The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 31, 1919, Image 4

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•; I i / ; A* /. tu
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FOR SALK Angora goat*. nan­ Sell your grain to 0 M. Baker,
nies and kid«
( ’. 1>. Stayton, Kingston. Highest market price.
Slayton, Ore.
; 51-21 The Stayton Mail - $1.50 year
First Class Confections.
( '¿ K a r s
High Grade Pure Candies
and Tobacco
Hot and Cold FotUrain Drinks
J. A. -HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor
Sailor Son’s Infrequent Vielt»
D. A. D. P ark er of Concordia, Ksn..
received a visit one night frdtn Ids son.
L ieutenant Com m ander C. K. P arker,
beta« the second visit In (lie Inst 2fl
years. At th e age of tw elve y ears this
■mi w ent !<> *sen. For soujp years
before the w ar he wns soiling on the
Pnelfle nnd has been eirptaln of the
ship Rose C ||y . L ast sum m er he was
tran sferred from the Pacific lo th e At­
lantic snd becam e captain of th e West
Mount. Ju st recently he was again
tran sferred to the Pnelfle ocean and
made com m ander In th e nnval reserve.
Ran Literal Blind Pig.
Ail P ices and Style Box Candy
accord with ex'f*llng“ TaeU " ? a riT ro ? e
a real facto » In hum an developm ent
If th erefo re th e re Is to be such m
th in g In th e fu tu re as In tern atio n al
law, th e re m ust be some legal o rgan-
lz ,,lo n of In tern atio n al society ; In
w hich we have Just passed
" some form or o th er th e re m ust he a
T re aty Of 1919 does no m ore th an I League of N ations.
Profeaaor of Law at Harvard Uni. lo rea rran g e boundaries and Impose !
varalty Cive» hÿs Vlewa
Indem nltle*. If It allows th e crantin- | Paradoxical as it m ay seem , fre e ­
nation of th e old International law ­ dom ta n « m i only through law .
on RatlHcation
fre ed o m
lessness, and falls to o rganise In ter­ The
n ational so ciety Into an ordered w hich th e an a rch ist d te am s of In a
com m unity of sta te s, th e re can be society w ithout governm ent Is In fa c t
One of th e strik in g facta »bout th e
no m istak in g th e fact th a t all th e j a logical im possibility; because th e
Intern atio n al history of th e pant sev­ agony of th e p ast four y ears will rem oval of ail re stra in t by th e social
eral hundred y e a rs la th e clockllke have been largely In vain; for as organization could only m ean th a t th e
regularity w ith w hich a t the begin­ su rely as night follows day, w ithin llberty of each » uuld *** Put a t the
m ercy of every o th er Individual who
ning of each century cataclysm ic! * m easureable period of tim e we cared to rob, or plunder or w reck
shall have to face th e sam e agony
world w ars have broken out at)d
■ an o th er's homo. It Is only by curb­
ing the anti-social and crim inal Im­
th reaten ed th e onw ard m arch of. civ ­
In tern atio n al law lessness may have
ilization. In .-pit* of th e co n trary suited well enough a t a tim e when pulses of all th a t each m em ber of
the com m unity can a ttain th a t se c u r­
desires of th e g rea t tnasa of the sta te s w ere In fact self-snfflrlng and
ity and freedom rrom Intolerable in-i
world's people. At th e beginning of Insulated unite. Tint th a t tim e has terferen ee which m ikes possible frew-f'
passed. W h eth er we like It or no.
th e sev en teen th cen tu ry It w as th e
dom of action and liberty of life.
