Image provided by: Santiam Historical Society; Stayton, OR
About The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1919)
V THE STAYTON MAIL STA Y TO N. MARION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919 25th. Year, No. 36. THE LONLEY BOYS IN SIBERIA— HOW THEY GET ALONG THIS IS THE LATEST COUNCIL WILL BUILD FROM THE STATE GAME NEW BRIDGE ON 3RD W A R D E N ’ S O FFIC E ST. OVER SALEM DITCH AS USUAL!! n . The following letter was re ceived from Wm. H. Smith, who ¡a with the Medical department A. K. F. in Siberia. The poet- mark reads Siberia, August 19: We were sent to this part of the world to quell Bolshevism and to guard the Northern lights We are so far north the dog-gone sun works only when he feels so inclined, and in that way is like everything else in Russia. The moon isn’t so particular. She usually cornea up backwards, at any time day os night, in any part of the skv. Having no reg ular schedule she often gets lost and is still on the joh at noon. Yes. we are so far north that thirty six degrees below zero will soon be tropical to us. They have to build fires around the cows before they can milk them. This is a tough town, there are 269,831 inhabitants of whom 61,- 329 are humans and 208,503 are dogs. I>ogs from every descrip tion from poodles to St. Ber nards, and from wolf hounds to dashunds which are half Ger man and half Bolshevick, and look the part. The wind whist les across Useless Bay like the Twentieth Century Limited pass ing Podunk. The Bnow Hakes are as numerous as retreating Germans were in France a few ago. Cectimes and Francs may be hard to count but did you ever hear of Rubles and Kojiecks? A Kopeck is worth one-tenth of a cent and there are one hundred of them in a Ruble. The Ruble is worth one dime. Ordinarily a Ruble is worth about fifty cents. To make matters worse all of the money is paper. Coins have gone out of circulation since the mixup. A Kopeck is the size of a postage stamp and looks like a cigar certificate. A twenty-five Ruble note resembles a porous plaster. A one hundred Ruble note looks like the Declaration of Independence. When a soldier is in search of a meal he enters a restaurant and says “ baresnya sakajreetyah bifsteak pozalysta” an order of beefsteak lady please. She will answer the younger customer with "yas ochen sojalaylu shto tyest yestinkpupason syeche” a (a simple cure for loce jaw) meaning I am sorry sir but we are out of that today. He will try another place, and if lucky, is apt to get something to eat; but when he looks at the bill of fare he learns that it will cost him 9 about $7.50 for a sandwich and a cup of coffee and he beats T O x n re rü KAISER’S PICTURE DON’T KELLY MILL GETS LOOK GOOD TO THE CONTRACT TO FURNISH COUNTY LUMBER SCHOOL DIRECTORS it back to his barracks. Every time we get on a street car we have to count out sixty kopecks for farefand most of us would rather walk than be jammed into a two by four bus. Before en According to Roy O. Kelly, The Kaiser’s picture in the tering a car a passenger hunts proprietor of the Kelly mill in geographies used in the pub up a couple of five gallon milk Happy Hollow, he has been lic schools ot the state almost cans, a market basket or two awarded the contract to furnish and a bag of smoked herring, so caused Albany school children to lumber for two rock bunkers, that he will get his kopecks go without textbooks this year. which will be used by the coun worth out of his ride, besides Almost, but not quite. When the state textbook com ty in connection with the paving making the atmosphere nice for missioner, of which A. C. Schmitt plant that will be located be the rest of the passengers. If you should see a soldier of this city is a member, came to tween Turner and Aumsville. walking down the street with consider a geography, none of The mill will also furnish the his nose in the air and his mouth the publishers would submit a lumber for four bridges that will puckered up with apparent con textbook this year until the geo be built between the above named tempt, it would be wrong to think graphical boundaries of the old towns. The contract was let by he was conceited for if the truth and new countries of Asia, Afri- L. S. Lambert of Stayton. who were known he had just got his ca and Europe are definitely fixed has charge of the road work. .---------- shirt from the wash woman who The company publishing the old used fiish oil instead of soap and textbook proposed that t h e i r r n r i * CCT IC he is trying to escape the fumes. book be continued for the pres- tlUlLIl 1/fc L Lul 15 When you take your clothes to ent and a new edition would be the laundry you tell the woman put out next year. This was to please omit the odors. She really the only recourse open to will tell you that he has no soap, the commi sion, and the old text and if you want them washed to was continued, The fact tnat that Hie the ex-Kaiser ex Kaiser’s s , Star The have ladieS ° f the a social “ Eastern in e iact organized club your satisfaction please send a cake of soap. Anything in the picture was in the book caused among the members, known as world to keep the clothes from P. D. Gilbert, president of the the “ Etollc de L ’ E st” Club. and smelling of fish oil. so you double Council of Defense, to make in have elected the following offi time back and get a cake of soap quiries, and it was learned that cers: President, Mrs. J. P. Wil Then she gives her kids a bath the publishers of the book have bur: Vice-President, Mrs. Sarah and that is the end of the soap. supplied C i t y Superintendent Berringer: Secretary, Mrs. Emma When a Russan meets a man Boetticher with e.x t n i P a * e8 Sioper; Treasurer. Mrs. Eliza he knows on the street both lift which can be substituted in place Ta yior their hats and flirt with each of the obnoxious sheet bearing The new club is organized for other. If they stop, and t§Jk the likeness of the arch-criminal the purpose of promoting socia they always shake hands even of the world— Albany Democrat. bility among members, and for if they had not seen each other the purpose of getting together for fully twenty minutes. They our language, how do you do; to more often than the regular must shake hands again when this she will reply “ Blogardduvas meeting nights of the order of they leave. When a man meets yhochen karacho” or very