The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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25th. Year, No, 39.
Grading Contracts
Have Been Let For
Stayton’s Rail Road
Slayton seem« assured of a rail-
road In the near future. Moat of the j
__ _
right of way ha« bee# aw urod and It | Anna Mar,„ ||lHden,ri wlfo 0f j„hn
la reported that contract* have been jB#d#r#I, d|,,d at the family home
let for a portion of the grading. |i Ht nylon, on October 8 th, 1919, at
Thla report la unconfirmed but came the age of 77 yeara.
from a reliable aource.
Deceaaed waa born In Auatrla In
One thing la certain, the people 1842 ^Hhe rame to America In
back of the Portland and Houtheaat- 1869. and In 1874 came to Oregon
ern Hallway company have apent j wf,ar, ahe waa married to John Hle-
aeveral yeara of hard work and many d„ r„ r me aame year,
thouaanda of dollara on the projected j >j<0 (hi* union five children were
The road aa aurveyed la a horn, four of them having proceeded
continuation of the Willamette Val- meir mother to their final renting
ley Houlhern Hallway. Connecting ' p|arB aome yeara ago.
with It at Ml. Angel and running bv ; Hhe WH„ a member of the Catholic
way of Sllverton, Hubllmlty. Slayton, church and wae a faithful chrlataln.
Mehama. Mill City, and on eaal a j The funeral waa held from the
croea the Cawade mount»lng to Bend. Catholic church at Slayton on Oct
From there, It la reported that It will loth with Itev. Father Lalnck, of-
go In a aoutheaaterly direction until flclatlng
It rearhea Winnemurra, Nevada.
She leave» a husband and one »on
No one aeenia to know Juat who la to mourn the Iona of a faithful wife
back of thla project. However, It and mother.
The pall bearer» were: Tony Rel-
la a mailer of common knowledge
that U paaaea through one of the ger, Jake Worumi. Joe Doerflar,
rlcheat farming and timber auction« Martin Docrflcr, K. Schedd and A l­
III the Northweat.
From Portland to bert Wldner.
Inurnment waa In I .one Oak ceme­
K ill City It traveraea a highly devel­
at Stayton.
oped farming aecllon covering a dle-
tanco of about 100 mile».
Mill City to Bend la one contlnuoua
HI retch of timber of flnnst «quality
All Oddfellow* are requested to be
Along thla route are many sawmill» present at the regular meeting In the
In full operation, some of which are l. O. O. F. Hall, on October 23, as the
among the largest In the entlr« Nor- rh)flf pBtr)arrh of ,h* Rncampment
thwost. From Bend It goes south­ will pay hts official visit to the lodge
easterly through the great Interior on that evening. All members should
of Oregon, noted for Its resources In make It a point to be present. By or-
livestock and grating. There I* alsold)>r of A a pa|nrOBBt jf, q
a large area or pine timber In thla
section which can never he moved un­ THK AMKRI<’ANIMATION PRIM.
til transportation facilities are af­
There Is no railroad within the
The Roosevelt Memorial Associa­
state tra ve rsin g » rlrher section or tion Is looking beyond the collection
with greater possibilities for the fu­ of a fund of $5.000,000 for the erec­
ture, It no doubt will be the van­ tion of a monument to Colonel Roose­
guard for the development of the velt In Washington and the creation
enormous water power of the San- of a park at Oyster Bay. The great­
tlam river and Its tributaries now go­ est task of the association la to pre­
ing to waste. It has been conserva­ serve for all the people of the Unit­
tively estimated that there Is enough ed Htates the Inspiration that flam­
water power going to waste from ed In the heart of Theodore Roosevelt
Htayton to the sumlt of the Cascade and guided his statesmanship. Un­
mountains to furnish light and heat less the movement for the creation of
for the entire valley Including the Roosevelt memorials kindles In the
city of Portland. Thla la because of souls of his fellow Americans great­
the fact that It can be ur.ed avery few er devotion, more loyally and deeper
miles for power purposes covering a faith. It will have accomplished only
distance of shout seventy live miles. a small part of what It was Intended
Although the City of Htayton has to do. Not only among the natives
been obliged to get along without a but also the foreign-born American
rrllroad It has a well developed water citizens must this patriotic feeling be
power system from which power Is fostered.
furnished for the Woolen Mills at
Htayton. two flouring mills, on excel­
sior mill, a large sawmill, city water
system, and eloctric light plant, be­
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Robens and
sides some minor Industries.
The road will also connect with the Mrs. Myrtle Carter motored to All-
logging road now being constructed j verton Saturday.
at Mehama about nine miles east
Miss Neal visited with Miss Anna
of e'.ayton
This road hits been In and Miss Mildred Peters.
proeeis of construction for severs I ! y r and Mrs. C. K. Heater and
months and la tapping a large section daughter. Vlvlsn. and Miss Addllain
of i ini her lying north of the I.lttle And Flora Modes were Sunday guests
North Fork river. Several miles of j
i)av(d Pottorff's
the grade Is already constructed and . m | m Knaa Kln„ 8ppnt Sunday with
It Is reported that there are about Mbw Berth* Molett.
three hundred lanhorers employed on i
M. M. Gllnmtir and daughter, I.e-
this project at tho present time 1
tha. were In Sllverton Friday.
