11 * CONNECTICUT BUYS STAMPS 9 N*w London, Conn. -The K tili of Connecticut, through O. Harold Oil patrtr, atata treasurer, haa pur- rhaaad (1000 worth of W. D H aa an Inveetmeat for atata funds They will h* hold until thr data of maturity. Tho purchaao la to i>a rradltrd to tho city of Putnam, of whlrb Ollpatrle la a resident Tho Connecticut atata traaaury sub- arrlhad for 11,160,000 worth of Vie tory notaa during Ilia Uiat campaign. Thla hrouwht tho total of the atata'« tnvaalmant In government wnr arcu rltlas up to inora Ihnn $2,000,000. 1—_W K ri -j With the purchasing power of tha dollar lower than It has ever barn. It la the part of wladoin to put aom«* of them to work, earning Interest, until tho time thnt money la worth inora, Wnr Having* Htarnpa analile the wuge «truer to do thla. Have what you can tud Inveat It In W. 8. 8. n NECESSITY OF A LEAGUE OF NATIONS Should Eliminate War In Ninety- Nine Out of One Hundred Cases. < / I wtah to maintain tha proposition thnt p l,eiiRite of Nation« 1« not only doalrahlo but an nbaoluta necaaalty land for throe roaaona, any one of whlrb would be sufficient to Justify that phraae. Klr»t, It la a naraaalty for winding up the war, We tnuat not forget that thla war haa unaettled almost every- 'thing: haa deatroyed nation«, and has created new nation« on paper, such aa Finland. Poliind. <’re<-lio-Slo­ vakia. Jugo slavia, the Ulkralne ,and the Balkan State« and anme seml- Intb'pendent b o d ie s )ige Armenia, the Caucasus. and Palestine. Theae amall state* will be even more at the mercy *f the great atatea than Belgium wan, If we do not guarantee In some way their Independence. Then there are the great problem« of the landlocked countries, which mnat have an outlet to the aea, and of certain International areas, like the Boaphorua, which must be adminis­ tered by a league of nation«. Then there are the German Colonies, which need, for ohvloua reneon«, to he ad­ ministered Internationally. Finally, aa Mr. Taft predicted, thla peace treaty la aa long as the moral law. It will require Interpretation, and It will require enforcement, for both of which we need a league of nations. Secondly, we need It In order to avoid a recurrence of what lias con­ stituted a veritable curse even In ttmea of peace, competitive arm a­ ments. International cut-throat competition In armies and navlea leave« the n a­ tion« tn the end In aubstnntlaHy the same relative positions ae In the be­ ginning. Yet we mu«t each In self- defense, keep up In thlH rare. To Eu­ rope this will mean economic ruin; to tia. high taxes. There are business men who are fighting shy of the Idea of a league of nations with tho thought that It Is going to unaettle trad« Internationally —afraid, perhaps, that the tariff will be disturbed In some .way. But any possible gain that eould be had by maintaining the status quo would be cancelled many times over by the loss from the taxes—enormously high— which would be required to keep up our end in this International compe­ tition In armaments. Our own coun­ try. In spite of Its w ealth, would be reduced s long way toward poverty. This world would be scarcely at to Bve In. Wa have reached the parting of the way« as to our policy on armaments. Either we must compete with the re at of the world, or combine with the rest of the world. The third and moat Important rea­ son for a league la to prevent the ra- rurrence of a world war. A league should eliminate war tn 99 ont of I(K) rases, because tt af­ fords another way than war to settle the Inevitable dispute«. A collective police force takes the place of na­ tional military force«. The national pride which so often lead« to w ar wltl be transferred to keeping treaties. No longer will a nation nerd to go to wnr to "save Its face" rather than re ­ cede from an untenable position; for the award of the third party will pre­ serve Its self-respect. Furtherm ore, w hatever disarmam ent takes place will tend to diminish the danger of war and reduce Its scale if It comes Many people are Indifferent te or scornful of the Idea of a league of nations chleiy because they lack the traaglnhtlon to realise the horrible alternative. In order .then ,to wind np this war, to prevent oppressive taxes In times of peace, and to prevent future wars, we need a league of Nations. But besides these three reasons, which are purely selfish, there ts a reason which outweighs them all. Ir­ respective of our Interests, Irrespec­ tive of the fortunes of any man or party, we are In honor bound to do this thing. Our boys went abroad, to m ake thp world "safe for democracy.” and to do It forever. We owe It to them that their labors shall no! have iiecn In v;dn. Wo are talking about erecting monuments to them—momo- -lal arches, and bridges, and build­ ings. I,et us first erect a monument nhlch will not only commemorate but oerpelnaln their work, the monument f a League of Nations. n . 9 .9 r m i E :u : The following articles will be sold to the highest bidder on my'farm two miles west of Lyons, on the Scio road, on H n • • • SALE TO COMMENCE AT 10 O’CLOCK, cA - c7W., SHARP VSWVVV'.H/ •*VV*i n 10 Milk Cows 3 Yearlings 1 Brood Sow 8 Six months Shoats 14 Goats 3 Horses, 1 Pony 1 John Deer Buggy, 1 Hillside plow 1 Monarch Hack, 1 Double Shovel plow 1 Disc H arrow 10 18in discs 2 14in Oliver Chilled plows 1 12ft Straight tooth harrow 1 V: j 1 t j* t X X t § $ * x 1 h i i i 1 i * t X i l l X X X { i V $ 1 X in 1 Six ft McCormack Binder 1 Five ft McCormack Mower 1 4 l-2ft Champion Mower 1 12ft Advance Hay Rake 1 Eight ft Hajr R^ake 1 3 34 Studebaker wg’n (3& bx 1 Spring Tooth Harrow 1 Set Work Harness 1 Set Double Buggjr Harness 2 Good Stock Saddles 1 14 tooth Harrow Cultivator ’ 1 Pair Double Blocks HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, ETC, ETC. One lHp. Drag Saw with 3 saws 5, 6, and 7ft \ n • TWTQ. c/ill sums of $10.00 and under, Cash, over that amount six months X -C y X x lV X O . time will be given at 8 per cent with bankable note. See the Clerk before you buy' x - x - x x X “X *x-e-x-+X “X ~{-x>-x^x,-x-<~x-í>-x-x~>-x«fl*<*<-e“:-->M^<“X-> n A1 Auctioneer Stevenson, Walter Clerk Mayo, ,>-:..:~:-:~:~K»-k'K~X“X~:~x~:~x~x-<-'X~x~x-x-*X">^* \~ x ~ x ~ » > x ~ x k k ^ x ~ x k ~ x ~ x ~ x k ~ x ~ x ~ x ~> x * i cJ7VIrs. O. ¿TV! caplet, TTT* r a ; a ; a ; a : » ; Owner : a r m c r , Sisrevrara-f-yra ■ a ■ arerr a r a. rTTTT»T4.-v * ■ arwrsrrv m