HEADS UP! United StatesTires are Good Tire Ma y sc I Montgomery ED ITO R Roy Folii» visited the high school one day last week. Cecalia Mielke and Marian Alexander, former students of the Stay ton Hitfh, visited at the h ffh school Friday. Miss Moore will he unable to resume her duties in the English Department for a few weeks, so Mr. Ford has charge of her classes. Prof. Ford and a number of high school students attended the rally given ot the O.A.C. last Friday. Since Miss Walker is unable to return. Miss Nora Crabtree has charge of the classes in the fifth and sixth grade raom this week. Mrs. Geo. Davie, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs. Esther Stamp and Mrs. Swallow visited the fifth and sixth grade room last week. Friday afternoon the third and fourth grade room gave a party for Hazel Hamman, who is leav­ ing us for Salem schools. She was presented with a ring as a token of their friendship. Your Money’s Worth You want tires that give you the most for your m oney,—measured in mileage. I low arc you to know ? Since we are in the business — and you knoiv us — w hy not take our word for it? We say to you—there arc no better tires built than United StatesTires. T hey have proved y^ood by perform ance. They are tough, hardy, economical, efficient. They stand up, and wear, and live, and satisfy. There are five of these good tires. Let us show you the one that will ex­ actly “fill the bill” for you. •w " -Y O U R UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON •C H O O Lt ANO D E PA R T IR E A T S T h « T'diversity inc’ ode» the C oQ u i of Lil**r»tur*\ Bciruee and the Arts, and the 'f^ -ial Hrhf^U a t U > , Medirine. (at Portland), Architecture JoQrualiaa. Cook­ ie, Education and Mtuuc. •P E DIAL FEATURES A beautiful ctBMN, facu’ t : « of vperial- Uta. modem far ill ties, low cost, with many oro>ortaiuUes for «elf-help, “ athletic» for e»er>tKjdjF,“ a really democratic atmotpbei* — and the famooa “ Ore*un Spirit.’ * Por a cataloco», Rinat rated booklet or specific information, addrarn: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. Ctrl ’R o y a l (S o r d ' * N o b b y * 'C h a in ’ *U sco’ of 'P L tfn Eh iTi-ndnnt« nf the first fn ml lira tvfll tell you lit all earnestness flint tho lieu«-.i house In Old Deerfield Is at least one hundred nn<1 tw enty flv# years old. As a m atter of fuel, this la not n true statem ent, hm it ctinnnt fie called "a lie” on the part of the in­ form ant, who Is a P uritanical New Englander. The difference Is nil In the point of r229B39E view. For him or for her. the holf dozen homes nnd the one hotel th at A N IRRITABLE, fault finding disposition is often have been built in the last di’ende do not exist. He does not s«»c them. Iiut due to a disordered stomach. A mân with good looks right through and sees the land- digestion is nearly always good natured. A ‘j * n p e as It was before the blot ip- pesred. great many have been permanently cured of stom­ Old P»erfleld Is little changed since the Indians trailed through M assa­ ach troubles by Chamberlain's Tablets site. years chusetts on their way from Albany to Boston. Relics of many a buttle be­ of suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach tween the w hite man and h 1» r«»d- ind enable it to perform its functions naturally. skinned foe are to tie seen in the little Pocomtuck museum. Dee til eld’* only T ry them. T hey only cost a quarter. public building. V arious boulder* along Main street and on the Albany post rand com m em orate the ninny bloody struggles to push the new fron­ tier w estw ard In those early pioneer days. T rees th at were old when Columbus discovered America overreach Deer­ field’s one beautiful highw ay—Main street. T heir height. If not their size of^tru n k . Is alm ost great enough to tem pt the eloquence of a native Cali­ fornian. For safety’s sake a plump, very plump, purse or one that tins been steppe«! ou by the proverbial elephant Is a necessity in visiting Old Deerfield. H er women have revived housew ifely in d u striis and renew ed needle and loom artistry . Loom productions like tlti se that New England grandm others turned out. Modest signs may be seen announcing: "Katlia B askets” th