The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 31, 1919, Image 7

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    W. F. Harris of North Santiam
Bring your cascara hark
was in town one day this week. Doll’s cash store.
Mrs. Primrose of Gooch was a
Sell your grain to O. M. Baker,
Stay ton visitor the former part K’ngston. Highest market price.
of the week.
Mr. John Ruckel of Shaw waa
Mrs. Reed of Aumsville was a Stayton visitor Sunday.
operated on by Dr. Brewer at the
Mr. Cecil Briggs, from Iowa,
Willamette sanitarium Friday.
was visiting at the Wm. Nendel
Dr.C. H.Beauchamp and Forest home last week.
Sunny problems in Keep Kool
Mack report a tine catch of trout
w a v s-rea d Bishhp’s adds.
on their fishing1 trip Sunday.
The dance at Beauchamp’s
Hall Friday evening promises to
be a repeater of the one held last
Friday evening. There were a
number of out-of-town people
present and they say that the
dances held in the Beauchamp
Hall is just a little bit better
than those that are held around
the country.
Cool the stomach, washes out
! the bowele, drives ott impurities,
helps the liver—it’s Hollisters
Rockv Mountain Tea. Take it
once-a-week during hot weather
and see how happy and contented
you’ll be! 36c. Tea or Tablets.
Sloper’s Drug Store.
Please Take Notice
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Shaw m will be conducted in the Me-
Leonard Reynolds and wife of
thodist church on Sunday as
Dallas, spent Saturday and Sun-1 were in town Tuesday.
day at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Miss Wanda Brown went to usual. Igtst S u n d a y services
Albert Frank. Mrs. Reynolds Salem last Wednesday to spend were omitted on account of the
annual Epworth League rally at
was formerly Miss Ellen Frank. the dav.
Jefferson. W. J. Warren, pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davie of
Mrs. Herman Louis and Mrs.
Astoria visited friends and rela­ T. Gensen of Aumsville were in
tives here last week. Mr. Davie Stavton Sunday.
Sealed bids will be received by
has returned to his work but Mrs.
Mrs. Emma Glover is here the school clerk up to six o’clock
Davie will remain for a short
from Salem visiting friends and p. m. August 6, 1919. for the
time longer.
"Janitor Work” of the Stayton
school for the school year 1919-
Mr. Bates of Portland is em­
C. E. Taylor was here fot an 1920.
ployed at the Cladek blacksmith
The school board reserves the
Sunday v isit Ted is work­
Mr. Cladek has been
to reject any and all bids.
ing on the coast.
swamped with work the past few
W. A. Weddle.
Mrs. C. E. Taylor returned the
weeks and he had to have some
help to turn out the work for the first of the week from a week’s
Piano Lessons
visit in Seattle and Portland.
Harry Humphreys was is Port­ The George Beedle residence
I can take a few more pupils
land Monday and Tuesday book­ has been repainted, the work for the piano at my home at
ing some new pictures. He has done bv L. A. Thomas.
West Stayton. Mrs. E. M. Gil­
5-22 tf
a two day picture on Friday and
The Ed Hamman family moved bert.
Saturday, August 8th and 9th. back to Stayton recently. They
The title of this play is ‘‘No are now located in the Shreve
Children W anted.” Don’t fail home.
to see this.
Leo Klecker has gone to Sea­
Services at Christian church side for an extended visit with
Sunday. Morning: ‘ Be of Good his sister and family, Mrs. Mar­
Cheer.” Evening: "True Disci­ tin Berg.
ples With C hrist.” At Kingston
Commissioner Hunt and Judge
preaching and the Lord’s supper
Bushey were here from Salem
a t 3 p. m. Sermon "The Ju d g ­
Tuesday looking over the roads
ment Seat of C hrist.” All invit­
in this section of the county.
ed to the services. A rthur A.
Mada-atHome Labor-Saving Device*.
Keep Kool this sunny weather
Harriman, minister.
In 11 cominuultlea of our country In
— read Bishop’s adds now.
Oregon tho women are making home­
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hewett
made driers, home-made flrelesa cook-
Mrs. Joseph Korinek and son
were called to Salem last Satur­ Carl have returned to their home “ Make Believe Wife” era, and home-made Iceles* refrigera-
tora under the direction of the home
day to attend the funeral of Mr. in Pendleton after an extended
demonstration agent In connection
H ew ett’s niece, Mrs. C. C. Wit- vjgjt with relatives and friends.
wtth tills project one woman found
zell, who died after an operation
that an Investment of 00 cents In a
The T. W. Creech family and
dish drainer and a wire dishcloth for
for appendicitis. Burial was in
J. F. Lau and children have COMEDY "Beating Him to It” pota and pana saved her ten minutes
the City View Cemetery.
of the time required to do the dlshee
been spending the week on a
after each meal, or 80 minutes n day.