The rallroad bridge at Mehama la al­
Frank Fralser made a business
no In proce*» of qonstructlon and wlll
to Stayton Monday.
renneot thè road wlth thè C. & K.
Peter Heater of Sllverton Is visit­
R R. at Lyon». Unica» all stgns fall,
thls sectlon of Marion and Llnn oOun- ing with relatives In this neighbor-
ties wlll soon be ¡.lie center of much hood.
railroad and other construction work.
Dougins Henter spent Sunday with
Rimer Robena.
The schodl started September 29th
with Miss Inez Fischer as teacher.
nert Bower made a business trip
to town the first of the week.
W H. Mollet and family motored
to Stnyton Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Robens and daughter.
Dora, wero In Stnyton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heater and
Tho Brown-Petzel Lumber Co.
are thin week fretting out twenty son, Maurice, made a business trip to
Sllverton Tuesday afternoon.
thousand grade stakes to be used
Mr. and Mrs. pen. Sleble and son,
in irrigation work in Montana.
Leonard, and Mr. Max Slehle, all of
They are also filling an order for Manlius, III., are visiting with Mr.
one hundred thousand feet of and Mrs. ('. J. Sleblo.
lumber to I ) 1 shipped to the same
s(.(>tt and daughter, Veda,
state. T h e orders com e from j uitd Wallace Nenl and Stella Gilmottr
X J r r \ ¡ m o t o r e d
to Stayton Sunday afternoon.
Serial No. 1175
John P. Wilbur
Sells Woolen Mills
To Portland Parties
An examination wlll he held on De­
Senator Hobaon, Grant Murphy,
cember 6th. 1919, at 520 Corbett Kverett Gardner, A. S. Pancoast and
Building. Portland, Oregon, for all ' Archie Caspell attended the Marlon
professional engineers who are un­ .County District Convention of Odd-
able to meet the requirements, with­
j fallows that was held at Jefferson on
out examination, of the Act of the
Legislature of the state of Oregon. Saturday.
A deal that has been pending
They report a very pleasant time
1919, Chapter 381, requiring all pro­
for some time between Mr. J. P.
fessional engineers to be registered aod that the meeting waa very enjoy-
after January. 1920.
Wilbur, proprietor o f the Stayton
! able.
Necessary blanks for application
Thesfe conventions are held twice a scribe for bu home paper sent hi* lit- Woolen M ills, and Portland peo-
to take the examination may be had
k ) a close last, week
¡year, In April and October. The ob­ tle hoy to borrow the copy taken by P ®*
upon request from A B. Carter, Sec­
a neighbor. In his haste the boy ran when the Mills were sold to a
retary State Board of Knglneering
over a $4 stand of bees and In ten company headed by M r. J . W .
Kxaminers, 520 Corbett Building, bers from all over the county to get
Portland, Oregon.
All applications In touch with each other, and to work minute» looked like a warty summer Creath, President o f the Port-
to take the examination on December out plans for the betterment of the ! squash HI. father ran to his assist- ,and W o o j Warehouse Co.
‘ ance, and falling to notice the barb i rpi.-
5th, 1919, must be filed with the
wire fence, ran into that, cutting « .
.\ h '9
State Board of Knglneering Examin­
hole In his anatomy and ruining a $5 '***“ a number o f Woolen mills
ers at least thirty (30) days before
pair of trousers. The old cow took throughout the state and have
April at St. Paul.
December 5th, 1919.
advantage of the gap In the fence and purchased the Wilbur mill with
got into the corn Held and killed her- the intention o f making it their
self eating green corn. Hearing a main plant
rkcaet, the wife ran out, upset a four
. ..
gallon churn full of cream Into a baa-
* *
• reP^*8er)tatlve of the
ket of little chickens, drowning the company, who is here, said that
entire hatch. In her haste she drop- they have been looking for just
ped a 135 set of false teeth. The such a place as Stayton for some
baby, having been left alone, crawled i time, and taking into considera-
‘r ruining
i Z i a i r a a brand-new
n T n iw iS
0, carpet.
there is ample
Dur-; i tion . the fact that
power here
a much
lng the excitement the oldest daugh- »Wa^er power
here for
for a
ter ran away with the hired man, the
dog broke up
hens and -----|
the for a ---
railroad to handle their
■ I I setting
calves got out and chewed the tails products, they are very well
o ff Of four fine shirts on the clothes pleased with their purchase,
. ebree (K y .) Banner.
N ew m acj,jn ery w j]J fog addgd
!^°n and ^ “ iU "iH *1 “ S*!
, ed so as to handle other high
The school rally which was grade woolen goods in addition
held last Thursday evening was to the large line that is already
enjoyed by everyone who attend­ being manufactured by Mr. W il­
ed. A t seven o’ clock the stu­ bur.
In fact, it is the intention o f
dents and patrons met across
the river on the Kelly place.
