V Hi C '/u EWS Mayor Murphy was in Port-! The young son of John Thomu . j»id for a few days last week. has fully recovered from a re- ,, . , cent operation tor the removal Bertyl Hates returned from o f tonsils a tl adenoids. *Hdl’a camp last Friday. Mrs. Rice and children o f L;.- Third Episode o f "T h e I.ureof ... , , _ , ons. have moved into the Andy the Circus i lines«. a> ct. • > c\,rnjsh house in the north onrt Mrs. Wnr«. Cornish and M^s. o f town. The children Will at- A lg io Mu ruby were Salem visit- tend scl ool here this winter. v>rs last Saturday. Gerald Kir ley came down from O. W. Humphreys of Victor Hill’ s logging camp last week Point, was in town the firat of where he has been working for i e week. some time. He will attend high Several Stayton r n le attend- school here this, winter. the Linn county *air at St io. Last week Dr. Beauchamp re-' moved the tonsils and adenoids rhis week. Mrs. Ethel Malone of the Ho v- from Vivian am! Oiin l)avio and «11 district, is reported on the Neva 'htus. of Stayton. and from Walter Allen o f Mill City. Dr. iack list. Mrs. Wm. Ne "Jo'll and daugh iloosen of Scio, administered the te rs Miss Alma and Vi * sim > i aesthetic. Mrs. Mason Bishop and little last week w ith relatives in '.i t n. daughter, Henrietta, have return * Leo Luly who has beer, work ed home al ter a pleasant week ing: near Salem during vacation, in Eugene visiting Miss Helen returned home last Sunday. Moore. Miss Moore is a former Read the Millinery ad of Mrs. Salem girl, being a graduate of Uena Mack in this week’ s Man. the local high school and of the Henry Benson, one of the pros Williamette L’ ui v e r s i t y. She fpcrous farmers o f Fern Ridge, will teach in the Stayton High w a s a Stayton caller Monday. School this winter. Salem Capi Read the combination offer of tal Journal. the Mail and Portland Telegram in another part c f the Mail t: is iveek. D. M. Doll is handling the mail on route No. 2 while Leo Rock is taking his vacation. T h e U nited States Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Chrisman o f Linn county, were visiting G rain Corporation friends here the first of the week. Annouces that it will -ell “ Straight" KT.iiie flour, to ull Remember \the "Silent Wit pnrchHt-ers, in carluaii lots, in 140 lb. jute sacks, cross w ness’ ’ Friday and Saturday at delivered to any Railway Sta Star Theatre. tion in Zone 10, coinpr son; the States o f Oregon, W i.-li- Finiev’s wood saw from Linn ington and Idaho, at no* to ■county, has been in our midst exceed ¿10.00 per bhl. . h. Purchasers will be supp ed th e past week cutting wood for from nearest available II, S ta v ton people. which n.ay result in slight iv- ing for buyers’ account. Human hair switchrs, a new' W holesale anil jobt-inii pro •. on such Hour mu- 1 not excce.l 7 per selection just received. I can bhi. anil n aili-r s prolil must not exceed t l . H per hhl. match any sr.ade. Mrs. Dena A d d re ss all co m m u n ica tion s to Alack. U nited States G rain Mr. and Mrs. H. Lilly left Corporation Thursday for a visit at Spokane, 5 1 0 B o ard o f »T r a d e B u ild in g Portland, O re g o n Washington and Pendleton where “th ey will take in the Big Round- Up. They will visit Seattle on t FLO U R R E -S A L E Sloper’s M)\ W/ j| Star T heatre \ S ^ ^ ^ ‘, v < m S sn X * v v s S ^ ,X ,,X , v %X% svs H '*^ 'X * s ,, v ,I m X '\ s '{^ ^ jg R| Star - Ci rude M cCoy- ¡ac N J A Y — E N ID B E N N E T T — Don’t Forget that mysterious picture “ The Silent Witness’ ’ ! Friday and Saturday at Star Theatre. JVIr. and Mrs. W. L. McKenney •send son James, of Salem, Miss Lena Mize and ye editor and fam ily motored to Sodaville Sun-] Jay where the day was spent picnicing and tanking up on the water from the famous spring. > h R. C. Calivan and w ife were Here from Oregon City last week visiting with Mrs. Calivan’s par