T H E BUGABOO ABOUT ARTIC LE g animation and tb s bag inning of th a end of h a U ra a l aggression aa d fru s­ tra ta th a w orld's hope? H arold. Ju«« IT) L U C IA A M ES MEAD. as a man ought to d * —Ohio S ta ts JaurnsL Whoa Law yers Etaika, Lawyer«, a t well as policemen, b a r s beea known to stalks. Homo years ago the b arriste rs practising In Sierra Leone were so dissatisfied with the Judge who waa acting as su b stitu te for the chief Justice while the la tte r waa on leave thaH they unanluroualy elected to give up pleading In-fore kliu. Legal business In the colony w aa therefore, at a standstill until the chief Justice returned. France, too, affords an In­ stance of a leiatl strike. One of the Judgee a t St. Amand accused the local lawyers of deliberately promoting dis­ putes In order to fill th eir pockets with fee*. Thereupon all tb s law yers In court departed In a body, declaring th a t they would not return until this Insulting statem ent had been w ith­ draw n. Eventually th e Judge apolo­ gised, and the law yers resumed prac­ tice. A dangerous m isconception h as ax­ Let Your Senators is ted from the s ta rt In th e m inds of many A m ericana as to w h at la In­ Know That You Want volved In A rticle 10 of th e C ovenant Them to R atify the o t th e League of N ations, to which artic le S enator Johnson saps, “it la Peace Treaty Without unth in k ab le th a t any A m erican can Reservations or‘Amend­ subscribe." T his artic le sa y s: “T he m em bers of ments. th e league u n d erta k e to resp ect and preserv e as ag a in st ex tern al ag g re s­ sion th e te rrito ria l in teg rity and ex­ W ID E D IV E R G E N 6 E IN RACES isting political Independence of all m em bers of the league. In ra se of Paopla of Pacific Islands Furnish any such aggression or In case of Something of a Study for tha th re a t of d anger of such aggression, Ethnologist. the council shall advise on the m eans b> w hich thU obligation shall be ful- T he presence of two distinct races I I led.** of man In th e Pacific Islauds suggests T his m eans sim ply and solely th a t tw o periods and sources of Immigra­ ex tern al aggression m ust end. It tion. saya a bulletin of the National does not m ean th a t boundary lines ex­ G eographic society. T he I'apunus and isting today or existing w henever th e Polynesians appear to show the widest agg ressio n occurs m ust be m aintained. divergences, with the Mlcroneslans oc- Old Deerfield, in Massachusetts, One N othing exists in th e covenant which | cupylng the Interm ediate ground and of the Moet Interesting of New provides for th e m aintenance of th e possessing attinities of race, language, England Towns, s ta tu s quo. T he fra m ers of the cov­ and custom with th e other two. enant had no such absu rd notion th a t D escendants of the first fam ilies win T he P apuans may be generally said a grow ing, con stan tly changing world to inhabit New CfUinea, the Solomons, tell you In all earn estn ess that the should be rigidly preserved as it ex ­ New Caledonia and FIJI. They are ' newest house In Old Deerfield la at ists w hen th e tre a ty is signed. T here Ineligious. dem ocratic, quarrelsome, least one hundred und twenty-five a re num erous w ays in w hich changes cannibalistic, and hostile to strangers. 1 years old. As s m u tter of fact, this Is can be m ade w ithout aggression: by They paint th e ir bodies rath e r than | not a tru e statem ent, hut It cannot he purchase, interchange, or som e kind weur clothes, cook in earthen pots. called "a lie" on th e p art of the tn- of am icable agreem ent, especially If and th eir speech consists of a nuiu- form ant, who ts a P u ritanical New preceded by rem oval of economic b a r­ her of broken dialects. T he Polyneal- Englander. riers. T here is only one way by ana differ a-ldely from the Papuans. The difference Is all In the point of w hich changes cannot be m ad“— that They possess an elaborate religious view. For him or for her, the half is. by external aggression. W hen S e n a to r Johnson asks. “Are ye ready, system, an established order of he- doxen homes and th e one hotel th at been built In th e last decade do A m ericans to pledge your sons and reditary chiefs and well-defined so- your sons' sons to m aintain and p re­ d a l castes. They are fond of dress, : so t exist. He does not see them, hut looks right through and sees the land serve for all tim e th e p resent govern­ are friendly to strangers, a re good sea m ent of th e little n atio n s we a re se t­ men and navigators, and tntoo Instead »■ape as It was before the blot tp- tin g np in Europe?“ he Is conjuring up of scar th eir bodies, and seldom prac­ peared. Old Deerfield la little changed since a ridiculous proposal never In th e tice cannibalism . 