at have earned for their w eavers a world fam e for d«>sigo. color ntid line w eav­ ing; "Q uilts and Needlew ork," th a t would stagger the (lurried city-bred £ w o u * n ; “T atting nnd K nitted Im ce;” “Photographs” now recognized on tw o continents.»» unusual ctimcnt art. and. finally, a “Tea Room for Autemobil- Ists” In a house I earing the date of lie 8. . i------ w g F inancial physicians are w arning ISTEN, fellows, to some The N avy goes all over the against the new disease w hich Is ap­ world—sails the Seven Seas— . straight talk. Many pearing In m any parte of the rountry. a man when he gets squints it a s t b th u s e in six e s s continents— . You stand They have named it ‘T m th ru en za." to be 40, misses some­ to t h a see t ’s more odd sights, wonder­ Persons attacked by this disease uni­ t h i n g . He may have ful scenery and strange people formly u tte r the cabalistic words, “The lots of money, and a fine than you ever dreamed of. war is over,” and decline to tak e any family but— fu rth er interest In the nation's affairs. You’ll work hard while you He never “got out and No serum has been discovered which work. You’ll play hard while you lan prevent the ailm eat, but Investing saw things ’. After he play. You’ll earn and learn. regularly iu W ar Savings Stam ps and You’ll get, in addition to “ shore- gets settled down, i t ’s too leave”, a 30-day straight vaca­ Registered T reasury Savings C ertifi­ late. is more than the cates is a preventative as well a* a Every man wants to see a tion—which v e ra g e b a n k p re s id e n t can sure. the world. No man likes count on. I------\\ ------ ( to stand still all his life. You can join for two years. Ideal social progress requires tne The best time to TRAVEL W hen you get through you'll be productive activity of every hum an and m entally “ tuned is when you’re young and physically up” for the rest of your life. capable of adding to the general total. lively—right NOW 1 You'll be ready through and Tills Is Utopian. It ought not to he Right NOW your Uncle Sam through tor SUCCESS. so much of a dream , but It will he is calling, “ Shove offl” H e wants wlint It Is so long as hum an nature There’s a Recruit;ilf> Station men for his N avy. H e’s inviting right near you. If v i den’t you! It's the biggest chance rem ains wltnt It is. Men differ so know where it r , Fcst- you’ll ever get to give the world much. Some acquire laziness and m aster will be gh i t toll you. the once overt some 'ire born lazy. Hut the r«-suits art' the sit me. You even have aristo­ cratic loafers \ ho pull all sorts of hereditary stuff In tnake-bellove at­ tem pts nt superiority. They would have you subsidize them, and guaran­ tee their future against w ant and work. It’s all I tosh. They have no claim u;Htn hum anity other than a right to nn opportunity to make good In the world. Instead of un easy time they need the prod of necessity. The lazy few*, be they ptwir or rich, are I the drones o fV tm 'iy .—Exchange. i h — *r :: yy We Lilly know United States Tires are GOOD Hammond tires. Lumber That's Co., why Mill we City, sell Oregon them Hardware Co., Stayton, Oregon. about smokes, Prince Albert T ALK is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe—old or new I Get it straight that what you’ve hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin’s smokes you’ll find aplenty in P. A. T h a t’s because P . A . has the quality! You can’t any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he’s off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process I You just *.ay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn’t nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back! Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco it told. Toppy red bage, tidy red tine, handeome pound and half pound tin humidore—and —that clever, practical pound cryetal glare humidor with epongc moietener top that heepe the tobacco in euch perfect condition. C op yrigh t i »lit ny R.J. Reynold« T u b e m Co. R. J. Reynold« Tobacco Co., Win»ton-Salem, N. G Deerfield, in M assachusetts, On# the Most Interesting of New England Towns. \ 1 G iv e th e w o r ld th e o n c e o v e r Shove o ff ! "loin, th e