en ts. Mr. and Mrs. Burmester. tin the Blue Den district, and also iriends in Stayton.. They return ed to Oregon City, Saturday, where Mr. Calivan is working in j the paptr mills. Elsewher in the columns of 'ta * Mail will be foundacombina- tiir.B subscription offer. Readers • « i ti±° Mail who are in arears, will have an opportunity to re new and get the Portland Tele gram and the Mail both for one year for $4.75. This applies to n e w subscribers as well as old. I v w v -v \ and Supplies in * “Fuss ard Feathers” V . JNESDAY ‘Tire ileed Case » y Inks in all Colors, Machine Pencil Sharpeners, Rulers, Chalk, Tablets Erasers, Typewriter Ribbon, Type writer Paper, Pencil Clips,Fountain Pens, Pencils, Note Books, Loose Leaf Note Books and A R eal W e s t e r n P ic tu r e .Io rd a n Ite m s W. Macintosh went Mrs. Saturday for a few to Port! day’$ visit. Mr. K Balseiger and w ife 1« rt at the H. Phillii s home Sutulay afternoon. Mis. Arbuckle tmd daughter called o; Mrs. Nortmad Sunday evening. Mi s Pearl Grimes o f Salem, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. Chris Burmister is now hauling nilk to the cheese fac tory, having taken Ed Pepper- ling’s place. Prosiiects are good for .Jordan to hav«> electric lights soon, movement is on foot to put in a plant here. We understand Mr. Herman Foltz ind Miss Rovdt were mar- ried at Stayton Tuesday. Here is for a long and happy life to them both. 4 a Everything the Students Needs CÌ' >r e r e * »**■**»» É : E rin g y o u r Evergreen Blackberries c A t ... We Pay the Top « Price in .Cash ? « CRATES FU R N ISH E D — * M t _f r i . M, S C c lS n ^ t O r C OKU Sloper’s hv ; 2 » ñ ■ ■ ■ ■ ._____________________ W .. ■ b k t Preaching every second and fourth Sundays of each month, morning and evening. Morning services at 11 a. ni. and evening services at 8 p. m. Sunday school each Sunday » morning at 10 a. in. S. L. Boyce, Pastor. Store I gg Store f Baptist Church To Us. ’A c A iS 5 ‘ i 1 ______ GEM CONFECTIONER Y First Class Confections. H ig h G rade Pure Candies f ine C igars stnd T o b a c c o Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks All Prices and Style Box Candy J. A. HEND ERSH O TT, Proprietor Stayton, O regon THE STAYTON BAKERY EXPANSION J. H. Hutchinson, the Mutual L ife Irsuravce man, was looking I I a ft e r business here Tuesday. Mr. J Hutchinson has recently return a e d from a trip to Montrael, Can., j where he attended the National convention. *W, v % sv v School Books • T H E S II h IT W IT N E S S a E* vvv Friday r. d Saturday minaiiniiunuiuinmimmiimmiin from here and Sub attend- ed the Foltz wedding dance at Jordan Tuesday evening. They all rejiort a good time. Messrs Lynott and Williams d ie railroad promoters, returned from Portland the first of the week where they have been con- fe rin g with other railroad officials S to r e H O M E M AD E BREAD. C A K E S A N D C O O K IE S NO ORDER TOO LARGE C. E. K R A M E R , Proprietor STAYTON OREGON T h e demand made on our store for goods has been unprecedented and in order to meet this demand we have annexed the adjoining building giving us omple roo m. Furthermore w e have sent our buyer to the Eastern Clnthing Markats Save Today for Tomorrow's Needs and he has just returned, having made large and Special Purchases of Men's Suits and Overcoats of the very latest and newest models. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE issaisirraa ass ß»K 5 ::-sr?!,*a«*a«aa#Sii Do you live “ from hand to mouth?” There is a system o f living whereby Today may be made to provide for Tomorrow— this year for next year— the prime of manhood for old age. ■ S A V E ■ This one word tells the story. Just a little regu larly deposited in our savings department makes a pleasently sur prising showing in the yeais to come & Capital $50,000.00 « t Farmers & Merchants SK S Bank of Stayton,Oregon p