'Bhey also possess 'm in d s of th e fram ers of th e covenant. a common language, understandable th e Indians trailed through M assa­ R adicals and reactionaries alike have throughout New Zealand. Hawaii, Sa­ chusetts on th eir way from Albany to stum bled over th is plain sta te m en t moa, T ahiti and the Paum otu Islands. Boston. Relies of many a b attle be- ____ _______ ____ | tween the w hite man and his red and som e of them w ickedly, som e of them Ignorantly, read Into It w hat it c c t TUCI D kJIMno AT C A C C skinned foe are to he seen In the little mllMUO A l CHOC Pocomtock museum. D eerfield's only n o t there. Enorm ous consequences wC I I n o n i public building. Various boulders depend upon the im m ediate rec tify ­ along Main street aud on the Albany ing of th is gross m isunderstanding as Cases Are Numerous Whers Wrong doers. After Many Years, Maks 1 (Mist road com aieuntnite the many to th e article w hich la th e backbone Restitution to Show Regret. bloody struggles to push the new fron- o f th e w hole covenant. ; tie r w estward In those early pioneer L et it be rem em bered, m ilitary op- The sting of conscience Is not al­ days. poeitlon to externa! aggression Is to ways dulled by th e lapse of time. T rees th a t were old when Columbus be the la st agency, not th e first one. used. Each nation is now to be its T here is no more b itter penalty than discovered America overreach Deer­ b ro th e r's keeper and should help In to spend one's life with an accusing field's one beautiful highway—Main th e g reat w ork of forestalling and p re ­ conscience, no more unpleasant mem­ j street. T heir height. If not th eir sixe v en tin g trouble. Econom ic p ressu re i ory than of a wrong done. T hat Is of trunk. Is alm ost great enough to Is to be th e first d eterre n t. A nation particularly tru e w here It Is In the tem pt the eloquence of a native Cali­ th a t w ill not send its case to court, power of th e individual to rep air the fornian. th a t begins on external aggression, will wrong, to show by restitution th a t re- , F or safety ’s sake a plump, very plump, purse or one th a t has been Jn th e first place know th a t not a ship gret Is real. Conscience money Is frequently re- stepped on by the proverbial elephant will en te r its ports, not a railroad ca r o r telegram pass its border line. If eetved by Individuals and corporations. |* a necessity In visiting Old Deerfield com plete boycott falls, then a sm all T here may he tim es when paym ents H er women have revived housewifely quota of soldiers m ay be requisitioned come from Individuals who are m ental Industries und renewed needle and from each country, b u t only w hen our ly afflicted, but in mnny cases where loom artistry . Loom productions Jtlpe re p re se n ta tiv e on the council votes for paym ents could be traced back they those th at New England grandm others it. W e can nev er be com pelled to were m ade to ease an accusing con­ turned out. Modest signs may lie seen science, to right a wrong of years ago. announcing: “Raffln Baskets” th at send our troops ag ain st our will T here a re other individuals who do have earned for th eir w eavers a world T hose sen t will be volunteers, not co nscripts, and they will sim ply stop ; not use mystery, but who come ont In fam e fo r design, color and fine uenv- aggression. They will not conquer the open and pay debts long since out­ Ing; “Q uilts and Needlework,” th a t o r continue punishm ent if aggression lawed. many tiroes forgotten. T here would stagger the hurried city-bred ceases. are stories of these belated paym ents w oi»»n; “T attin g and K nitted L ac«;” L et A m ericans refuse to be fooled frequently printed, the last one coming “P hotographs” now recognized on two by specious argum ents a t th is most from North D akota, w here a man paid continents us unusual cam era art. nnd, critica l tim e. T he question is, shall a a debt nearly th irty years old. He not finally, a “Tea Room for Automobll- fra ctio n of th e ninety-six men in the only paid the debt, b u t he paid Interest fsts” In a bouse bearing the date of A>nPTiean S enate p rev en t w orld or- to d ate and cleaned the tr a n-¡netion up 1078 . We Vouch for Them Of all the tires that are made, —w hy do you suppose we prefer to sell United States • Tires? Because they are made by the biggest rubber company in the world. And they know how to build good tires. They have choice of ma­ terials,—they have immense facilities,—thev employ many exclusive methods. They can go to greater lengths in testing, improving and perfecting the things that make good tires. We find it good business to sell United States Tires. And—you will find it good business to buy them. They are here-a tire for every need. United States Tires are Good Tires LILLY HARDWARE CO., Stayton. HAMMOND LUMBER C O , Mill City TV» m 5 » .«■ Yes, it's toasted know how much toasting im­ proves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course —more flavor. Same with tobacco —especially Kentucky Burley. y Buy vourself a pack­ age of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great ! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. y * f Don't you want to see the W orld ? r I MANCE is calling to you! Strange and smiling foreign lands are beckoning to you. Shove off and see the •world! # úk V Learn to “parley-voo” in gay P aree. See th e bull-fights in Panama. See surf-riding on the beach of Waikiki. » < ■ ) Learn the lure that comes with the swish and swirl of the good salt sea. Eat well—free; dress well— free; sleep clean—free; and look ’em all straight in the eye—British, F rench, C h in e se , J a p a n e s e , Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians and all manner of people. Come! Be a real man of the 'world. See the world. See it with the red-blooded, hard-working, hard-playing men of the U. S. Navy. Pay begins the day you join. On board ship a man is always learning. Trade schools develop skill, industry and business ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each year with full pay. The food is good. First uniform outfit is fur­ nished free. Promotion is un­ limited for men of brains. You can enlist for two years and come out broader, stronger and abler. Shove off—Join the U. S. Navy. If you’re between 17 and 35 go to the nearest recruiting station for all the details. If you don’t know where it is ask your postmaster. Shove o ff! - Join the U. S .Navy