In tern atio n alism has com e In fart
T his self-ev id en t
bloody T h irty Y egrs’ W ar w hich d e­ Since the In d u strial Revolution some
vastated E urope like a plague; a t th e g re a t
n atio n s have
transform ed clearly tiu e of in tern ational, no less
beginning of th e eig h teen th cen tu ry them selv es from ag ricu ltu ral Into than of national life. If w ithin th e
g re a t In d u strial com m unities; th e ! famHy of natlona th e re Is no m ethod
It was th« long stru g g le betw een Louis
very ex istence of theae n atio n s de- of restrain in g or keeping in check
XIV and th e Allied S tate s of E urope;
V ,
i l l h ponds upon the u n in terru p ted In tér­ th e crim inal sta te . If every natio n la
êt the beginning of th e n in eteen th , £ t|o M l w h ja ) g a of th e ir m anu. free to follow Its unbridled and ch au ­
It was th e far-reach in g Napoleonic factu red goods fo r raw products and vinistic am bitions, no people can be
War* w hich »wept Europe like a foodstuffs. If E ngland w ere cut off free to follow Its own chosen d es­
consum ing fire. A t th e conclusion of from In tern atio n al In terco u rse today tiny and desires, t ’nder th e system
every one of th ese w racking w a ts *he would s*arve ln»lde of a few of in tern atio n al law lessness w hich
th e • statesm en
of an
exhausted m onths.
M orally and psychologi­ has prevailed In th e p ast th e re
Europe, sincerely anxious to g u ar­ cally, no less th an econom ically, n a ­ has been iu fact no real freedom or
antee and secu re th e fu tu re peace tions have ceased to be Isolated national Independence. P ru ssia com ­
of th e w orld, concluded epoch-m aking l ,
T h e M tl0 M , P n , UHlan fheory plained th a t nhe dare not disarhi be­
treaties, by w hich th e m ap of Europe > of the S tate, and th e P ru ssian belief cause sfie feared th e F rench w ar of
! was su b stan tially rem ade. In the full j th a t m ight is a force »of m ore prac- j revanche; F ran ce w as forced ag ain st
i belief th a t th e form ula had a t la st tical value th en right, h as borne Its h e r will to adopt a burdensom e sy s­
been found for a p erm an en t and e n ­ In tern atio n al fru itag e in th e w reckage tem of m ilitary conscription because
during peace Y et each peace proved of hom es all around the world. T he of P ru ssia’s arm y. N ations w hich
as tran sito ry as th e one w hich p re ­ Bolshevism of R ussia la th e vital w anted peace w ere com pelled to
ceded It; and a t th e beginning of concern of A m erica on th e opposite buMd bnge navies and burden th e ir
th e tw en tieth cen tu ry w e have found hem isphere
D ependency and I n te r - ' populations w ith heavy tax es In p rep ­
ourselvea once again plunged, quite • play of n atio n upon nation const!- ! aratio n fo r w ar. No nation w as m as­
against th e w ishes of the g reat I tu te s an actu al In tern atio n alism th a t j te r even w ithin Its own house. The
m ajority of m ankind. Into a c a ta ­ | will not be denied; and if we will Increase in th e m ilitary budget of a
clysm ic struggle, recalling all th e have our la * accord w ith th e exist ' neighbor sta te forced an Increase In
savagery of th e T h irty Y ears' W ar ; Ing facts w hich have tem p o rarily out- j th e home budget, quite a p a rt from
th ree ce n tu ries before.
' d istanced It. we m ust develop in our home desires. A B alkan q u arrel in
o th e r side of
C ause and effect a r
,aw aa rc a i an in tern atio n alism ; w hich A m erica on th
and e te rn a l; can any o re who reads O therw ise, our
in tern atio n al la w ; th e w orld
had little In te re st Anally
in forcing
history tru ly <V>ubt but th a t If we w)1| j,e and
only yQ,|]e theory.
Conclude a peace today, no different y p ij £0 pow er to control actual con.- Am erica into th e »aorlfloe of count-
In su b stan ce or stru ctu re front th e ducf^ for n s law whjch is out of | lesa of her" men an d of h e r money.
; to gain—w hat? No land, no tre a s ­
ure, no economic privileges. To gain
freedom alone,------freedom to w ork
1 out a n atio n ’s own destiny unim peded
by th e sin iste r designs and aelflsh
i am bitions of o th e r peoples. T h ere 1»
j only one way In w hich such freedom
can be obtained. Only through some
BUY SO W —We W ill S av e You M oney on
Inte: n atio n al organixation of society
• to suppress and curb th e u n ju st and
i oppressive aggression of large sta te s
upon sm all or of com binations of the
crim inally m inded upon th© la^r abid­
ing,—only th u s can n ational freedom
. 4 . liberty ev er come.