A the new proprietors to make this
hugh bonfire, which had been mill their main manufacturing
Mr. I plant, which means that they
1 1
— the boys
« and
i, u
,“ vj
Ford was lighted and everybody , wiH employ a large number o f
was seated around this while the workmen, and the payroll will
evening spent in singing, yells i add greatly to the wealth o f the
and speech making.
A short town.
speech was made by the presi-
It is understood that Mr. Wil-
dent, or some other officer o f l bur will remain with the com-
the class and by the president o f 1 pany as manager o f the plant,
the student body.
Both J. P. , which is good news to his many
Wilbur and Geo. Keech gave friends in and around Stayton.
very interesting and beneficial
A t the indoor baseball game
last Friday evening the seniors
and sophomore were victorious.
* TdOMAi
Ralph Urban proprietor of the
Stayton Valcunlting Shop, has pur­
chased the Keech Ppoperty where Dr.
Beauchamp's office stands and will
erect a concrete garage thereon 200
by 100 ft. in the near future. Mr.
Urban's business has grown to such
proportions that his present location
Is too small for him.
Mr. Urban will Install late machin­
ery and will have one of the best
equipped repair shops In this part of
the state when his new place Is com­
I will sell at auction at my
farm, one mile northeast o f Tur­
ner. on
TUESDAY, OCT. 21, 1919
at 10:30, a. m , the following:—
TJiead of cows, all milking, one
just fresh, others to be fresh in
two or three months. Heifers
to be fresh in early spring.
1 registered Jersey bull 2A years
3 head o f hogs, 40 head o f pigs
and shoats.
Farm machinery consisting of
plows, harrows, manure spread.-
er. buggy. Upright Piano, and
household furniture.
“ Why Germany Must Pay,” will be
shown at the Star Theatre November
Wayne Fox, the 12 year old son of
Mr. and Mr*. Ray J. Fox. of Lyons
met with a very serious accident, last
While riding a bicycle
he was run Into by an auto driven by
Claud Wilson. Wayne was injured
about the body. His cheek and neck
was badly lacerated and his right ear
was practically torn from his head.
He was attended by Dr. Brewer, and
while his recovery Is predicted It
■will be slow.
Miss Wise, who is a student
at the Willamette University,
has charge o f Miss Moore’s clas­
ses this week.
Miss Moore, who has been very
ill is reported to be improviiy?.
A trained nurse from the Salem
hospital has been secured and it
is hoped that she will soon be
able to return to school.
Gabriel Volt*, who Is well known
to everybody In this part of the state,
died at the Sllverton hospital on the
8th of October, after a lingering Ill­
He has been care taker of the Sil­
ver Falls park for a number of years
and was known by a large number of
people In this part of the country as
well as by tourists who have vlsltd
the popular resort from time to time.
He leaves three sons and three
daughters who are Louis, of Idaho,
Fred and Harry, Clara. Ruth and
Carrie who are at home.
The funeral was held from the
home on the 10th of the month and
burial was In Union Hill cemetery.
Mr. Walters, the Marion Co.
Y. M. C. A. man, visited the
school last week and made a
very interesting talk to the high
school students.
James Mielke, a former high
school student, visited the high
We take th‘s oportunity of tkank
school Monday.
lng all those who so kindly assiste<
Della Shier left Miss Holder’s us during the sickness and at th
A t 10 a. m. ftle Bible School
lesson “ Jeasus in Peter's Home.” room and has gone to Salem burial of our beloved wife and mot
her. Also for the beautiful florla
Preaching at 11. Remember the where she will attend the sisters offerings.
Signed— John Hledere
Christian Endeavor service and school.
and Son.
preaching in the evening.
W e , Norman Hawkins, a first grade j
are expecting a large attendance! pupil, entered school Monday.
at the evening service.
Miss Nora Crabtree is teach­
message will be "External Evi-j ing in the 5th and 6th grade
dence in Support o f the Old Test-1 room this week.
Miss Tucker,
ament Record.”
You are also; who has been teaching since
Miss Lucile Emmons, o f Salem
welcome at the Bible School and Miss Walker’s absence, returned who is a graduate o f Willamette
preaching service at 2 and 3 to resume her work at the W il­ Conservatory of Music and Chi­
o’ clock at Kingston.
Fred E. j lamette university.
cago Musical College, is here to­
Herriman, Minister.
day rfiaking arrangements to
Last Thursday evening the 5th
and 6th grade pupils surprised organize a class for piano in­
K. B. Lockhart, formerly pastor of
structions. A meeting has been
the Mvthodlffi church here, has ar­ their teacher. Miss Lucile Tucker
called for next Thursday at the
rived in New York, after a year spent who has been substituting for
In Y. M. C\ A. Work over seas. He Miss Walker, and who has re­ school house, at 4 o’clock, to
was stationed In Paris, where he was turned to Salem. The affair was which the school children and
their parents and others inter­
In charge of the Louvre for everal
held in the gym.
During the
Rev. Lockhart has baen
ested in music are invited.
evening Miss Tucker was pre­
assigned to
North Bend. Oregon,
Mrs. Emma Sloper spent the
where he will have charge of th« sented with a beautiful hand
visiting with Miss Violet
Methodist congregation the coming
at Gervis.
Christian Church