture and fixtures...................... Dm* from banks (n o t reserve baiikot. Expense*........................................... I F o r . W - - in te r U se come. ^ You’ll find it keeps com- ing, too. The rich to- / hacco ta ste lasts and l Company. lasts. You don’t Weyman-Bruton 1 1 0 7 Broadway New have York City \ to take a fresh chew so \ often. Any man who v \ uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Watkins Linamcnt and •!; Watkins Laxative Cold labbts I S I !»! COMING SOON M. W . Row ley 33« N. Liberty _ Phone 402 Salem •x -x -^ x -c ^ x -x -t-x -i-i-x -r-x -r-x -x -'-x x -x ^ x -x -x -x ^ i-x -x -x -i**:-? 5,059 82 75 80 11.821 98 42 *0 T o t a l ................................ 616.500 uo LIA B ILITIE S Capital stock paid in .......... ...............6 15.000 00 (.. u h mu tec Fund................................. $ l ,500 00 T o t a l .... K >086.923 15 hi i . i t i k **. Capital stock paid in ___ $ *10.(100 00 Sui plus fund......................................... 800 00 Undivided profits................... — . lessexpensis and taxes {»aid 5388 24 Individual deposits subject to check 400.386 90 % i • ••••••••• lì fiÜ W B R P Í® REFLEX notion Mat» OF T H K CONDITION OF THK Farmers and Merchants Bank FOUR YEARS STUDY IN EUROPE OVER tin YEARS EXPEDIENCE C For Infants and Children OUR FURNITURE LINE IS COM PLETE TUMORS PILES FIS TU LA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOW ELS • 41? J i C A S T O R IA lu Use For Over 30 Years NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD PLASTERS A N D P A IN S 11«>1 RS OR DA Y S a n d if a person buys five 5 cent pack­ ages of cough drops they may i de wrapped in one package and a 1 cent stamp affixed to the package. Stamps may be obtained from the office o f the Collector of Internal Revenue at Portland, and from many of the Post !! Oificie3 throughout the State of Oregon. Dialers who fail to stamp these goods will be held account­ able for the tax and Collector Miller urges ail dealers to inform themselves fully as to the re­ quirement of the law. You need it these cool mornings We have them in ail sizes O regon CANCER NO Tim e to Get Your “ HEATER” V E T E R IN A R IA N Stlverton demlgned ha« «lied his Anal account stamps which are to be attached to the article and dated and canceled by the dealer. A 1 cent stamp is required on each 5 cent package of cough drops, and on each bottle of vaseline, tooth powder, and all proprietary and patent med- icines* toilet preparations UP to 25c. Articles 8ell»ng from 26c to , 50c take 2c; f r',ry ° l c to ( °C, ,,jC