A ssistan t P ro fesso r of _ Law,
H arvard U niversity.
■ d 7u i
John Brandon Is charged by th e po­
lice of Springfield. III., with literally
p pc ratin g n blind pig When arrested
for Illegally dispensing nlcoholle stim ­
ulan ts the au th o rities confiscated a
large q u an tity of sp iritu o u s liquors in
a pig pen In th e re a r of B randon's
p e a r* o f'M u n e te r ó C ilit.
of tTtrocht of 171S, or th e T reaty of
V ienna of 1*15, It will be only a
« w allo n of t i n e till wa are one*
again engulfed in an e re n more
. te r- .
Wholesale Prices Rapidly Advancing
Oil Stoves
Matresses S5 to $22.50
Bargains in every de­
partment — every day
K 1
For fall and winter of 1919—Fashions
favored styles already" received direct
from our headquarters in New York City
The Peoples’
Furniture & Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St.
^ Salem, Oregon
while selection is complete, c A big saving is pos­
sible buying from us. See our window display"
Don’t Delay a Minute
Take immediate advantage of this advance oppor­
tuni ty"--our extremely" low prices are easily ac­
counted for wh^n you consider the stupendous num­
ber of Silk Plush Coats we buy" for* our 197 stores.
C haplain F C T hom pson, ’’T he
F ig h tin g P re a c h e r" w ith th e A
E F., Is th e cham pion g renade
h u rlo r of all nations. He won tn is
honor w hile com peting in th e big
in ter-allied gam es a t
th e new
'cr-h ln g stad iu m in P aris recent-
!•• Thom pson was form erly
1 riu ce ten u n iv ersity and
: o’ >r or w o rld 's all aro u n d chani-
In 1910. 1911 and 1913.
c>4 visit to o u r t ore will demonstfate our early" prepardness to
save you considerable money on newest style Silk Plush Coats
C. Penney" Co.
197 B u sy S to res
~ W ct.L IF ThAT ISN’T TNf L’MlT,
Lloyd E. Ramsden
’ 1
7 .)
V j
, ' T rv SUCH A T>£ STRUCT ivc ßOV
Salem, Oregon ,
• w ^OOu'Nei'-. -fil'SHC’S <-0
sa w
° *
— 1 /ROUND
To Do A a ; . r. iiflQ-
> *— e- a ____________
S , -V
fAV L lhE .1 ,------
W ilso n
---------------------- FOR SALfc BY--------------------------
T o t)« OLD S ì 2ÀW <eUY - 1 NEVER
H o w ’ s T h is ?
Dayton Bicycles
-D A W , BF 5 U S E
•__ |
| Built for Service Best in the Long Run
Nation-Wide Institution
W e offer One H u n d red D o llars Ttewa !
for a n y case o f C a ta rrh th a t can n o t .it <
cured b y H a ll's C a ta rrh Njediclna.
H a lt's C a ta rrh M edicine h a s been take t.
by c a ta r r h su ffe rers fe r th e p a s t th irt.i
Tve y e ars, a n d h a s becom e know n a s titO
m ost reliab le rem edy fo r C a ta rrh . H allH
C a ta rrh M edicine a c ts th ru the Blood c :.
the M ucous su rfa ce s, expelling th e Pol-
ron from th e Blood a n d h e a lin g the d is­
eased portions.
A fter you h a v e ta k e n H a ll’s C a ta rrh
Medicine fo r a sh o rt tim e you will see a
<reat Im provem ent In y o u r general
health. S ta r t ta k in g H a ll’s C a ta rrh M edi­
cine a t once a n d g e t rid o f c a ta rrh . Send
for testim o n ia ls, free.
F. J C H E N K Y * ( » , , Toledo. OhU ,
Sold by a ll D ru g g ists, 7 V .
fN IT 1