well, Eastern Star. The club meets a lady friend he usually kisses thank you. It is a knock out. A twice a month on Thursday af fellow has to shake hands so her hand and shows her how far many times that it is getting to ternoons. he can bend without stretching The residence of Mrs. Grace his suspenders and says, “ Yh be a habit around the company. N iebert was the meeting place Another thing, they are holding ochen bard vaseneedyet kakvur last week. pazaharactye” which means in a separate war up here for our benefit. Just because we’re not Dr. Edwin McKenney and in the big doings in France is no wife, of Union. Oregon, and W. reason why thev should run pass L. McKenney and wife and son the season’s series especially for Salem, were visitors at ye editor’s us. home Monday of this week. The We appreciate the kindness, doctor is a brother of W. L. Mc honor and all that, but believe Kenney of Salem and together IK E AN YTH IN !', E L SE , one me after all the dope you’re get ne \Jnnts s iiml should with his wife are taking in the lo this in h u v - y e t th e irlu llm o n e y's w o rth '/. To dn ting about pianos, wooden floors, iny Jew elry a n d Diam onds y o u m u st not only State Fair and visiting old time steam heat and other conven secure beautiful desiyns b u t yO u m ust y e t the friends in the state for a few iences being furnished us over days. here, and when we see ourselves Very Best in Q uality on post duty with a blanket or Dean Cromwell, director of W e G uarantee The Q u a lity o f E very poncho or sleeping in twenty in atheletic3 in the University of ches of ozzy mud, which before A rtic le \\ e S e ll to he ns E xactly California, at lxis Angeles, ac we awaken turns into thin ice, Represented companied by his wife and baby, it’s a joke brother a joke. It were here last week visiting at IK YOU ARE GOING TO I IKY \Nr THING USUALLY makes us cry out and ask the the Byron 1 Jenny home and at FOUND IN'JEWELRY STORES] HE SI RE AND Universe “ what ha^ve we done to the Williams home. They re SEE OUR LARGE DDjDAA YS deserve this misery.” misery Do not turned to California iast Thurs think we are kicking. American ________ H artm an Bros* Co. soldiers never kick. We just day. want something to write about Jew d e r * and Opticians to remind you that we are part Mr. and Mrs. H. Lilly returned of the American Expeditionary from a visit to Spokane and Pen Forces in Siberia although iso dleton last week. They also OREOOS SA IM M lated in the hell-hole of creation attended the fair at Yakima. Vladivostok, Siberia. NAME OF AUXILLARY TO “EASTERN STAR” Buying Jewelry ! Serial No. 1172 In an opinion given by Attor The big truck of the Brown- ney General George M. Brown, 1 Petzel Lumber Co. that is haul to M, A. Biggs, District Attor ing logs to the mill, went thru ney for Harney county, the shoot-1 the third street bridge in town ing season for ducks, geese and last Friday and put the bridge other migratory waterfowl has out of commission. been definitely settled. Confus At a special meeting of the ion has existed in the minds of City Fathers Saturday evening, many shooters on account of a it was decided to build a new difference in the Federal and I bridge, as upon investigation the State seasons. The state cannot structure was found to be in bad legislate within the closed season shape and not safe for traffic. of the Federal regulations, but Councilmen Wilbur and Thoma it can legislate within the open were appointed a committe to season. The Federal open sea look after the bride and the son is three and one-half months, work of tearing out the old one but the state, if it cares to, may has been under way this week. close any portion or all of this It is rumored that the new bridge Federal open season. The shoot will be built of concrete. ing season, therefore, which The water committe which is must be observed by hunters composed of J. H. Thoma and J. throughout Oregon is as follows: R. Gardner, was instructed to For Multnomah, Clatsop, Col complete the repairs that have umbia and Tillamook counties, been started on the water plant. the open season begins on Oct This means that a new flume ober 1st and closes December 31. will be built, the water wheel, In all other counties of Game > that has long needed repairs will District No. 1, which compaises be put in shape and the “ groan” all that portion of Oregon lying will be taken out of the city west of the summit of the Cas pump, before the committe gets cade mountains, the season opens through with their work. on October 16th and closes on When this work is completed January 15th. In all counties of the water users will begin to re Game District No. 2, chich com ceive service that they should prises all that portion of Oregon have had a long time ago, lying east of the summit of the Cascade mountains, the open Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Riggs of season begins on October 1st and Seattle, who have been visiting ends on December 21st. at the Wm. English home here and other friends in Happy Hol low, left for the State Fair Wed Don’t Forget nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs There will be the usual servi formerly resided here and they ces in the Methodist church on were surprised to see th e num Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ber of changes that have taken League meeting at 7 p. m. place during the time they have Fourty five per cent of all an been away. nual promises to the Centenary will need be in not later th a n ! There will be an auction sale Sunday, as all reports for the annual conference, which will b e 1 on the John Kusey place, two held in First church. Salem, have j miles north west of Stayton, on to be ready on Tuesday the 30th. the 15th of October. There will be quite a number of cattle and horses, also farm machinery to J. B. Jeter and family went to j be sold. Sale bills will be out Ashland, Oregon, Wednesday, next week. where they will reside for the winter. The move is made on John Dozier, of Kingston, has account of Miss Elva’s health. purchased the 205 acre farm of The Mail will keep the family John Kusey, located west of posted on St yton happenings Stayton and will take possession while they arefiway. about the middle of October. Received Every" Day" Till 9 o’Clock p.m. Crates Furnished Highest. Market Price Paid Chas. Gehlen j