A. T. Brewer returned to Fall camping trip at the Taylor Grove
In a year ahe figured this time. If ac­
Creek the first of the week after on the Little North Fork.
“ New Love for O ld” cumulated. would give two weeks, of
12 houra a day, leisure. Waa the In­
being here a couple of weeks
If you want grain sacks call on Comedy—Charley In Turkey vestment worth while!
looking after his crops. He re- 0. M. Baker, Kingston.
ports business good with him at
Many people f r o m Stayton
Fall Creek where he is in the
have been blackberry picking in
dairy business.
the vicinity above . Gates this
J. W. McCullock and wife and i week. They all report the ber­
little daughter Esther of Ontario, I ries at plentiful but rather hard
Oregon, have been visiting at the to get.
George Brown and C. H. Brewer
Fire, Theft and Transportation
I will handle all your grain ♦
homes. Mr. McCullock remained
this year as in the past. I am ♦
Oregon Fire Relief Association
only a short time owing to busi-
Farmers Fire Relief of Butteville, Ore.
handling grain sacks at Sublimi­ *
ne at home. * He had been en­
Jersey Fire Insurance Co.
ty, Aumsville and Shaw and will j ♦
joying a vacation with his wife
Life Insurance Co. of New York
buy grain. Do not sell before «•
Fire Association, Philadelphia
and little daughter at the coast.
seeing me. Geo. H. Bell, Subli­ ♦
Jess Shepherd was here from mity.
Salem Wednesday bringjng a load
The next codling moth spray *
of crates to Chas. Gehlen, who ¡g (jue July 28 to August 2, says
is in the market for blackberries, a . L. Lovett, stationed entomo-,
Jess is working for the Phez Co. logist. Some growers increase
and says that the company ex-j the strength by one-third for
pects to receive a large am ount' this spray. The last worm spray
of the fruit from this section of will be required August 20-25.
the country this fall.
, .
Delbert Murphy is again with
W. F. Klecker, the old estab- | home folks, having received his
lished merchant of Stayton, is in 1 discharge from the U. S. marines i
t h e market for blackberries, after completing his 20,000 mile
There will be a large crop this cruise. He visited many foreign
year and Mr. Klecker 3ays that countries and saw many places
he can handel the berries in any of interest and says that he en-
quantity. He invites these who joyed his trip immensely,
have berries to sell to call at his
W ill Pay the Highest Market Price for Berries—Cash
Mrs. Albert Roy and two little
store and let him serve them as sons Lei(7hton and Raymond and
or Trade. Crates Furnished Free
he has in the past.
Mrs. McMullen, ail of Portland,
Before you sell your cascara spent several days visiting at the
bark see Doll’s cash store.
I E. Roy and Forest Mack homes
last week. They returned to
Roadmaster Culver says that
the county paving plant will work Portland Sunday with Albert
Roy who was here for the day.
on the Liberty road for ten days
Heavy plain blue bib f J "JC I Bine and white stripe tf I T C
Burgess F. Ford returned
or two weeks. Then it will work
all size», per p a ir
4> 1 ♦ / J Stifer, per p a ir
1 * / J ' ’
on the Salem-Turner road, by to Stayton this week to nTake
way of the red barn. Ihis ropd their home here for the coming
will be one of the first to be pav­ school year. Mr. Ford, who has
ed from funds available from the just completed a summer school
$850,000 bonds voted at the late course at Pullman. Washington,
election. The road will start at is now busily engaged in regis­
Established lfi years
the end of the pavement on State tering students throughout the
street at the steel bridge/—Salem country for attendence at the
Stayton High School this wit <er.
Star Theatre
I ♦
Automobile Insurance
H a rry Humphreys
j : Bring us
!u: Evergreen
The Stayton Mail is $1.50 Per Year
tA Perfect Combination for Your
Auto Engine
“ M O T O R L IF E ”
Ha* Proved Satisfactory to Cthers
Revere Tires 1.5 per Cent Off
Clark’s Tire House
319 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
Save Today for Tomorrow's
Do you live "from hand to mouth?”
There is a system of living whereby
Today may he made to provide
for Tomorrow—this year for
next year--the prime of
manhood for old age.
■ S A V E ■
This one word tells the
story. Just a little regu­
larly deposited in our savings
department makes a pleasently sur­
prising showing in the yea<s to come
Capital $50,000.00
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton,Oregon