The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 21, 1919, Image 4

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J «S W A T
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pi*tlncul*h*d C iti**«* Among
tltfc Hank* of tt>* Town of
Mantfield, Conn.
At »li ■ re m it i t ! oh rat I on at Mana-
IMtl. O n n .. o f the ffoltlen «■willing o f
Air. «m l 'lr>. Henry W. Hunk*, the
fuel ivi)« brought out that the Hank*
fam ily hits Ion 2 l>*«'u known fo r Ita
Ingenuity. The first town clock known
In this rouutry « a s made on llan k*
hill hy Benjamin Hanks and was
placed •• the Old Dutch church In
New York city in 17S0.
T he first
brass caution tu.d first bell In America
were ;
cast .>>i Hanks hill.
Not only th
hut the first silk mill
eroded i « the Ctiited State«. In ItSlU.
Mill r ctliis on the old hill. The
frati.: •her o f Henry W. Banks, who
was H< ilney llanl s. wns the tir«t s!!k
The lat-
iBunufi •Hirer In America.
ter's «i n, t'.<. rce It., fnfher o f llenty.
conlliiiied iii the business. All nhout
the old town are evidence* o f n famous
ex pc rim ".it In nosing cocoon« tor the
Indn ry, in tl.e shape o f stray nml-
berr: : • « wtii. :i have survived tu#
severe New Knpland winters.
At. '
Interesting fact brought out
at ill > celehratloa was that, although
Mr. and Mrs. Henry lianks h;fve five
chlhlreti anti four grandchildren, dur­
ing the fifty years o f their married
life there hits never been a death in
the family. When a boy, Henry Hanks
went wiita his parents to llliuois,
where they ran :i ranch and conducted
a grocery store in the years between
1S.Y8 and JM57. r oving back to the an­
cestral acres during the latter year.—
N ew York World.
150 Head First Glass Stock Ewes
6 Head High Grade Bucks
I w ill sell at Public Sale, to the Highest Bidder at the farm known as the
Hand Sickles and Wooden P low «
Drawn by Oxen Are Still in
Use on the Island.
Relies o f Hi hi leal pastoral life, plow­
ing w it1- win- n hooks drawn hy oxen.
reaping by the most prim itive imple­
ments i ru! ot »r occupations o f the
nom idic poop s o f antiquity remain
the manner i>7 living tmlny in Sardinia,
accord c to Dr. A lfred P. Dennis,
coniine; -In! : tache o f the United
States etnbn-sy at Home, who has Just
re tu rn .' fn : the i>i.tnil after making
an exhaustive study into trade possi­
- present a living picture
o f the remote past which has been
! nd handed down from
antiqi: .." «.■ d Doctor Dennis. “ W a­
ter whe *is u ::h eartlieu buckets, wood­
en plows drawn by oxen, the scythe
and th» si.-kle k i ill In use in reaping
vast fields- nomadic occupations un-
Chun.. d -in.
the day« o f the Aryan
dispersion—tribal costtlYnes as gay and
grotesque a* the trappings o f the me­
dieval p o o : t— all reproduced in the
veriest sin
ude the archaic life of
bygone age«.“
One quarter mile south of Kingston on
• L • & M » A 'v
V *''ï
I êt -. ■ •
Commencing at 10 o’clock, the following described* stock, machinery, etc.
,«..> . x ~ x - x - x ~ x -<--X“ - x -- x - x - x -< k ~ x - x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x -- x - x *- x - x -<- x ~ x »* x ~ X “ X - x
of tie- : < t.
T li.« « one o f the most Important
deefcion« ever rendered affecting the
conser-.:,"on o f wild life. It sustains
the right 'o f congress to enact legisla­
tion to insure the execution o f the
terms o f the treaty between the United
States m u , Great Britain, concluded
August Id !91fi, fo r the protection of
migratory birds In the United States
And Oamii'u.
It will be recalled that Judge Trle-
ber in
in the case o f United
Statu, »g i ust H arvey C. Shauver, de­
cided »’ : the migratory bird law. ap­
proved ,M: rub *, 1!*13, was unconsti­
tutional. The present law repealed
the n«t o f 1913.— Birmingham Age-
Millionaire* and Nickel*.
Mr. TnmpklM meant well, hut he
Was no; as happy as usual, when he
laud' ,, I he returned soldier« by say
lo g Ihcj cared no more for their lives
When lliev went into battle than a mil­
lionaire cares for a nickel. T in « meta­
phor dues not measure the heroism of
our men. One* we knew a millionaire
Whose favorite expression w as: “ Five
Cents Is tin; in tere«’ imi n dollar Gir s
whole year.” We know others who feci
the way.— Baltimore Sun.
Matter o f Reit Im portare«.
portone »e ib T — Do you want to
know v.iuit your fit it r * husband Will
b * like
..! ■ Littb' Party G o t! g-n-
flo u «, no!
