RKeO.iT OKTIIK. CONDITICI» OK TUK European demand is eating into the limited American supply until •t RfMytMfi. »’» tli* of Orotfon, * t tb« d o * « the home folks «re groaning. N o tice (t h ereby g iv e n th a t the un- o t b » .il* «* 'Mot, 11 IVI* der«inned h av e been duly appointed by The weirdest part of the per­ Urto; JfcCftS. thu (bounty C o u rt o f the S ta te o f O r e ­ Loft' -« »»»<1 «Si*«:c>u 9’UH '¥(7 49 formance is the fact that Ameri­ 4?1 xf» go n , for the C ounty o f M arion, ax F x - O ffr irrU» « * -irril « n i »iti* •tlirafd can capital is largely financing varrà fitti............................ 4O,ij( i foni •{•(>.ov«>*] rvM*rv« Intuita.. I & 14 give them credit because we 221 2* portion« h av in g claim « a g a in st the e s­ Cli< *’U# 011*1 iifber i'Mh l terna.. must sell our surplus in order to 0 « * h «»11 liand ................. .................... 30 ¿£3 04 ta te « o f «aid dependent* are hereby C u»t»n;"f’• Listili ty Account avoid extremely low pnees, panic notified to p re a c n i the s a m e to u« a t of A*1» «ulani-«** 1*790 00 4M €l and unemployment at home. S ta y to n , O r e g o n , duly verified a* by ■Ol’iir riMM /r.«...................................... By regulating and, if necessary, law required, w ithin six m onth« from T otal ............ ........ *........... t o w . m io the d ate o f thi« notice. prohibiting exports in certain Li a m u n ì? -. D ated a t S ta y to n , in M arion C ou n ty, CfftltM I aio li 1 »Aid In ................. .. 9 f4 )/ mio 00 altogether the Federal Govern­ **> 00 O r e g o n , th i* 8th d ay o f S ep te m b e r, H.iif.lu * futld.................... ment could, within a very short r.idiv pdaB protiiM................ *........... i 1919, Ir m «' (p e n iti muti ut Me* p#»ld 2 > time, bring about a material re­ John S te w a r t T ay lo r Indivi et u* clock spi,ma m j duction in the price level. But Josep h C edgerw ood T a y lo r, IN'BU» »d fortifient*:* of cp«>eiiii ... I l l u n i of Credit H.7S0 (IO Rachel T a y lo r , d eceased. increased world markets. Now T o t a l ......, ........ A . O , C ondit and Ronald C. G lov er, A t ­ 9648*8X3 10 ! is our chance to obtain them. If to r n e y 's fo r th e e s ta t e s , S a le m , O regon. *41« I** of O rcfoti t we place an embargo on exports, W e B u y , Sell and Exchange all K in d s of Fu rn itu re , j bou n ty of M arloni - S ep t. 11-O c t. 9 we immediately obtain lower l , J . W MAYO* < u lilcro flh e ilRive named —Stoves, E tc .— i*ank «to «oltmniy »wwir that the above «iate- prices at home and lose the mar­ :: »* true* to flu* be*t of my know led«« and kets we will need a little later j I nf II**I. I . W . Mayo, Caahler. when world production is more subMTiix-d and »worn to before me thin 18 th nearly normal. 1 * * o r * * w * r *t m «te «UMM** r :■ * rieh •> *> <* «:• a * ■> •> <• •> •> •> *> v •> * •> v v ❖ v » v ♦ •> •. v v v * ! Z 1 A 1 nu 3 fe u * V, I ; K u .i e r % k < • ci'. « Execslsr*’ Notice ot ApfOÛüMit F U R N I T U R E Farmers and Merchants Bank : “We Can Save You Money" F ra n k 3 7 7 Court St. “ G et F . - R ic h te r - - th is Salem, Oregon EXPORTS HOLD HP PRICES - SLICKERS ¥ \ APPLE I GROWERS \ r TH E R E A L T O S A . O C C h ü W ¡•ut ufi in f:o( j v. ;•*. t R IG H T C U T is a sbort-cut tobacco W-Ü C U T is a-lorn* finc-cut tobacco 5 « « ■ « « n . '.V aventi n i / i 9 « CIDER * NEW BARRELS ON HAND *t««R*! < Oregon Fire Relief Association Agent \ Farmers Fire^Relief of Butteville, Ore. New Jersey Firte Insurance Co. for Mutual Life Insurance Co. o f New York ' Fire Association, Philadelphia ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ » ♦ j Fire, Theft and TnogportaikUl ♦ ♦ ♦ h ♦ k WORKS PHONE 2025 * 9* £ £ £ * * K a • k l Indigestion i Now that you have a good . ciop of apples, why not ?• ve them? Bring them to the Br ? » SUBLIMITY Automobile Insurance i ♦ ♦ ♦ « Harry Humphreys 6 43»«8* 4* 6 6!» 6 = *»4» Stayton •> 6 «6 6 ò *û» 4» 6 6 4*4» 4 <• 5 t* » » r »» Thè * Battery* S hop * " j : Handle Everything In W e ¿a# 9 AUTO ELECTRICIANS IGNITION AND r ^0 YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, kJr permanently cured, so that you can cat any kind o f food that you crave? It has been done not only once, hut in almost every case when Cham­ berlain’s Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over $?.t 090.00 for medicine and treatment was perma­ nently cured by these tablets. : j r f i 1 9 j BATTER Y WORK Î 263 N. Com. St. Rjight Now is Salem Phone 413 Oregon I j Farm ^ a i % \ g ! * f 3 H e re is a ch a n ce to m o n ey by p u ttin g your — w ith “ H E A T E R ” $ You need it these cco! mornings We have them in all sizes 11 sav e J. Wagon and Bugjy Tires Set £ Time to Get Your s 1 II I 1 j - OUR FURNITURE LINE IS COMPLETE g I th e — LILLY HARDWARE CO. Hydrolic Cold Setter W . A .'C l a d e k ’s Brick Front Shop T h e Cold S e t te r sa v es 25 p e r c e n t o v e r th e m eth od o f se ttin g . • W e g u a ra n te e all cold se ttin g s. W e s e t tir e s hot at the old price old _ ■ W . A. Cladck, Prop. THE U N I V E R S A L C A R WlMlllMraMlllMr4ail4MMM«)l f 40 Pound Cotton Felt Mattress $13 Probably there ia noother ear that every day in the year meets the demand o f the physician _ J « issu iis ^ ,L . j ' i w i v L.'