The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 18, 1919, Image 6

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Majority Feel That President's Guid­
ance Should Be Held— He Regards
Pact As Sure to Come Sion.
(By ML Clemens News Bureau)
Aboard President Wilson's Special
Train —From the Capital at Washing­
ton to the far Pacific coast the Presi­
dent of the United States has jour­
neyed on the most unusual exp >ditioc
erer undertaken by a chief executive
of the nation.
To discuss national questions, many
pr-sidents have toured the land; but
Mr. Wilson is laying before America
a question which affects the whole
world— the question of whether or not
we are to Join in the League of Na­
tions; whether we are to forget our
former isolation and share with the
other peoples of the ear:h the respon­
sibilities of maintaining civilisation
and preventing, as he says we can do.
future warfare.
Between the capital and .he coast
the president made fifteen speeches
and half a dozen brief talks. All of
100,000 fellow citlrm s listened to him.
Several millions had the chance to see
him. and apparently everyone wanted
to see him. from those who thronged
the streets of the cities and towns
where he stopped, to those who came
to the rallside or stood at little flag
stations in remote places, knowing
their only reward could be a fleeting
glimpse and a wave of the hand.
He has met and talked to all types
of citizens— to men big in the busi­
ness, inancial and professional worlds,
to farmers and mechanical workers,
to Indians and cowboys and foreign-
born herders and rangers, to soldiers
and to mothers who lost soldier-sons
in the late war.
What do they all tell him? unani­
mously they say they want peace
definitely settled, they want no more
wars, they want the League of Na­
tions. and most of the American peo­
ple. It may be fairly said, tell the
President they want the League just
as it is, without the reservations or
amendments which certain senators
have insisted upon. The majority of
Citizens say to those who interview
them on this tour:
"Woodrow Wilson guided us rightly
before and during the war with Ger­
many. W e entered that war. every­
one agrees, to end all wars. He says
the league can do thaL W'e want to
do that, so let us keep on trusting him
and get the league Into operation as
soon as possible, fo rget politics.”
Most Americans encountered on the
tour have forgotten politics
lican Governors and Mayors have In­
troduced the President to his audi­
ence; the Major part of the local com­
mittees which hare met him have
been Republicans. They have all said:
"W e are nothing but Americans, Mr.
Mr. Wilson’s arguments for the
league, briefly summarized, are those:
There can be no peace, either now
or in the future, without it. There
can only be a regrouping of nations
and a new "Balance of Power,” which
it certain to lead to war. There can
be no war in the future, with the
league in existence, because no single
nation would defy the united rest of
mankind, and if it did, it cculd be
biought to terms by an economic
boycott, and without, the use of arms.
There can be no reduction in the
cost of living until the league is es­
tablished, for nations will not go
ahead with peace time production un­
til they know that peace is definitely
assured and that production of war
material is no longer necessary.
Thera can be wonderful prosperity,
league In existence, for rel­
ations of labor and capital all over
the world will be made closer and
more friendly, and the worker will re­
ceive a fairer share of what he pro­
These declaration of the president,
logically and eloquently put, have left
bU hearers thinking and thinking
deeply. And then Mr. Wilson has
pointed out, the people themselves, as
differentiated from senators «Old politi­
cians, seem to want Just what the
president wants, which is America for
Quite an unusual as the purpose of
the cross country tour is the manner
in which It is being carried out and
the completeness of the arrange­
ments on the nine car train which 1«
bearing the party.
At the rear Is the private car May­
flower, occupied by the Preslden» and
Mrs Wilson. Next Is a compartment
car for the secretary Tumulty, Ad.
mlral Grayson, Mr. Wilson’s Phygi-
clan. four stenographers, the chief
executive clerk and teven secret ser­
vice men. Byond are three compart­
ment cars which house twenty-one
correspondents, five movie mm. and
a telegraphic and a railroad expert.
Then there is a dinner, a club ear, and
two baggage cars, one of them con.
verted Into a business office. Th<-
trnfn was exactly on time at every
stop between Washington and the
San Francisco— The retail dealers'
advice to the victims of high price»
is to curtail buying. Following is a
l<ortion of a tenet from Kdward A
Mac Lean, secretary of the Oregon
Retail Merchants' Association, to
Governor John U. Galkins of the
S a n Francisco Federal Reserve
"Portland, Oregon,
August 18, 1919.
“ ----- So long is the free buying
spirit of the American public exists,
mayors and governors can fuss and
fume and Conurcss can enact what
It pleases, but high prices will con
Untie. It Is my opinion that the pur
chase of goverutin nt securities such
as War Savings Stamps and Tress
ury Savings Certificates Instead of
merchandise will hasten th.‘ over
throw of the 'high cost of living.'