Ubar t
am to km ■> is
What t! ■ i f « ¡ml* will be id .el--
ta ndoi, , : un
- x ~ x ~:- x ~ x
~ x ~ X "W ~ x ~ x - < "# ^ ^
1 Kentucky drill. 1 Kentucky disk
1 one horse cultivator. 1 two horse cultivator
1 26ft drag. 1 grain cleaner. 1 Spaulding hack
1 hay rack, 1 hay carrier, hay slings, hay rope
1 sheep sheering machine, 1 power washer
2 set heavy harness, 3 plow narness
1 half horse gas engine, 1 barrel churn
1 Sunny-Monday washer, 1 cream separator
1 gasoline storage tank 50 gal. capacity
Dehorners. forks, shovels, hoes, cook stove
2 heaters, 2 cupboards. I kitchen cabinet
12 dining chairs, 4 rockers, 1 dining table
1 center table, 1 six-octave Kimball organ
2 dressers, 7 iron beds, lamps and dishes
1 grey mare 5 yrs old wt 1350
1 bay 44 7 44
44 1650
1 44 horse 5 44 44 1550
1 iron gray horse 5 yrs old wt. 1350
1 gray horse 13 yrs old wt. 1400
1 bay mare wt. 1500
7 head registered Holstein cows
5 Holstein heifers. 3 Holstein bulls
2 Grade Holstein Heifers. 2 Grade Holstein Cows
6 head of two year old Jerseys.
9 head shoats, one brood sow 44Durock Jersey”
41 head yearling goats
1 Deering binder. 1 Milwaukee mower
1 Milwaukee rake. 1 Fern cutter, 2 plows
1 P & 0 new Corn planter. 2 wagons
Migratory 3i-d Law.
The consti'utionahty o f the federal
gnlgratory hlrd treaty act, approved
July S. 1!M8. 1* upheld In an opinion
rendered r.nt long ago by Federal
Judge .liicoh Trieber o f the eastern
<• sir' » o f Arkansas In the case o f the
l t - d States against E. D. Thomp­
son of Memphis, chant'«I with killing
and po-vossing one robin in violation
C ii i n Philadelphia Land.
Thu city o f rtiiiadelphla has heen
reminded ,n an nnexpecte.1 fashion, of
It* ass«« . tiou with William Penn. He
reserved for the Indlaus tw o small
pieces of .and where they might come
In peaci end build Iheir council Bros.
One of, a patch o f 85 feet by 100,
tinder the shadow o f the towering Itltx-
Carlton hotel, is now covered with
The other la used a* a ster-
Age ami Dumping ground fur odds and
ends, '.''liere ha* appeared an Indian
princess named No-toh-tha — which
means, in tha Seneca language. "N ever
contented’— claiming the**
tions fut the use o f tier people. She
baa filed tier application with the In­
dian liigiit* assiH'iiitlon, and intends, if
fieces'U'y, to invoke tlie aid o f the Six
Nations of New York.
< K ~ x ~ X “ X “ X ~ x -x **:-< ~ X “ X ~:~>*x*<~X “ X ~:*4^~X “{“ X ~x*c~ X "< *< f< K »X “X - {“ X*4“ X “C~!*<-C'<*x~!“ X ~ x ~ x >< ^ “X ~ !~ x - X “ :“ X »-:-!~ x ^ ~ :-s -x ~ x ^ *!~ :“ X f,x~>»x*<~:“ :--x~:»4~:” X ~ :- x ~ x ~ x *
A ll of $20 and under, Cash.
Over that amount a credit of 6 months with
interest at 8 per cent, with bankable notes w ill be given
T. O. Archer
. m ^
.. x . X “ C~ x ^ ~
* x
k k
~ 'X - x *<*- x ~ x *<-<~:~ x ~ x ~ x - x ~ x ~ x ^ * < ^ x ~ x ~ x - x ~:~ x ^ ^
Mrs L. S. Lambert returned
from the Salem Hospital Sunday
where she had been for a few
days, having had her tonsils re­
Mrs. William Muag. who for­
merly lived in Stavton and who
.owns property here, was here
this week visiting old friends
and looking after here interests
by Mr. Mayo from Mr. Weddle,
is undergoing some improve­
ments in the way o f a new
concrete basement, repainting
and is being made to the liking
of Mr. Mayo, who will occupy it
as soon as it is completed.
--X “ X-- x -X "X *< ^ > *> * x *- x *<~ x ~ X “ >- x --X “ :-» x ~ x -‘X ~ X '-X “ X '-:~ x ~ x .- x ~:--:-- x ~ x ~ x - X “ :“
Chas. Stayton, proprietoo of
the Excelsior mill, has been over­
hauling the machinery in the mill
the past month and will start the
mill for the fall run about th e 1
first of September.
The work of lowering the grade
Mr. and Mrs.\F’elix Van Erman to {he steel bridge across the
were Salem visitors last Sunday ' Sar.tiam river here is completed
at the home of Mrs. Van Erman’s and is ready for the painters.
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Steiner- The work just completed fills a
long felt want.
The home leeently purchased ger.
> * '
"-Y O O R
soMooL* ano cieanTM im r*
Tit. rn ltrn ltir inri«,ir. th. (V ila *.
Utoratnr*. Helene» and the ArU. and th«
r»e c U l HrhooU f»f Xsw
Portland), Archltrrfnr*. Jt.urruUsm, Cou»
tn«rce, Education and liu»ir
f ia t o « * »
A h «*»rifu ! c « actis, fu cilili«« of ip«etel-
U l«. n i'«lr m f « ' . Il tir», low r<wt. with n » « r f
«'Pt'ortu&iUM f«r Arif hrli>, "athletic« for
* f. «Ily demoemtlr atipr -phei«
» W U»» r«m.jQa "Oregon Hpftrlt."
P^r « cfttAÍori». h * * | »t or nwrtflc InfornuUnn « A lm «