___ I f ' ______ CUP is . ............ .................... 1 the car is changed from a closed car to an open car. Equipped with an electric starting and lighting system, demountable rims with 3 j’j inch tires all around anil embodying all the established merits and economies o f the l ord car. Let us look after your Ford car and you will get genuine Ford parts and skilled work- manship. _. * , . a Peter Deidncn, AGENT Stayton Oregon FLOUR R E -S A L E The United States Grain Corporation Arm ouces that it w ill sell "S t r a ig h t ” grade flou r, to all purchasers, in carload lots, in 140 lb. ju te saoks. irross w t.. delivered to r.m R ailw ay Sta tion in Zone ¡0, com prising the S tates o f O regon, W ash­ ington and Idaho, at not to ex ceed $10.(>0p>ir hhl. net cash. Purchasers ’vill he supplied from nearest, m ailable mill, which may ’ exult in slight sav­ ing fo r bu y ers’ ecsount. Reduced Prices on AND SAUCER - 20 Cts. Ranges, Heaters and Oil Stoves “ WE SA V E YOU M O N E Y ” People's Furniture & Hardware Store 271 N . Commercial St„ Salem. Oregon SALEM’S TIRE MAN 'JACK W holesale erii i'’ M’ UV; profits on s u c h f lo u r m i " t n t e x c e e d 7 V p er bid. snd ret itloi ,>rofii must not exceed S t.ft pci f'K'. Address all cations to United States Grain Corporation 5 1 0 B o a r d r.f T r a d e io u iid in g Portland, Oregon V United States and Pennsylvania Tires Solid Truck Tires Retreading and Repair W ork NOTE:—The best equipped repair shop this side of Portland. Full Line o f Accessories and Oils 219 N . C O M 'L . S T . SALEM . O RE At the pesent time fourty one outside students hsve registered for the high school year, and several more are expected in the near future. The students who have registered from other dis­ tricts are: Cole Dist., Maysel Montgomery, Nina Darby; Fox Valley, Isabella Sureny, George Sureny, Hazel Phillips; Jordan. Claire Thomas, Duane Crabtree; McOully Mt., Kate Kuiken, Sar­ ah Kuiken, Anna Kuiken, Milton Rice, Ausmond Rice; Mt. Pleas­ ant, Earnsst Aegerter; Queener, Gerald Findley, Reva Findley, Arthus Kelly, Margaret Hensley; Weasel Flat, Willie Prichard, Milly Prichard; Douglas county, Lyle Ice; Marion county, North Santiam, Frank Schofield, Edna Hupp, Philip Weisenberger; Oak Ridge, Gilbert Worums; Sublim- itp, Edward Bell, Edith Hurt, Clara Minden, Leo Odentahl, Lawrence Smith, Margaret Sch- ultebein; Union Hill, Wallace Neal Stella Gilmore, Veda Scott; West Stayton, Alta Hayes, Ollie Braden, Hattie Dively; Rocky Point, Mabel Frank, Earl Down­ ing, Edith Fresh, Ethel Fresh, Marion Fresh. A student body meeting was held Monday for the purpose o f electing a secretary-treas. and a chairman for the executive com­ mittee. Edward J. Bell was unamiously elected secy-treas., and Mr. Fora received the unan­ imous ballot for chairman. The gymnasium classes were organized this week. The girls will use Monday and Wednesday for practice and the boys will meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week. At a meeting of the sophmore class the following officers weie elected: Pres. Cecil Schaefer; vice-pres., Rosa Allis; sec-treas., AlmaNendel; sergeant at arms, Melford Allen: member execu­ tive committee, Wallace Neal The following officers o f the Freshman class heve been elect­ ed: President, Gilbert Worums; vice-president Margaret Hensley; secy-treas., Edith Hurt; sergeant at arms, Frank Scofield; member executive committee, Giles Brown Margaret Schaefer who is a graduate of Stay tan High, visit­ ed the school Monday. Mrs. Lau was a high school visitor Monday. Edwin Keech called at the Hi school Tuesday. He graduated with the class of ’19 and is go­ ing to attend college at the Uni­ versity of Oregon this winter. The Stayton schools will be closetj Thursday evening so that the teachers and students will be able to attend the fair Friday and Saturday. Miss Ruby, the Primary teach­ er, will spend the week end with her sister in Salem. Lucile Tucker, a student of the W’illamette University, is teach­ ing in the 5th and 6th grade room this week. Miss Walker, the former teacher is in the hos­ pital for a minor operation and will not be able to return to her work for two weeks. Notice to Apple Gi I have installed a c at the Woolen Mills \ can make your cider 1 own a p p l e s at a i charge. The press is all times. J. P. Henry Talman. o f Oakland, California, was here Inst week visiting friends in Happy Hollow district. Mr. Talman was a resi- kent of this part o f the country and moved to California five years ago, for his wife’s health. He reports Mrs. Talman is ranch better in the sunny south. FOR SALE Two Holstein cows, one fresh and one soon to be fresh, ( ha?. Hettinger, Sublim­ ity.. Sept. 11-18