Here is the point— It Is high time
that the American people ware
brought to realize that the res,«in
sibillty for the high coat of living
Is not a resiionslblllty of Congress
or any other agency. Unless the
American people, themselves, quit
supporting high prices, they can
right now make up their minds to
pay high prices for some time to
Yours very truly,
(Signed» K A. Mar LEAN.
Oregon State R -ai; >rs' Association.”
era approximately 19,000,000 for
Every man. woman and child who
bu>s Thrift and War Savinas Stamp«
or Treasury Savings Certificates this
>ear will share In the Government's
Get Into a War Savings
Society In your community, save and
invest your savings In Stamps and cer­
tificates and got your share of tha
melon. You can buy a Thrift Stamp
,'or twenty-five cents.
United States Tires
aix> Good Tires
'C h a in
Dance to Attract Mate.
On some of the Islands of the Pa­
cific, in tropical South America, is
• und the beautiful bini known ns the
cana. It Is famous for its so-calhul
ove dances, which appear to be exe-
oted by the male to excite the uilmlr
ntlon of the female birds. When the
ìatlog season approaches the Jacsna
will single out Its favorite lady and
■ry to win her admiration with all its
bewitching maneuvers. In the dance
he wings are spread and worked in
such a manner that the l>cautlful cel-
>rvd feathers produce a brilliant effect.
Jack Broughton, Englishman, Nearl)
Two Hundred Years Ago, Formu­
lated Rules to Govern Sport.
Jack Broughton, the father o f pu­
gilism, fought his first tight on July I).
1725. He was engaged In many rough-
and-tumble fights with other lads, hut
at that time he knew nothing of box­
ing. which was Just being introduced
by James Flgg.
While attending a
fair Broughton was attracted by a box­
ing booth kept by Flgg ami was much
incensed by the foul tactics used by
-V s s
a big nmu In boxing a much smnllcr
one. He remonstrated with the big
bruiser and an altercation ensued
which had reached the stage of fisti­
cuffs when Flgg interfered and Invited
the two men to the stage to settle their
differences. Young Broughton, after
ten desperate rounds, completely tri­
umphed over his older, bigger au<l
Thrifty Westerners’ Inv st- more
experienced opponent. That was
mentt Will Earn Nearly Mil­ Broughton's Introduction to the ring.
lion ancl Ope-half Interest I After Flgg's death he became cham­
pion and by formulating a code o f
San Francisco.— Thrifty folks in rules to govern the game he became
the s»vcn states of the Twelfth Fed­ entitled to rank as the founder of
eral Reserve District saved $6.4 27,- modern pugilism.
30S by purchasing Thrift and War
Pilotless Airplane Flies Far.
Savings Stamps from January I to
For two years experiments have
July 26, 1919, according to a report
made by the San Francisco Federal been making in France with a pilot­
Reserve Bank. Five years from now less airplane which seems to be a suc­
at their date o f maturity, those cess. The apparatus Is guided from
At n
stamps will be worth Just about a land by telemechanlc means.
mil Non and a half dollars more than trial b efore Colonel Phc, director of
they cost the purchasers.
In other aviation. It traveled over a pre­
words, the I'nited States Government scribed course of ISO kilometers and
w ill pay back to the Stamp purchas- landed at, a designated airdrome.
'fluirai Card'
M ost
W e a r — life— service— mile­
age— safety— comfort. These
are the things that c o u n t in
a tire.
These are exactly what you
get in United States Tires,—
general all-round tire satis­
This greater total of tire
Car owners w h o do their
ow n thinking prefer United
States Tires. Their merit is
recognized everyzcherc.
W e have them—a type and
size for every car.
TH l u n i v e r s a l c a r
i » 1-.
Most o f the Gas Companies throughout the
country- use a fleet o f Ford Runabouts. The
same is true o f other big corporations. The
reasons are very practical. The Ford Runabout
is the most economical solution o f quick trans­
portation from manufacturer to retailer. For
soliciting business, for the Collector, for the
Doctor, Cc-r tractor, Builder, and almost every
ether line o f business activity, the Ford Run­
about is really a necessity. W e solicit your order
for one or more. W e ask your repair business.
W e would like your motor accessory business.
W e can > rve you, we believe, to your best
values means greater econo­
m y— less cost of maintenance
—less repairs and depreciation.
Oregon State
September 22*27
$ 60,000
$ 60,000
Low Excursion Rates on all Railroads
For Paticulars Address
A. H. Lea, Secy.
fault finding disposition is often
due to a disordered stomach.
A man with good
digestion is nearly always good natured.
great mr.ny have been permanently cured o f stom­
ach troubles hy Chamberlain’s Tablets aft
o f suffering. 1 iese tablets strengthen the .‘ temach
and enable it to perform its functions naturally.
T ry th em .^ T h ey only cost a quarter.
Cham fièri ain’s Tablet